Waiting Room DVD

If you quit worrying about your
health… It'll go away.
Robert Orben
Everyone knows that one of
the basic components of a
healthy lifestyle is exercise but questions about what to
do and how often, how
intense and for how long are
not always as clear. Here
are some tips to remember
when designing an exercise
An ideal exercise program includes both
resistance exercise for your muscles and
aerobic exercise for your heart.
Experts recommend working out 20 to
30 minutes per day, four to six times
per week.
The intensity or heart rate at which you
should exercise is best addressed on
an individual basis. Most people
should start gradually.
An easy starting tool is referred to as the “talk test”
which means that you can converse comfortably
during exercise without getting short of breath.
Target Heart Rates for Exercise
Target Heart Rate Zone
Average Maximum Heart
Rate 100%
20 years
100-150 beats per minute
25 years
98-146 beats per minute
30 years
95-142 beats per minute
35 years
93-138 beats per minute
40 years
90-135 beats per minute
45 years
88-131 beats per minute
50 years
85-127 beats per minute
55 years
83-123 beats per minute
60 years
80-120 beats per minute
65 years
78-116 beats per minute
70 years
75-113 beats per minute
Target Heart Rates
Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is a common
cause of foot and heel pain.
At the heart of the problem is
the plantar fascia, a fibrous
band of tissue that runs from
your heel to your forefoot.
When this tissue is
overstretched, often from
fallen arches or inadequate
arch support, it can become
irritated and inflamed. This
results in the painful condition
called “plantar fasciitis.”
Plantar Fasciitis
Our new techniques are particularly
effective at resolving plantar fasciitis.
Through a combination of physical
therapy modalities and specialized
massage we are able to resolve
many cases of plantar fasciitis…
even chronic and difficult cases. If
custom orthotics are necessary, we
can refer you to a podiatrist. Stop
living with pain.
The first sign of plantar fasciitis is
heel pain when you initially stand
up. If left untreated, the problem
can progressively worsen until it
becomes difficult to walk.
You can do anything,
but not everything.
David Allen
Pain in the Neck?
We offer effective,
comfortable treatments
to help restore spinal
movement and reduce
neck & upper back pain.
If you or someone you
know suffers from neck
problems, don’t delay,
tell us today!
In 2002, The British Medical
Journal reported:
“Spinal manipulation is more effective and
less costly for treating neck pain than
physical therapy or care by a general
Repetitive trauma conditions like Carpal Tunnel
Syndrome & Tennis Elbow occur when
tendons, muscles and nerves are placed under
stresses and strains.
These stresses and strains may be very minor but
over time they can eventually cause wear and tear to
the soft tissues of our bodies.
Not Just for Tennis Players
“Tennis Elbow” pain is often
caused by repetitive motions
leading to tendonitis.
This tendonitis causes sharp pain
in the elbow region when you lift
something as simple as a glass
of water or a container of milk.
This pain can often resolved
through proper treatment.
Ask us today!
Preventing Migraines
Avoid known food triggers,
including chocolate, alcohol,
wine, beer, dairy products, citrus,
fried foods, pork, onions, tea,
coffee and seafood.
Eat at regular intervals. Hunger
is a migraine trigger
Stay well hydrated with 6-8
glasses of water each day.
Avoid caffeinated beverages.
Sleep six to eight hours per
To ensure adequate
intake of vitamins and
minerals, eat a variety
of foods and consider
Basic supplements
that are important in
every diet include a
multi-vitamin/multimineral as well as an
“If it were not for chiropractic, I
would not have won the gold
medal. You obviously can’t
compete at your fullest if you’re not
in alignment. And your body
can’t heal if you’re not in alignment.
Every track and field athlete that I
have ever met has seen a
chiropractor at one time or another.
It is absolutely essential.”
Dan O’Brien
Olympic Decathlon Gold Medalist
Sprains & Strains
Sprains and strains occur
when any muscle, tendon
or ligament is stretched
beyond its limits. This
results in tearing, much like
a rope that has been
stretched too far and
begins to fray. Sprains and
strains can result from
acute injuries like an auto
accident or fall. Chronic
strains result from overuse
stress like poor posture at
a workstation or sleeping
on a bad mattress.
Simple, acute sprains and strains
may be treated for the first 48
hours with R.I.C.E.S.; rest, ice,
compression, elevation and
support. Any increasing
discomfort or pain that lasts over
24 hours is a warning that
something needs to be checked.
Because…the stressors that
damage muscles and ligaments
often cause misalignments of
joints too. These misalignments
can lead to premature arthritismuch like misaligned tires that
wear more quickly. Our doctors
and therapists are experts at
keeping your muscles and joints
healthy. Don’t ignore a nagging
Sleep on a firm mattress.
Avoid waterbeds or soft,
sagging mattresses.
Sleep on your side with
a pillow between your
knees or on your back
with a pillow beneath
your knees. Avoid
sleeping on your
Avoid sleeping with any type of draft blowing
across your neck or back as this may
occasionally trigger painful muscle spasms.
If you must sleep with an open window or a
fan, make sure that your neck and back are
The average American diet
contains 1 ½ servings of
vegetables and 1 serving of
fruit per day.
The minimum recommended
daily allowance by the FDA is
5 servings of fruits and
Optimally, we should eat 9+
servings of fruits and
vegetables daily.
Computer Workstations
Your hips and knees should be at 90 degrees, feet flat
on floor/footrest.
Your shoulders should be relaxed (not elevated) and
elbows should be held at 90 degrees- Preferably on an
Your keyboard should be positioned so wrists are not
bent up or down or twisted.
Your monitor should be adjusted with the center of the
screen about 15 degrees below eye level. Adjust the
eye-to-screen distance to your focal distance so that you
do not need to lean in order to focus on the screen.
A lumbar roll or support should be used to provide low
back support.
Set up your computer or workstation to help
facilitate proper posture and to help eliminate
repetitive twisting.
What we think, or what we know,
or what we believe is, in the end,
of little consequence. The only
consequence is what we do.
John Ruskin
Disc Problems
Disc bulges may cause
nerve compression. This
is called “sciatica”.
The painful symptoms of
sciatica may radiate into
your leg or foot.
Disc bulges and some
other causes of sciatica
may be effectively treated
with chiropractic care.
Love cures people –
both the ones who give it
and the ones who receive it.
Dr. Karl Menninger
One of the most overlooked causes of neck and
upper back pain is improper neck support while
sleeping. Choose a pillow that allows your head to
remain in a neutral position while on your side or
back. Avoid sleeping on excessively thick pillows or
multiple pillows. A fiberfill or feather/ down pillow is
generally better than a solid foam pillow. There are
many commercially available pillows that promote
good neck posture.
Arthritis is a common
condition that can cause
discomfort… but doesn’t
have to limit your activities.
Through exercise,
chiropractic adjustments and
good nutrition you can keep
those arthritic joints
functioning at their best.
Here’s a few of the most
common conditions we treat:
Low Back Pain
Disc Injuries & Sciatica
Neck Pain and Headaches
Muscle Strains
Auto Accidents and Whiplash
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Arthritis and Joint problems
Plantar Fasciitis
Work-related and Sports Injuries
Knee & Ankle Injuries
Shoulder Pain & Rotator Cuff Injuries
Your body is
formed by a
collection of
put all the
pieces together
making your
body function
at an optimal
You must be the change
you wish to see in the world.
Backpack Safety
Improper use of backpacks has recently become a
major source of back and neck problems among
children and adults. A few simple tips can help avoid
problems both now, and later.
A loaded back pack should never weigh more than 5-10% of
a child’s body weight.
It is important to use both shoulder straps. The straps should
be padded and adjusted to your child’s size. The popular
practice of wearing a backpack by one strap can lead to
serious problems in growing children.
A backpack with an internal frame and individual
compartments helps to distribute the load and position the
contents evenly.
In 2002, The Annals of Internal
Medicine journal reported:
“In daily practice, spinal
manipulation is a favorable
treatment option for patients with
neck pain compared with physical
therapy or continued care by a
general practitioner.”
R.I.C.E. Your Injuries
Rest- To avoid re-injury in the first 48 hours.
Ice- Apply for 10 to 20 minute periods. Re-apply
after a 30 minute break, as needed. Ice packs
come in a variety of types, but a Ziploc with ice
cubes or a bag of frozen corn works well.
Compression- Wrap the injury with an elastic
ACE bandage, when possible.
Elevation - Elevate a limb injury to limit swelling.
An injury to the neck caused by a sudden
movement of the head backward, forward or
sideways is commonly referred to as “whiplash.”
Automobile accidents are the most common
cause of whiplash injuries. Studies show that
almost ½ of the people who suffer a whiplash
injury will have permanent symptoms; neck and
shoulder pain, headaches, or symptoms
radiating into the arms. The actions that you
take following a whiplash injury can forever
affect your health.
A chiropractic evaluation is essential. Specific spinal
adjustments can help restore proper motion and position of
individual spinal bones. If you or someone you know has
been injured in an automobile accident don’t delay treatment.
Make sure that your
headrest is always
properly adjusted. Almost
½ of car occupants who
are hit from behind suffer
permanent damage and
symptoms. Much of this
could be prevented by
making sure that your
headrest is adjusted to the
top of your skull.
Exercise Benefits
Lowers blood pressure
Decreases risk of heart
Decreases incidence of type II
Decreases bone density loss
Decreases risk of hip and
vertebral fractures
Decreases risk of falling
Improves function & mobility
Decreases pain
Slows arthritis
Improves quality of sleep
Improves brain function
Decreases rates of depression,
Improves short-term memory
Decreases risk of colon,
breast, prostate and rectum
Improves quality of life and
decreases fatigue
Decreases mortality &
Decreases risk of obesity
Improves symptoms in
peripheral vascular disease
We are what we repeatedly do;
excellence, then,
is not an act but a habit.
Aquatic exercise or water
aerobics is a good alternative
for patients who cannot
tolerate weight bearing
This is an excellent option for
patients with osteoarthritis
and other degenerative
To improve your diet, follow the laws of
science rather than the current “popular”
or marketing-based diet choices.
Decrease refined carbohydrates- sugar &
white flour.
Decrease red meats.
Choose “Healthy” oils like olive and canola
Increase fruits and vegetables.
Replace carbonated, caffeinated or caloriecontaining beverages with water.
It’s never too late!
Research shows that
increases in life
expectancy are possible
even in patients who did
not begin to exercise
until the age of 75.
Tell us if you have Headaches…
We may be able to help!
"Bodybuilders and fitness people have
been using chiropractic very
extensively in order to stay healthy
and fit. I found it was better to go to
a chiropractor before you get injured.
We are a perfect team- the world of
fitness and the world of
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Choose Your Oils Carefully
Omega 6 oils are bad- these include the “warm
weather Southern oils” of corn, sunflower,
peanut and most others. This would also
include oils from red meat, dairy products and
Omega 3 oils or “cold weather Northern oils” are
better. These would include flax, soy, wheat
germ, canola and fish oils.
Olive oil is classified as an
Omega 6 and has been shown to
have highly anti-inflammatory
properties. It has also been
shown to have numerous other
biological benefits including the
reduction of harmful free radicals.
When possible, substitute
organic, extra virgin olive oil in
place of any other oil. “Organic”
means that it was grown in pure
soil without the use of pesticides,
and extra virgin means that it
was pressed without the use of
heat or chemicals.
You miss 100 percent of
the shots you never take.
Wayne Gretzky
Disc Problems
Discs are the flexible cushions between the bones of our
spine. Discs depend upon normal position and
movement of adjacent spinal bones to stay healthy- like
a sponge being squished and released to move fluids in
and out. When a vertebra loses its normal motion, the
healthy “pumping” of nutrients stops and the disc begins
to dry, crack, and eventually bulge under stress.
We offer effective, comfortable treatments to help restore
spinal movement and reduce painful bulging- proven
treatments like; Cox axial distraction and Triton
decompression. We’ve helped hundreds avoid
potentially dangerous surgery. If you or someone you
know suffers from a spinal disc problem, don’t delay, ask
how we can help today!
Smart Lifting
Face the object you are preparing to lift.
Always lift with your legs -not your back. Never
bend over without bending your knees first.
Hold and carry objects close to you.
Don’t be shy about asking for help!
Shoulder Pain
While the shoulder is the most movable
joint in the body, it is also one of the
most unstable. The shoulder, unlike the
hip, is not a true ball and socket. The
shoulder is more like a golf ball and tee,
where the ball can shift due to problems
with muscles, tendons or ligaments.
Frequent problems include sprains,
strains, tendonitis, bursitis, rotator cuff
injuries and arthritis.
Shoulder Pain
We offer effective, comfortable treatments to
help restore shoulder motion, improve strength
and reduce pain. We’ve helped hundreds avoid
potentially dangerous surgery. If you or
someone you know suffers from shoulder pain,
don’t delay,
You could compare a medical doctor to a chemist…
someone who uses medications or chemicals to
change your body.
A chiropractor is more like a mechanic who uses
stretching, therapy and gentle adjustments to correct
the source of your problem.
Water Please
Caffeine should be limited to
no more than 1-2 servings per
Carbonated beverages contain
carbonic acid, which as an
acid, irritates inflamed tissues.
Sodas, juices and sports drinks
often contain high levels of
sugars and other useless
Drink six to eight
glasses of water
each day.
Vertigo is a condition that affects
your balance. It can range from a
sensation of light-headedness to
full-tilt room-spinning. Vertigo can
have many different causes. Any
vertigo warrants prompt attention!
Some causes are threatening but
most are not. Two of the most
common causes include otolithstiny “stones” that become lodged in
the inner ears balance mechanism
and neck restrictions. If you have
vertigo-& especially if you also feel
neck tension- we may be able to
Since I’ve been in chiropractic, I’ve improved by
leaps and bounds,both mentally and physically.
Michael Jordan
NBA Hall of Fame
Exercise Programs
Always check with us before starting a new
exercise program. We can provide valuable
information for safely beginning.
Resistance exercise should be performed 3-4 times per
Beginners can start with elastic tubing and progress to
machines or free weights.
A lifting program is not beneficial if you injure yourself by
lifting heavy weights too soon.
A good rule of thumb is to
balance “pushers” with “pullers”.
Pushers include; shoulders,
chest, triceps, abs, quadriceps,
and calves.
Pullers include; biceps, back and
posterior shoulder muscles and
Pushers and pullers do not need
to be worked during the same
session; in fact they should
probably be worked on different
Be careful about reading health
books. You may die of a misprint.
Mark Twain
Carpal Tunnel
Carpal tunnel syndrome results from
compression of a nerve within the
“carpal tunnel” at the wrist. This
pressure results in numbness,
tingling or pain in the thumb,
index, middle and ½ of the ring
finger. It is typically caused by
repetitive tasks involving the hand
and wrist. Symptoms are often
worse at night or when holding
objects like a newspaper,
hairdryer or steering wheel. As
the problem progresses, loss of
grip strength and weakness of
the thumb muscles may occur.
Carpal Tunnel
Conservative treatment is often effective for carpal tunnel
syndrome. Cases that are treated early are more likely to
respond to chiropractic & physical therapy. Surgery may be
necessary for cases that have become severe.
Our doctors & therapists are skilled at finding and fixing the
source of your hand numbness. We offer effective,
comfortable treatments to help relieve your symptoms. If you
or someone you know suffers from carpal tunnel syndrome
don’t delay, ask how we can help today!
High fiber intake improves
gastrointestinal function and
decreases our risk of colon
We should ingest 25-30
grams of fiber per day.
Good sources of fiber
include beans, lentils, fruits,
vegetables, whole grains
and nuts.
A person’s health can be judged by which he
takes two at a time – pills or stairs.
-Joan Welsh
Get Fit !
Aerobic exercise can help prevent conditions ranging from
heart disease to back pain. Any activity which uses large
muscle groups and requires your heart and lungs to work
harder is considered aerobic exercise.
Examples of aerobic exercise include; walking, running,
bicycling, swimming and low-impact aerobics. Vary your
activity to help prevent overuse injuries.
Exercise Burns Calories
Calories burned
140- to 150pound
170- to 180pound
Calories burned
140- to 150pound
170- to 180pound
Aerobic dancing
Rope jumping
Running, 8 mph
Bicycling (outdoor)
Skating, (ice- or
Skiing (crosscountry)
Skiing (downhill)
Stair climbing
Golfing (carrying
Walking, 2 mph
Jogging, 5 mph
Walking, 3.5 mph
"I've been seeing a
Chiropractor and he's
really been helping me
out a lot. Chiropractic's
been a big part of my
Joe Montana
Professional Football
Be Good to Your Spine
If prolonged standing is unavoidable,
consider shock absorbent shoes or antifatigue matting. When standing, a footrest
will help relieve pressure on your back.
Avoid high-heeled shoes or boots, as they
create additional stress on your hips and
When you cough or sneeze, bend your
knees slightly first.
Does Running Cause Arthritis?
Life-long, senior runners are 5 times
less likely to have ankle, knee & hip
Runners are 20 times less likely to
have hand, elbow and shoulder
Runners have 33% less hospital &
Dr. Visits
Runners suffer 50% fewer lost work
days and up to 90% less disability
Runners have lower blood
pressure, heart rate and weight and
report higher perceived health
Do you have pain in
your shoulder when
you raise your arm?
Many people do and
most just ignore it.
Why put up with it?
Tell one of us about it
so we can help today!
Tennis Elbow
Elbow pain may result from one of
several different problems. A
common cause of elbow pain is from
irritation to the forearm tendons that
attach at the outer aspect of the
elbow. Interestingly, only 5% of the
people afflicted with this condition
play tennis. It more commonly occurs
with repetitive use of the arm
especially with a clenched fist.
Our doctors & therapists are skilled at
finding and fixing the source of your
elbow pain. We offer effective,
comfortable treatments to help relieve
your discomfort. Ask how we may
help you too!
Most of our new patients come to us
by referrals.
If you know someone else who
could benefit from our care, please
tell them about us.
Your friend will appreciate the relief
& we appreciate your referrals.
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
Ergonomics is the study of how to
adapt the work place to the
person. In other words, the work
environment should be adapted to
you, not the other way around.
This is important because when
the work station fits your needs,
fatigue and stress decrease and
your comfort & productivity
Keep the tools that you need
within close and easy reach-like
an airplane cockpit. Rearrange
your space or hang tools up so
everything is convenient to reach.
Take regular and periodic breaks
so your hands and body are not
subjected to too much fatigue.
Plan short breaks throughout the
day, perhaps using a timer so you
don't get excessively involved in
your activity.
Proper lighting is also important.
We are available to speak to your favorite club,
church or group, offering interesting &
informative programs:
Preventing and Relieving Low-Back Pain
Managing Neck Pain & Headaches
Sitting on the Job- Workstation Ergonomics
Starting an Exercise Program
Safe & Efficient Running Mechanics
Healthy Lifestyles- 25 Years of Healthy Tips
Ask us today about how you can schedule a free
presentation for your club or group of friends!
Use your car’s lumbar support to
comfortably support your spine. If
your vehicle doesn’t have a built in
support, ask us about after-market
models. We stock several
inexpensive lumbar cushions that
will make your trips more
A cheerful heart
is good medicine.
The Bible
Fresh fruits and vegetables
contain phytonutrients, which
are known as the “guardians
of health”.
Phytonutrients have been
shown to protect us from
several chronic diseases
including heart disease,
cancer, diabetes,
hypertension and arthritis.
“I do believe in chiropractic. I
found that going to my
chiropractor three times a
week helps my performance.
The majority of boxers go to
get that edge.”
- Evander Holyfield,
Heavyweight Champ
The doctor of the future will give
no medicine but will interest his
patients in the care of the human
frame, in diet and in the cause
and prevention of disease.
-Thomas Edison
Are Golf Injuries Common?
The PGA Medical Staff reports that
up to 85 percent of the injuries on
the PGA Tour and Senior Tour
relate to the spine.
The PGA & LPGA have a
Chiropractor on their medical staff
for prevention and treatment of
injuries and for improved
performance. About 70 to 75
percent of pro golfers receive
regular chiropractic care.
Poor Putting Posture = Pain
Chiropractic Treatment
The vertebrae in the spine
are similar to links on a
chain. They can develop
“kinks” that impair motion
and cause pain.
Chiropractors work to
restore alignment and
motion to these vital
Chiropractic Treatment
Adjustments to the
spine restore
alignment, relieve
nerve pressure &
pain, and improve
mobility and range of
Motion is the Key
Normally, each vertebra in the
spine moves independently a
certain number of degrees
when our whole body is
involved in an activity. If that is
not happening, for example, if
two or more segments are
restricted, rather than moving
independently, it can lead to
spinal strain, inflammation,
stiffness, pain and promote
degenerative changes.