Planning overview workhop 31 Oct 13 v1

Presented by:
Mr G Constantinides
Date: 30 Oct 2013
Planning presentation:
1. Sustainability project forms
2. MWIG letter to WSA and way forward
3. Technical Guidelines (Chris Hani DM)
4. RBIG Regional Bulk Master Plans
5. Sign Boards
• A lot of pressure imposed on CD regarding sustainability
• Questions asked by SCOPA and NT
• The National Office is compiling a report to Top Management and
subsequently to (NT) regarding any challenges and proposals with
regards to the transfer of assets of all completed projects
including projects that are over R100 million.
• Sustainability report template was developed
• Thulo had originally completed this report
• Report needed every 6 months for a period of 2 years after
project is completed.
• Report template updated. Include project completion issues
• Template to be include in M & R system
Template sections:
• Description
• Commissioning
• Operational
• Sustainability
• Legal
Way forward
1. R,O to complete sustainability reports for all completed
2. R.O to also indicate the following:
– Make recommendations to address any functionality or operation
concerns (such recommendations may include variation request to
extend the duration of any existing O & M contract)
– Make recommendation and commitments to address any outstanding
issues (i.e project exist requirements)
Due date : 30 November 2013
2: MWIG Letter to WSA regarding planning
Letter drafted regarding studies /planning
1. Municipalities must budget and pay for MWIG technical reports
(feasibility studies).
2. MWIG funding can only be transferred to a WSA if there is an approved
business plan;
3. MWIG Business Plans must be supported by Technical Reports
(feasibility studies);
4. Where feasibility studies exist, these can be submitted with the BP and
no budget allowance for studies is required.
5. WSA must inform the DWA, on how much money has been allocated
for the appointment of PSP to carry out the required studies.
6. Where there is no technical report or the technical report is found to be
lacking, a BP submitted by 30 Sep 13 may be approved conditionally.
The condition being that the technical report is finalised for approval
before 1 July 2014;
…MWIG Letter to WSA regarding planning
Letter drafted regarding studies /planning
7. WSA must budget, up to a maximum of at least 5 – ten per cent (10%) of their
budget for technical reports, and must include project management costs and
8. The budget allocated for technical reports must be for direct costs incurred by
the municipality for appointing a Professional Service Provider (PSP) to
undertake the required studies.
9. The DWA welcomes any municipality who has the capacity to carry the
necessary planning and develop a technical report without appointing a PSP.
10. DWA strongly opposes the practice of appointing PSP or consultants on risk to
carry out planning and designs for the following reasons:
a. PSP may promote designs that meet their own agenda to maximise profits.
b. Municipalities often do-not exercise enough control over the planning and
designs if they don’t pay for them.
c. There procurement process for the implementation of the project can be
Proposals and DWA assistance
The DWA will like to offer some assistance and make the following proposals
with regards to the technical report and design process:
1. .. the DWA will like to propose that municipalities consider using the
existing PSP available from the nationally procured planning PSPs. It must
be noted however that municipalities must pay the PSP to undertake the
technical report– the WSA must scope the appointment and pay for the
independent professional advice in the best interests of the municipality;
2. Assistance in compiling the project B/P
3. The DWA can make available to your municipality the following generic
– Terms of reference for the appointment of PSP to carry out feasibility
studies and designs
– Proposed design and assessment parameters for MWIG projects
3: Technical guidelines (Chris Hani
technical report)
CH DM Guidelines - Contents
1. Introduction
2. Specifications
3. Contractual Maters
4. General Design Considerations
5. Reporting
6. Authorisations and compliance
7. Occupational Health and Safety
8. General Construction considerations
9. General Water Supply Guidelines
10. Sanitation Guidelines
11. References
Use / development of DWA
1. The CH DM guidelines are good but there are a number that
are not adequately addressed.
2. DWA had also developed it own guidelines (Northern Cape
aprox. 10 years ago)
Way forward:
1. Use CH DM guidelines in the interim
2. DWA to issue summary technical guidelines in a week (on key
3. DWA to eevice / develop its own comprehensive technical
Guidelines on; Planning , Design and construction of Water
4: Regional Bulk Infrastructure plans
Some of the proposed changes and improvements to the process for
developing the Master Plans are as follows:
a. Improve the accountability and stakeholder participation
b. DWA to identify and initiate projects that are linked to the all
town studies and reconciliation studies.
c. The PBMP will be used as a catalyst to integrate the entire water
services value chain.
d. Water Resources Planning must become integral to the PBMP
e. The assessment and prioritisation criteria of projects will be
f. The RO must take ownership of the process.
g. A number of conditions and protocols have been developed in
order to ensure that RO take adequate control of the planning
process and that the objectives of the PBMP are met.
….Regional Bulk Infrastructure plans
h. A number of conditions and protocols have been developed in
order to ensure that RO take adequate control of the planning
process and that the objectives of the PBMP are met.
Although the National Project Manager will be Mr S Marais from the
National Office, it is proposed that the Provincial Project Manager
must be an official from the RO.
Action Plan
The Regional head must identify, nominate and submit the name of
the official that will be responsible for the management of the PBMP.
5: MWIG Sign Boards
Kind take note of the following and implement where required:
1. WSA who receive funding from MWIG for projects exceeding
R 10 million must develop a board indicating the project and
that it is funded through MWIG.
2. The cost of the board must not exceed 1,5 % of the total
value of the project. (i.e R 20 million , R 30 000)
3. The format of the sign Board should look as follows.
8: Action Plan for land issues
Action 1: All Implementation Ready Studies currently been
undertaken must be approved by Mr Thamsanqa Phakathi (TP)
Action 2: TP must review the IRS of all RBIG projects currently been
implemented that are GT than R 50 million. (complete by Mar 14)
Action 3: TP must review the IRS of all RBIG projects that have been
completed. – (complete by Jul 14)
Action 4: Planning to assist TP to generate a report to highlighting
any potential land issues form the B/P for all MWIG projects. – Nov
Action 5: N.O./R.O. to draft a letter that must be send to all I.A and
WSA regarding land issues. – Nov 13
…..Action Plan for land issues
Action 6: N.O. to increase / highlight land issues in the following
documents (Nov 13):
• Funding agreements
• Programme frameworks /guidelines
• ToR and assessment of feasibility studies. IRS and B/P
Action 7: GC to highlight land issues in PMU strategic framework and
risk analysis. (Nov 13)
Action 8: GC to propose the development of a dedicated sub process
for PMU on land issues (by Mar 14)
9 Additional UW resources.
1. Geo-Hydrologist
2. Process mapping
3. Financial expert
Scope of Work for Finance expert
1. Review and assess all on-going studies, particularly IRS with regards to
the financial issues. The assessment will involve the following
a. sustainability of large projects
b. Review the financial status of a benefiting WSA
c. Asses where necessary the impact on tariffs
d. Asses the ability of a WSA to co-fund RBIG projects
2. Review and assess any application by WSA to reduce the co-funding
requirement of any on-gong project.
3. Review and assess the financial parameters of any projects completed
which may not be functioning effectively due to financial reasons.
4. Review the financial status of any WSA implementing or is the recipient
of an RBIG projects, when deemed necessary by the RBIG: CD
5. Assist the RBIG: CD in determining the capacity of any potential IA.
6. Assist in developing a financial assessment tool and guidelines of RBIG
7. Project finance: Identify possible solutions on how the municipality could
raise the required co-funding, and make the project “bankable”.
Scope of Work for Geo-Hydrologist
1. Evaluation of current feasibility studies
2. Offer advice relating to ground water resources in any RBIG project
currently been implemented.
3. Assist in the development of terms of reference for new studies, where
ground water will be part of the study..
1. Carry out or manage studies for small projects involving ground water.
2. Assessment of feasibility studies / business plans of projects involving
ground water.
3. Assessment of all feasibility studies / technical reports of projects
involving ground water that are greater than R 20 million and
participating in an evaluation panel .
4. Assisting in developing guidelines, standards and terms of reference with
regard to ground water.
UW resources: Way forward
• R.O, must submit requests by 6 Nov.
– Indicate project
– Scope of work to be carried out
– Why (2 sentences)
• N.O. Coordinators to advice MWIG Director
• N.O to prioritise by 11 Nov