Program for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly:
An Important Addition to Your CCRC
Webinar: 266130329
November 2, 2011
Lily Tomlin
Welcome-Overview of Session
Speaker Introductions
Larry Minnix, President/CEO, LeadingAge
Shawn Bloom, President/CEO, NPA
PACE 101: Shawn Bloom, President/CEO, NPA
Integrated Medical Delivery: Cheryl Phillips, MD
Senior VP, Advocacy, LeadingAge
PACE and CCRCs: Dan Gray
President, Continuum Development Services
Case Study-Presbyterian Senior Living
Steve Proctor, CEO
Case Study-Presbyterian Villages of Michigan
Roger Myers, President/CEO
Presented by:
Shawn Bloom, President/CEO
National PACE Association
PACE Overview and Brief History
PACE Experience with Dual
The Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly
Is an integrated system of care for the frail elderly that is:
• Community-based
• Coordinated
• Comprehensive
• Capitated
Adults 55 years of age or older and who are:
• Living in a PACE organization’s service area
State-certified as eligible for nursing home level of care
Able to live safely in the community with the services of the PACE program at the time of enrollment
PACE provides innovative, person-centered care for older adults that allows them to stay in their homes and communities and out of nursing homes
“PACE’s help in being able to keep mom at home has enabled us to keep our family together.”
Family Member of a PACE Participant
PACE Provides Coordinated, Comprehensive Care
Employs interdisciplinary teams to deliver and coordinate care across care settings
• Doctors, nurses, therapists, social workers, dieticians, personal care aides, and other providers
• Day centers, clinics, occupational and physical therapy facilities
• Individuals’ homes
• Hospitals and nursing homes, if necessary
PACE Provides Coordinated and Comprehensive Care
Bundles Medicare and Medicaid payments to provide full range of health care services
Medical care, social services, and other long-term services and supports
Integration of Medicare, Medicaid and private pay payments by PACE providers
Medicare A/B capitation payments risk- and frailty- adjusted for PACE participants
Medicare Part D payments based on bid amounts
Medicaid capitated payment amounts based on states’ expenditures for long-term care populations
PACE Programs receive approximately
$5,349 PMPM in 2011:
60% of their revenue from Medicaid
40% from Medicare
(A small percentage of program revenue comes from private sources or enrollees paying privately)
2011 Mean Medicare PMPM Rate: $2,018
2011 Mean Medicaid PMPM Rate: $3,331
PACE Programs are Medicare D providers
All Medicare and Medicaid covered – services and more
• medical care
• nursing
• physical therapy
• occupational therapy
• recreational therapy
• meals
• nutritional counseling
• social work
• home health care
• hospital care
• personal care
• prescription drugs
• social services
• audiology
• dentistry
• optometry
• podiatry
• speech therapy
• respite care
• SNF/NH care
1983 – On Lok demonstration
1986 – PACE replication demonstration
1997 – Congress established PACE as permanent Medicare provider and Medicaid state option (Balanced Budget Act)
Distinct statutory and regulatory designation as a provider-based entity
Sections 1894 and 1934, Social Security Act
Title 42, Part 460, Code of Federal Regulations
Operates as a provider-based model
Serves exclusively a nursing home eligible population
Produces good outcomes:
Participants more likely to have advance care directives and die at home
PACE participants, caregivers, and employees report high satisfaction with the program
PACE participants have reduced hospitalizations and permanent residency in nursing homes
Integrated, Interdisciplinary Team Care
Hands-on interdisciplinary team approach to care management vs. individual case management
Continuous process of assessment, treatment planning, service provision, and monitoring
Focus on prevention, primary, secondary, and tertiary care
Fully-Accountable for the Cost and Quality of Care Provided
How can we move from successfully treating individual diseases, to successfully caring for individuals? Can we do it for less?
Proven track record in preserving wellness and promoting quality care
Integrated and fixed-rate financing system reduces the cost of care compared to nursing home care substantially
A recent HHS report found PACE generates better health outcomes
A long history serving dual eligibles, where one size does not fit all
90 percent of PACE participants are dual eligibles
(Medicare & Medicaid eligible)
Dual eligibles have multiple, complex conditions and benefit from the PACE model of comprehensive, individualized care
PACE has a long history and unique approach
30+ year track record
Direct, hands-on provider
Accepts full financial risk for participants’ cost and health care
Exclusively serves a subset of the dual eligible population – frail, older adults
(as of 10/11)
Currently there are 166 PACE centers, operated by 81 sponsoring organizations in 29 states
Over 23,000 PACE participants
One-fifth of PACE organizations indicate that they are approaching enrollment cap imposed by their states
Over one-half of PACE organizations plan to expand with the development of one or more centers in 2011
PACE Responds to Tough Health Care Challenges
For Consumers —Participants/Caregivers:
Comprehensive, preferred method of care
Stay in the community as long as possible
One-stop shopping
For Providers:
Freedom from traditional FFS restrictions
Focus on the entire range of needs of individual
For Payers:
Value and predictable expenditures
Comprehensive service package
Number of PACE organizations doubled in last 5 years to 76:
• Rural PACE grants – 13 rural programs
• More diversity among interested sponsors
(e.g., hospices)
• State interest in PACE expansion
PACE/Veterans Administration Start-up Program
New demonstrations being developed to
• Expand current PACE program and offer the model to different populations that would benefit from its services
Presented by:
Cheryl Phillips, MD
Senior Vice President, Advocacy
How is PACE Clinical Care Delivered?
The center of care delivery is the interdisciplinary team (IDT)
Care plans are created with (not just for ) the individual and family and includes social, cultural, functional aspects of care – in addition to the medical needs
Most of the services are coordinated through the adult day center – thus social care is integrated directly with medical care
Interdisciplinary teams assess need, deliver & manage care across settings:
• Adult Day Health Care
• Personal Care
• Home Care
• Nursing Home
• Hospital
• Medical Specialists
• Pharmacy
• Lab/X-ray
Care Management = Care Coordination
Interdisciplinary Team (IDT) Care Planning
• Integrates skilled assessment and evaluation findings and regular assessments by PACE IDT members (physician, nurse, rehab therapists, social worker, dietary, recreation and home care staff) into new or revised person-centered care plan.
Frequent Monitoring
• Regular attendance at day center combine with home care according to individualized care plan
• Input from professionals and paraprofessionals
Care Management = Care Coordination
Collaborative Care Planning with Participants and Family Members
• Insures and improves quality of care
• Maintains participant autonomy
• Comprehensive medical record integrates person-centered goals across the team
The goal is to maximize medical management in the outpatient setting and integrate social and functional support needs with IDT
Primary care team on-site: MD, NP, RN
Full-service clinic for urgent care and management of chronic conditions
• IV and Respiratory therapy
• Wound care management
• Frequent visits for management of chronic disease
• Daily clinic care and observation can often prevent hospitalizations
• 24 hour call system with on-call physicians and nurses linking to IDT
• Effective person-centered and team-based delivery of end-of-life care
CCRCs Have Much of the Clinical Structure
Many already have on-site clinics and nursing staff
Culture of wellness and prevention is central to
CCRC model
Care Coordination is already a skill set – coordinating information and person-specific goals across settings of care
CCRC staff understand the intersection of clinical conditions with function and the goal to maintain independence for as long as possible
Presented by:
Dan Gray, President
Continuum Development Services
Chronic downturn in the economy
Continuing housing crisis
Upcoming 11% reduction in Medicare Part A reimbursement for skilled nursing
States slashing Medicaid payments
Plummeting investment income and value
Shrinking charitable contributions
Mission —reach out to older adults who cannot afford to be in a CCRC or wish to remain in their own home
Market —broadens the market from 2% served to the possibility of serving all seniors
Business —diversify into revenue not capital intensive services
Many CCRCs have strategically developed home- and communitybased services for the broader community
Mission: develop a broad array of services for older adults regardless of economic or functional status
Retirement Communities
Life Care at Home
Home Care
Adult Day Care
Assisted Living
Private Pay PACE
Home Care
Nursing Home
Economic Status
Functional Status
Rental Retirement Communities,
Middle and low income Tax-credit financed housing
Needs Assistance
Home Care
Adult Day Care
Assisted Living
Spend Down into PACE
Home Care
Nursing Home-Spend Down
Affordable Housing
Home Care
Adult Day Care
Home Care
Nursing Home
Housing with Services
Care Management across the
Social Accountability/Medicaid
Capital to Fund PACE Start-up
The Future of Senior Living and PACE
Common Not-for-Profit and Faith-
Based Traditions
Great place to market PACE —up to
20% may be nursing home eligible
Let costly place to provide services
Transportation, which can be costly, can be avoided
CCRCs are experienced developers and operators of housing with services —a valuable component of PACE
Care Management Across the Continuum
Several CCRCs are adding Chief
Medical Directors to integrate services across continuum
In PACE, Medical Directors and Nurse
Practitioners are integral to the model
PACE is a platform for improving care management and developing a comprehensive service continuum
Increasing need to document social accountability efforts —tax issue
Opportunity to serve Medicaid population combined with Medicare —more profitable than serving Medicaid only population
PACE allows CCRCs to expand their mission to the economically disadvantaged while being good stewards of the organization’s resources
Reasonable estimate is $15k per participant slot--$4.5m to develop a 300participant program
Financing opportunities include short-term bank loans, internal loans refinanced into long-term debt after stabilization
Many CCRCs have the liquidity and the mission imperative to make a strategic investment in PACE
Not-For-Profit and Faith-Based Traditions
Senior living organizations have led innovations in caring for the frail elderly for past 100 years
Restraint-free environments
Small households
Culture change
Assisted living
Presented by:
Steve Proctor
Presbyterian Senior Living
9 th largest senior care provider on Zeigler 100
24 locations in Pennsylvania, Maryland,
Delaware and SE Ohio
Upscale CCRCs to affordable housing, skilled nursing, personal care, and assisted living
Historic commitment to serving low to moderate income seniors throughout the continuum
Approach to social responsibility – we earn money from upscale operations to fund services to those in need
Strategic Focus —Long-Term Care Continuum
Offer a continuum of care to persons in a wide range of financial circumstances
The continuum should be flexible, cohesive, quality driven
Elements of the continuum provided directly by
PSL or in partnership with others
PACE is an extension of our affordable housing and services strategy which enables PSL to offer a full range of services to those with limited resources
Called Living Independently for Seniors
County by county franchise
Commitment to expansion has faded with leadership changes within state government
Separate location from other operations (2
CCRCs, 1 free standing AL with specialty dementia product, and adult day program with a
20-year history)
Opened in February 2009, first enrollment May
Slower than expected start up due to resistance from AAA
Current census is 58
Program benefits from the synergy of a wider continuum
Market saturation –county has 18 retirement communities
New location opening in December 2011
Located next to 1500 member church with extraordinary physical plant available to retirement community
Campus will serve 200 senior families with AL, market rate rental, tax credit housing – no skilled nursing component
Relationship with Albright Senior Services —
PACE provider
Strong response —considered model for the future
Presented by:
Roger Myers
Presbyterian Villages of Michigan
National PACE Association