4th National Seminar on Food Security and Nutrition Nutrition a critical investment in human and economic development Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) Frank Wieringa MD PhD A Nutritionist view of Development MALNUTRITION STUNTING PREVENTION FORTIFICATION SANITATION MORBIDITY / MORTALITY HEALTH REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH Mother Child Health CHRONIC DISEASE Diabetes/ Hypertension ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CULTURE / BELIEFS GENDER ISSUES FISHERY AGRICULTURE NUTRITION FOOD SAFETY HUMAN RIGHTS EDUCATION HOUSEHOLD ECONOMICS POVERTY HUMAN DEVELOPMENT HUMAN POTENTIAL MILLENIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS A NON- Nutritionist view ……. MALNUTRITION STUNTING CULTURE / BELIEFS GENDER ISSUES SANITATION MORBIDITY / MORTALITY FOOD SAFETY HEALTH AGRICULTURE REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH Mother Child Health CHRONIC DISEASE Diabetes/ Hypertension ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PREVENTION FORTIFICATION FISHERY NUTRITION POVERTY EDUCATION HOUSEHOLD ECONOMICS HUMAN RIGHTS HUMAN DEVELOPMENT HUMAN POTENTIAL MILLENIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS Problems/Challenges So how to get Nutrition on the Agenda of Human and Economic Development….. Nutrition and Human Development NUTRITION in relation to: 1. HEALTH 2. EDUCATION 3. POVERTY Nutrition and Human Development: HEALTH SOME SOBERING FACTS...... Malnutrition accounts for 50% of the deaths from infectious diseases...... or ⅓ of all-cause child mortality...... Causing 2.6 million child-deaths / year Annex Table 14 Major burden of disease -- 10 selected risk factors and 10 leading diseases and injuries, 2000 Developing countries with high child and high or very high adult mortality (AFR-D, AFR-E, AMR-D, EMR-D, SEAR-D) Risk factor % DALYs Disease or injury % DALYs Underweight 14.9 HIV/AIDS 9.0 Unsafe sex 10.2 Lower respiratory infections 8.2 Unsafe water, sanitation and hygiene 5.5 Diarrhoeal diseases 6.3 Indoor smoke from solid fuels 3.7 Childhood cluster diseases 5.5 Zinc deficiency 3.2 Low birth weight 5.0 3.1 Malaria 4.9 Vitamin A deficiency 3.0 Unipolar depressive disorders 3.1 Blood pressure 2.5 Ischaemic heart disease 3.0 Tobacco 2.0 Tuberculosis 2.9 Cholesterol 1.9 Road traffic injury 2.0 Iron deficiency a 1-24% population attributable fraction 25-49% population attributable fraction 50%+ population attributable fraction a Underweight contributes to 15% of ‘DALY’s’ in DC... Micronutrient deficiencies (Vit A, zinc, iron) another 9% ....... Nutrition and Human Development: HEALTH SOME SOBERING FACTS ....... Vitamin A + zinc deficiency alone account > 1 million child deaths / yr Iodine deficiency in pregnancy acounts for ~20,000,000 mentally retarded infants / yr Folate deficiency is causing ~200,000 severe birth defects / yr Severe iron deficiency causes ~50,000 maternal death / yr Nutrition and Human Development: HEALTH Vitamin & Mineral Deficiency – Global Damage Assessment Report Micronutrient Initiative & UNICEF, 2004 Nutrition and Human Development: EDUCATION Learning is difficult when you are hungry: Not only because you cannot concentrate, but also because your learning capability is reduced and you are more often ill SOME SOBERING FACTS...... Iodine deficiency lowers IQ by 10 – 15 points Iron deficiency in 6 – 24 mo old children impairs mental development in 40 – 60% of developing world’s children Nutrition and Human Development: EDUCATION Prevalence of stunting is directly related to female enrollment in secondary education.... And maternal nutritional status affects learning capabilities of their children..... for their whole life....... Nutrition and Human Development: POVERTY REDUCTION Malnutrition during the first 2 years of life is associated with ~20% lower income in adulthood in Guatamala, a nutritional intervention during the first 3 years of life resulted in 46% higher wages 15 yrs later Nutrition and Economic Development Iron deficiency lowers the productivity of workforces with estimated losses of up to 2% of GDP World Bank: “Micronutrient deficiencies impose high economic costs on virtually every developing nation.” Nutrition and the MDG’s NUTRITION Nutrition and Economic Development FOR EVERY $1 SPEND ON NUTRITION....... $15 IN RETURN... Problems/Challenges So how to get Nutrition on the Agenda of Human and Economic Development….. √ YES! Problems/Challenges So how to get Nutrition on the Agenda of Human and Economic Development….. √ YES! Are there solutions? What is the best way forward for Cambodia? Solutions …YES! …many Solutions Integrated, multi-sectorial approach life-cycle approach Life cycle approach….. Adoloscent girls School children Young Children Women of Reproductive Age Pregnant women Infants Lactating women Life cycle approach….. FOOD FORTIFICATION: OIL, FISH SAUCE, RICE NUTRITION EDUCATION Adoloscent girls Women of Reproductive Age WEEKLY IRON / FOLATE SUPPLEMENTS SCHOOL MEALS / DEWORMING School children Pregnant women DAILY IRON / FOLATE SUPPLEMENTS EXCLUSIVE BREAST DELAYED CORD FEEDING FOR 6 CLAMPING MONTHS Young Children Infants Lactating women HIGH QUALITY COMPLEMENTARY FOODS Is (fast) progress feasible? Is fast progress feasible? YES! COMPARISON OF STUNTING PREVALENCE Is (fast) progress feasible? YES! Prevalence of underweight per province Vietnam 1999 2010 National plans of Action for Nutrition NPAN 1995-2000 NNS 2001-2010 Conclusions and way forward • Nutrition and Development go hand-in-hand Conclusions អរគុណ់ thank you អរគុណ់