UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING FEB 540: DESIGN PROJECT 2013/2014 ACADEMIC YEAR DESIGN OF AN INTEGRATED CENTRE PIVOT IRRIGATION SYSTEM A case study of 100ha in Hola area in Tana River county MUCHIRI JOSPHINE MUTHONI F21/2528/2009 Supervisor : Dr. J.P. Obiero BACKGROUND Did you know that irrigation would help utilize the potentials of arid and semi arid areas in Kenya development of irrigated agriculture became inevitable due to rapid increase of the country’s population since the 1950s 80% of Kenya’s land area is arid or semi-arid Government has further stressed the importance of promoting irrigation development in the Vision 2030 for the period 2008 – 2030 so as to stabilize and improve food supply through optimum utilization of available land and water resources conception of Bura Irrigation and Hola Settlement Project in production of cotton and maize from 1982 to 1990 with an area of 2,500 hectares being irrigated. Tana River is considered as the major surface water source of irrigation which is considered as the important means to increase agricultural production and population intensity in the area. background Need to intensify land use in the high and medium potential areas and bring to use arid and semi-arid lands. Irrigation offers one of the best strategies in realizing these objectives Kenya has an irrigation potential of 1.3 million hectares.-Out of this, 540,000 hectares can be developed with the available water resource, while the remaining 800,000 hectares will require water harvesting and storage equivalent to about 25 billion m³. Currently, 114,600 hectares and 30,000 hectares are under irrigation and drainage. This translates into 21% and 5% of the existing irrigation and drainage potential respectively. However, the area under irrigation is a mere 9% of the total irrigation potential of 1.3 million hectares. irrigation expansion may be predicted to go up as a measure to adapt to climate change, achieve food security and save for investments irrigation expansion may be predicted to go up as a measure to adapt to climate change, achieve food security and save for investments zones known for coffee production, bananas, maize, and many types of vegetables, legumes and fruits. Tana and Athi River, Ewaso Ngiro and Kerio Valley basins are in these locations PROBLEM STATEMENT AND PROBEM ANALYSIS weather patterns -erratic with no rain fed production being realized with rains falling below averageincreased household poverty and lack of livelihood and income. Flooding, soil erosion, high runoff, the need for an improved irrigation technologies that will enhance efficient use and application of water due to the high evaporation rate and runoff. Reduce social comfits between the nomadic and agricultural farmers huge potential to exploit in terms of coverage and expansion for large scale. The land is generally very flat, thus suited for canals, sprinkler, drip, Centre pivot ,this project is expected to actualize this potential and boost food productivity in the area Need to exploit the potential of the arid and semi arid areas of Kenya inline with the vision 2030 of Kenya. SITE ANALYSIS Hola Area Tana river county Site analysis Hola is a small town in Kenya on the Tana River at 40.030E and 1.50 0S The county has a population of 240,075,Hola with a population of 6932 , Nomadic and agricultural farmers The terrain is mainly undulating with few hills and the land slopes gently south-eastwards from 200m in the highest hills to the coastal line Unreliable rainfall<750mm, Precipitation is low, bimodal and quite erratic, fluctuating between 300mm to 500mm annually. Temperatures are warm and exceed 28.80C throughout the year, with an average of 27.9°C The area is mainly covered with open bush and rather dense shrub vegetation, Mathenge”. Currently, this is the dominant vegetation in the OBJECTIVES The overall objective is to design an automated Centre Pivot irrigation system 1.SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES The specific objectives of the project are: 1. To identify the crop water requirements and irrigation parameters 2. Use the parameters in (1) above in design the system components of the Centre pivot irrigation system which are the pumping system, pipe work, water sump, pump houses, Hydrants, and pivot. 3. Analyze the cost benefit effectiveness of the various energy sources SCOPE OF WORK The scope of this project was on the design of Centre pivot irrigation system located in Hola Tana River County. The design involved the determination of the field layout, estimation of the crop water requirements to schedule the system, conveyance of the water to the field, determination of the power requirements cost estimates of the system. Carry out design process showing the components of the Centre pivot irrigation system Do accost benefit analysis of the system comparing solar system to a diesel engine system. Limitation of my scope is large scale farmers of about 50ha to 100 ha of land or groups of farmers with large schemes. LITERATURE REVIEW Irrigation is an artificial application of water to the soil Appropriate Technology: Technology that is socially acceptable (SA), economically viable (EV) and technically feasible (TF) Factors considered: water , soil, topography, climate, energy cost, crop, labour, capital cost, personal considerations Irrigation systems: drip, furrow, travelling gun system History of centre pivot system, justification, advantages Components of the irrigation system: The water source, The intake facility, The conveyance system, The piping system Literature Purpose for irrigation: Increase area under the crop to enable crop to be grow where natural rainfall is too low to grow normal crops, Provide additional water to optimize crop production, Weed control and Enable crops out of season production Factors considered in the selection of irrigation methods: Natural conditions, type of crop, type of technology, previous experience with irrigation, required labour inputs, costs and benefits Potential of the area Basin Tana Athi Lake Victoria Kerio Valley Ewaso Ngiro Total Irrigation Potential(Ha) 205,000 40,000 200,000 64,000 30,000 539,000 Literature review cont’d Advantages of center pivot Well suited for irrigating larger and small areas, Precise application of water, Low maintenance and labor costs, Financially viable even on such small areas. Easily automated, Accurate water distribution at low pressure, No blockages as compared to drip irrigation. Pests are washed out hence low use of chemicals. 20 years lifespan with low maintenance, basically requiring routine checks Centre pivot increases water efficiency by some 85-95 percent, according to The Groundwater Foundation. METHODOLOGY Collection of agro-climatic data, included. Preliminary site visit and survey work was done Identification of irrigation land Inspection of Hola site Collection of meteorological data, i.e. temperature and rainfall Study of the vegetation Study of suitable crops in the area Assessment of the infrastructure Soil and water sampling and testing was done Identification of water resource Collection of agricultural data, i.e. crop varieties, seeds, diseases and pests, post-harvest practices, cropping patterns and cultivation practices Methodology cont'd Primary data was collected by the use of formal and informal survey methods. Formal surveys with the help of direct interviewing of relevant local members. Discussion was with key informants The current situation on the ground was assessed through Observation The design was carried out showing: Centre pivot system , the mainline size and outlet spacing, length, including the number of towers, drive mechanisms, application rate of the pivot. The market survey was done showing the cost effectiveness, durability and reliable materials/ equipment’s appropriate for the energy source mainly solar, diesel and electricity. Analyze demerits of each of the options and make recommendations on the most suitable option: cost benefit analysis of the energy system was compared. METHODOLOGY Data collection Primary &secondary Flow requirements of the system Selecting pump, requirements and performance chart Determine system parameters Speed and working hours of pivot Power rating Analysis of Soil infiltration rates Pipe sizing Sizing solar panel PRODUCT DESIGN Design process cont'd Crops selected were maize, sorghum, cotton and groundnuts Product Design CROP WATER REQUIREMENT ETC: ETcrop = kc x Eto x Kr ETC = 5.53 x 1.2 x 1.0 = 6.636mm/day DEPTH OF APPLICATION : dnet = (FC-PWP) x RZD x P dnet = (140mm/m) x 0.53x 0.5=37.1mm VOLUME OF WATER TO BE APPLIED (m3) = 10 x A x d Volume of water to be applied (m3) = 10 x 100ha x 37.1mm=37100m3 IRRIGATION FREQUENCY (IF) = 37.1mm/6.00mm/day=6.183days, Irrigation frequency(IF)=6days DEPTH OF APPLICATION: dgross =dnet /E dgross = 37.1/0.70 = 53mm design SYSTEM CAPACITY: Q = 10 x A x dgross/ (I x Ns x T) CP2: CP7 : Q = 10 x 60.77 x 53mm/ (7 x 2 x 10) =230.05m3/hr Q = 10 x 38.79 x 53mm/(7 x 2 x 10)=146.85m3/hr NET IRRIGATION REQUIREMENT: NIR = ETC – Pe- Ge- Wb (mm/day) NIR = 6.0 -0=6.0 m/day IRRIGATION EFFICIENCIES: Ep = Ec x Ea x Ed 0.95 x 0.95x 0.90 =0.81225% GROSS IRRIGATION REQUIREMENT: GIR = NIR/E GIR = 6.0/0.81225=7.387mm/day ACTUAL SCHEME WATER REQUIREMENTS: Qwr= 10 x A x GIR x () x () (m3/day) =10 x 7.387x 100x 24/20x7/6 = 10341.644m3/day design Field Irrigation rate: Etc. = 6.0 mm, Number of days = 7 days, Number of shifts per week = 6 irrigation application rate will be; = 6.0 x 7/6 = 7mm Factoring in the irrigation efficiency of 0.81225%, then the gross application rate will be; =7.0/0.81225 = 8.6180mm CP2, Considering the efficiency of the system of 81.225% 0.37709m3/hr X 0.7695=0.3063 m3/hr since 1 hr=0.3063 m3/hr. To get 6.0m3/day then ==19.59hrs=20hrs CP7, Considering the efficiency of the system of 81.225% 0.377645m3/hr X 0.7695=0.3067m3/hr since 1 hr=0.3067 m3/hr To get 6.0 m3/day then ==19.56=20hrs The system will operate for 20 hours for 6 days. This is to allow for one day servicing of the system. COMPONENTS DESIGN POWER REQUIREMENTS IN KW =Q x H/360 x e CP7: 146.85*28/(360*.75)=15.23kW CP2: 230.05*35/(360*0.75)=29.82kW Choosing from lowara pumps we get A pump of FHE-FHS-FHF SERIES OF 80-160/150 with 15kW and 20 HP A pump of FHE-FHS-FHF SERIES OF 100-200/370 with 37kW and 50 HP SELECTION OF NOZZLES Precipitation =Dischrge/area of coverage Area irrigated 254.469-78.54=175.929m2 Precipitation=8.6180mm in 20hrs 8.6180 =discharge/175.929=676.856/20hrs=1.516m3 /hr DESIGN OF THE MAINLINE The size of mainline is determined by: Required flow rate through the pipe, Overall length of line, Static height, Flow velocity, Factor of safety the following factors should be kept in mind: Maximum permissible velocity should be 1.8 m per second not exceeding 2.5m per second based on hydrocalc software. Maximum friction losses should be limited to 50 m per 1000 meters of pipe Elevation and pipe pressure rating: minimize high pressure rated pipes on elevated grounds and vice versa. Mainlines should follow the shortest possible route Provide air release, vacuum valves, non-return valves, pressure reducing and pressure sustaining valves at the correct positions. The size determines the initial cost The length of the mainline = 900m, The total flow = 228 m3, The pipe size = 200mm PVC Class PN6, The pipe loss = 6.36m (0.74%) The length of the mainline = 1000m, The total flow = 146 m3/hr, The pipe size = 200mm PVC Class PN6, The pipe loss = 5.16m Summary of the Centre Pivot Details The system was designed to deliver a gross application of 8mm/day the other crop require less water applications hence the speed is adjusted to provide that requirements. The irrigation schedule is to irrigate three days a week, if you irrigate on Monday with 8mm/day then on Tuesday the Etc of the crop is 5mm/day hence a reminder of 3mm/day, then irrigate on Wednesday 8mm/day having a total of 11mm/day, the Etc on Thursday and Friday will be 10mm, hence the need to irrigate again on Saturday with 8mm/day and no irrigation on Sunday Cps CP2 CP7 Operatin Length Area g angle degrees m ha. 360 360 439.2 350.8 Irr. Time hrs Pipe size CWR Pipe length, net CWR Gross m mm (mm/day (mm/day) ) 61 38 900 1096 200 200 6 6 8.3 8.3 System Flow m3/hr 20 20 228 146 Pump Power Head m Rating kw 35 25 30 15 CONCLUSION The irrigation design is successful if managed to meet the crop water requirements since the system is installed on soils having infiltration rates matching or exceeding the system application rate The design of the centre pivot irrigation system meets the general design criteria for irrigation systems. The site so selected for its location is ideal as it offers suitable area for expanding large scale irrigation system. The operation of the centre pivot has less expenditure in terms of cost since it only require greasing and repair unlike other systems the operators has to be ever present. This system consumes a lot of power and the best source selected properly to cover the economies of scale. Solar energy has a high initial capital cost but long life time hence the maintenance cost are therefore less. The diesel engine has lost capital cost and maybe preferred but the maintenance cost is very high as shown in the calculations. The operation is fairly trouble free on level lands and uniform sloping lands with slopes up to 10%.Undulating topography usually produce more difficulties with more potential runoff. RECOMMENDATON The construction of the proposed reservoir for constant water supply to the field The construction of another gravity canal from Tana river this will give more room for additional projects More research on the incorporation of solar energy on large scale irrigation components and equipment’s. On soft or erosive soils, tracks should be lined with sand where excessively deep tracks are made in the field by the drive wheels In undulating topography to reduce surface runoff, small holes or depressions should be dug to hold water on the application points. This center pivot moves in a circular motion thus in case of irregular shapes of land the whole area is not irrigated, some patches are left at the ends. Recommend that the structure should be designed with corner catchers that folds out to irrigate these area, thus this areas should be included in the irrigated area. REFERENCES Simiyu JN, Mwongera CN, Gohole LS and RM Muasya. 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Accounting of Agricultural and Nonagricultural Impacts of irrigation and drainage Systems. Working paper 43. . International Water Management Institute: Colombo, Sri Lanka. Garg, H.P. (1987). Advances in solar energy technology, Volume 3. Reidel Publishing, Boston, MA. Halcrow, S.W. and Partners. 1981. Small-scale solar- powered irrigation pumping systems: technical and economic review Lemma Dinku. Smallholders’ Irrigation Practices and Issues of Community. Management: The Case of Two Irrigation Systems in Eastern Oromia,Ethiopia. Faculty of Centre Pivot Irrigation System - Hortfresh Journal drawings Pivot drawing ENGINEERING DESIGN DESIGN Cont’d BILL OF QUANTITIES AREA (HA.) 100HACTARES PRICED BILLS OF QUANTITIES CENTRE PIVOT IRRIGATION SYSTEM DESCRIPTION OF GOODS U.O.M. SALE PRICE KSHS QTY SUB-TOTAL B KES - IRRIGATION PIVOT UNITS 1 CENTRE PIVOT UNITS, VARYING SPANS; PIERCE CP 600; STD PROFILE PCS 2 KES 6,000,000.00 SUB-TOTAL C KES KES 12,000,000.00 12,000,000.00 PIPING AND HYDRANTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 8" HYDRANT CONTROL VALVE ASSEMBLY 8" WATER METER ASSEMBLY 3" AIR RELEASE VALVE ASSEMBLY 3" BALL VALVE 3" X 1 M RISER THREADED BOTH SIDES 200 MM PVC PIPE PN6 200 MM PVC FLANGE AND STUB 200 MM PVC BEND 8" X5" PVC REDUCER 8" GEAR TYPE BUTTERFLY VALVE 8" SPRING TYPE NON RETURN VALVE 8" PRESSURE REGULATING VALVE PVC GLUE 1 KG ⅝“ x 8” steel bo lts and nuts Hemp Bo sswhite 0.25 kg PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS MTS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS PCS KGS PCS MTS PCS 2 2 10 10 10 1950 8 4 2 3 3 3 125 164 125 125 KES KES KES KES KES KES KES KES KES KES KES KES KES KES KES KES 50,000.00 100,000.00 25,458.13 10,910.63 6,982.80 1,703.27 10,910.63 17,457.00 11,638.00 34,477.58 30,113.33 153,476.13 2,182.13 363.69 2,182.13 2,182.13 SUB-TOTAL D KES KES KES KES KES KES KES KES KES KES KES KES KES KES KES KES KES 100,000.00 200,000.00 254,581.25 109,106.25 69,828.00 3,321,376.09 87,285.00 69,828.00 23,276.00 103,432.73 90,339.98 460,428.38 272,765.63 59,644.75 272,765.63 272,765.63 5,767,423.29 ELECTRO-MECHANICAL WORKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CENTRIFUGAL ELECTRIC PUMP; 228 M³/ HR AT 68M HEAD; 75KW SET CENTRIFUGAL ELECTRIC PUMP; 146 M³/ HR AT 50M HEAD; 30KW SET ELECTRIC CONTROL PANEL 15KW SET ELECTRIC CONTROL PANEL 30 KW SET 80 KVA POWER GENERATING UNITS SET 8" SUCTION ASSEMBLY C/W FOOTVALVE SET 8" DELIVERY ASSEMBLY SET 5,000 LITER SEPARATE FUEL TANK SET 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 KES KES KES KES KES KES KES KES 701,916.88 545,531.25 185,000.00 235,000.00 3,200,000.00 427,332.81 463,701.56 1,883,901.25 SUB-TOTAL E SALE AMOUNT KSHS KES KES KES KES KES KES KES KES KES 701,916.88 545,531.25 185,000.00 235,000.00 3,200,000.00 854,665.62 927,403.13 1,883,901.25 8,533,418.12 GENERATOR SETS 1 10-15 KVA GENERATOR SET COMPLETE WITH ACCESSORIES SET 2 KES 690,000.00 KES 1,380,000.00 SUB-TOTAL KES 1,380,000.00 SUB-TOTAL KES TOTAL FOR PIVOT SYSTEM KES ADD CONTIGENCIES KES 8,763,500.02 GRAND TOTAL KES 36,444,341.43 - 27,680,841.41 THANK YOU