Pulsed Electric Magnetic Fields - Association Of Holistic Skin Care

Detoxify or Wrinkle
Linda Hegstrand,
Fall 2012
Thank you for being here or I would
be speaking to myself.
As a grad student I was taught to
tell you what I am going to tell you,
tell you, and tell you what I told
My goal is to give you information
you can incorporate into your
• Definition
• Organs of detoxification
• Methods of detoxification
Heavy Metal and Halogen Protocols
Cellular Cleanse Footbaths
Far Infrared Saunas
Pulsed Electric Magnetic Therapy
• Detoxification is the process to rid the body
of poisonous substances.
• Internal toxins produced from metabolism
• Environmental toxins are everywhere
including the most remote wildernesses.
They are in our air, in the foods we eat, the
water we drink and bath in, in our clothes, in
our household products, etc. We live in a
world filled with toxic chemicals.
– Phthalates, dioxins, hydrocarbons, etc
– Most skin care products excluding Elina’s
– Heavy metals: Hg, Ar, Cd, Pb, etc.
Detox Organs - Major
• Liver
– Phase 1: Fat soluble toxins
– Phase 2: Water soluble waste
• Kidneys
• Intestines
• Skin
Liver Regulates Skin
• Phase I: A series of enzymes called
cytochrome P450 chemically changes
harmful fat-soluble toxins into a more
toxic intermediary metabolite.
• Phase II: Attachment of specific
molecules onto the intermediary
metabolite occurs. This process
makes them non-toxic and water
soluble so they can be eliminated
through the urine or the stool.
Liver Regulates Skin
• Anything that gets on the skin
immediately effects the liver.
• Skin products other than those
Elina produces are a licensed
poison and should never be used.
• Taking a shower or a bath (in
filtered water) is a technique for
jump starting your liver. You are
actually washing your liver.
Liver Regulates Skin
• Hepatitis: Swelling of the liver. The
incidence of hepatitis in people with
tatoos is 75% > and the more tatoos
the higher the incidence.
• Skin brushing improves liver
function as well as lymphatic
drainage and aids the nervous system.
• Processed oil coats the liver and
markedly decreases liver function.
Detoxification Systems
• The detox systems also includes the
lungs as well as involves drainage
drainage of the lymphatics.
Examples of blocked lymphatics:
– Post lymph node dissections during cancer
– Ankle edema
Diagnostic Face Reading Keys
• Looking older is a function of organ
All wrinkles, acne, moles, redness,
irritations, and dry areas indicate organ
The face should not have acne, accident,
nor sickness scars.
If some part of the face is red, that
indicates the associated organ is stressed.
Diagnostic Face Reading Keys
• The human face is not set, but changes
with the health of our organs.
Graying hair is a function of weak
kidneys and may change back.
Always evaluate a face while you are
relaxed, not smiling.
When reading the face, start at the scalp
and read down area by area.
Pure Body Institute in Ventura, CA 800-952-7873
Diagnostic Face Reading and Holistic Healing
Roger Bezanis 2011
Diagnostic Face Reading
Zyto is a technology company that produces
health related software and equipment to
facilitate decision making about healthcare
and wellness.
This is an energetic scan of the entire body
like a CT scan is an anatomical scan.
Amongst other things, it gives on an
indication if the Detox Systems are
This can be done with the healthcare
practioner and the client being many miles
apart with a cradle and online computer.
Detoxification Systems
• Stressors are toxins and must be
detoxified for health and well-being.
Physical and emotional stressors cause
health challenges.
Evox, voice recognition software by
Zyto, helps detoxify emotional toxins.
That too can be done long distance
when the client has a cradle and a
special headset with a microphone.
Types of Detoxification
Fasting – Lemon Cleanse
Supplements: Xymogen.com
– Whole-Body Detox by Desbio.com
– Heavy metal and halogen protocols by
Brimhall.com. Sign up for Puzzle Piece
Cellular Cleanse Footbaths
Far Infrared Saunas
Pulsed Electric Magnetic Fields
3+ Day Lemon Cleanse
• 2 Tbsp Fresh lemon or lime juice from
organic, washed, ripe fruit.
• 1 – 2 Tbsp Pure grade B maple syrup
• 1/10 Tsp Cayenne pepper
• 12 oz Distilled water
Drink as many glasses per day as
Types of Detoxification
Fasting – Lemon Cleanse
Supplements: Xymogen.com
– Whole-Body Detox by Desbio.com
– Heavy metal and halogen protocols by
Brimhall.com. Sign up for Puzzle Piece
Cellular Cleanse Footbaths
Far Infrared Saunas
Pulsed Electric Magnetic Fields
Foods for Detox
Organic foods
Raw foods
Urine pH 6.4 to 7.0 Saliva pH 6.8 to 7.2
Greens, greens, and more greens
Carrots, beets, etc.
Alkalinizing foods
Types of Detoxification
Fasting – Lemon Cleanse
Supplements: Xymogen.com
– Whole-Body Detox by Desbio.com
– Heavy metal and halogen protocols by
Brimhall.com. Sign up for Puzzle Piece
Cellular Cleanse Footbaths
Far Infrared Saunas
Pulsed Electric Magnetic Fields
• Pure Body Institute: Exceptional Liver,
Kidney, and Colon Cleanse supplements
• Xymogen’s Detox Suite: Functional
Foods and supplements.
• Xymogen.com: highest quality, fastest
growing supplement company which
now has the 3rd highest volume. Open to
you for purchase.
• Xymogen’s RegeneMax: Extremely
effective for improving skin, hair, and
Types of Detoxification
Fasting – Lemon Cleanse
Supplements: Xymogen.com
– Whole-Body Detox by Desbio.com
– Heavy metal and halogen protocols by
Brimhall.com. Sign up for Puzzle Piece
Cellular Cleanse Footbaths
Far Infrared Saunas
Pulsed Electric Magnetic Fields
Homeopathic Whole Body Detox
• Desbio.com program for a full-body
detox, drainage, and physiological
regulation program designed to optimize
all major organ functions related to
cleaning and detoxing the body.
Homeopathic Whole Body Detox
• Six Step Detox Protocol
Balance the Brain
Optimize the Spine
Clear the Matrix
Cleanse the Liver and GI
Purify the Kidneys and Urinary Tract
Drain the Lymphatic System
Types of Detoxification
Fasting – Lemon Cleanse
Supplements: Xymogen.com
– Whole-Body Detox by Desbio.com
– Heavy metal and halogen protocols by
Brimhall.com. Sign up for Puzzle Piece
Cellular Cleanse Footbaths
Far Infrared Saunas
Pulsed Electric Magnetic Fields
Heavy Metal and Halogen
Protocols with Brain Balancing
• Balance the brain with laser
• Find which toxic metal has priority for
• Rebalance the brain.
• Toxic load of Bromine, Chlorine, Fluorine
interferes with Iodine. Determine priority.
• Iodine is necessary for many functions.
• Rebalance the brain.
Types of Detoxification
Fasting – Lemon Cleanse
Supplements: Xymogen.com
– Whole-Body Detox by Desbio.com
– Heavy metal and halogen protocols by
Brimhall.com. Sign up for Puzzle Piece
Cellular Cleanse Footbaths
Far Infrared Saunas
Pulsed Electric Magnetic Fields
Cellular Cleanse Footbaths
• The high end ones work.
• EBR-Pro – an ion therapy device
utilizing direct current to create an
EMF with increased energy and
positive activity thru the array.
• Current effects the primary meridians
releasing trapped molecules through
the pores.
• Capillaries and lymphatics will also
pick-up toxins and carry them to the
liver and kidneys where they are
Types of Detoxification
Fasting – Lemon Cleanse
Supplements: Xymogen.com
– Whole-Body Detox by Desbio.com
– Heavy metal and halogen protocols by
Brimhall.com. Sign up for Puzzle Piece
Cellular Cleanse Footbaths
Far Infrared Saunas
Pulsed Electric Magnetic Fields
Far Infrared Saunas
• Relax FIR Sauna
– Removes toxins
Metabolic waste
Heavy metals
Boosts metabolism
Burns calories
Reduces body fat
Reverses the aging process
Types of Detoxification
Fasting – Lemon Cleanse
Supplements: Xymogen.com
– Whole-Body Detox by Desbio.com
– Heavy metal and halogen protocols by
Brimhall.com. Sign up for Puzzle Piece
Cellular Cleanse Footbaths
Far Infrared Saunas
Pulsed Electric Magnetic Fields
Pulsed Electric Magnetic Fields
• Mars has no magnetic field and no life
• Earth has lost 99% of its magnetic field
since the dinosaur era.
• Non-cancer cells average 120 mVs and
cancer cells are under 25 mVs
• Energy is the difference between life and
• PEMF provides us with life giving
energy and is necessary for
Pulsed Electric Magnetic Fields
• Toxins cause disease.
• Disruption of electromagnetic energy
in cells causes impaired cell
• Toxins contribute to this.
• This is the final common pathway to
• If cells are not healthy, the body is
not healthy.
Pulsed Electric Magnetic Fields
• PEMF is M.I.C.E.: Magnetically
Induced Cellular Exercise.
• That provides the Power to Repair and
• In other words, it appears to be the
missing link to recover from chronic
• Beginning next week I will have one
in my office!!!
Pulsed Electric Magnetic Fields
Energy to Cells
Cell Hydration
Bone Density
Lean Muscle Mass
Range of Motion
Immune System
Nerve and Muscle Response
Pulsed Electric Magnetic Fields
• Positive effect on musculoskeletal
system as well as internal organs.
• Many enlightened physicians have
and are investing in this technology.
• Chemistry coupled with energy
gives the body what it needs to heal
• We must continually detox.
• We live in a swamp of poisons that
keeps increasing in number and
• Minimizing avoidable exposures such
as using Elina’s skin care products and
eating organic foods is worth it.
• Major detox organs are liver, kidney,
intestines, and skin
• To fully detox takes 3 months.
• After intense detoxing, continue to eat fresh
unprocessed food with an emphasis on alkaline
forming foods.
• Monitor your pH and keep your urine pH between
6.4 and 7.0
• Remember too alkaline is as bad as too acid.
• Keep hydrated with purified water
• Continue to take foot baths and FIR saunas.
• Use supplements as needed.
• Use PEMF for M.I.C.E.
The End