Design for Stream Crossing Resiliency ….by accounting for natural stream processes Design for Stream Crossing Resiliency More frequent, more intense storms: Streams convey more water… Design for Stream Crossing Resiliency More frequent, more intense storms: Streams convey more water… …sediment Design for Stream Crossing Resiliency More frequent, more intense storms: Streams convey more water… …sediment Design for Stream Crossing Resiliency More frequent, more intense storms: Streams convey more water… …sediment …and debris Design for Stream Crossing Resiliency More frequent, more intense storms: Streams convey more water… …sediment …and debris Design for Stream Crossing Resiliency… …streams also convey wildlife Habitat Connectivity & Flood Resiliency: A “Win-Win” Design Scenario River and Stream Continuity Partnership Guidance: MA River and Stream Crossing Standards General Standards 1. Spans (bridges, open-bottom culverts) strongly preferred (but where these are impractical, well designed culverts may be appropriate) 2. If culvert, then it should be embedded 3. Span the channel: 1.2 x bankfull width 4. Natural bottom substrate within structure 5. Design with streambed characteristics 6. Openness > 0.82 feet (0.25 meters ) Smart Stream Crossing Design: 1. Apply the Stream Crossing Standards* 2. Design for Capacity and Stability 3. Provide for Resiliency *Applicable for non-tidal streams… For tidal streams: preserve or restore natural tidal exchange. Smart Stream Crossing Design: 1. Apply the Stream Crossing Standards Convey the “bankfull discharge” through the crossing in a sustainable, natural channel (for replacement structures: to the extent practicable) Smart Stream Crossing Design: 1. Apply the Stream Crossing Standards Convey the “bankfull discharge” through the crossing in a sustainable, natural channel (for replacement structures: to the extent practicable) 2. Design for Capacity and Stability Convey a range of greater than bankfull flows, while sustaining this natural channel and the structure Smart Stream Crossing Design: 1. Apply the Stream Crossing Standards Convey the “bankfull discharge” through the crossing in a sustainable, natural channel (for replacement structures: to the extent practicable) 2. Design for Capacity and Stability Convey a range of greater than bankfull flows, while sustaining this natural channel and the structure 3. Provide for Resiliency Withstand extreme events without losing the structure Smart Stream Crossing Design: 1. Apply the Stream Crossing Standards Convey the “bankfull discharge” through the crossing in a sustainable, natural channel Cross Section Geometry Streambed Vertical Alignment Smart Stream Crossing Design: 1. Apply the Stream Crossing Standards Cross Section Geometry Streambed Vertical Alignment A brief primer on “Bankfull Width” Design to the River and Stream Crossing Standards Design to the River and Stream Crossing Standards Bankfull Discharge Bankfull discharge = the water discharged when a stream just begins to overflow into the active floodplain. Bankfull stage = the elevation at bankfull discharge Bankfull width = the width at bankfull stage Design to the River and Stream Crossing Standards Bankfull Stage Bankfull discharge ~ 1.5 Year Frequency Event (varies) Design to the River and Stream Crossing Standards Bankfull Stage Topographic breaks in slope Flat depositional surface of the floodplain Depositional features Changes in vegetation Undercuts in bank Changes in bank material particle size Other erosion features on upper bank (e.g., scour around roots) Stain lines or lower extent of lichens or mosses on boulders or structures Design to the River and Stream Crossing Standards Bankfull Stage Bankfull Width Design to the River and Stream Crossing Standards Bankfull Width 1.2 x Bankfull Width Span: bridge or open bottom culvert Bankfull Width 1.2 x Bankfull Width Bankfull width Bridge span Bankfull width Span: bridge or open bottom culvert Open Area Open Area (ft2) = Openness Ratio (ft) Structure Length (ft) Openness Ratio (m) > 0.82 ft for General Standards* (*Optimum Standards have greater openness and minimum clearance requirements) Smart Stream Crossing Design: 1. Apply the Stream Crossing Standards Cross Section Geometry Streambed Vertical Alignment Span: bridge or open bottom culvert Preserve existing stream bed (preferred); or if necessary, Provide for bed material comparable to natural channel and that results in depths and velocities at a variety of flows. Streambed Culvert with Stream Simulation 1.2 x Bankfull Width Provide for bed material comparable to natural channel and that results in depths and velocities at a variety of flows. Design for the Streambed Requires analysis of Streambed material Design for the Streambed Requires analysis of Streambed material Design for the Streambed Requires analysis of Streambed material Bedform (how the material is arranged in the natural channel) Design for the Streambed Requires analysis of Streambed material Bedform (how the material is arranged in the natural channel) Requires an understanding of stream morphology Crossing design for a steep gradient boulder & cobble dominated stream… …may differ from the design for a flattergradient stream with a sand & gravel bed. Smart Stream Crossing Design: 1. Apply the Stream Crossing Standards Cross Section Geometry Streambed Vertical Alignment Analysis of the “Long Profile” From Gubernick & Bates, Stream Simulation Design for AOP, Culvert Summit 2006 Analysis of the “Long Profile” From Gubernick & Bates, Stream Simulation Design for AOP, Culvert Summit 2006 Analysis of the “Long Profile” New Span From Gubernick & Bates, Stream Simulation Design for AOP, Culvert Summit 2006 Smart Stream Crossing Design: 2. Design for Capacity and Stability Convey a range of greater than bankfull flows, while sustaining this natural channel and the structure Capacity for Design Flows Stability Considerations Smart Stream Crossing Design: 2. Design for Capacity and Stability Capacity for Design Flows Base flows addressed by bankfull channel design Peak flows based on accepted engineering standards Smart Stream Crossing Design: 2. Design for Capacity and Stability MassDOT Bridge Load and Resistance Factor (LRFD) Manual (June 2013 Update) Table 1.2 Hydraulic and Scour Design Flood Selection Guidelines Highway Functional Classification Interstate, or Numbered State Highways Rural Principal Arterial Rural Minor Arterial Rural Collector, Major Rural Collector, Minor Rural Local Road Urban Principal Arterial Urban Minor Arterial Street Urban Collector Street Urban Local Street Hydraulic Design Flood Return Frequency (Years) 100 Scour Design Flood Return Frequency (Years) 200 Scour Check Flood Return Frequency (Years) 500 50 50 25 10 10 50 25 10 10 100 100 50 25 25 100 50 25 25 200 200 100 50 50 200 100 50 50 Engineering Design Standards Statutory Review Requirements MGL Chapter 85 No bridge on a public highway having a span in excess of ten feet… shall be constructed or reconstructed by any county or town except in accordance with plans and specifications therefor approved by the department. Said department shall approve or alter to meet its approval all such plans submitted to it and shall determine the maximum load which any such bridge may safely carry… Requires review by MassDOT District/Bridge Applies to any span >10 ft (including multiple barrels) Engineering Design Standards Statutory Review Requirements Item 49 – USDOT Recording and Coding Guide for the Structure Inventory and Appraisal of the Nation’s Bridges Engineering Design Standards Statutory Review Requirements MGL Chapter 85 Design to MassDOT/ASHTO bridge standards 2009 MassDOT LRFD Bridge Manual AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications Submittal Requirements Hydraulic report Geotechnical report Structural design requirements Scour analysis/scour protection at spans Smart Stream Crossing Design: 2. Design for Capacity and Stability Design Flows – what about climate change? Precipitation Data • TP-40 is out of date • New data options… Stream Gage Data • USGS Regression Equations for Massachusetts are out of date • New data options… Even with updated data, forecasting using historic data may be problematic • Provide for resiliency… Precipitation Data: current option… NRRC and NRCS • Greatly expanded and recent data base Authorized by NRCS for TR-55 and TR-20 until NWS Atlas 14 is updated Not formally adopted by MassDEP 2 year 100 year Rainfall Depth (in) TP-40 NRCC Percent Change Barnstable 3.5 3.3 -5% Berkshire North 2.8 2.8 Berkshire south 2.9 Bristol Rainfall Depth (in) TP-40 NRCC Percent Change Barnstable 7.1 8.2 16% 0% Berkshire North 6.2 7.0 13% 2.9 0% Berkshire south 6.4 7.6 19% 3.4 3.3 -3% Bristol 7.0 8.6 22% Dukes 3.6 3.3 -8% Dukes 7.2 8.3 15% Essex 3.1 3.2 3% Essex 6.4 8.8 38% Franklin 2.8 3.0 5% Franklin 6.2 7.4 19% Hampden 3.0 3.1 2% Hampden 6.5 8.0 23% Hampshire 2.9 3.0 3% Hampshire 6.4 7.6 19% Middlesex North 3.0 3.0 0% Middlesex North 6.3 8.0 26% Middlesex Central 3.1 3.1 1% Middlesex Central 6.4 8.5 33% Middlesex South 3.1 3.2 4% Middlesex South 6.5 8.9 36% Nantucket 3.6 3.2 -11% Nantucket 7.2 7.9 10% Norfolk 3.2 3.3 2% Norfolk 6.7 8.7 30% Plymouth 3.4 3.4 -1% Plymouth 6.9 8.7 26% Suffolk 3.2 3.3 2% Suffolk 6.6 8.8 33% Worcester North 2.9 3.0 2% Worcester North 6.2 7.8 25% Worcester Central 3.0 3.1 2% Worcester Central 6.4 8.2 29% Worcester South 3.1 3.2 3% Worcester South 6.6 8.6 31% County County Precipitation Data: on the horizon… NOAA Atlas 14 Precipitation Frequency Estimates Volume 10: Northeastern States Projected web-publication: September 2015 Regional Regression Equations for Peak Discharges MassDOT/USGS update is underway. Scheduled for completion late 2015 (Published 1983) Smart Stream Crossing Design: 2. Design for Capacity and Stability Stability Considerations Stream bed sustainability Structure integrity Smart Stream Crossing Design: 2. Design for Capacity and Stability Streams are dynamic Bridges and culverts are static (or intended to be!) Streams are dynamic… …crossing structures are static Streams are dynamic… Culverts are rigid horizontally and vertically Stream bed horizontal and vertical adjustment limited to material in the culvert Culvert bottom acts as a “grade control” structure Streams are dynamic… ….culverts are rigid However, “stream simulation” culvert design can prevent this condition Streams are dynamic… Bridges and open bottom culverts are rigid horizontally (unless undermined!) Stream bed vertical adjustment is not limited by the bottom of the structure Future channel? Streams are dynamic… …bridges are rigid horizontally …however, this can (and must) be addressed by design. Design for stability Requires analysis of Stability of the crossing structure: protect (sustain) the bridge! Dynamic stability of the streambed material: sustain the streambed! “Critical Conditions” design Structure stability under critical conditions: MassDOT LRFD Bridge Design Manual (check for latest revision): Evaluate bridge foundation scour using flow parameters of the local flood event that generates the maximum depth of bridge foundation scour- considering flood return frequencies (depending on type of road) up to 500 years. Apply countermeasures if warranted. Supplemental Guidance to LRFD Bridge Manualfor streambed design for crossings Design must evaluate stability within the crossing structure… Need to address both: Base flow (habitat continuity) Extreme flow events In some cases, design may need to provide for stability within the crossing structure… Design to simulate streambed material and bedform Design to address foundation scour and streambed stability Stream Simulation with Stable Sub-bed In some cases, design may need to consider stabilizing the channel… RIPRAP GRADE CONTROL STRUCTURE Bridge Bridge Adapted from: US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (1999), Channel Rehabilitation: Processes, Design, and Implementation What about replacements? Constraints affecting replacement to provide wildlife passage: Flood management concerns Conveyance capacity Impacts on existing flood profiles Potential wetland alteration Road impounded wetlands Potential “head cut” considerations Vertical alignment limitations Constraints affecting replacement to provide wildlife passage: Historic structures Existing utilities Construction-phase logistics Maintaining road traffic Maintaining stream flow (water handling) Site access and weight/size limits on equipment and materials Historic structures Constraints affecting replacement to provide wildlife passage: Costs and funding priorities Mitchell Brook – before and during construction Flood Profile Impacts Existing elevation of 100-year design flood Flood Profile Impacts Altered elevation of 100-year design flood Caution: Potential downstream flooding impacts Flood Profile Impacts Federal Executive Order 11988 Restricts federally funded actions that would result in raising the 100 year flood elevation Addressing Flood Profile Impacts: Determine if potential for alteration exists Determine whether the impact can be addressed Alternative design approaches? Downstream actions? Determine if CLOMR (or other action) is required Document and file application If no to above, explore other ways to mitigate for habitat disconnection: May require a lesser restoration of habitat connection Road-Impounded Wetlands Road-Impounded Wetlands Flow constriction results in sediment deposition upstream of culvert Altered hydrology results in establishment of wetlands Road-Impounded Wetlands More effective conveyance, lowering invert can lower upstream water surface, erode accumulated sediment, and alter wetland hydrology Addressing Road-Impounded Wetlands: Determine if potential for alteration exists Determine whether the “gain” offsets the “loss” If yes to above, can it be permitted? Consultation with resource agencies If no to above, explore other ways to mitigate for habitat disconnection: In-stream mitigation may be warranted: Application of stream restoration techniques to offset or correct impacts Road-Impounded Wetlands Install counter measure (e.g. rock weir) to prevent upstream headcutting and maintain wetland hydrology New required vertical alignment Existing vertical alignment Bridge Deck Bridge Chord Required opening height Required span Vertical alignment and bridge geometry constraints Existing Utilities Urban channel alteration & degradation Urban channel alteration & degradation Constraints, constraints… …Some crossings need to be fixed! Adapted from Gubernick, Culvert Summit 2006 Some other alternatives Some other alternatives Smart Stream Crossing Design: 2. Design for Capacity and Stability Replacement Crossings Analysis for peak flows similar to new crossings More analysis required for “passage” flows: May need to base on less than bankfull discharge: Species/life-stage specific (consult with MassDFG), or 10% exceedance quantile, or 25% of Q2-yr Need to evaluate culvert bed material stability relative to nearby channel stability Need to assess need for a low flow channel 90% exceedance quantile, or 7Q2 References for designs less than 1.2 x bankfull width Concepts Design analysis Design methodology for providing stream bed continuity at road crossings Examples: “No-Slope” design* “Stream Simulation” design* “Roughened Channel” design* Bridge replacement with retained abutments** *Based on work by: Kozmo (Ken) Bates (formerly with Washington DFW) and USDA Forest Service **Based on MassDOT practices “No Slope” design option Applicable only to culverts, not bridges or bottomless structures Suitable for new structures or replacements Generally limited to locations with natural gradients less than 3% Most likely applicable to streams with fine-grained, mobile bed material “No Slope” design option 1. Culvert installed with flat invert gradient 2. Culvert width = 1.2 x bankfull width 3. Downstream countersink 20% of rise, minimum, or greater depth if required by MA Standards 5. Bed material = native material, either installed or “recruited” flow 4. Upstream countersink 40% of rise, maximum Note: Given countersink requirements (#3,#4), maximum length of culvert will be limited by slope of stream (L < 0.2*D/s) Stream Simulation Design Applicable to new and replacement culverts Applicable to replacements of pipe culverts with bottomless culverts or bridge spans Applicable to new clear-span structures where stream alignment would be altered Suited to moderate to high channel gradient, and locations with narrow stream valleys Greater than 6% gradient may have limitations Structure cross section size must be sufficient to permit access for stream bed construction Stream Simulation Design Culvert installed with sloped invert Bed consists of various materials and bed forms designed based on geomorphologic analysis of local stream bed or suitable “reference” stream Stream Simulation Design Alluvial (e.g., cobble/gravel) Non-alluvial (e.g. step-pool) Roughened Channel Design Applicable to new and replacement culverts, where not feasible to provide width > 1.2 bankfull width Suited to moderate to high channel gradient, and locations with narrow stream valleys Structure cross section size must be sufficient to permit access for stream bed construction May require scour protection (e.g., armoring) of channel at the culvert outlet Not recommended for flat-gradient streams with fine-grained mobile bed material (consider “noslope” design instead. Roughened Channel Design Scour protection at outlet Bed consists of material designed for stability under anticipated design flows – typically requires size of material to be comparable to the larger material found in natural channel Shaped channel Before Before Winter 2013 Bridge Replacement with Retained Abutments Smart Stream Crossing Design: 3. Provide for Resiliency Withstand extreme events without losing the structure Problematic Design Issues Climate Change Pressure Flow Flood Relief Embankment “piping” Floatation Debris Source: FHwA HEC-5 Bankfull condition τ = γ*d*s d Source: FHwA HEC-5 Critical flood condition τ = γ*d*s d Source: FHwA HEC-5 Potential Countermeasures: Options: control depth, energy grade, or size/gradation of channel bed material: Wider structure? Valley span? Flood plain relief culverts? Design section of road as spillway? Use larger bed material size in structure? Use larger material as a sub-bed to the stream simulation bed material? Flood relief culverts, spillway Source: Forest Service Stream Simulation Working Group (2008), Stream Simulation Flood relief culverts, spillway Source: Forest Service Stream Simulation Working Group (2008), Stream Simulation Example of reinforced spillway Source: Pressure Flow Issues: Seepage (piping) through embankment Free draining material for road construction is not necessarily designed for conditions when roadway acts as a dam Adapted from: FHwA HEC-5 Pressure Flow Issues: Floatation of flexible pipe Buoyant force Particularly of concern with corrugated metal or other flexible pipe Adapted from: FHwA HEC-5 Debris Issues During Hurricane Irene After Hurricane Irene After Hurricane Irene Design References and Guidance _Passage_122710.pdf Questions? Bridge Replacement with Retained Abutments Culvert Replacement – site with constrained access After Hurricane Irene September 2011 Source: During Construction Source: Source: November 2012 Questions?