Medical Tourism in Israel

SHEMER Medical Center
Strategic Partners in Nigeria
Femope Ltd.
Medicine In Israel
v Israel’s global reputation as a pioneer
in medicine and in the quality of medical care
and services dispensed, is well established.
v Considered by most as the Holy Land,
Israel is a remarkable and fascinating country,
steeped in history. As a world-pulling destination,
Israel offers numerous cultural and religious
attractions in a setting that combines the very
ancient and the ultra High-Tech. Jerusalem,
venerated as one of the most holy of cities for
Christians, Jews and Muslims, attracts many
tourists on a religious pilgrimage. Others will come
to relax at the many mineral spas and float
effortlessly in the Dead Sea, renowned for its
rejuvenating and therapeutic benefits.
v Children from all over the world come to Israel
for specialized care in all areas of medical
practices. Whether at the dedicated children’s
hospitals or the pediatric units at the country’s
facilities, Israel has become a leader in child
treatment provision.
Medicine In Israel
 Many of Israel’s procedures in the field of
aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery have
been adopted by doctors throughout the world.
These range from corrective interventions to the
more commonly- known cosmetic improvements.
 The Hematology-Oncology Department for
children and adults is a national referral center.
The Center was established 30 years ago and
receives young patients and adults with blood and
malignant diseases from all over the country as
well as overseas patients. Each year, about 150
new cases of malignant diseases are diagnosed in
children and adolescents, and in another 250
youngsters with various blood diseases.
 The Bone Marrow Transplantation
Units is at the forefront in the treatment of
Leukemia, Lymphatic and Solid malignant tumors
and is a leader in the field on an worldwide level.
Medicine In Israel
 Fertility tourism to Israel, affords to
couples who need IVF treatment to receive it
while relaxing and touring the holly places in
 Israel is one of the world leaders,
both in the of number of treatment cycles per
capita/per year, and also in its success' rates;
the Israeli statistics are among the top 5 worldwide; Israel has more fertility clinics per capita
that any other nation.
 The Heart Institutes in Israel are tertiary
referral centers, serving the entire country as
well as patients from abroad.
Israel provides a complete range of
cardiovascular services, from outpatient cardiac
diagnosis and follow-up to the most advanced
diagnostic and interventional procedures, for
adults, children and infants, including pre &
post transplant assessment & follow-up
In Addition Israel Facilitates:
 Internal Medicine
 Neurology and Neurosurgery
 Cardiology and coronary intensive care; Cardiac
 Orthopedics
 Urology
 Gynecology and Obstetrics
 Maxilo-Facial Treatments
 Ophthalmology
 Trauma center
 General surgery
 Rehabilitation
 Nephrology
 Endocrine units
 Metabolism Unit
 Dermatology
 Interventional Radiology and Radio- surgery
 Oncology
 Rheumatology
 Otolaryngology
 Gastroenterology
 Immunology
 Infectious Diseases
SHEMER Medical Center
 SHEMER is the TOP medical service provider for foreign
patients in Israel
 SHEMER’s unique approach ensures that the patients
receive the best medical care Israel has to offer. Patients
receive medical treatment in the best hospital
departments in Israel. SHEMER combines the best facility
with the best physician on an individual, case to case
 SHEMER Medical Center has more than 17 years
experience in offering first class medical services to
patients from all over the world
 Cooperating with the leading hospitals in Israel, SHEMER
is able to offer the patient a combination of the expert
physicians with years of specialization in the required
field of medicine, combined with the most experienced
hospital for that procedure in the country. This
greatly increases the chance of a successful treatment.
 SHEMER’s medical team will evaluate the patient’s
medical file, confer with a specialist and send him
assessment and price proposal.
Shemer Medical Center
 There is little or no waiting period for treatment. In
addition, SHEMER assists patients with the visa
process. SHEMER’S contacts within the consulates
enable to assist patients to get visas
quickly. SHEMER could begin the treatment
process of a patient in as little as 7 day’s time of
proposal acceptance
 SHEMER represents Western medicine but is less
expensive than both Western Europe and USA.
SHEMER provides the best quality care available
for less. This enables more patients to be treated
with the same amount of funding without
compromising quality of care
 To every patient arriving at SHEMER Medical
Center VIP class service is guaranteed from the
moment that he decides to get treatment at the
center and till he returns home.
 Israel’s exceptional level of medical services
attracts many patients from USA and EU who seek
best medical treatment for affordable cost
Shemer Medical Center
Thank you!