2014-2 Regular Cycle Amendment 2014-2 Small Scale Amendment And Concurrent Rezoning Requests Adoption Public Hearings January 27, 2015 Amendment 2014-2-A-5-1 / Rezoning RZ-14-11-015 Agent: Donald W. McIntosh, Jr., Donald W. McIntosh Associates, Inc. Owner: Vaughan Industrial Properties, LLC From: Industrial (IND) & I-2/I-3 To: Medium Density Residential (MDR) & R-3 Acreage: 16.62 gross Proposed 332 multifamily residential dwelling units Use: 2014-2-A-5-1 / RZ-14-11-015 Location 2014-2-A-5-1 / RZ-14-11-015 Aerial 2014-2-A-5-1 / RZ-14-11-015 Future Land Use 2014-2-A-5-1 / RZ-14-11-015 Future Land Use (Proposed) 2014-2-A-5-1 / RZ-14-11-015 Zoning 2014-2-A-5-1 / RZ-14-11-015 Zoning (Proposed) 2014-2-A-5-1 Staff Recommendation: LPA Recommendation: Action Requested Adopt Adopt Make a finding of consistency with the Comprehensive Plan (see Future Land Use Element Policies FLU1.4.16, FLU2.2.15, and FLU8.2.1); Determine that the proposed amendment is in compliance; and Transmit Amendment 2014-1-A-5-1, Industrial (IND) to Medium Density Residential (MDR) Rezoning RZ-14-11-015 Staff Recommendation: PZC Recommendation: Action Requested Approve Approve Make a finding of consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and recommend approval of the requested R-3 (MultipleFamily Dwelling District) zoning subject to two (2) restrictions: 1) The rezoning shall not become effective until the future land use designation is in effect. 2) Development shall be restricted to a maximum of 332 multi-family dwelling units. Rezoning RZ-14-11-015 Staff Recommendation: PZC Recommendation: Action Requested Approve Approve Make a finding of consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and recommend approval of the requested R-3 (MultipleFamily Dwelling District) zoning subject to three (3) additional restrictions: 1) No east-facing rear or side façade of an apartment building shall be located within 100 feet of Goldenrod Road. 3) Access to the American Legion property shall be provided from the internal private roadway extending westerly from Goldenrod Road. A cross-access and ingress/egress easement shall be granted along the internal private roadway from the Goldenrod Road right-of-way to the western boundary of the American Legion property. 4) Miami curb shall be installed along the north side of the internal private roadway within the cross-access and ingress/egress easement adjacent to the American Legion property. Regular Cycle Ordinance State Expedited Review Amendments Action Requested Make a finding of consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, determine that the amendments are in compliance, and recommend adoption of an Ordinance, consistent with today’s actions, approving the proposed Future Land Use Map Amendment. 2014-2 Privately Initiated Small Scale Amendment and Concurrent Rezoning Request Adoption Public Hearings January 27, 2015 Amendment 2014-2-S-5-1 Rezoning LUPA-14-07-185 Agent: Jonathan Dorman Owner: Inglese Enterprises, LLC and Rocco and Megan English From: Planned Development – Office (PD-O) and R-1A (Single-Family Dwelling District) and PD (Planned Development District) (State Farm Building PD) To: Planned Development – Commercial (PD-C) and PD (Planned Development District) (University Storage and Office PD) Acreage: 5.66 gross acres/4.9 net acres Proposed 80,000 sq. ft. of self-storage and 5,000 sq. Use: ft. of office development 2014-2-S-5-1 / LUPA-14-07-185 Location 2014-2-S-5-1 / LUPA-14-07-185 Aerial 2014-2-S-5-1 / LUPA-14-07-185 Future Land Use 2014-2-S-5-1 / LUPA-14-07-185 Future Land Use (Proposed) 2014-2-S-5-1 / LUPA-14-07-185 Zoning 2014-2-S-5-1 / LUPA-14-07-185 Zoning (Proposed) 2014-2-S-5-1 / LUPA-14-07-185 Proposed PD Land Use Plan 2014-2-S-5-1 / LUPA-14-07-185 The applicant has agreed to the following: Horizon West architectural standards for self-storage facilities Three-foot knee wall along University Boulevard Interior loading activity and traffic flow Prohibit access to parcels to the north Buildings fronting University Blvd. shall be limited to 2 stories/30 ft. and 45 ft. for architectural features Permanent 20 ft. easement for a private driveway Finished floor elevations shall be set using the base flood elevation in effect or elevation 48.4 (NAVD ’88), whichever is higher 2014-2-S-5-1 / LUPA-14-07-185 Proposed Floodplain Elevations 2014-2-S-5-1 Staff Recommendation: LPA Recommendation: Action Requested Adopt Adopt Make a finding of consistency with the Comprehensive Plan (see Future Land Use Element Goal FLU2; Future Land Use Element Objective FLU8.2; Future Land Use Element Policies FLU1.1.5, FLU1.4.4, FLU8.2.10, and FLU8.2.11; Neighborhood Element Objective N1.1; and Conservation Element Policy C1.4.1); Determine that the amendment is in compliance; and Adopt Amendment 2014-2-S-5-1, Planned DevelopmentOffice (PD-O) to Planned Development-Commercial (PD-C) LUPA-14-07-185 DRC Recommendation: Approve subject to twenty-six (26) conditions Action Requested Make a finding of consistency with the Comprehensive Plan (see Future Land Use Element Goal FLU2; Future Land Use Element Objective FLU8.2; Future Land Use Element Policies FLU1.1.5, FLU1.4.4, FLU8.2.10, and FLU8.2.11; Neighborhood Element Objective N1.1; and Conservation Element Policy C1.4.1) and Approve Rezoning Case LUPA-14-07-185, R-1A (SingleFamily Dwelling District) and PD (Planned Development District) to PD (Planned Development District), subject to the twenty-six (26) conditions listed in the staff report 2014-2 Staff Initiated Small Scale Amendments Adoption Public Hearings January 27, 2015 Amendment 2014-2-S-FLUE-1 Request: Amendment to Future Land Use Element Policy FLU8.1.4 establishing the maximum densities and intensities for proposed Planned Developments within Orange County District: Countywide 2014-2-S-FLUE-1 Staff Recommendation: LPA Recommendation: Action Requested Adopt Adopt Make a finding of consistency with the Comprehensive Plan; Determine that the proposed amendment is in compliance; and Adopt Amendment 2014-2-S-FLUE-1 Small Scale Development Ordinance Action Requested Make a finding of consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, determine that the amendments are in compliance, and recommend adoption of an Ordinance, consistent with today’s actions, approving the proposed Future Land Use Map and Text Amendments. 2014-2 Regular Cycle Amendment 2014-2 Small Scale Amendment And Concurrent Rezoning Requests Adoption Public Hearings January 27, 2015