自闭症 焦虑症 抑郁症 老年痴呆 失眠 儿童多动症 Acupuncture Treatment For Infantile Autism 关于儿童自闭症的针灸治疗 Scalp acupuncture 头针 principal points: shenting(GV24),qianding(GV21), baihui(GV 20) ,Intelligence emotional area,Double feeling district of 1/5, Double listen to understand area, Cerebellar vermis area。 主穴:神庭 ,前顶,百会 , 智力情感区 ,双感觉区上 1/ 5 , 双听理解区 ,小脑蚓区 Scalp acupuncture 头针 Supplementary points(配穴) Add Left motor area , the area before the next 2/5 movement and bilateral cerebellar hemisphere area for speech disorder . 语言发声障碍者选左侧运动区及运动前 区下2/5下部、双侧小脑半球区。 Scalp acupuncture 头针 Add the left feeling under the areas after 2/5 and sound memory area for the language understanding disorder. 语言理解障碍者加左侧感觉后区下2/5和声记 忆区。 Add visual areas and double depending on the contact area for the visual identity disorder. 视觉识别障碍者加视区和双视联络区。 Scalp acupuncture 头针 Add worry area for emotional anxiety. 情绪焦虑者则加忧虑区。 Add the emotional intelligence of lateral anterior area for inattention. 注意力不集中者加右侧智力情感区外侧 前部。 Scalp acupuncture 头针 Add Bilateral abdominal area and the feet are area at the back for people who Can‘t control the urine. 大小便不能控制者加双侧腹腔区、双足运感区 后部。 Add Bilateral motor area and the premotor area in 2 / 5 for poor in fine movement with both hands. 双手精细动作较差加双侧运动区及运动前区的 中2/5。 Scalp acupuncture 头针 Performance: select the filiform needle of 1 cun and insert quickly into the subcutaneous region with an angle of about 15-30° and along the stimulating area to a correspongding depth followed by rapid twirling and rotation. Retain the needle for 1-2 hours, and once or twice a week. 操作手法:选用1 寸长的毫针,针与头皮呈15-30°夹 角快速将针刺入头皮下,沿刺激区进针到相应深度后, 进行快速捻转。每次留针1 ~2h,每周1~2次。 Auricular acupuncture 耳针 Principal points 主穴: Gan(CO12)、 Shen(CO10)、 Xin(CO15)、 Naogan(AT3,4i). Auricular acupuncture 耳针 Supplementary points (配穴): Mainly with language barriers:Add Kou(CO1) , She(LO2) 以语言障碍为主者加:口、舌. Mainly in stereotyped behaviors:add Neifenmi(CO18) , Jiaogan (AH6a), Shenmen (TF3) 以刻板行为为主者加:内分泌、 交感、神门。 Auricular acupuncture 耳针 Performance: fix the magnetic bead onto the ear acupoints with adhesive tape; advise the patient to press the acupoints at least three times a day; each time select one ear, change the other side every other day and ten times for one course of treatment. 将磁珠用胶布贴敷于耳穴上,嘱患儿自行按压,每日 不少于3 次。每次贴压单耳,隔日交替贴压双耳,以 10 次为一疗程。 Jin's 3-Needle Therapy靳三针 Therapy: the Four Spirit Points, the Stabilizing the Shen Points, the 3-Point in the Temporal Area, the 3Point in the Upper Temporal Area,The 3-Occipital Points, The 3-Point for Intelligence, the Resuscitate the Shen Points, the 3-Intellect Points on the Hand, the 3-Intellect Points on the Foot, the 3-Tongue Points. 处方:四神针、定神针、颞三针、颞上三针、脑三针、 智三针、醒神针、手智针、足智针、舌三针。 The Four Spirit Points 四神针 The Four Spirit Points: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th of the Spirit Points. 四神针(四神Ⅰ针、四神Ⅱ针、四神Ⅲ针、四 神Ⅳ针)。 Location: located on the right and left of Baihui (DU 20) lateral to the midsagittal plane, and anterior and posterior to Baihui in line with midsagittal plane. 定位:位于百会穴前、后、左、右各旁开1.5寸 处。 The Four Spirit Points 四神针 Performance: Needle all four needles subcutaneously toward the outside, away from Baihui. 操作:四针均向外平 刺。 The Stabilizing the Shen Points 定神针 The Stabilizing the Shen Points: 1st, 2nd and 3rd Stabilizing the Shen points. 定神针(定神 Ⅰ针、定神Ⅱ针、定神Ⅲ针) Location: the 1st acupoint is 0.5 cun above Yintang (EX-HN 3), and the 2nd and 3rd are both 0.5cun above Yangbai (GB 14). 定位:定神Ⅰ针位于印堂穴上0.5寸,定神Ⅱ针、 定神Ⅲ针位于左右阳白穴上0.5寸。 (图) The Stabilizing the Shen Points 定神针 The Stabilizing the Shen Points 定神针 Performance: the 1st needle is needled from 0.5 cun above down toward Yintang (EXHN3)subcutaneously perpendicular to the transverse plane. This point is needled with the tip of needle reaching down to the cranial suture between the upper frontal bone and the nasal bone.The 2nd and 3rd needles are needled from 0.5 cun above down toward Yangbai (GB 14) subcutaneously perpendicular to the transverse plane. 操作:定神Ⅰ针向印堂穴方向沿皮平刺达鼻部,定神Ⅱ 针、定神Ⅲ针向阳白穴沿皮平刺。 The 3-Point in the Temporal Area 颞三针 The 3-Point in the Temporal Area: 1st, 2nd and 3rd acupoints in the Temporal Area. 颞三针(颞Ⅰ针、颞Ⅱ针、颞Ⅲ针) Location: the 1st acupoint is 1.5 cun superior to the apex of the ear beyond the bord of the hairline.At the same level, the 2nd and 3rd are needled 1 cun to either side. 定位:颞Ⅰ针位于耳尖直上入发际1.5寸处,颞 Ⅱ针、颞Ⅲ针位于第一针水平向前、后各旁开 1寸处。 The 3-Point in the Temporal Area 颞三针 Performance: needle all three needles perpendicular to the transverse plane subcutaneously down to a depth of 0.8cun. 操作:三针均垂直向 下沿皮平刺0.8寸。 The 3-Occipital Points 脑三针 The 3-Occipital Points: Naohu (DU 17), both Naokong (GB 19) points. 脑三针(脑户、左右脑空) Performance: needle all three needles subcutaneously down to a depth of 0.8 cun. 操作:三针均向下沿皮平刺0.8寸。 The 3-Point for Intelligence 智三针 The 3-Point for Intelligence: Shenting (DU 17), both Benshen (GB 19) points. 智三针(神庭、左右本神)。 Performance: needle all three needles subcutaneouslyfrom thefront toward the Back of the cranium parallel to the midsagittal plane to a depth of 0.8 cun. 操作:由前向后平刺0.8寸。(图) The 3-Point for Intelligence 智三针 手智针 The 3-Intellect Points on the Hand: Laogong (PC 8), Shenmen (HT 7), Neiguan (PC 6). 手智针(劳宫、 神门、内关)。 The 3-Intellect Points on the Foot 足智针 The 3-Intellect Points on the Foot : 1st, 2nd and 3rd Intellective Points on the Foot. 足智针((足智Ⅰ针涌泉( KI ,1 ),足智Ⅱ针泉中穴, 足智Ⅲ针泉内穴) ). Location: 2nd Intellective Points on the Foot at the midpoint between the toe seam lines at the head of the first 2.3 toes and the heel. 3rd Intellective Points on the Foot is 1cun internal of 2nd and 3rd Intellective Points on the Foot. 定位:足智Ⅱ针在足底第2.3趾趾缝纹头端与足跟连线 的中点.足智Ⅲ针在足智Ⅱ针内一寸。 The 3-Intellect Points on the Foot 足智针 Performance;needle Yongquan obliquely toward Taichong to a depth of 0.5-0.8 cun; needle Quanzhong and Quanzhongnei perpendicularly to a depth of 0.5 cun. 操作:足智针的涌泉穴 向太冲穴方向斜刺0.5~ 0.8寸,泉中穴、泉中内 穴直刺0.5寸。 The 3-Tongue Points 舌三针 The 3-Tongue Points: 1st, 2nd and 3rd tongue acupoints. 舌三针(舌Ⅰ针,舌Ⅱ针,舌Ⅲ针)。 Location: The 1st tongue Points is lianquan(cv 23). The 2nd and 3rd are needled 0.8 cun on the right and left of lianquan(cv 23). 定位:舌一针即是廉泉穴,舌二针,舌三针位 于廉泉穴左右旁开0.8寸处。 The 3-Tongue Points 舌三针 Performance : needle all needles perpendicularly straight up into the root of tongue to a depth of 0.5-0.8 cun. 操作:舌三针向上(舌 根部)直刺0.5~0.8寸 Modification 配穴 Stagnation of liver qi:Hegu (LI 4), Taichong (LV 3). 肝郁气滞型加合谷、太冲 . Modification 配穴 Exuberance of fire in the heart and liver: Shaofu (HT 8), Xingjian (LV 2). 心肝火旺型加少府、行间。 Modification 配穴 Blockage of phlegm in the heart: Fenglong (ST 40), Daling (PC 7) 痰迷心窍型加丰隆、大陵 。 Modification 配穴 Dificiency of kidney essence: Taixi (KI 3) 肾精亏虚型加太溪。 Modification 配穴 Performance :reduce Hegu, Taichong, Shaofu, Xingjian, Fenglong and Daling; reinforce Taixi; all techniques are performed by lifting and thrusting. 操作方法:合谷、太冲、少府、行间、丰隆、大陵穴 用泻法;太溪穴用补法,均采用提插补泻手法。 Remain for 45 min, and rotate the needles every 510 min. This therapy is given six times a week and 4 months for one course of treatment. 留针45min,每5~10min捻针1次,每周6次,治疗4个 月为1个疗程。 Thank you ! Chinese Traditional Treatment for Anxiety Disorders 焦虑症的中医治疗 Definition 定义 Anxiety disorders is a sensible and continue state of psychological and physical anxiety,which is not caused by other diseases. It is distributed into two classes: generalized anxiety disorder and irregular symptom. 焦虑症是一种伴有显著与持续心理与身 体焦虑症状的状态,且非其它疾病造成 的。分为广泛性焦虑症与阵发症状两类。 Anxiety disorders diagnostic criteria 焦虑症的诊断标准 In the most of the past six months, worry about something excessively. 在过去六个月中的大多数时间里,对某 些事件过度担心。 Difficult to control its own worries 难以控制自己的担心 Anxiety disorders diagnostic criteria 焦虑症的诊断标准 Anxiety and worry are attached to three or more of the six symptoms at least.(certain symptoms appear in the most of the past six mouths at least. 焦虑和担心与至少下面六个症状中的三个(或更 多)相联系(至少有某些症状在过去六个月中的 大多数时间里出现)。 Attention : just one of the following symptoms need for children. 注意:在儿童中,只要一个下述症状就可以了。 Anxiety disorders diagnostic criteria 焦虑症的诊断标准 on pins and needles 坐立不安 ; fatigue easily 容易疲劳 ; difficult to focus on something 难以集中 注意力 easily angered 易激惹 muscle tension 肌肉紧张 sleep problems 睡眠问题 Anxiety disorders diagnostic criteria 焦虑症的诊断标准 The symptom of Anxiety and worry is not the characteristic symptom of other disorders. such as,not about OCD caused by bacterial infection. 焦虑和担心的内容不是其他障碍 的特征内容。也就是说,焦虑和担心的内容, 不是关于被细菌感染(强迫症)。 Anxiety、worry and body symptoms cause difficulties closely related to clinic in individual sociality 、work and others. 焦虑、担心和躯体症状给个体的社交、工作和 其他方面造成了有临床显著意义的困难。 Anxiety disorders diagnostic criteria 焦虑症的诊断标准 The above symptoms are not caused by physiological functions of medicine(taking drugs, for example),or psychosomatic disorder(e.g. The thyroid secretion reduced). 上述症状不是由于药物的生理作用(例如, 吸毒)或者躯体疾病所引起(例如,甲状腺 分泌降低)。 Acupuncture Treatment 针灸疗法 Filiform needle treatment 毫针刺法 Filiform needle treatment 毫针刺法 Prescription 1: Jueyinshu (BL 14) Xinshu (BL 15) Ganshu(BL 19) Danshu (BL 19) Pishu (BL 20) Sanjiaoshu (BL22) 处方1:厥阴俞、心俞、 肝俞、胆俞、脾俞、 三焦俞 . Filiform needle treatment 毫针刺法 Performance :Remain for 40 min, and rotate the needles every 5-10 min. This therapy is given three times a week and 10 times for one course of treatment. 操作方法:留针40min,每5~10min捻 针1次,每周3次,治疗10次为1个疗程。 Filiform needle treatment 毫针刺法 Prescription 2(处方2) Baihui(DU 20) through left and right of shencong, 百会透前顶及左、右神聪. 1 cun outside of the left and right of Shencong through 1 cun toward the front. 左、右神聪外1寸处向前透刺1寸. Qianding(DU 21)through Xinhui(DU 22) 前顶透囟会. Filiform needle treatment 毫针刺法 Tongtian(BL 7) through Chengguang (BL 6) 通天透承光 Zhengying(GB 17) through Muchuang (GB 16) 正营透目窗 Shenting(DU 24)through Xinhui(DU 22) 神庭透囟会 Quchai(BL 4),Benshen(GB 13) through 1 cun upward 曲差、本神向上透刺1寸. (图) Filiform needle treatment 毫针刺法 Performance :Remain for 6-8 hours, this therapy is given once a week and 15 times for one course of treatment. 操作方法:留针6-8小时,每周1次,治 疗15次为1个疗程。 Auricular Acupuncture 耳针 Prescription: Shenmen (TF 3), Liver (CO 12), Gallbladder (CO 11) , Heart (CO 15), Subcortex (AT 4), Sympathetic (AH6a), Sanjiao (CO 17) 处方:神门、肝、胆、心、 皮质下、交感、三焦。 Auricular Acupuncture 耳针 Performance: Wangbuliuxingzi (Semen Vaccariae) or Yizhirenzi (Fructus Alpiniae Oxyphyllae) is fixed onto the ear acupoints. It is changed once or twice in a week, and fifteen times for one course of treatment. 操作:用王不留行籽或益智仁籽贴压, 每周1-2次,15次为一疗程。 Abdominal Massage 腹部推拿 Prescription:Qihai(RN 6) Guanyuan(RN 4) Zhangmen(LR 13) Qimen(LR 14) Ganshu(BL 19) Danshu (BL 19) 处方:气海 关元 章门 期门 肝俞 胆俞 Chinese Medicine Therapy 中药治疗 Deficiency of both qi and yin 气阴两虚 Longchixuelian decoction 龙齿雪莲汤 Yejiaoteng (Caulis Polygoni Multiflori)夜交藤 30g , Hehuanpi(Cortex Albizziae)合欢皮 15g , Longchi(Dens Draconis)龙齿 30g , Huanglian(Coptis Root)黄连 10g , Lianzixin(Plumula Nelambinis)莲子心 3g , Shaoyao(Peony)芍药10g , Huangjing(Polygonatum Canaliculatum)黄精 l0g , Jingtian(Orpin)景天 15g , Xuelian(Saussurea Involucrata)雪莲 3g , Shengshaishen(Suncured Ginseng)生晒参10g , Fushen(Poria with Hostwood)茯神 10g , Baimaogen(Rhizoma Imperatae)白茅根 10g , Zhenzhumu(Mother of Pearl)珍珠母 15g , Gancao(Liquorice)甘草 6g 。 Yang deficiency pattern 阳虚证 Lujiaobajian Decoction 鹿角巴戟煎 Yinyanghuo(Barrenwort)淫羊藿10g , Bajitian(Morinda officinalis)巴戟天15g , Huluba(Faenum Graecum)葫芦巴15g , Duzhong(Eucommia Bark)杜仲15g , Lujiaoshuang(Cornu Cervi)鹿角霜15g , Guizhi(Cassia Twig),桂枝10g , Shaoyao(Peony)芍药10g , Wuweizi(Chinese Magnoliavine Fruit)五味子6g , Fupian(Monkshood)附片6g , Zishiying(Fluorite)紫石英15g. Pattern of obstruction of phlegm-heat 痰热瘀滞证 Jiawei Wendan Decoction 温胆汤加味 Banxia(Pinellia Ternata)半夏10g , Zhuru(Bamboo Shavings)竹茹10g , Zhishi(Fructus Aurantii Immaturus),枳实10g , Chenpi(Tangerine Peel)陈皮10g , Gancao(Liquorice)甘草6g , Fuling(Poria Cocos)茯苓15g , Dannanxing(Arisaema Cum Bile)胆南星6g , Chaihu(Radix Bupleuri) 柴胡10g , Xiakucao(Selfheal)夏枯草10g , Huanglian(Coptis Root)黄连10g , Lianzixin(Plumula Nelambinis)莲子心3g , Cishi (Magnetitum)磁石30g. Blood deficiency pattern 瘀血证 Jiawei Xuefuzhuyu Decoction 血府逐瘀汤加味 Shengdihuang(dried rehamnnia root)生地黄10g , Taoren(peach kernel)桃仁10g , Honghua(Safflower)红花6g , Danggui(Chinese angelica)当归10g , Gancao(liquorice)甘草6g , Chishao(Red Paeony Root)赤芍10g , Jiegeng(Platycodon grandiflorum)桔梗10g , Zhike(fructus aurantii)枳壳10g , Chaihu(radix bupleuri)柴胡10g , Chuanxiong(Szechuan Lovage Rhizome)川芎10g , Niuxi(Twotooth Achyranthes Root)牛膝15g , Sanleng(rhizoma sparganii; trigone)三棱10g , E'zhu(curcuma zedoary)莪术10g , Jiguanghua(Cockscomb)鸡冠花15g , Jineijin(Chicken's Gizzard-membrane)鸡内金15g。 Thank you ! The Treatment of Depression by Acupuncture 抑郁症的针灸治疗 Brief Introduction 概述 Depression is caused by depressed emotion and qi stagnation. Depression is characterized by depressed mood and think and speak more slowly than normal, it may wary from low mood to melancholia, or even stupor. In severe cases, psychotic symptoms, such as delusions and hallucination, may be present. Anxiety may be more prominent than depression in some cases. 抑郁症(郁病)是因情志不舒,气机郁滞而致病。以 抑郁善忧、情绪不宁或易怒善哭为主证,可兼有精神 不振、胸部满闷、胁肋胀满、善太息、不思饮食、失 眠多梦或咽中如有异物梗塞等多种症状。 Etiology and Pathogenisis 病因病机 Etiology mainly related to Emotional Internal Injuries and Deficiency of Vital Energy. 病因主要与情志内伤和脏气素弱有关 Pathogenisis 病机: Liver Qi Stagnation肝气郁结 Stagnated Qi Transforming into Fire气郁化火 Spleen Failing to Transport and Transform 脾失健运 Asthenic Yin Causing Excessive Heat阴虚火旺 Acupuncture Therapy 治疗 Needling Methods with Filiform Needle 毫针刺法 Therapeutic Principle 1(治则1): Relieving Qi Stagnancy 调神理气,疏肝解郁 Acupoint Selection:Shenmen(HT4)、 Hegu(LI4)、Xinshu(BL15)、Neiguan(PC6)、 Daling(PC7)、Taichong (LR3)、Qimen(LR14). 取穴:神门、大陵、内关、心俞、期门、太冲、 合谷。 Needling Methods with Filiform Needle 毫针刺法 Therapeutic Principle 2(治则2): Xingnao Resuscitation 醒脑开窍 Acupoint Selection:Neiguan(PC6)、 Sanyinjiao(SP6)、Renzhong(DU26)、 Baihui(DU20)、Yintang(EX-HN3). 取穴:内关、人中、印堂、百会、三阴交。 Needling Methods with Filiform Needle 毫针刺法 Therapeutic Principle 3(治则3): Regulating Marrow 调理髓海 Acupoint Selection:Fengchi(GB20)、 Baihui(DU20)、Fengfu(DU16)、 Dazhui(DU14) 取穴:风池、百会、风府、大椎。 Needling Methods with Filiform Needle 毫针刺法 Therapeutic Principle(治则4): Ventilation Through the Du and Ren Channels 通调任督、调神定志 Acupoint Selection: Zhongwan(RN12)、Danzhong(RN17)、 Chengjiang(RN24)、Renzhong(DU26)、 Yintang(EX-HN3)、Shangxing(DU23)、 Baihui(DU20) 取穴:中脘、膻中、承浆、人中、印堂、上星、 百会。 Needling Methods with Filiform Needle 毫针刺法 Acupoint Selection by Experience 经验取穴: Needling Feishu(BL13)、Xinshu(BL15)、 Ganshu(BL18)、Pishu(BL20)、Shenshu(BL23)、 Pishu(BL17) or add Shentang(BL42)、 Hunmen(BL44)、Yixi(BL47)、Pohu(BL45)、 Zhishi(BL52) 针刺肺俞、心俞、肝俞、脾俞、肾俞、膈俞; 或加上神堂、魂门、噫嘻、魄户、志室。 Point Modification 配穴 Liver Qi Stagnation – Xingjian(LR2) Ganshu(BL18) 肝气郁结 -- 行间 肝俞 Stagnated QI Transforming into Fire – Xingjian(LR2) Neiting(ST44) Zhigou(SJ6) Xiaxi(GB43) 气郁化火 -- 行间 内庭 支沟 侠溪 Retention of Phlegm – Tiantu(RN22) Lieque(LU7) Zhaohai(KL6) Fenglong(ST40) Yinlinquan(SP9) Lianquan( RN23) 痰气郁结 -- 天突 列缺 照海 丰隆 阴陵泉 廉泉 Deficiency of Heart and Spleen – Zusanli(ST36) Pishu(BL20) Sanyinjiao(SP6) 心脾两虚 -- 脾俞 足三里 三阴交 Aasthenic Yin Causing Excessive Heat – Shenshu(BL23) Ganshu(BL18) Sanyinjiao (SP6) Taixi(KL3) 阴虚火旺 -- 太溪 三阴交 肝俞 肾俞 Jin's 3-Needle Therapy 靳三针疗法 Prescription 处方: The 3-Intellect Points on the Hand: Laogong (PC8), Shenmen (HT7), Neiguan (PC6) 手智针:劳宫、神门、内关; The 3-Point for Intelligence: Shenting (DU17),both Benshen (GB19) points 智三针:神庭、左右本神; Performance 针刺方法: Needle the Neiguan(PC6) horizontally toward Waiguan(SJ5); 内关朝外关透刺。 Needle The 3-Point for Intelligence subcutaneously from the back toward the front of the cranium parallel to the midsagittal plane. 智三针由后向前平刺。 Other Therapies 其他疗法 Electroacupuncture Therapy电针疗法 Prescription : Baihui(DU20),Yingtang( EX-HN3),Wangu(LR3),Taichong(GB12). 处方:百会、印堂、完骨、太冲. Performance: Electricity is attached to the needles for 30 minutes when the acupoints mentioned above are needled till needling sensation is felt. The frequency of stimulation is monitored to mild jerk of the muscles. The needling is done once a day or once every other day. 操作:上述诸穴针刺得气后,通以脉冲电流30min,强度以患者 感觉有轻微跳动感为宜,每日或隔日一次。 Catgut Embedding 埋羊肠线法 Xinshu(BL15),Ganshu(BL18), Pishu( BL20),Zusanli(ST36) were used by catgut implantation. 取肝俞、心俞、脾俞、足三里穴常规消 毒后用埋线针将羊肠线后植入。 Auricular Needle 耳针 Prescription: Heart(CO15), Occiput(AT3), Shenmen(TF4), Sympathetic nerve(AH6a), Endocrine(TF2), Liver(CO12). 处方:选心、枕、神门、交感、内分泌、肝等。 Performance: Medium stimulation is required or Wangbuliuxingzi(Semen Vaccariae) is used for ear acupressure. 操作:中等刺激,或王不留行籽压耳法。 Acupoint Injection 穴位注射 Prescription: Xinshu(BL 15), Fengchi(GB 20), Neiguan(PC 6) ,4ml Injection of Red Sage Root. 处方:丹参注射液4ml双侧心俞、风池、内关。 Performance: The injection dose for the acupoints mentioned above is 0.3~0.5ml, insert to the subcutaneous region of an acupoint and pushed is slowly to a certain depth combined with the medicated solution is injected. Usually the injection can be given once a day. 操作:每处注0.3~0.5ml,边进针边推药液。隔日一次。 Thank you ! The Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease(AD) with Accupuncture and Moxibustion 老年痴呆的针灸治疗 Brief Introduction 概述 As a progressive neurodegenerative disease,Alzheimer’s disease(AD)is the most common dementia of aging and age—related cognitive impairments, affecting millions of people worldwide without specific remedy for the treatment. 阿尔茨海默病(AD)是一种常见的慢性进 行性精神功能衰退性疾病,对于全球数 百万人患者没有有效的治疗方法。 Etiology and Pathogenisis 病因病机 The cause of Alzheimer’s disease in the theory of TCM is insufficient of body, phlegm and blood stagnation. It’s highly related to heart, liver, spleen,kidney,and sanjiao, gallblader are related generally. 中医理论认为老年性痴呆以虚为本, 痰、瘀 为标, 与心、肝、脾、肾四脏关系密切, 且与三 焦、胆相关。 Main meridians in treating AD 针灸治疗老年痴呆的主要经脉 Governor Meridian 督脉 Bladder Meridian of Foot Taiyang 足太阳膀胱经 Kidney Meridiam of Foot Shaoyin 足少阴肾经 Gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang 足少阳胆经 Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy 针灸治疗 Acupuncture points 取穴: Group1:Renzhong GV26,Sishencong EX-HN1, Shenting GV24, Benshen GV13, Zusanli ST36, Taixi KI3, Xuanzhong GB39. 1组:人中、四神聪、神庭、本神、足三里、 太溪、悬钟。 Group2: Baihui GV20, Dazhui GB14, Ganshu BL18,Shenshu BL23, Mingmen GV4. 2组:百会、大椎、命门、肝俞、肾俞. Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy 针灸治疗 Performance:reinforcing By twirling,lifting and thrusting the needle. Use points of two group alternatively; use acupuncture and moxibustion with little moxa cone alternatively, once a day, 30min each time. 操作:采用捻转与提插补法,两组穴位 交替使用,针刺与小艾柱直接灸交替, 每日1次,每次30min。 Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy 针灸治疗 With chinese medicine Fuyuantang (Lurong, Renshen, Huangjing, Gouqizi, Yizhiren, Danshen,ect) everyday. Once a day, 2 months is a period. 每天配服中药复元汤(主要药物有鹿茸、 人参、黄精、枸杞子、益智仁、丹参等), 每日1剂。2个月为1个疗程。 Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy 针灸治疗 Acupuncture points : Group3: Baihui GV20, Dazhui GB14, Shenshu BL23,Shenmen HT7, Neiguan PC6, Sanyinjiao SP6. 3组:百会、大椎、肾俞、神门、内关、三阴交; Group4:Sishencong EX-HN1 ,Fengchi GV20, Taixi KI3, Zusanli ST36 ,Fenglong SP40,Taichong LR3. 4组:四神聪、风池、太溪、足三里、丰隆、太冲。 Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy 针灸治疗 Performance: Baihui GV20, Dazhui GB14, Sishencong EX-HN1,Fengchi GV20 with electric acupuncture. 5 times in a week,4 weeks is a period of a treatment. Continuous treatment of 3 courses. 操作:其中百会、大椎、四神聪及风池 施以电针。每周治疗5次,4周为1疗程, 连续治疗3个疗程。 Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy 针灸治疗 Group5: sishencong EX-HN1, baihui GV20 , shenting GV24, zusanli ST36, taixi KI3. 5组:四神聪、百会、神庭、足三里、太溪。 Performance: Use mild reinforcing-reducing method, remain the needle for 30min after acuesthesia shows up. In the mean time, twirl the needle for 2-3 times. Once a day, 6 times for a period of treatment, rest one day then for the next treatment. 操作:采用平补平泻手法,得气后留针30min,留针 期间行针2—3次。每日1次,6次为1个疗程,休息1日 后继续下1个疗程。 Electroacupuncture 电针 Choose sishenchong EX-HN1, zhisanzhen, shuigou GV26 as main point, cope with shenmen HT7,houxi SI3,zusanli ST36,taixi KI3. Neddle the former two points horizontally, with 0.8~1 cun deep;then connect with electric acupuncture apparatus. Choose continuous wave at the frequency of 45Hz. Adjust the intensity depent on patient’s tolerance. once a day, 12 times as a period, 3-days rest between each period. 四神聪、智三针、水沟为主穴,配以神门、后溪、足 三里、太溪,前两穴均用平刺法,进针0.8 ~ 1 寸,接 36805 - 1型电针仪,连续波,频率为45 Hz,强度以 耐受为度,每日1 次,12 次为1 疗程,疗程间隔3 日。 TCM Mathods in Treating Alzheimer’s Disease 中医治疗老年痴呆的方法 Electroacupuncture 电针 Acupuncture and Moxibustion 针灸并用 Scalp Acupuncture 头针疗法 Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture 针药结合 Acupoint Injection Therapy 穴位注射 Accupuncture with Music Therapy 针刺配合音乐疗法 In recent years of study shows that acupuncture in treating Alzheimer’s disease is obvious. It can improve the patients living quality. 近年来的研究显示针灸对老年痴呆的治 疗有显著作用,能改善患者的生活质量。 Thank you ! The Treatment of Insomnia by Acupuncture 失眠的针灸治疗 Brief Introduction 概述 Definition 定义 Insomnia is often manifested by difficulty falling asleep, or easy wake up, and difficulty to fall asleep again after waking up, or even sleepless through the night, similar to neurasthenia and neurosis in modem medicine. 失眠指患者不能获得正常睡眠,轻者入睡困难 或睡而易醒;重者彻夜难眠。常见于西医学的 神经衰弱、神经官能症。 Brief Introduction 概述 The patients with chronic insomnia are associated commonly with headache, depression, anxiety, nervousness, etc. 常伴有头晕头痛,焦虑健忘,心悸等症。 Classification 分类 按病因分为: 原发性、继发性 Primary or secondary Insomnia 按病程长短分为: 一过性或急性失眠(病程 <4周 ) , 亚急性失眠( 病程 >4周但 <3~6个月 ) 慢性失眠( 病程 >6个月 ) Acute ,subacute,chronic Insomnia Pathogenisis 病机 Asthenia of both heart and spleen 心脾两虚 Heart and gallbladder-qi deficiency 心胆气虚 Yin asthenia and yang hyperactivity 阴虚火旺 Fire-symdrome due to stagnation of liver-qi 肝郁化火 Phlegm-heat disturbing heart 痰热内扰 Acupuncture Therapy 针灸疗 法 Basic acupoints: Shenmen(HT7), Neiguan(PC6), Baihui(DU20), An'mian(EX) 基本处方 :神门, 内关,百会,安眠。 Matching Acupoints 配穴 心脾两虚 心胆气虚 阴虚火旺 肝郁化火 痰热内扰 +心俞BL15、脾俞BL20、三阴交SP6; +心俞BL15、胆俞BL19、丘墟GB40; +太溪KI3、太冲LR3、涌泉KI1; +行间LR2、太冲LR3、风池GB20; +中脘RN13、丰隆ST40、内庭ST44。 Acupoints Selected by Experience 经验穴 SP8 is the xi(cleft) point of spleen meridian ,where meridian qi converges. So it can activate spleen qi to help produce qi and blood. 地机SP8为脾经郄穴。郄穴是经气深聚之 地。针刺地机穴旨在激发脾气,使其生 化功能健旺。水谷精微充足,气血旺盛,诸 脏调和,则心安神宁。 Acupoints Selected by Experience 经验穴 Performance:When the patient gets needle sensation, use manipulation of needle inserting and withdrawing speed . Then press the needle down slowly until that patient feels warmth deep in the acupoint or along to KI1. 操作:取双侧地机,快速进针,捻转或振颤催 气,待得气后用徐疾补泻补法,徐进并压针,直 至针处出现热感。以热感向涌泉穴走窜并向周 围扩散疗效好。压针最长可达15min,留针加 30min 。 Acupoints Selected by Experience 经验穴 五心穴:劳宫(双)、涌泉(双)和百会 bilateral PC8 and KI1+DU20 四神聪 EX-HN1(located around DU20) 丝竹空透率谷 needle TE23 through GB8 头七针:上星、囟会、前顶、本神(双)、正营 (双) DU23、DU22、DU21、 bilateral GB13 and GB17 Jin's 3-Needle Therapy 靳三针 The 3 acupoints in the Temporal Area 颞三针 Characteristic Acupuncture Methods 特色针刺 Abdominal Acupuncture 薄氏腹针 Yinqi Guiyuan Xue 处方:引气归元穴 Conduct qi back to the origin:中脘 CV 12, 下脘 CV 10, 气海 CV 6, 关元 CV 4 Performance:punctured perpendicularly 操作:垂直进针 Characteristic Acupuncture Methods 特色针刺 Ear Acupuncture 耳针 Ear Shenmen, Heart,Kidney, Spleen, Subcortex 处方:神门、心、肾、脾、皮质下 Performance:Magnetic bead or Wangbuliuxingzi is used for ear acupressure. 操作:磁珠贴压或王不留行籽贴压 Characteristic Acupuncture Methods 特色针刺 Eye Acupuncture 眼针 处方:眼针心区heart area Performance:Needle the heart area horizontally from 2cm distance of eye socket.Do twirling manipulation.Retain needle for 30min, within one manipulation at the half time. 操作:用一寸毫针在心区距眶内缘2cm处平刺,由该 区始点向该区终点方向刺入0.3cm,行捻转手法,留针 30min,15min时行针1次。(图) Characteristic Acupuncture Methods 特色针刺 Scalp acupuncture 头皮针 Needle prefrontal area projection 刺额前区投影 Wrist-ankle acupuncture 腕踝针 取双上1区:腕横纹上 2寸,小指侧的尺骨 缘与尺侧腕屈肌腱之 间。 Characteristic Acupuncture Methods 特色针刺 Balance Acupuncture 平衡针 ①失眠穴,又称踝痛穴,位于前臂掌侧,腕横纹 正中(相当于大陵穴PC7),左右交替取穴或 双侧同时取穴,直刺0.5寸左右, 以中指或食 指麻木放射性针感为主。 ②辅穴为头痛穴,此穴位于足背第1、2趾骨结 合之前凹陷中(太冲与行间之间between LR2 and LR3)。 取穴原则为左右交替取穴。发病 时间常采用左右交替取穴。 针刺方法为采用 3寸无菌毫针斜刺1.5寸左右, 针感以局部的酸麻胀痛感为主。不留针。 Characteristic Acupuncture Methods 特色针刺 Electro-acupuncture 电针 操作:电针四神聪、安眠穴,用连续波,并留 针30min。Use continuous wave . Plum-blossam accupuncture 梅花针 Catgut embedding 穴位埋线 Acupoint injection 穴位注射:如用当归注射液 (Danggui injection) 注射安眠穴(双) 、 三阴交 (双) 。天麻素注射液(Tianma injection)注射足 三里、 三阴交。 Characteristic Acupuncture Methods 特色针刺 Rolling needle therapy 滚针 Performance:Roll needle on the back along Gallbladder meridian and DU meridian until the skin becomes slightly red. 操作:背部足太阳膀胱经一 、二侧线及督 脉实施滚针治疗,用力大小因人而异, 以患者感到舒适、皮肤红润为度。 Moxibustion 灸法 Complement deficiency and rise qi:DU20 灸百会补虚升提; Return fire to the source :KI1 灸涌泉引火归元; Moxibustion with warmed needle 温针灸. Medicine separated moxibustion 隔药灸 Place a herb cake made of half Fuzi and half Huangqi on CV4、CV6、BL15. Then put a lighted moxa cone on the cake to treat Asthenia of both heart and spleen insomnia. 以附子、黄芪按1:1比例组方,穴取关 元、 气海、心俞等,治疗心脾两虚、心 肾不交型失眠。 Thank you ! ACUPUNCTURE Treatment For Infantile Hyperactive Syndrome 儿童多动症的针灸治疗 1 Definition 定义 Infantile Hyperactive Syndrome, also known as "Attentiondeficit/hyperactivity Disorder "(ADHD), is a common childhood psychiatric disorder with features of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. However, the intelligence of the infantile patient is normal or near to normal. 儿童多动症又称为注意力缺陷多动性疾病(ADHD),它是指发 生于儿童时期,表现为与其同龄儿童相比以注意力涣散、活动过多 和冲动任性为主要特征的一种精神疾病,但患儿的智力正常或接近 正常。 2 Classification 分类 According to the DSM-IV-TR issued by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) , ADHD is classified into three subtypes: 根据美国精神病协会(APA)发布的《精神疾病诊断与统计手册》第四 版文本修改版(DSM-IV-TR),ADHD主要分为三种类型: Predominantly inattentive注意力缺陷型 Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive冲动控制障碍性 Combined hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive 混合型 3(一) Acupuncture Treatment 操作方 法 针灸疗法 3.1 Needling Methods with Filiform Needle 毫针刺法 3.2 Scalp Acupuncture 头皮针 3.3 Plum-blossom Needle 梅花针 3.4 Auricular-plaster Therapy 耳穴贴压 3.5 Acupoint Embedment 穴位埋线 3.1 Needling Methods with Filiform Needle 毫针刺法 3.1.1 Jin's 3-Needle Therapy 靳三针疗法 The 4-Head Acu-therapy 头针四项: The Four Spirit Points 四神针 The 3-Point in the Temporal Area 颞三针 The 3-Occipital Points 脑三针 The 3-Point for Intelligence 智三针 The Four Spirit Points: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th of the Spirit Points 四神针(四神Ⅰ针、四神Ⅱ针、四神Ⅲ针、四神Ⅳ针) Location: located on the right and left of Baihui (DU 20) lateral to the midsagittal plane, and anterior and posterior to Baihui in line with midsagittal plane. 定位:位于百会穴前、后、左、右各旁开1.5寸处。 Performance: needle all four needles subcutaneously toward the outside, away from Baihui. 操作:四针均向外平刺。 The 3-Point in the Temporal Area: 1st, 2nd and 3rd acupoints in the Temporal Area 颞三针(颞Ⅰ针、颞Ⅱ针、颞Ⅲ针) Location: the 1st acupoint is 1.5 cun superior to the apex of the ear beyond the bord of the hairline.At the same level, the 2nd and 3rd are needled 1 cun to either side. 定位:颞Ⅰ针位于耳尖直上入发际1.5寸处,颞Ⅱ针、颞Ⅲ针位于第一针水平向前、后各 旁开1寸处。 Performance: needle all three needlesperpendicular to the transverse plane subcutaneously down to a depth of 0.8cun. 操作:三针均垂直向下沿皮平刺0.8寸。 The 3-Occipital Points: Naohu (DU 17), both Nakong(GB 19)points. 脑三针(脑户、左右脑空) Performance: needle all three needles subcutaneously down to a depth of 0.8 cun. 操作: 三针均向下沿皮平刺0.8寸。 The 3-Point for Intelligence: Shenting (DU 17), both Benshen (GB 19) points. 智三针(神庭、左右本神) Performance: needle all three needles subcutaneously from the front toward the back of the cranium parallel to the midsagittal plane to a depth of 0.8 cun. 操作: 由前向后平刺0.8寸。 Syndrome Differentiation 辩证取穴 Yin asthenia and yang hyperactivity: the Stabilizing the Shen Points. 阴虚阳亢:定神针。 Exuberance of heart fire: the 3-Intellect Points on the Hand. 心火过旺:手智针。 Motor impairment of the upper extremities: the 3-Arm Points. 上肢活动障碍:手三针。 The Stabilizing the Shen Points: 1st, 2nd and 3rd Stabilizing the Shen points. 定神针(定神Ⅰ针、定神Ⅱ针、定神Ⅲ针) Location: the 1st acupoint is 0.5 cun above Yintang (EX-HN 3), and the 2nd and 3rd are both 0.5cun above Yangbai (GB 14). 定位:定神Ⅰ针位于印堂穴上0.5寸,定神Ⅱ 针、定神Ⅲ针位于左右阳白穴上0.5寸 The Stabilizing the Shen Points Performance: the 1st needle is needled from 0.5 cun above down toward Yintang (EX-HN3)subcutaneously perpendicular to the transverse plane. This point is needled with the tip of needle reaching down to the cranial suture between the upper frontal bone and the nasal bone.The 2nd and 3rd needles are needled from 0.5 cun above down toward Yangbai (GB 14) subcutaneously perpendicular to the transverse plane. 操作:定神Ⅰ针向印堂穴方向沿皮平刺达鼻根部,定神Ⅱ针、定神Ⅲ针向 阳白穴沿皮平刺。 The 3-Intellect Points on the Hand: Laogong (PC 8) Shenmen (HT 7) Neiguan (PC 6) 手智针: 劳宫、神门、内关 The 3-Arm Points: Quchi (LI 11) Waiguan (TB 5) Hegu (LI 4) 手三针: 曲池、外关、合谷 3.1.2 Flying Needle Insertion 飞针进针法 Flying Needle Therapy is one of the special therapies in the school of thought of acupuncture in the south of China. Flying Needle Insertion is one kind of Flying Needle Therapy, which is widely used in the treatment of infantile cerebral disease. 飞针疗法是岭南针灸学派的特色疗法之一,其中,飞针进针法 广泛应用于小儿脑病的治疗。 Most children are afraid of needling. They will cry, move and make a noise when the insertion of the point of needle into the skin causes pain, which influences effects of acupuncture directly. Flying Needle Insertion can reduce pain and ensure better cooperation with patient, and has better clinical effects for infantile diseases. 儿童大多畏针。针尖刺透表皮会给患者带来一定的疼 痛,从而引起小孩哭、动、闹,这是直接影响针刺效果的 原因之一。采用飞针进针法,可减轻痛感,让患者更好地 配合治疗。此法对小儿疾病有较好的临床疗效。 Performance: after sterilization routinely, hold the needle by the thumb and the index finger of the puncturing hand. When inserting, the adduction of thumb, and then the abduction of five fingers will rotate the needle. When the needle arrives the acupoint, it will pass through the skin rapidly by the shoulder, elbow, wrist and finger forces. 操作:常规消毒后,持针手用拇指和食指握持针柄。 进针时,刺手的拇指内收,然后五指同时外展,此时针便 迅速转动。当针抵达穴位时,通过肩肘腕垂直发力,力透 指尖,将旋转的针迅速刺入穴位内。 Four words of flying needling insertion:celerity, accuracy, flexibility, anodynia. Its performance looks like a red phoenix spreading the wings which is the original meaning of its name. 飞针进针八字诀:快速、准确、轻巧、无痛。 因其操作有如赤凤展翅飞旋之状,故名之。 3.2 Scalp Acupuncture 头皮针 Prescription: MS 1, MS 5, MS 6, MS 8, MS 9, MS10. 处方:额中线、顶中线、顶颞前斜线、顶旁1线、 顶旁2线、颞前线。 • Performance: after needle insertion, use electroacupuncture with the pulse current of sparse-dense wave, and retain for 20 min. This treatment is given once every other day. • 操作:毫针刺入后,用电针 以疏密波电流刺激20min, 隔日1次。 3.3 Plum-blossom Needle 梅花针 Asthenia of both the liver and kidney: follow the direction of meridian qi flow, and percuss along the Governor and Bladder Meridian for six times, especially the acupoints Ganshu (BL 18) and Shenshu (BL 23). 肝肾不足型:循经络走向,叩刺背部督脉、膀胱经经脉 6次,重点叩刺肝俞、肾俞穴. 3.3 Plum-blossom Needle 梅花针 Liver depression and qi stagnation: confront the direction of meridian qi flow, and percuss the Hand Jueyin Pericardium Meridian and finger tips on both upper limbs. 肝郁气滞型:逆经络走向,叩刺双上肢手厥阴心包经及 双手指尖。 3.4 Auricular-plaster Therapy 耳穴贴压 Prescription: Kidney (CO10), Heart (CO15), Liver (CO12), Gallbladder (CO11), Brain stem (AT3,4i), Shenmen (TF3), Subcortex(AT4), Sympathetic (AH6a) . 处方:肾、心、肝、胆、脑干、神门、皮质下、交感。 Performance: Wangbuliuxingzi (Semen Vaccariae) or Yizhirenzi (Fructus Alpiniae Oxyphyllae) is fixed onto the ear acupoints. It is changed once or twice in a week, and fifteen times for one course of treatment. 操作:用王不留行籽或益智仁籽贴压,每周1-2次,15次为一疗程。 3.5 Acupoint Embedment 穴位埋线 Prescription: C6-T1 Jiaji (EX-B 2), Jueyinshu (BL 14) through Xinshu (BL 15), Ganshu (BL 18) through Danshu (BL 19), Pishu (BL 20) through Weishu (BL 21), Sanjiaoshu (BL 22)through Shenshu (BL 23). 处方:C6、C7、T1夹脊穴,厥阴俞透心俞,肝俞透胆俞,脾胃透胃俞,三 焦俞透肾俞。 Performance: each time choose one group of acupoints, and embed catgut into the selected ones.The embedment is generally done every 15-20 days, and three times for one course of treatment. 操作:每次选1组穴,羊肠线埋入穴位,每隔15-20天施治1次,3次为1疗程 。 4 Cupping Therapy 拔罐疗法 Prescription: Shendao (GV 11), Shenzhu(GV 12), Dazhui (GV 14), Xinshu (BL15), Ganshu (BL18), Danshu (BL 19), Sanjiaoshu (BL 22) , Shenshu (BL 23), Gaohuangshu (BL 43). 处方:大椎、身柱、心俞、肝俞、胆俞、三焦俞、肾俞、神道、膏 盲俞。 Performance: choose 4-6 acupoints, and retain for 10-15 min. This therapy is given twice a week, and 10 times for one course of treatment. 操作:每次选4-6穴,留罐10-15min,每周2次,10次为1个疗程。 5 Chinese Medicine Therapy 中药治疗 Yizhining Decoction 益智宁方 Ingredients:组成 • • • • • • • • • • • • No.1 Longgu (Os Draconis) 龙骨 20g No.2 Guijia (Carapax et Plastrum Testudinis) 龟甲10g No.3 Yuanzhi (Radix Polygalae) 远志 5g No.4 Shichangpu (Rhizoma Acori Graminei) 石菖蒲 10g No.5 Fuxiaomai (Fructus Tritici Levis) 浮小麦 20g No.6 Maidong (Radix Ophiopogonis) 麦冬 10g No.7 Yejiaoteng (Caulis Polygoni Multiflori) 夜交藤 15g No.8 Dangshen (Codonopsis pilosula) 党参 15g No.9 Fuling (Poria) 茯苓 15g No.10 Shudihuang (Radix Rehmanniae Praeparatae) 熟地黄 15g No.11 Wuweizi (Fructus Schisandrae) 五味子 4g No.12 Gancao (Radix Glycyrrhizae) 甘草 4g Modification: 加减 Hyperactivity of the liver due to asthenia of the kidney: Cishi (Magnetitum) Zexie (Rhizoma Alismatis) 肾虚肝亢型: 加磁石、泽泻 Phlegm-heat disturbing heart: combine with Wendang Tang (Decoction for Clearing away Gallbladder Heat) 痰热扰心型:合用温胆汤 Asthenia of both heart and spleen: Wuzhualong (Ficus hirta Vahl) Shanzhuyu (Fructus Corni) 心脾两虚型: 加五爪龙、山茱萸 Administration: decoct the above drugs for oral use; take 150 ml each time, once daily and five doses a week; take 8 weeks continuously for one course of treatment. 用法:水煎服,每次150ml,日一剂,每周5剂, 连续服用8周为1疗程。 Thanks! 谢谢!