Monitoring of Environment and Security in Africa – MESA An Overview and Update SLIDE Nr. 1 of 11 Outline General Purpose Objectives Context Expected Results Budget Thematic Actions Preparatory Status Purpose and Objective Purpose: To increase the information management, decision-making and planning capacity of African continental, regional and national institutions mandated for environment, climate, food security and related responsibilities by enhancing access to and exploitation of relevant Earth Observation applications in Africa. General Objective: To support African decision-makers and planners in designing and implementing national, regional and continental policies and development plans towards sustainable development, thereby advancing the socioeconomic progress and well-being of African populations towards achievement of the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs). SLIDE Nr. 3 of 11 Context The MESA programme builds on the outgoing AMESD programme, using Earth Observation (EO) data and information products for environment and sustainable development. The Programme is specifically designed for the African users at Continental, Regional and National levels in (AUC, 5 African Regions, 48 countries) Implementation Timeframe: 2013-2018 SLIDE Nr. 4 of 11 Context MESA contributes to the Joint Africa-Europe Strategy: 1. By strongly supporting environment and climate objectives through the use of Earth Observation tools, like AMESD, MESA contributes to the Joint Africa-EU Strategy (JAES) 6th Partnership on Climate Change and Environment. 2. the project’s reliance on proven satellite and landbased monitoring technology is consistent with the JAES 8th Partnership on Science, Information Society and Space. SLIDE Nr. 5 of 11 Expected Results (5) 1. Infrastructure Support, including upgrading and maintenance of receiving stations and information and data management in all Sub-Saharan African countries → About Improving Access EO data! 2. Consolidate and further develop Information Services in the thematic areas addressed by AMESD, but also include new thematic areas (e.g. climate services, and forest information). → About providing info to decision-makers! 3. Promote cross-fertilisation among the five partner regions and pursue the continentalisation of services → About benefiting all Africa! SLIDE Nr. 6 of 11 Expected Results 4. Strengthen political and policy development frameworks to ensure an active and sustainable participation of African stakeholders in initiatives concerning Earth Observation for environment and security → About promoting EO for development! 5. Capacity development and training of African stakeholders at continental, regional and national levels → About Sustainability! Through Capacity Building SLIDE Nr. 7 of 11 Budget The overall budget of the programme is estimated at €40 000 000, consisting of: EUR 37 000 000 of EDF funds: 1. EU contribution EUR 20 000 000 from Intra-ACP 10th EDF envelope; 2. EUR 17 000 000 (EDF) contributions from 5 RECs, CEMAC (EUR 2 000 000), ECOWAS (EUR 5 000 000), IGAD+IOC (EUR 5 000 000), SADC (EUR 5 000 000). Approximately EUR 3 000 000 in-kind contributions from the Joint Research Centre (JRC), EUMETSAT, the European Space Agency (ESA) and others. SLIDE Nr. 8 of 11 Thematic Actions Regional Economic Community REC CEMAC Regional Thematic Action - THEMA Management of Water Resources (for fluvial CICOS, Kinshasa transportation and environmental assessment) Water Management for Rangeland Management ECOWAS IGAD IOC SADC Continental Regional Implementation Centre – RIC Cropland and AGRHYMET, Niamey Coastal and Marine Resources Management University of Ghana NEW Land Degradation Mitigation & Natural ICPAC, Nairobi, with Habitat Conservation & Forest Information support from RCMRD System NEW and another centre Tbd Coastal and Marine Resources Management MOI, Quatre-Bornes Agricultural and Environmental Resource BDMS, Gaborone Management Support to Climate Services (Climate Change ACMAD Monitoring) NEW Preparatory Status Financing Agreement has been signed in March 2012 Administrative Arrangement with JRC signed Feb. 2013 Technical Assistance Team in place since April 2013 Grant Proposal submitted to AUC for technical evaluation. BDMS completed and submitted the MESA SADC THEMA proposal to the SADC Secretariat for endorsement and subsequent submission to AUC on the 4th April 2013 SADC Secretariat submitted to proposal to AUC on the 30 April 2013. BDMS received two batches of comments from technical evaluators last week, however, still awaiting consolidate official report from AUC.. Technical Assitance expected at duty station (BDMS) 24 June 2013 Still hopeful for the Grant contract to be signed in July 2013 SLIDE Nr. 10 of 11 Monitoring of Environment and Security in Africa – MESA SUMMARY OF MESA SADC THEMA SLIDE Nr. 11 of 11 Outline Selection Criteria Project Location Relevance of the Action Description of the Action Coordination improvement Preliminary Evaluation Results Shelter AGRICULTURE (Crop Monitoring / Grazing) DROUGHT FIRE (Before, During, After) Flooding Deforestation Quality of life Air Quality AMESD SADC THEMA Food MESA SADC THEMA Selection Criteria Relevance of the Action Project Location The “right information at the right moment” SADC territory is huge (233M people on 9,882,959 Km2) Economies are mainly tight to their Natural Resources Crop production is responsible for 60-70% of export earnings and employment Selling agricultural resources is the main generator of savings for the people 95 per cent of agriculture in SADC is rain dependant Forest covers 33% of SADC land area (357M hectares) Continue AMESD Services + Flood AMESD Service SADC Services Agriculture Service Fire Service Drought Service Expand and improve AMESD Services Specifically builds upon AMESD SADC THEMA Achievements Long Range Forecast Capacity Building, User Interaction, Data Access Ministries of Agriculture Ministries of Environment Proposed MESA Service MESA SADC THEMA Services Agriculture Agriculture Service (MoA) Add one new service (Flood Service) Drought Service (NMS) Environment Wildfire Service (MoE) Land Cover Change Detector Long Range Forecast Data Access Capacity Building User Interaction Floods Service (MoWA) MESA vs. AMESD (1) Implementation structure Regional National Policy level RSC NSC Technical level RWC NWC AMESD and MESA MESA SLIDE Nr. 16 of 11 MESA vs. AMESD Regional Steering Committee REC SADC RIC BDMS NAT level 1 Policy Maker / country Chair Secretary 1p / country SLIDE Nr. 17 of 11 MESA vs. AMESD National Steering Committee Example of Zambia Chairman of ZAM-NSC + Representative of the country in Regional Steering Ctee (= Mr. MESA) Zambia National Steering Committee (ZAM-NSC) DIR-W Zambia DIR-M Zambia DIR-A Zambia DIR-F NFP-U Zambia Gambie DIR-D Zambia DIR-U Zambia Directors at Political level (Meet once a year) Chairman of ZAM-NWC NFP-F Zambia NFP-M Zambia NFP-A Zambia NFP-D Zambia NFP-W Zambia Zambia National Working Committee (ZAM-NWC) NFP-U Zambia National Focal Points at Technical Level (Meet regularly) Legend: M = Meteo A = Agriculture D = Drought W = Wildfire F = Floods U = University SLIDE Nr. 18 of 11 MESA & AMESD (4) Linkages AUC / EC Grant Contract Grant Contract REC (SADC) MoU F.A RIC (BDMS) MoU P.A Co-Applicants MoU MoU National Working Committee in each country AMESD and MESA F.A = Financing Agreement P.A = Partnership Agreement MoU = Memorandum of Understanding MESA SLIDE Nr. 19 of 11 Preliminary Results RIC Overall Mark Comments Received Reviewed Low B There is a major concern on the document, for the lack of synthesis and organization. The Implementation Plan offers a much clearer view of the proposed project (which has indeed a lot of potential), but the Grant 21/5/2013 itself is the binding document and all essential information should be presented there. 27/05/2013 AGRHYMET B The Grant proposal is clear and structured enough, facilitated by the fact that the Services are in complete continuity with the AMESD ones. Some 14/5/2013 important point on the Service methodology and their continuity have to be clarified, but no need to deeply re-organize the document. 22/05/2013 BDMS High B Some clarifications have to be provided (including the role/scope of the two horizontal services), but the proposal is in itself valid. 14/5/2013 22/05/2013 Low B The main concern it on the definition of the Activities (see major comments). The work package breakdown (page 70) is not coherent with the detail of the 'activities' in paragraph Furthermore, the WP2 14/5/2013 and its sub-WPs should be organized by Service (now everything is mixed). 22/05/2013 The overall proposal is good, main concern is on the definition of the new Services (see major comment 1) and on the methodology to implement them in co-ordination with MOI. For being a 'new' RIC a rather good understanding of the project can be anyhow appreciated. 27/05/2013 ACMAD CICOS ICPAC MOI UoG B 14/5/2013 SLIDE Nr. 20 of 11 Clarification/Justification doc What remains to be done? SLIDE Nr. 21 of 11 MESA & AMESD (4) Linkages AUC / EC Contract GrantGrant Contract REC (SADC) MoU F.A RIC (BDMS) 13.Mar. 2013 ??.Jul. 2013 MoU P.A Co-Applicants Sep. 2013 MoU Oct. 2013 National Working Committee in each country F.A = Financing Agreement P.A = Partnership Agreement MoU = Memorandum of Understanding SLIDE Nr. 22 of 11 THANK YOU MERCI General Purpose To improve decision making-processes in Agriculture environment Resource management in the SADC Region By increasing the information management capacity of the participating member states (specifically institutions mandated to deal with Agriculture and environmental resources. By facilitating access to Africa-wide environmental information derived from EO technologies 2.a Global Objectives To enhance the management of Agricultural and Environmental Resources (which includes EWS for Disasters) in Region (SADC/Member states To facilitate “ Informed decision making” 2.b Expected Results – Result 1 : Improved access by African users to existing basic Earth observation, field and ancillary data – Result 2 : MESA SADC THEMA Geo-information Services developed and made operational to improve decision-making processes – Result 3 : Cross-fertilization and Continentalization of SADC THEMA services realized. – Result 4 : Political and policy frameworks are strengthened to ensure an active and sustainable participation of SADC member states in the global environmental surveillance initiatives – Result 5 : An adequate technical level of AMESD African stakeholders is permanently ensured Proposed MESA SADC THEMA Services 3) SADC THEMA: “Result” MESA SADC THEMA Services Basic Ideas: 1. Expand and improve Agriculture Crop service Livestock Drought Fire 2. Add 1 New services Floods Agriculture Livestock Service (MoA) Crops Service (MoA) Environment Drought Service (NMS) Fire Service (MoE) Agriculture Land Cover Change Detector Long Range Forecast Data Access Capacity Building User Interaction SA National Workshop 21 September 2012, Pretoria , South Africa Floods Service (MWA) Implemetation Structures 3) SADC THEMA: “Result” National Consortium Coordinator NFP-L Zambia NFP-C Zambia NFP-D Zambia NFP-W Zambia NFP-F Zambia NFP-U Zambia Zambia National Working Committee Regional Working Committees REC SADC RIC BDMS + Partners Technical Counterparts 5 NFP's / country End Users Chair Secretary 1p / country Decision- and Policy Makers in each country SA National Workshop 21 September 2012, Pretoria , South Africa MESA & GMES (2) How to work together? The stakeholders of the MESA program in Africa can benefit a great deal from the GMES services; at the same time the feedback from MESA users will be useful to refine GMES products → a structured dialogue needs to be in place. Links between AMESD/MESA and GMES communities can also be strengthened through capacity development and training (from GMES to MESA stakeholders). In practice: to start with, a technical forum between the two communities could be organized back to back an AMESD/MESA meeting, to present in detail GMES services and agree on areas of cooperation SLIDE Nr. 29 of 11