Some Facts about Finland MEP (Multidiciplinary European Program) March 2011, France, Lille Marjut Heiskanen, Laura Krekula, Sanna Leppälä, Henna Muotka, Ninni-Ingrid Nurmos, Jaakko Tuomi Finland is situated between Sweden and Russia Population: 5.4 million Capital: Helsinki Currency unit: Euro Total area 390 920 km² Municipalities: 342 Unemployment rate, 8.2 % (Population aged 15–24 the unemployment rate is 21.5 % ) Population by age, % in Finland 1995-2020 (National Institute for Health and Welfare, 2010) Life expectancy 1990 2006 2008 Males Females Males Females Males Females At age 0 70,7 78,8 75,8 82,8 76,3 83,0 At age 55 20,6 26,2 24,4 29,7 24,9 29,8 The Finnish Social Protection System: the principle of universality (the right of all to a basic level of social protection regardless of where they live, their profession or economic position) earnings-related benefits for employed persons a strong public sector a system based on tax funding and contributions (Rate of taxation 2008, % of GDP 42.8) equal treatment (also for the elderly or ageing people) Sanitary Aspects of Ageing Laura Krekula Health policy The number of elderly men has grown and keeps on going The objective for Health policy is to maintain • good health • ensure that an independent life can continue as long as possible Positive change • • • • the conditions of living have improved education levels have increased the general life styles have become healthier availability of healthcare services has expanded • treatment and education methods have advanced • people have started to prevent and discover sicknesses earlier Negative change The number of sanity disorders, allergies, asthma, diabetes, breast and lung cancer among women and prostate cancer among men has increased The most common risk factors are • overweight • lack of physical exercise • smoking Medical care All residents in Finland are entitled to health care and medical treatment • “The health care guarantee” Municipalities have to care for major part of the health services. Health promotions are aimed at preventive actions to improve population health and welfare Socioeconomic difference in health • The differences between socioeconomic groups have steepened • Population in Western and Northern Finland are more morbid than in East and South of Finland • Educated and wealthy pensioners have a longer life expectancy and better health and functional capacity than pensioners from the other groups Welfare technology • The number of nurses can ´t keep up with the number of patients • The technology will help in both treating diseases and promoting health • Healthcare technology tries to find solutions to how welfare can be increased through technology The most characteristics diseases among elderly people The Challenge • Typical vs. minor and untypical symptoms and signs • Syndromes might become hard to identify This is a normal phenomena that involves all elderly people • The aging process is unique for individuals, but the diversity among them is increasing Problem & Solution The aging population is a challenge for the health care system. In the long term the emerging diseases and other characteristics of the elderly health care will grow and become even bigger challenge Solution for the problem above is an increase of specialized healthcare personnel such as nurses and doctors? Psychological Aspects of Aging Ninni-Ingrid Nurmos Psychological aspects of aging • When people are getting older, they have to forgo several things and habits in their life. • This may change person´s self image. • In these kinds of situations person may feel that he cannot control his life and that his life is now meaningless. Psychological aspects of aging • Different mental disorders are relatively common among elderly people. • Moreover elderly people suffer different mental problems concerning somatic diseases. • In Finland 21 % of women and 14 % of men over 65 years old have some kind of mental disorder. • However, only 10 % of Finnish people over 65 years old are patients in mental health care. Psychological aspects of aging • Depression is one of the most central mental disorders of elderly people. • Estimating 15-22% of Finnish men and 19-30 % of Finnish women over 65 years old suffer from mild depression. • Risk factors are female gender, previous depression terms, depression appearing in family, other disorders, loneliness, lack of social support and economical problems. • Depression may appear as disregard, apathy, lack of interest, problems to live normal life and survive daily functions, irritability, helplessness, being weepy, having regrets and self-destruction thoughts. Psychological aspects of aging • Every second day some Finnish senior commits suicide. • The most common reason for that is depression. • Usually Finnish senior has contacted health care before committing suicide but he has not told about his intensions. Psychological aspects of aging • Substance abuse, especially use of alcohol and prescription drugs, among older people is increasing in Finland. • In Finland the use of mental drugs is relatively common among elderly people. Usually the drug is for some symptom or symptoms and the person is not having any diagnostic mental disorder. Psychological aspects of aging • The amount of the different mental and cognitive disorders is growing in Finland because of the strong change of the age-composition. • Luckily the prognosis in these disorders is as good as in other ages as long as therapeutics is professional. • The problem is getting elderly people to take a contact to health care and get this contact longtermed. Mental problems of elderly people should be seen as serious as younger people. Social Aspects of Ageing Henna Muotka Social Aspects of Ageing • Social relations, social support and social activity are connected to elderly physical and mental functioning • Good social relations help old people to cope with the different losses in life and help to adapt to diseases. Loneliness in Finland Every third old person in Finland feels loneliness! • Too often in Finland old person lives home alone without family and friend near • Elderly often live far away from their children so it might be that they don’t have anyone who can take care of them and who visit them • The distances are long in Finland, especially in the countryside, so it can be difficult for elderly to visit friends and relatives. Is there anything we can do to help elderly who feels themselves lonely? • Voluntary work, which means that volunteers can be friends with elderly. • Day activity for elderly. Day activity includes for example discussion, singing together, occupation and outdoors activities. Grandparenthood • In Finland increasingly rare grandparents live with their grandchildren • In recent decades the role of grandparent has been highlighted again • Grandparents` satisfaction with life increases when they have possibility to meet their grandchildren often and do things together with them Cultural Aspects Of Ageing Sanna Leppälä Situation In Finland • In Finland, the signs of ageing have been substantial for many years. • In 60 years age structures in Finland have turned upside down: before the wars and during them the ten-children-families were not a specialty. • Agricultural culture conditions under big child-flocks were thought to bring the so-called labor force to replace the family and they were supposed to do the economy works, then when the parents no longer existed. • Another reason for large child-flocks, of course, could also be a lack of knowledge of contraception. …Continues • In many, especially in Southern European countries, the grandparents are exactly the same way as the family of their own sisters and parents. • Often when the grandparents entry into old age, and become more helpless they are taken up residence in the same household with children and grandchildren. • In Finland, this is quite rare: the grandparents are encouraged to be doing at home as long as possible and for many people the idea of elderly home is even scary. Assistance From Culture? • Thousands of years have been believed that art has a power of healing. Even during the ancient art of used as a tool of therapy, such as the flute music was thought to heal from depression, theater performances generated a strong emotional charge out neuroses. • Recent clinical trials verify this belief. Cultural activities and the arts seem to be really important and a positive impact on human health. Cultural Problems Of Ageing • Depression unwillingness for participating different kind of cultural situtations • Isolation • Self-esteem –problems • Occupancy problems old people’s homes carrying capacities • Loneliness Solutions To Problems • More social activities to the senior citizens • Concerts • Museum exhibitions • Theatre as a hobby • Better home services Economic Aspects of Ageing Marjut Heiskanen Economic Aspects of Ageing • Ageing effects on the economic growth and labor supply • In Finland the ageing labor force and large generation retirement will increase from year 2010. • Pension age will increase in proportion to the number of people of working age dramatically in the first half of this millennium. • Ageing of public spending rises causes high demands on the management of public finances. This in turn leads to tighter labor income taxation. • Ageing of the population affects the economy, above all, the labor market and public finances carried out by intergenerational transfers through. The effects of social spending • Social expenditure as a proportion of the total value of production will rise significantly in the next twenty years. • Social expenditure growth depends primarily on the growth of pension expenditures as well as social and health needs of growth. Social expenditure growth in the financial means increase of the total tax rate . • Age dependent cost population ageing will have the fastest and strongest impact in the pension expenditure • Pension expenditure will also increase the life expectancy. • Retirement age increase in the number of working age, and it causes higher tax expenses in the future. The effects in regional differences of ageing people • In rural areas and small municipalities, retirement age and the elderly proportion of the population is much bigger than in cities. • Ageing may move to provide better services and for their children after towns and growth centers if the supply of services in country areas can not be secured. • Finland winning migratory areas have recently found only in the Helsinki region and its immediate surroundings, Aspects of Labour Jaakko Tuomi Ageing society and increasing share of pensioners • Ageing is considered to be a significant political and economic challenge • The baby boom generation Number of pensioners will increase Lack of work power • It may push the economic growth down to 1 per cent Aspects of labour • Ageing affects to everyone: • Individuals • Enterprises and organizations • The entire society Individuals • Problem/possibility -working ability -health -know-how -work motivation -burn-out -unemployment Enterprises and Organizations • Problem/possibility -productivity -competitiveness -absence from work -unwillingness to change -work community -working environment -supply of labour The Society • Problem/possibility -work- and pensionable attitudes -ageism -retirement age -disability to work -maintenance relations -pension expenditures -expenditures of the health care Solution • Age Management – Age management is needed in different stages of decision-making so that labour-, educational- and retirement policies would support the employment opportunities of the ageing people – Good Age Management ensures the passage of the tac-it knowledge from generation to next