Major Emergency Response Libby McGugan Consultant in Emergency Medicine Major Emergency Location, number, severity or type of live casualties requires extraordinary resources 3 - 4 times per year in UK We have a statutory duty to provide response In a nutshell SAS will inform the duty charge nurse in A&E CN / duty A&E consultant decide on ‘standby’ vs ‘declared’ Switchboard put out call to duty staff How do you know what to do? Action cards are made up to tell staff what to do. Do what it says on the card! Major Incident Standby Consult with your duty consultant Go to Junior Doctor’s Mess, ground floor next to Admission Unit 2 (surgical) to collect action card Know how to access phone numbers for off duty staff in your team Example of action card ACTION CARD 7 DUTY SURGICAL REGISTRAR Informed by switchboard Duties STANDBY 1. Consult with Consultant Surgeon 2. Proceed to the Junior Doctor’s Mess and collect your Action Card DECLARED 3. Cascade to all General Surgical Registrars and Surgical Doctors. 4. Assess General Surgical wards for patients who could be transferred or discharged and advise the ward Nurses in Charge. 5. Advise the Hospital Control Centre (extensions 27984/27985) of staff or resource deficiencies. 6. Proceed to A&E for tasking Major Incident Declared Cascade call out to all off duty medical staff in your team Keep a record of who you have contacted and their response Tell them Major Incident Declared. Report to Junior Doctor’s Mess. Bring identity badge APPENDIX 1 : CASCADING CALLOUT NAME OF CASCADING STAFF MEMBER _______________ DATE ______ Tell staff 1. There is a major emergency 2. Report to Junior Doctor’s Mess (entrance opposite lab block) 3. Bring ID badge Name / Grade Time Attend : Y / N / UC UC = unable to contact Cascade call out You need to know how to access to phone numbers of your team External call barriers will be removed for calls YOU ARE PIVOTAL TO NHS FIFE’S RESPONSE TO A MAJOR INCIDENT Major Incident Declared Depending on scale of incident, some staff may asked to remain on standby for next shift – coordinator will advise Consider which patients on wards can be discharged Clear theatres Major Incident Declared Other specialists eg O&G / paeds / maxillofacial / ENT may be contacted if required or if incident large enough to need all hands on deck Site Medical Team Team may be requested to attend scene by MIO if - scene overwhelmed, delayed egress - specific incident Team likely to consist of - ED cons - Anaesthetic reg / cons - Orthopaedic reg / cons - Surgical reg / cons Site Medical Team Equipment / PPE stored in Major Accident Store A&E Specialists need to be familiar with kit Where to find out Intranet Search for MAJOR EMERGENCY Any Questions? Summary It’s not rocket science Need to have access to updated off duty contact numbers Be clear about your role in cascading