Dr. Jack Tips PhD, CCN

The Secret Foundation of
Neurological Health
Dr. Jack Tips (Ph.D., C.C.N.)
Newly Discovered Organ System
All Diseases Begin in The Gut -- Hippocrates
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Brief History
Of A Revolutionary Strategic Alliance
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Innate Intelligence
Maintain homeostasis
Strive for optimal health
Does the best it can
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Genetics: Not Destiny
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Nature’s Solution
Bacterial Symbiosis – The Microbiome
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Proliferation of Microbial Organ System
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Gene Sharing
Bacteria To Bacteria & Bacteria To Host
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Physiology: Microbiome/Enterocyte
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Gut / Immune Connection
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Inflammation Set-point
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Microbiome Communications #1
Hardwired: Independent & Cooperative Brain Systems
Cranial + CNS
Periphereal & Somatic N.S.
Intestines + ENS
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Microbiome Communications #2
Chemical Messengers
Intracellular Proteins – Talk to nuclear genes
Immune – Cytokines, Interferons, Chemokines, Transfer Factors
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Microbiome Communications #3
Bacterial DNA “Talks” To Human DNA & Vice Versa
Brain awareness of G.I. pathogens
Bacteria emit communication proteins & sugars
Bio-resonant messages
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Game Changers
Why 21st Century Healing Paradigms Must Evolve
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Adaptive Immunity’s Flaw
Chronic Cellular Inflammation
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Dysbiosis = Chronic Inflammation
• Dominates cellular metabolism
• Free radical damage = aging, disease
• Takes lion’s share of energy (ATP)
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Inflamed Cell Membranes
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Dysbiosis = Hostilities
Chemical Toxins
Pathogens / Good Guys, Wrong Place
Lack Food: fiber, plant food, nutrients, fermented food
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Stress Alters Microbiome Culture
• Brain-To-Gut Communication
• Stress Hormones
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Altered Microbiomes / Leaky Gut
• Pathogen Attack & Inflammation
• Zonulin
• Toxin/Chemical Damage
• Food Allergy
• Antibiotics
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Neurological Disorders
Microbiome / Leaky Gut Hub
Alzheimer’s, Autism, Depression, Anxiety, Headaches
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Microbiome Solutions
Reduce Dysbiosis, Pathogens, Inflammation
Stop Leaky Gut
Re-Seed Beneficial Cultures
Reinforce Probiotic Colonization& Proliferation
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Clinical Mastery Training
Probiotic Advanced Colonization Technique
With WellnessWiz Jack Tips, Ph.D, C.C.N.
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Thank You From Systemic Formulas, Inc.
Free Gift!
A Hundred Billion Ways To Say Thank
 100,000,000,000 of 10 species
 Enteric coat
 Bifido & Lacto
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Thank You
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