Chemotherapy Measures Presentation

What’s New?
Anne Hines
Marie Brazil
General – DRAFT still
1A’s – network board
1E’s – Network chemotherapy group
3’s – Cross cutting – 3S chemotherapy
Numbering has changed
10 – 1E – 101s,102s etc
10 – 3S – 101,102 etc
100- chemotherapy service
200- oncology pharmacy
300 – intrathecal
Note – no more stars – all important!!
Pgs 11-13
Systemic chemotherapy im, oral, im,
 Topical,
intracavitary not included
 Intrathecal – separate topic
Regimen – defined by the drugs used
Protocol – contains all the parameters specified
in the measure
Algorithm – acceptible regimen or range of
regimens which may be used for a stated site
specific situation
Pgs 15 -16
Nomenclature cont
Course – complete period of treatment for
a particular regimen
 Cycle – repeated pattern over which the
drugs are given
1A’s – Network Board
Old, 22 measures, New, 5 measures
 Covers leadership of chemotherapy
services at network and board level
 Note that deliniation of chemotherapy
services is now an acute onc measure
1E’s – Functions of Network
Chemotherapy group
Old 12 measures, new 13
 Requires – annual review, work
programme and annual report
1E’s -Treatment Algorithms
Agree with NSSG a set of site specific
chemotherapy algorithms – eg breast,
haem, colorectal etc
 Network Algorithm Deviation Policy
 Network review of deviations
Further clarity requested on definition of algorithm and how this fits with
TYA measures – (no mention of algorithms)
1E’s – Error Reporting
The NCG should review the reported
errors of the CCS’s and agreed remedial
1E’s Training and Assessment
Network policy covering
 Professional
groups, activities needed to
define process of chemotherapy, competency
needed to work independently,
 Network list of assessors
 Named area of competence
Networks appear to be being asked to maintain a current register of
competent people – not feasible – should be done locally
3S’s – 1’s chemotherapy services
Old – 55 measures new- 35 measures
 10-3S-103 – named wards
 10-3S-104- specified room policy
 107 – defining chemo MPT ? haematologist
 111 – quality management system
Not feasible in the time given if not already in place –
no mention in NCAG or NCEPOD
3S’s - 1 con’t
112 Error reporting – record and grade
chemotherapy errors according to NPSA
113 Further pre-treatment consultation
with “sufficient” time between the previous
for pt to digest the information
 Patient
 Department timetable
3S’s - 1 con’t
118 – agreed list of treatment algorithms
119 – preventing regular deviation from the
Still need protocols as well – 120
Protocols are not now network driven but locally driven
127 – patient experience exercise
128 – treatment plan to GP – regimen, startdate,
planned duration, intent
3S’s - 1 con’t
Chemotherapy dataset
 - this measure will be included following
implementation of the chemotherapy
dataset in 2012
3S-2’s Oncology Pharmacy
201 Lead pharmacist – single designated lead
204 But – also now need to list an aseptic lead
206 – computer generated prescriptions
Further clarity on definitions of hand written etc requested as well
– no handwritten prescriptions is expected
as exceptions.
3S’s - 1 con’t
207 – 209 – Electronic prescribing
 SOP,
variations, validation
Vinca alkaloids – correction requested for
childrens services
10-3S-3 Intrathecal Chemotherapy
Old 50 measures – new 22 measures
 A lot have just been condensed eg – no
major changes to requirements for ITC.
Lead, divisions, local protocol, register, risk assessment,
hard copy of protocol, training competency assessors,
who can administer, sequencing, labelling, prescription,
collection, storage, room, normal working hours
Don’t forget acute oncology!! 3Y’s
1A – 302 – declaration of clinical chemotherapy services
1A- 303 – declaration of oncology pharmacy services
1A – 304 – review of services by network
3S-122 policies relating to acute oncology
 Extrav,
anaphylaxis, NS, emesis, stomatitis
mucositis and diarrhoea
 Cross refs to 10-1E110y and 1E-107y
Still not sure if need network policies for all of these as well