Tobacco and the Body

More people than ALL of
the deaths from AIDS,
alcohol, other drug abuse,
car crashes, murders,
suicides, and fires
Smokeless tobacco is tobacco that is not smoked or
Chewing Tobacco- shredded, twisted, or
"bricked" tobacco leaves that users put between
their cheek and gum.
Snuff-fine-grain tobacco that often comes
in teabag-like pouches that users "pinch"
or "dip" between their lower lip and gum.
All smokeless tobacco causes the user to produce
extra saliva, which they will spit out. This is why it is
often called “spit tobacco”.
Smokeless tobacco
contains more than 3,000
chemicals including
problems with nicotine
Dangerous carcinogens in
smokeless tobacco (there are
more than 23!)
•nitrosamines — These are the most
powerful cancer-causing agents in
smokeless tobacco.
•Increased heart rate
•polonium 210 — radioactive
particles that turn into radon
•Increased blood pressure
•formaldehyde — embalming fluid
•Addiction, withdrawal
symptoms when not used
•cadmium — a metallic element; its
salts are poisonous
•arsenic — a metallic element which
forms poisonous compounds
The chemicals in tobacco
dry out your skin and
•Premature aging and
wrinkles by 10 to 20 years
•Discoloration of the skin
•Damage to the blood vessels
The thousands of chemicals in tobacco
coat the mouth and can lead to:
•Halitosis (bad breath)
•Hairy tongue (reduces sense of taste)
•Oral cancer (lip and mouth)
•Stained teeth (from the tar)
•Gingivitis (irritation and swelling of the
•Periodontis (serious gum disease)
Chronic Bronchitis - Bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchial
passages) that recurs and does not permanently go away.
EMPHYSEMA- Emphysema damages the alveoli.
They become large and hard, and lose their ability to exchange air.
With damaged air sacs, you cannot get enough air to breathe, and
always feel that you cannot catch your breath. Emphysema has no
cure and cannot be undone
Smokers also get more
colds, coughs, flu, and
other illnesses (Like
pneumonia) due to their
weaker immune system.
cancer is the most common
cause of cancer death in both
men and women. Smoking is
the most common cause of
this kind of cancer.
Unfortunately, lung cancer is
hard to cure.
The thousands of chemicals in
tobacco smoke line the passages of
the nose when inhaled and can
•Decreased sense of smell
•Decreased immunity (cilia bogged down
with chemicals in smoke!)
•Cancer of the larnyx (voice box)
•Cancer of the esophagus
Did you know that smoking
decreases the bodies ability
to absorb calcium?
Smoking weakens your bones, and this can
cause you to develop a disease called
osteoporosis as you grow older. Osteoporosis
is when your bones become thin and brittle,
and are more likely to break.
Smoking also impairs an athletes ability to perform as
well. The chemicals in tobacco can cause a rapid
heartbeat, decreased circulation and shortness of breath.
Smoking also affects the body’s ability to produce
collagen, so common sports injuries like those to
ligaments and tendons, heal more slowly in smokers.
A stroke is a lack of blood flow to the brain, due to
a blockage in a blood vessel or bursting of a blood
vessel. Severe disability and even death can result
from a stroke. Smoking cigarettes is related to high
blood pressure and to hardening of the arteries,
both of which can cause a stroke.
Smoking and mental health problems are linked to each other in
complicated ways. Smokers have higher rates of several mental
health problems -- including depression, anxiety, schizophrenia,
and drug abuse -- than nonsmokers do.
The poisons in cigarette smoke are carried
everywhere the blood flows
The chemicals in tobacco smoke
cause your blood vessels to
constrict, or become narrow, which
The nicotine in tobacco is a allows less blood through.
stimulant drug that increases the
heart rate and blood pressure
leading to high blood pressure.
Nicotine in cigarette smoke causes
blood vessels to become narrow,
reducing the oxygen supply to the
heart muscle. Smoking can also
lead to arteriosclerosis, which
increases the risk of a heart attack.
An ulcer is a sore or hole in the
stomach. Nicotine in cigarette
smoke causes extra stomach acid to
form. This extra acid can lead to an
ulcer. Continued smoking can keep
an ulcer from healing.
The tar and other carcinogens in tobacco smoke
can cause cancer of the stomach
Increased risk of colon cancer
The chemicals in tobacco smoke, specifically the nicotine and
carbon monoxide, reduce the amount of oxygen and other
nutrients the baby needs to grow and develop properly.
Smoking during pregnancy can cause:
•Miscarriage and Stillbirth (Pregnancy ends )
•Preterm labor (Go into labor too early)
•Low birth weight (Organs may be underdeveloped,
especially the lungs)
•Placental Problems
•Increased risk of SIDS (Sudden
Infant Death Syndrome)
Side stream smoke (the
smoke that comes from the
burning tip of a cigarette)
contains more than 4,000
chemicals, including 200
known poisons and 43
How is it dangerous to nonsmokers?
• Nausea, headaches, dizziness
•Trigger allergic reactions and asthma attacks
•Cause emphysema , cancers, and heart
• This is why smoking is BANNED in public
Children of smokers have more colds, flu, middle ear infections, allergies
and asthma than children of nonsmokers do!