Case Management in North Carolina © © Mary Thornton & Associates, Inc 1 Targeted Case Management This is a Medicaid and state funded service Because of Medicaid’s involvement there are extensive regulations that must be followed Individual accountability is extremely important TCM is a professional service with appropriate supervision requirements. A Very Simple Concept The case manager should be the focus for coordinating and overseeing the effectiveness of all providers and programs in responding to the assessed needs of the individual. It is the individual’s access to care and services that is the subject of their management – not the individual. What is the Starting Point? Core Services NC Definition Federal DRA Definition Assessment Case planning Referral and related activities Monitoring and followup CM assessment Person Centered Planning Referral/linkage Monitoring/follow-up Continuum of Care: Different Outcomes Expected Treatment: relief of distress, reduction in symptoms Crisis: resolution of crisis Rehabilitation: acquisition and maintenance of life roles Case Management: referral and linkages to necessary services and support; CM is liaison to necessary services until Individual is able to do on their own Why Do We Have CM at All? Many individuals with Serious Mental Illness or serious addiction problems and/or intellectual disabilities have multiple problems and unmet needs for services The system is fragmented with disparate resources not working together These resources while not deliberate are structured so that there are obstacles and barriers to getting services CM can facilitate access, negotiate services, and coordinate multiple providers What Works? (1) Outreach and education to individuals , their families and referral sources – not many people know what targeted case management is and its purpose Developing a trusting relationship Respecting the individual’s autonomy Prioritizing the individual’s self determined needs – assisting them in generating their own solutions What Works? Assistance in obtaining resources – note not just services – No overlaps, no misses – Quickly and diligently – Concrete and active Individualized Resource Development Appropriate caseloads – 1:50 in NC definition What Works? “ACT- like” or “CST-like” approaches – Development of a coordinated Team – Multi-disciplinary – Access to specialists – Long term if necessary – appeal of denials may be necessary Focus on specific and realistic targets (1) Morse, Gary Ph.D., A Review of Case Management for People Who Are Homeless: Implications for Practice, Policy and Research Case Management Outcomes in North Carolina Single comprehensive PCP Linkages to appropriate medical assistance Linkage to natural supports as available Under 21 transition to alternative level of care Less than 2 crisis episodes within past 3 months Increasing independence in managing own care Single Comprehensive PCP Developed by CM with input from treatment team and others involved with individual – Initial plan: less detail because you do not know Individual well and have not had time to do extensive research. • The initial meeting should include education on crisis resources and plan for linkage to crisis resources – Subsequent plan (s): developed in partnership with individual and all treatment/other providers - change as change occurs – more detail added – Goals and objectives are same for ALL treatment team members – CM – shows up as interventions only Linkages to Appropriate Medical Treatment NC ahead of curve on requiring this Key strategic competency Who does it well? And how do they do it? (Exercise on Best Practices for Coordinating with medical providers) Linkages to Natural Supports as Available Key to cost controls and developing independence from mental health system CM must be assertive in defining the roles of natural supports CM must be clear on expectations of natural supports about CM (see next slide on what CM is not) Natural supports can do a little or a lot – remember to consider both –even a very little helps Under 21 Move from Residential to Alternative In Community Move to community based treatment and lower, less restrictive level of care. Key cost control for system as residential care expensive and for quality controls as child is treated within their own community. You get paid for this work. You must include the (at least) monthly face to face work as well. See Implementation Update #83. How can this get done well? (Exercise on Best Practices) Less than 2 crisis episodes within past 3 months Breaking cycles How do CM’s do this? – Advance directives – Crisis plans – Being assertive with treatment and rehab providers –why isn’t what you are doing working? Need for expert clinical supervision to accomplish this Increasing independent in managing own care This is the bulk of the job for most CMs CMS considered that in the past the way CM was conducted created greater dependence on the CM – we need to change this perception. What does this look like? Exercise: How Would You Measure Greater Independence? Design and Controls in NC North Carolina designed CM with specific controls on costs, determination of medical necessity, and the quality of the CM services. See handout. General Medicaid Criteria Services must be medically necessary: – Determined by generally accepted North Carolina community practice standards as verified by independent consultants. – Must have a current diagnosis – Services must meet specific needs of individual for prevention, diagnosis, treatment, or rehabilitation Eight Components of Medical Necessity It treats a mental health or addiction condition/illness or functional deficits that are the result of the mental illness/addiction – (Note to be eligible for CM the MI/Addiction must be “serious) It has been ordered or prescribed The service should be generally accepted as effective for the mental illness being treated. The individual must be willing to participate in treatment The individual must be able to benefit from the service being provided It must be a covered service It must be a medical, rehabilitative service – skilled and focused There must be active treatment 19 How Does CM Become Medically Necessary? Services must be medically necessary Individual must be unable to access the services and supports on their own – consider always natural supports The service must consist of one of 4 buckets of activities Must have an impact on client’s recovery or recovery goals – watch for significance Requires vigilance in determining if plan is being implemented – active treatment concept General Medicaid Criteria Services must be individualized: watch for documentation that is similar from service to service or across your caseload Services are supposed to be specific and consistent with the diagnosis/symptoms but CM deals more with functional problems (e.g. inability to access services and manage self-care) and the complexity of the needs of the SMI/SED or seriously addicted and so is often needed by individuals with varied diagnoses. – However services you refer to must meet this criteria General Medicaid Criteria Services cannot exceed the needs of the recipient Must be able to be safely furnished and no other alternatives that are less restrictive and less expensive are available Services cannot be provided or provided in a way that is solely for the benefit of the individual, e.g. home based therapy for someone who is not home-bound and does not have transport or day care issues. CM Specific Medicaid Criteria CM services can only be billed by an agency that is certified by the state as a comprehensive service provider called a CABHA Only one CABHA can provide and bill CM services during the period of an authorization If more than one person in a family qualifies for CM then we must assign one CM to provide CM services to all family members – This may mean reassignment of CM if the one currently assigned is not trained or qualified to provide services to a family. CM Specific Medicaid Criteria You can deliver services via face to face contacts or on the phone – Emails do not count – Completing paperwork You can consult and meet with persons other than the Individual in care but these contacts must be for the exclusive benefit of the Individual – Be very careful in situations with children and their family members who are not recipients or who are not eligible for CM CM Specific Medicaid Criteria You can deliver services in many different locations – homes, offices, community, etc. BUT – You cannot deliver services to individuals who are in jail or in secure juvenile detention centers – You cannot deliver services to Individuals who are inpatient settings with >16 beds that are considered IMDs – State funds can be used for juveniles in detention and jails CM Specific Medicaid Criteria We will bill Medicaid on a weekly basis for all of the case management services you, the CM provides – The week begins on Sunday and goes to Saturday – For this weekly rate we are required to provide all of the CM services the Individual needs. In order to bill: • You are required to provide at least one monthly face to face visit for each of your cases • You are required to provide one 15 minute visit weekly this can be face to face or via phone. – you should make arrangements for coverage during periods when you will not be working – However services must only be provided based on client need, not the requirements for billing CM Specific Medicaid Criteria There are certain services that include CM already and so a separate CM cannot be assigned or provide services There are other CM programs in the state. MH/SA TCM cannot be provided and billed as well. There are certain inpatient settings where Medicaid will pay for both the inpatient services and case management as well – but only for limited amounts of time and only in relationship to discharge and transfer There are certain other state programs that include some elements of CM and must not be duplicated SEE HANDOUT on Duplicate services Services that Aren’t CM and Aren’t Covered Transportation time Transportation services Any treatment interventions – If you meet credentials, experience, training to provide other behavioral health services you can but you must be careful to document and bill these separately. – If you provide other services, you must offer the Individual a choice of providers and document this discussion and the Ind. choice. Services that Aren’t CM and Aren’t Covered Any social or recreational activity – You cannot supervise these activities and bill CM either Clinical and administrative supervision of staff including team meetings without the Individual present Writing reports: assessments, PCP, progress notes Service record reviews. Case Management Key competencies: – Understanding the community and available resources – Understanding the treatment resources available • Who pays for what? • What are conditions for payment? – Understanding how to access benefits, financial supports – Being resourceful in developing natural and community resources – Ability to coordinate service delivery systems – Knowing what case management can do and bill for! Clinical Assessment Meets Criteria for TCM Yes Accepts Referral for TCM Yes Yes Case Management Clinical Assessment Case Management in North Carolina CM meets with Individual Confirm Need and Accept CM Submit ITR with Supporting Documentation Authorization No Outpatient Services No No Referral for Outpatient Services **Continued Learning Initial PCP Person Centered Plan** Signed by MD for Service Order CM Assessment On-going Yes Authorization No Continuation of Assessment and PCP Process CONTENT EXPERT: Consultation with Providers/Systems CONTENT EXPERT: Consultation with Family Continued Consultation with Individual Revise PCP PCP Implemented Continued Services Needed Clinical Assessment In the Individual’s CM records always Completed by someone who can DX and refer Documents medical necessity – Eligibility criteria: (see handout) • Diagnosis: note although regs state any diagnosis, they also state services are for those with serious MI/SED/Addiction –does this actually limit the diagnoses? • Pregnancy • Functional criteria • Location criteria for kids (residential) • EPSDT determination of need TCM in NC: Eligibility Criteria Serious MI, SED, Addiction – see Handout – Axis I or II (not only an ID) and pregnant – Axis I or II (not only an ID), AND • requires coordination among: • 2 or more agencies (medical or non-medical) AND • Unable to manage symptoms/ maintain abstinence due to 3 unmet basic needs OR under 21in resi and needs to move or 2 or more crisis episodes within last 3 months or EPSDT order Unsaid and important: they cannot do this on their own/or with current supports EPSDT: Early, Periodic, Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment Special provision within Medicaid for recipients under 21 years Allows for a screening examination by physician or other licensed clinician and orders for services that are “medically necessary to correct or ameliorated a defect, physical or mental illness, or a (health)condition identified through a screening examination” Provider documentation of the screening needs to provide support for the fact that the services are necessary and how they will help to: – Correct – Improve – Maintain - Compensate - Prevent worsening - Prevent development of new problems EPSDT: Early, Periodic, Screening, and Treatment Recipients do not need to meet eligibility criteria and may exceed service limitations on scope, amount, duration, frequency, location, etc. Services ordered must be medical and cannot be unsafe, untested, ineffective. EPSDT does not eliminate required authorizations for CM Note: CMs need to be able to understand EPSDT for services that they may be referring Individuals to and not just for the purposed of getting authorizations for CM Voluntary Service CM cannot be used as a gate to other services CM services require that the Individual have freedom of choice of providers – even if they are getting other services from you CM Assessment Important process for engagement – Use motivational interviewing techniques You do not need to reach a concensus – You and individual do not need to agree –meet the Individual at stage of acceptance or change they are at – Note areas of disagreement and leave door open to revisit Doesn’t need to be done at one visit Does need to confirm eligibility criteria CM Assessment Confirms information in clinical assessment No time frame in regs for when must be completed. In our agency we expect…… Gathers and considers all other assessment information including medical information Note the regulations state that the CM assessment is a integration of other assessment information. – Other assessments need to be reviewed, not summarized and rewritten in a CM assessment CM Assessment Documents what is necessary for PCP: see handout – Needs: domain based – Strengths: e.g. how much can they do themselves, how fast can they learn – Resources: currently or recently successful – Preferences: linkages -want now, wait, not want or how want and within what time-frame – Goals: life and medically necessary Tx goals CM Assessment Initial assessment and PCP more likely based on in-depth but not complete information – Time needed to consult with other “Content Experts” –called “new learning” • providers/systems • family, other natural suppports Periodic reassessment needed but dates not specified See handouts: Usual Activities, and Sample Assessment CM PCP Comprehensive: covers preventative, diagnostic, therapeutic, and rehabilitative services as well as need for linkages to other systems, other services, supports 1-2 goals and 1-3 objectives for each – Individuals valued outcomes or recovery goal should be basis – May need to add a treatment goal for medical necessity purposes – Interventions include treatment, rehab, case management, other use of resources to reach goals and objectives. CM PCP – This activity combines the treatment planning activities with the service planning activities. • • • • Consultation with Individual Consultation with treatment providers Consultation with family, other natural supports Consultation with other community supports – It is a process, not an event – engagement and learning is on-going – New learning should result in changes to the plan CM PCP – the Golden Thread The eligibility criteria used to determine medical necessity should be referred to – e.g was it crisis episodes, residential treatment, or what used to meet criteria. If basic life needs – is this reflected in CM assessment? Is it carried through in PCP? – The PCP should focus on needs identified in both the clinical assessment and the CM assessment – golden thread is critical here. Example: Recovery Goal and Medically Necessary Tx Goal Life Goal: I want to go back to work and work with children especially Treatment Goal: Client will be able to manage symptoms so that she can successfully complete an educational program that gives her the necessary credentials to work with children. Example cont. Objectives: – Client will be able to locate and successfully attend a one day workshop on babysitting – Client will apply and receive a library card and will use the public library once weekly to read or do research Example cont. Client will be able to locate and successfully attend a one day workshop on babysitting – Medication management services to address symptoms of anxiety and paranoia – Individual therapy weekly with focus on managing anxiety and paranoia to allow for attending public ed activities – Case management services: • • • • • • Assist to make appointments Review transportation needs Prep for each appt with MD Ensure any med changes communicated to all Review monthly with Individual progress to obj. Assist with locating and possibly scholarship for training Another PCP Example: Goal: Individual wants to move to apartment – Link to therapy to manage symptoms – Link to PSR program • Medication compliance • Managing an apartment and Safety • Coping skills • Travel training, etc. – Link to local supports in neighborhood: police, pharmacy, grocery, church – Call bi-weekly to talk to PSR primary – Review monthly with individual and plan for next month Service Order This is the PCP for now in NC –there is not a separate document Signed and dated signature Order must include the date the service was ordered Physician, licensed psychologist, PA, NP – For all scope of practice must be considered Must be in place on the day of or prior to first day of service Based on clinical assessment Valid from 1 yr from Date of Plan on PCP – this may not be same date as authorization. Re-ordered annually Describe agency’s process for getting and filing these documents and policy for substitutes. Authorization Authorization is required before this service can be provided and billed Authorizations are approved by a third party reviewer to whom we submit the PCP, an ITR, and other required supporting documentation. See Agency Policy on Authorizations Authorization The authorization cannot be requested until you have completed the initial PCP and the ITR is completed: – Because of the need for an authorization in order to get paid, we will therefore require that any referrals for services be dealt with assertively – we would like you to take ____ days from the time of the initial appointment to development of the PCP and documentation of the ITR. Authorization The initial authorization period is for 90 days The authorization period should begins on the date the provider requests the authorization, but the approving agency has 5 days to make a decision. This information should be conveyed to the Individual and their family so that they will understand that there may be a short delay between the initial meeting and the first services being delivered. Authorization If there is an emergency or crisis situation please contact your supervisor to get permission to provide services prior to the beginning of the authorization period. At the end of the first 60 days of the authorization period, you should begin thinking about whether a continuation authorization will be needed. – Follow agency policy for developing and submitting the the reauthorization request. Referral and Linkage Referral vs linkage – Differences support the CM outcome of greater independence in self-management and self-efficacy – Referral: to direct to a source for help or information – Linkage: is not defined but does appear to mean that the Individual is able to use the referral independently or with natural or other community supports – our goal is LINKAGE Referral and Linkage Case management can refer individuals to services and supports regardless of who pays for those supports – Not limited to just Medicaid – Can self refer (to our agency or to yourself if you can provide additional services) but only if Individual chooses freely. You must document this discussion. – Clients can choose to not take your advice or agree to certain linkages or referrals Referral and Linkage Services CM refers to must be: – Preventative: need documentation to support – Diagnostic: keep this in mind if the Individual is hitting a roadblock – Therapeutic: defined as reducing distress by treating or curing disease or disorders or their signs and symptoms – Rehabilitative: restoring what is lost. In psych rehab is describes the acquisition or maintenance of valued life roles. Referral and Linkage Two parts: – Strategy: Planning for implementation of the various parts of the plan: timelines, appointments, priorities, etc. – Implementation of the plan: Assistance with accessing services and supports Referral and Linkage Critical planning activities: – You cannot do everything at once but you and Individual need to agree on what, when, who and how – you need a timeline and this is a consensus based decision – Referrals are often much more successful if preplanning deals with necessary paperwork, information that needs to be gathered, lists of questions, etc. Also making sure there is agreement on what the outcome of the visits will be. See Handout – Referrals more successful if the CM deals directly with provider prior to appointment to discuss coordination needs, the Individual’s recovery goals Referral and Linkage Making and Keeping Appointments – Pay attention to the secretary – Understand what has been said or written – Think about other appointments you have made so as to avoid a schedule conflict – Remember to write down the appointment – Remember to look at the calendar on the designated day. – Plan how you will get to the appointment – Organize yourself to make sure you are there on time. – You may even want to make notes about the things you will need to discuss at the appointment Referral and Linkage Making and Keeping Appointments – Very important: you must also be emotionally ready and willing to keep the appointment – You must be able and comfortable expressing your issues and concerns to the provider – You must be able to remember changes, homework, advice and counseling, additional activities you must undertake (e.g. lab work) This sequence can be overwhelming. You are trying to intervene where necessary, to provide supports where needed, and to back off where the Individual can do by themselves or with supports other than you. Referral and Linkage Critical implementing activities: – Making appointments if Individual cannot – Assisting the individual to get to the appointment (remember transporting a individual is not a billable activity) – Talking with services and supports to describe what the individual needs for this specific appointment – Helping the individual to develop a list of the right questions to get the information and services they need –see Tools next slide – Discussing with the individual how they will be expected to participate and rules to follow – Reminders about appointments – Accompanying the individual to some appointments to ensure proper and effective linkage and services. Referral and Linkage See tools for appointments These can be used with Individual, with Individual and supports, or directly with supports. Texas Definition of Advocacy Note advocacy is not used in federal definition but…. Advocacy: asserting treatment needs; requesting special accommodations; evaluating provider effectiveness and compliance with agreed upon treatment plan; requesting improvements and modifications to ensure maximum benefit from the services and supports. Monitoring and Follow-up Is the PCP being implemented? What not? Why? What can be done? Are providers/system working in a coordinated manner? If not, what does CM need to do to improve? What communication strategy is being used? What might work better? Is the plan working for the Individual? Is there measurable progress towards recovery goals? If not, why not? If yes, continue as is or change focus? Are there any changes to needs that require changes to the PCP? Has the Individual’s status changed with regards to eligibility? Active Treatment = Integrated Treatment Active treatment, however, is not simply a collection of disparate services: it is a concept that embraces the whole range of services a patient needs. The total effect of active treatment is that the individual components are integrated and directed toward achieving the goals established in each individual’s plan of care. Monitoring and Follow-up Remember - monitoring is of the case and its implementation –not the Individual Where and with who does this analysis take place? – Meetings/discussions with Individual – Meetings/discussions with Providers and representatives from involved systems – Meetings/discussions with other natural and community supports. Where is it documented? – Progress or Case notes – Changes to the PCP Monitoring and Follow-up If a service is denied, reduced, terminated, suspended, etc. the CM will be responsible for assisting the Individual to appeal the decision if they choose to do so. See handout for Appeal Process information Documenting Medically Necessary Services Telling a coherent, continuous, reimbursable story in the medical record. 67 Medicaid and Documentation Golden Thread: • Assessment: – Biopsychosocial – Psychiatric – CM • PCP – Content: goals, objectives, interventions, etc. – Emphasis on this acting as a road map for the provider and consumer – CM intervenes usually there is not a separate CM goal or objective –they support them Medicaid Documentation Golden Thread Discussion: • Case Notes – Take your PCP with you so you remember what you are doing and mean to accomplish – You have a choice: » Single full service note for each service » On days with multiple services you can write one full service daily note • Case managers must write their own notes and they must be individualized – no canned notes or templates The Client Client currently experiencing auditory hallucinations that she responds to frequently resulting in eviction from apartment and 2 subsequent hospitalizations. Current situation began 3 months ago when client stopped taking medications. Client moved in with brother, currently on meds but not stable and family (other treatment team members) are concerned about client’s compliance as client admits to frequent lapses in past. Client unable to attend day programming and difficulty with social isolation as a result. Client seeing psychiatrist bi-weekly to stabilize medications. Brother wants Client out as soon as possible but will provide some supports. Assessment: 1. Client not stabilized on meds so currently still symptomatic – continued linkage to psychiatry; client teaching; family provide supports; higher level of care? 2. Client not consistently medication compliant – research other resources; client teaching 3. Client socially isolated – not good as it adds to her paranoia and bizarre behavior – research local supports; family resources; other activities 4. Unstable living situation jeopardizing community placement – housing plan needed Referral to Mental Health Services for Tx Plan Objectives: – Client will stabilize on medications that will reduce symptoms so that he can attend day treatment to reduce isolation and work on recovery goal. – Client will work with Rx Team (ID them) to recognize and then minimize side effects from the medication that make compliance more difficult. As measured by…. – Client will work with Rx Team to be able to connect the use of medications with reduction in symptoms that risk his community placement. As measured by… – Family members (ID) and client will be able to identify meds, their purpose and major side effects. As measured by…. Interventions: Client will continue to see MD bi-weekly – CM to meet with client bi-weekly for ½ hour prior to MD meeting to ID questions – CM will engage family to accompany client to medication appointments. – CM will ID any med changes and ensure scripts filled and family notified Client and family will meet with nurse weekly for one hour for medication education. – CM will coordinate appointments and arrange transportation if necessary Client will see current primary care doctor to make sure he/she knows about psych meds and to screen for any contraindicating co-morbidities. – CM will assist family/client to set up appointment. – CM will accompany client to appt in order to advocate for appropriate follow-up appointments and to assist client in explaining current medications. – CM will coordinate correspondence and communication between psychiatrist and primary care MD, Medicaid Documentation Content of Full Service Notes – Technical requirements for all notes: • • • • • Recipient’s name Medicaid ID number Service Record number Date of service Place of service: be specific –if it takes place in a car, list car for place of service • Amount of time spent • Signature, date of signature, and credentials Medicaid Documentation Content of Full Service Notes – Content of Service Requirements • Service provided: example in regs suggests that the service should be listed as CM with type of CM also listed, e.g. Case management/referral services. When multiple types of CM services are provided this seems impractical and it is not specifically required. • Purpose of the contact: this is your agenda for the contact. This should likely include some reference to the PCP and the goal/objective being addressed • Description of what you did – the case management activities • Description of results: Individual’s response, progress made, next steps as a result, plan for next meeting Progress Note Goal: I want to stay in my own house; Objectives: Consumer will determine housing choice. Consumer will develop a plan for obtaining permanent housing. Reason for visit: Develop housing plan post transfer from shelter Consumer in crisis bed and is homeless with no entitlements. Educated consumer about options for housing if SSI is denied. Explored consumer’s preferences. Consumer stated she would prefer SRO but is open to other options. Agreed we will follow-up by end of week to complete SSI application and discuss level of help needed to locate housing. Progress Note Goal: I want to go back to work. Objective: Client will be able to manage symptoms and reapply for admission to PSR program part-time Reason for visit: to check in with client about symptoms Met briefly with consumer. She reports that she is stable and taking her medications as prescribed. She agreed to a follow-up appointment with me next week. She reported no difficulties at this time. Does not appear to be responding to hallucinations. Speech fluent, coherent. Reports no side effects. Progress Note Goal: I want to go back to my own apartment Objectives: Client will take first step to being medication compliant: she will take all meds for one week with prompting from brother Reason for visit: Prep for MD Appointment Met with brother and client to prepare for meeting with MD tomorrow. Completed pre-appointment checklist and I will fax to MD. Will call tomorrow to remind about appointment. Brother will transport. Both said they felt comfortable about what they need to accomplish. Brother appeared to be less anxious about acting as advocate. We will talk by phone tomorrow to follow-up on outcome. Thanks! © Mary Thornton & Associates, Inc. 79