Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust Delivering the Productivity & Efficiency Plan GETTING eQIPPd WITH IM&T (Energising Quality, Innovation, Productivity, Prevention & Delivery) Martyn Smith Deputy Director of Finance & MTPEP Programme Manager 9th APRIL, 2010 1 Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust IM&T – THE ART OF THE POSSIBLE or (what has IT ever done for me?) INFORMATICS DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER SERVICES Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust QIPP Why do we need a QIPP Transformation Programme? •Predicted £15 to £20bn shortfall in NHS Funding from 2011 •Historic income growth trends are not sustainable •Increased focus on risk, outcomes, location •Increasing demand: Older people; Drugs; A&E; etc •We need a combination of: •21st Century Care Models IBP •Clinical Excellence •Productivity & Efficiency •Assiduous cost control •Future (financial) health depends on this: QIPP MTFP Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust QIPP The Operational Plan QUALITY UP COST DOWN MORE SERVICES CLOSER TO HOME – Shut down acute capacity LESS VARIATION FOR ALL SECTORS – Defined, mandated, Pathway based Commissioning NHS MONEY SPENT WISELY, TO BEST EFFECT, WITH THE BEST POSSIBLE OUTCOMES – Drive out waste and duplication, reward excellence, penalise poor care and poor care models Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust QIPP What Does This Mean For Us? £12m savings in 09/10 £21m savings this year Circa £20m savings year on year to 14/15 CANCER & CLINICAL SUPPORT 8.14 ESTATES, CORPORATE, BACK-OFFICE 18.03 8.66 MEDICINE CARDIO & NEURO SCIENCES 9.27 17.39 9.94 WOMEN & CHILDRENS CRITICAL CARE & THEATRES SURGERY 1 10.45 12.13 SURGERY 2 Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust QIPP Making Savings: A Workstream Approach Clinical Pathways STAFFING PATIENT CARE SUPPORTING PATIENT CARE BEST VALUE Management Costs & Back Office Workforce Estates Outpatients Theatres Procurement Decontamination Leasing Transformation Income Growth Energy & Sustainability Risk Management Corporate / Business Units DELIVERING PATIENT CARE Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust QIPP Governing The Transformation Programme FINANCE COMMITTEE Exec & Non-Exec representation MTEP Board All Exec Directors Programme Management Team Martyn Smith (Programme Manager) Service Improvement Matt Clark MTPEP Accountant Peter Tindall Proj Dir: Pathways Kevin Downes Proj Dir: Theatres Nicky Rowan Proj Dir: Workforce Sue Richards Proj Dir: Outpatients John Taylor Information Lead Planning Workstreams Workforce Clinical Pathways Theatres Outpatients Leasing Estates Clinical Governance Transformation Energy & Sustainability Procurement Management Costs & Back Office Decontamination & Drugs Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust QIPP is not a Financial Savings Programme Clinical & Operational Governance Financial Controls QIPP Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust QIPP Developing Robust Deliverability Plans Development Framework STAGE 1 DROS Development Stages & Processes Planning & Scoping Indicative savings opportunity added to MTPEP overview FINALISED DROS GANTT PLANS Identified efficiency project STAGE 4 Delivery & Closure STAGE 3 Test, Review, Implement STAGE 2 Detailed Planning ADDED TO TRACKER OUTCOMES BUDGET ADJUSTMENT Projects underway PROJECT OVERVIEW Governance Live Project is signed off by BU Triumvirate or Directors Formal Sign-off and Project Closure BED REDUCTION THEATRE CLOSURE OPD RATIONALISATION STAFF REDUCTION ETC MONTHLY STATUS REPORTS RESOURCE REMOVED DRAFT DROS STATEMENT EXECUTIVE REPORTS BASELINE BUDGET REDUCTION SIGN OFF Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust QIPP ‘Better Value’ intentions – A Commissioner View Acute Providers •Standardisation of tariffs and contracts •Focus on high volume care –BCBV metrics •Increase day surgery rates over in patient elective •Changes in practice –stop procedures with no or limited clinical benefit/low cost alternatives •Coding and invoice validation All providers •Utilise and embed ‘Productive’ methodologies •Skill mix changes - increase ratio of non clinical to clinical •Increase clinician to patient facing time •Faster diagnostics and tests •Reduce variation in LOS Supply Chain/ procurement •Better medicines management •Eradicate waste –back room functions •Improve inventory management •Collaborative/joint procurement to improve buying power Care pathway management •Admission management for planned and unplanned •Care planning –changes in location, follow up and patient care •Increased use of technology to support independence •Personalisation – empowered user and carers Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust IT’s the future ‘the widespread use (of computers) in hospitals and physician’s offices will instantaneously give a doctor or a nurse a patient’s entire medical history, eliminating guesswork and bad recollection, and sometimes making the difference between life and death’ Thomas J Watson Jnr – Chairman IBM - 1965 QIPP Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals Has Our Time Finally Arrived? QIPP Directors of ICT Group – 2007 Time Out Conference NHS Trust Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust What Do Our Organisations Want From IT Systems? High Performance: – Fast; Reliable; Available; Sexy; Easy to Use Accessible & Flexible: – Enough where they are needed; Use it anywhere Joined up (but I don’t want to lose sovereignty...) Improve what I do: – Governance / Decision Making / Risk / Security Make my job easier not harder …… Cheap as Chips: but the highest quality ….. Solve every problem we’ve got ....... QIPP Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust Business Cases – A Tribute to Arthur C Clarke Improve Governance Improve the patient experience Reduce Risk Make it easier to ‘manage’ Richer, more accessible information Eliminate errors, ‘misses’, non-compliance Reduce costs: – Staff; Paper; Transport; Stock; Treatment; etc Increase Income Minimal Support (after negotiation!) It’s a Bargain! You can have it tomorrow QIPP Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust We Have The Answer QIPP Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust So How Was It For You? You never told me about the support army! What do you mean we didn’t buy that functionality? But the old one did it – and faster! But Google never crashes ...... Another day, another invoice! Why can’t I access that? Benefits – what benefits? But they’re only £200 at PC World? Don’t my opinions count? QIPP Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust QIPP Doing Business In A Cold Climate Of Austerity Review value added & non value added activities Improve current value added processes Introduce ‘leaner’ processes: 10% more for 10% less Stop / Decommission non value added Manage impact on patients, targets, etc New ideas – maximum bang for $ Provide evidence of business value contribution & tangible, cash releasing benefit: if it doesn’t ‘earn’ then we don’t invest Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust QIPP The Reality 50% cut in Capital Spending (as a start) 87 Developments – 10 Approved (Provisionally) £21m year on year Revenue Savings Improved VFM (3 E’s) is non-negotiable QIPP Demands Innovation IM&T has to be at the heart of this – doesn’t it? High-Impact Changes for IT Delivery: converting hypothetical opportunities into tangible, measurable, sustainable, improvements Failure isn’t an option Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust Critical Questions For IM&T Do we bring IMPETUS and DRIVE to the challenge? Can we really help the NHS become 20% more efficient? – What answers do we have? – Do the figures stack up? How can our own services become 20% more efficient? – What do we need to start doing? – What can we stop doing? – What can we do differently: faster; slicker; lower cost – Where are we not adding value? Have we got the resources & capacity for the job? What is the VISION What are we doing about it? QIPP Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust Delivering the Productivity & Efficiency Plan GETTING eQIPPd WITH IM&T (Energising Quality, Innovation, Productivity, Prevention & Delivery) Martyn Smith Deputy Director of Finance & MTPEP Programme Manager 9th APRIL, 2010 20