ICD-9, CPT, E&M Coding Documentation and Compliance …or the in-service for the in-service!! …You’ve just seen a patient in your office… …and after the exam You want to get paid (After all, you need to pay mortgage, food, etc) Insurance will pay you if… You tell the company what you did…AND… You tell the company why you did it Types of “Codes” Procedure codes What I did during the visit Two Types ICD CPT Evaluation and Management Why I did it The actual diagnosis code …and these must make sense together ICD codes ICD-9 ICD Codes ICD = International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems Provides codes to classify diseases and a wide variety of signs, symptoms, abnormal findings, complaints, social circumstances and external causes of injury or disease. Every health condition can be assigned to a unique category and given a code, up to six characters long. Easy to understand Allows for global (international) understanding of information ICD-9 (9th version- currently one in use) 001-139: Infectious and parasitic diseases 140-239: Neoplasms 240-279: Endocrine, nutritional, metabolic and immunity disorders 280-289: Blood ad blood-forming organs 290-319: Mental disorders (used by primary care and psych for research. DSM codes are used for clinical billing by psych) 320-359: Nervous system 360-389: Sense organs 390-459: Circulatory system 460-519: Respiratory system 520-579: Digestive system 580-629: Genitourinary system 630-676: Complications of pregnancy/childbirth 680-709: Skin and subcutaneous tissues 710-739: Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 740-759: Congenital anomalies 760-779: Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period 780-799: Symptoms, signs and ill-defined conditions 800-999: Injury and poisoning E and V codes: External causes of injury and supplemental classification ICD-9 Can list by disease or symptom Get better reimbursement for more detail Some insurances will only pay for a certain number of visits per diagnosis e.g., diabetes Large book with diagnostic codes or can get on line http://www.icd9coding1.com/flashcode/home.j sp ICD-9 codes More detail the better…. Break these down further! Diseases of the circulatory system (390-459) Hypertensive disease (401-405) (401) Essential Hypertension (402) Hypertensive heart disease (403) Hypertensive renal disease (401.0) Hypertension, malignant (401.1) Hypertension, benign (403.91) Hypertensive renal disease, unspec., w/ renal failure (404) Hypertensive heart and renal disease (405.01) Hypertension, renovascular, malignant (405.11) Hypertension, renovascular, benign Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases, and immunity disorders (240-279) diseases of other endocrine glands (250-259) Note: for 250-259, the following fifth digit can be added: (250.x0) Diabetes mellitus type 2 (250.x1) Diabetes mellitus type 1 (250.x2) Diabetes mellitus type 2, uncontrolled (250.x3) Diabetes mellitus type 1, uncontrolled (250) Diabetes mellitus (250.0) Diabetes mellitus without mention of complication (250.1) Diabetes with ketoacidosis (250.2) Diabetes with hyperosmolarity (250.3) Diabetes with other coma (250.4) Diabetes with renal manifestations (250.5) Diabetes with ophthalmic manifestations (250.6) Diabetes with neurological manifestations (250.7) Diabetes with peripheral circulatory disorder (250.8) Diabetes with other nonspecified manifestations (250.9) Diabetes with unspecified complication 780-799: Symptoms, signs and illdefined conditions (780) General symptoms (780.0) Alteration of consciousness (780.01) Coma, nondiabetic, nonhepatic (780.02) Mental status changes (780.09) Semicoma, stupor (780.1) Hallucinations (780.2) Syncope (780.3) Convulsions (780.31) Seizures, convulsions, febrile (780.39) Seizures, convulsions, other (780.4) Dizziness/vertigo, NOS (780.5) Sleep disturbance, unspec. (780.53) Hypersomnia, sleep apnea (780.53) Sleep apnea w/ hypersomnia (780.58) Movement disorder, sleep related (780.6) Fever, nonperinatal (780.7) Malaise and fatigue (780.8) Sweating, excessive (780.9) Other general symptoms (780.92) Crying, infant, excessive (780.93) Memory loss (780.94) Early satiety CPT Current Procedural Terminology CPT CPT = Current Procedural Terminology Code Set accurately describes medical, surgical, and diagnostic services Designed to communicate uniform information about medical services and procedures among physicians, coders, patients, accreditation organizations, and payers for administrative, financial, and analytical purposes. The current version is the CPT 2008. CPT A CPT code is a five digit numeric code that is used to describe medical, surgical, radiology, laboratory, anesthesiology, and evaluation/management services of physicians, hospitals, and other health care providers. There are approximately 7,800 CPT codes ranging from 00100 through 99499. Two digit modifiers may be added when appropriate to clarify or modify the description of the procedure. Current Procedural Terminology Chapter 1: Evaluation and Management Codes (99201-99499) Chapter 2: Chapter 3: Chapter 4: Chapter 5: Anesthesia Codes (00100-01999) Surgery Codes (10040-69990) Radiology Codes (70010-79999) Pathology/Laboratory Codes (80049- 89399) Chapter 6: Medicine Codes (90281-99199) Appendices: Modifiers, Deleted codes V codes: Supplemental classification V01 Contact with or exposure to communicable diseases V02 Carrier or suspected carrier of infectious diseases V09 Infection with drug-resistant microorganisms V10 Personal history of malignant neoplasm (i.e. cancer) V16 Family history of malignant neoplasm V17 Family history of certain chronic disabling diseases V20 Health supervision of infant or child V21 Constitutional states in development V22 Normal pregnancy V codes, cont V23 Supervision of high-risk pregnancy V24 Postpartum care and examination V25 Encounter for contraceptive management V28 Encounter for [antenatal] screening of mother V29 Observation and evaluation of newborns for suspected conditions not found V30 Single liveborn V31 Twin birth mate liveborn V48 Problems with head neck and trunk V49 Other conditions influencing health status V50 Elective surgery for purposes other than remedying health states V51 Aftercare involving the use of plastic surgery V codes, cont V56 Encounter for dialysis and dialysis catheter care V57 Care involving use of rehabilitation procedures V58 Encounter for other and unspecified procedures and aftercare V60 Housing, household and economic circumstances V64 Persons encountering health services for specific procedures not carried out V65 Other persons seeking consultation V66 Convalescence and palliative care V67 Follow-up examination V68 Encounters for administrative purposes V69 Problems related to lifestyle V70 General medical examination V71 Observation and evaluation for suspected conditions not found V80 Special screening for neurological eye and ear diseases V81 Special screening for cardiovascular respiratory and genitourinary diseases V85 Body mass index Relationship between CPT and ICD-9 The critical relationship between an ICD-9 code and a CPT code is that the diagnosis supports the medical necessity of the procedure. Since both ICD-9 and CPT are numeric codes, health care consulting firms, the government, and insurers have all designed software that compares the codes for a logical relationship. For example, a bill for CPT 31256, nasal/sinus endoscopy would not be supported by ICD-9 826.0, closed fracture of a phalanges of the foot. Such a claim would be quickly identified and rejected. …trivia for boards… Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) Diagnosis Codes CPT Updated Annually Level II (national) ICD – 9 Creates medical necessity Level I Common Procedural Coding System (HCPCS) HCPCS (A-V) Alphanumeric System Level III (State) Local Codes (W-Z) E & M Coding Evaluation and Management Most confusing for physicians What are E&M Codes? The Evaluation & Management (E&M) codes are a subset of the CPT codes. Can be used by all privileged providers Describes: Complexity of care provided to a patient for non-procedural visits. The place of service (inpatient or outpatient) The type of service (new vs. established, consult, preventive, ER, critical care, etc) Defined by 3 components The patient history The physical examination Medical decision making Why Code? REIMBURSEMENT Third Party Payers/Insurance Agencies Prospective Payment Systems (PPS) Over coding = Fraud Under coding = Lost Revenue What Do Coders Look For? Professional Coders in your office or from insurance companies have been trained to match documentation in charts to the billing information It is the Content, not the volume, of documentation that determines your E&M code! What Do Coders Look For? Every patient encounter should be legible and include: Date of Encounter Reason for the visit (chief complaint) Appropriate history of present illness An exam when necessary or appropriate; i.e. a new patient (consistency and problem pertinent) Review of lab, x-ray, other ancillary services when appropriate Assessment Plan of care/Treatment options Provider signature Why is Documentation Important? The documentation must support the E&M code you select. Your documentation must also support the medical necessity of the services provided. The use of “Follow-up” is insufficient documentation as it does not indicate medical necessity. The first step is to clearly document the reason for every visit – the chief complaint. However it is acceptable to document “Follow-up for _____”. “If it isn’t documented, it wasn’t done!” Patient Type New vs. Established Consult Inpatient vs. Outpatient New vs. Established New patient Any patient who has not received professional services, within the previous 36 months, from a provider within the same group, of the same specialty Same group practice: One Federal Tax ID number for all providers, if more than one Federal Tax ID, can consider the patient new e.g., current practice seen in OLBH ER and Outreach offices Professional Services: Phone call, prescription, hospital or office visit, etc. Specialty Issue: Optional if one federal Tax ID is shared by practitioners of other specialties (e.g., surgeon and FP) ** DO’s and MD’s of the same specialty DO NOT differ even if OMT is offered by the DO Average and Recommended Code Distributions 60 50 40 Medicare Recommended 30 20 10 0 99211 99212 99213 99214 99215 The difference in the bell curves represents loss in physician income!! Determining the Correct E&M Code There are three key components to consider when selecting the appropriate E&M: History Exam Medical Decision Making (MDM) All three components must be documented for a new patient (new to clinic or not seen within the past three years). Indicate in CC if patient is new. Only two of the three components must be documented for established patients (seen within the past three years). E&M selection should never be based on the allotted time on the appointment schedule! Determining the Correct E&M Code To determine the correct level E&M code, consider the complexity of your patient’s condition and your medical decision making, then support that level of complexity with your documentation of history and/or exam. Remember: For a new clinic patient, initial consult, initial inpatient visit or ED encounter you must document all three key components history, exam and your medical decision making. Defining Levels of E&M Services 7 components History Examination Medical Decision Making Counseling Coordination of care Nature of Presenting Problem Time The Medical History History Also has several components to determine “complexity” or “type” History of Present Illness (HPI) Review of Systems (ROS) Past Family and/or Social History (PFSH) The extent of history is dependent on clinical judgment and the nature of the presenting problem. The four types of History include: Problem focused, Expanded Problem Focused, Detailed and Comprehensive. History of Present Illness History – Chief Complaint Chief Complaint Required The CC is usually stated in the patient’s own words. concise statement that describes the symptom, problem, condition, diagnosis, or reason for the patient encounter. For example, patient complains of upset stomach, aching joints, and fatigue Cannot be the words “follow up” alone History – History of Present Illness Two types of HPI Brief, which includes documentation of one to three HPI elements. In the following example, three HPI elements – location, severity, and duration – are documented: CC: A patient seen in the office complains of left ear pain. Brief HPI: Patient complains of dull ache in left ear over the past 24 hours. History – History of Present Illness Extended, which includes documentation of at least four HPI elements or the status of at least three chronic or inactive conditions. In the following example, five HPI elements – location, severity, duration, context, and modifying factors – are documented: Extended HPI: Patient complains of dull ache in left ear over the past 24 hours. Patient states he went swimming two days ago. Symptoms somewhat relieved by warm compress and ibuprofen. History Components Location Area of body, localized, unilateral, bilateral, fixed, migratory, radiation, referred Quality Specific pattern, sharp, dull, throbbing, stabbing, constant, intermittent, acute, chronic, stable, improving, worsening Severity Laceration as jagged or straight Sore throat as scratchy Pain scale, “compared to”, observation by physician (discomfort, wincing) Duration History Components Timing Context Associated with activity, improves with activity, etc Modifying factors Onset of problem or symptom and progression, recurrent, comes and goes, worsens or improves Steps the patient has taken to alleviate symptoms, what exacerbates symptoms, is helped by, is hindered by Associated signs/symptoms Clinical impressions direct physician questioning Specific symptoms (weakness, headache with injury) Generalized symptoms, chills, fever, “pertinent positives and negatives” History Guidelines HPI must be documented by the physician ROS and/or PFSH can be recorded by ancillary staff Physician must supplement or confirm the information If obtained at a prior visit, do not need to re-record. Can review and update Describe new information Note date and location of earlier information History Guidelines If unable to obtain a history Describe patient’s medical condition or circumstance which precludes obtaining a history Review of Systems Review of Systems Definition An inventory of body systems obtained through a series of questions seeking to identify signs and/or symptoms that the patient may be experiencing or has experienced The following “systems” are recognized: Constitutional (fever, weight loss) Eyes Ears, nose, mouth throat Cardiovascular Respiratory Gastrointestinal Musculoskeletal Integumentary (skin and/or breast) Hematologic/Lymphatic - Psychiatric - Endocrine - Neurological - Allergic/Immunologic Review of Systems Three categories of review Problem Pertinent ROS inquires about the system directly related to the problem(s) identified in the HPI Both positive responses and pertinent negatives should be documented In the following example, one system – the ear – is reviewed: CC: Earache. ROS: Positive for left ear pain. Denies dizziness, tinnitus, fullness, or headache. Review of Systems Extended ROS inquires about the system directly related to HPI AND a limited number of additional systems 2-9 systems which are documented In the following example, two systems – cardiovascular and respiratory – are reviewed: CC: Follow up visit in office after cardiac catheterization. Patient states “I feel great.” ROS: Patient states he feels great and denies chest pain, syncope, palpitations, and shortness of breath. Relates occasional unilateral, asymptomatic edema of left leg. Review of Systems Complete ROS inquires about the system directly related to the HPI AND all other body systems At least 10 body systems must be documented Those systems w/pertinent +or- responses must be individually documented, however for the remaining systems, “all other systems are negative” is permissible Review of Systems In the following example, 10 signs and symptoms are reviewed: CC: Patient complains of “fainting spell.” ROS: Constitutional: weight stable, + fatigue. Eyes: + loss of peripheral vision. Ear, Nose, Mouth, Throat: no complaints. Cardiovascular: + palpitations; denies chest pain; denies calf pain, pressure, or edema. Respiratory: + shortness of breath on exertion. Gastrointestinal: appetite good, denies heartburn and indigestion. + episodes of nausea. Bowel movement daily; denies constipation or loose stools. Urinary: denies incontinence, frequency, urgency, nocturia, pain, or discomfort. Skin: + clammy, moist skin. Neurological: + fainting; denies numbness, tingling, and tremors. Psychiatric: denies memory loss or depression. Mood pleasant. Past Medical History Medical Family Social History - PFSH Past History Family History Past experience with illnesses, operations, injuries and treatments Review of medical events in patients family, including hereditary disease Social History Age appropriate review of past and current activities History - PFSH Pertinent review of the history areas directly related to the problem(s) identified in the HPI. Must document one item from any of the three history areas. In the following example, the patient’s past surgical history is reviewed as it relates to the current HPI: Patient returns to office for follow up of coronary artery bypass graft in 1992. Recent cardiac catheterization demonstrates 50 percent occlusion of vein graft to obtuse marginal artery. History - PFSH Complete A review of two or all three of the areas, depending on the category of E/M service. Requires a review of all three history areas for services that, by their nature, include a comprehensive assessment or reassessment of the patient. A review of two history areas is sufficient for other services. History - PFSH At least one specific item from each of the history areas must be documented for the following categories of E/M services: Office or other outpatient services, new patient; Hospital observation services; Hospital inpatient services, initial care; Consultations; Comprehensive Nursing Facility assessments; Domiciliary care, new patient; and Home care, new patient. History - PFSH Does NOT need to be re-recorded Record new information only “No change” PFSH can be documented History Algorithm History Type HPI ROS PFSH Problem Focused Brief (1 point) None None Expanded Brief Problem Focused (2 points) Detailed (3 Extended points) Comprehensive Extended (4 points) Problem pertinent None Extended Pertinent Complete Complete Physical Examination Physical Exam Looked at either by Body Areas Organ Systems Physical Exam Body areas recognized: Head (including face) Neck Chest, including breast and axillae Abdomen Genitalia, groin, buttocks Back (including spine) Each extremity (separately) Physical Exam Organ systems recognized Constitutional Eyes ENT, Mouth Cardiovascular Respiratory GI GU Musculoskeletal Skin Neurologic Psychiatric Hematologic; Lymphatic; Immunologic The general multi-system exam should include findings of at least 8 of the above 12 organ systems Documentation of Examination Make sure you note specific abnormal or relevant findings of affected body areas or organ systems Brief statement indicating negative or normal is sufficient for unaffected or asymptomatic systems Describe abnormal or unexpected findings of asymptomatic areas or organs Physical Examination Type Either this Or this Problem Focused (1 point) < 1 organ system/Body area 1-5 bulleted elements Expanded Problem Focused (2 points) 2-4 Organ Systems/Body areas > 6 Bulleted Elements Detailed Exam (3 points) 5-7 Organ Systems/Body Areas > 2 bulleted elements from 6 areas or > 12 bullets from > 2 areas Comprehensive Exam (4 points) > 8 organ systems/body areas Complete single system examination or > 2 bulleted elements from 9 areas Physical Examination Type of Examination Description Problem Focused A limited examination of the affected body area or organ system. Expanded Problem Focused A limited examination of the affected body area or organ system and any other symptomatic or related body area(s) or organ system(s). Detailed An extended examination of the affected body area(s) or organ system(s) and any other symptomatic or related body areas(s) or organ system(s). Comprehensive A general multi-system examination OR complete examination of a single organ system and other symptomatic or related body area(s) or organ system(s). Physical Examination General Multi-System Examinations TYPE OF EXAMINATION DESCRIPTION Problem Focused Include performance and documentation of 1 - 5 elements identified by a bullet in 1 or more organ system(s) or body area(s) Expanded Problem Focused Include performance and documentation of at least 6 elements identified by a bullet in 1 or more organ system(s) or body area(s). Physical Examination General Multi-System Examinations TYPE OF EXAM DESCRIPTION Detailed Include at least 6 organ systems or body areas. For each system/area selected, performance and documentation of at least 2 elements identified by a bullet is expected. Alternatively, may include performance and documentation of at least 12 elements identified by a bullet in 2 or more organ systems or body areas. Comp. 1997 Documentation Guidelines for Evaluation and Management Services: Include at least 9 organ systems or body areas. For each system/area selected, all elements of the examination identified by a bullet should be performed, unless specific directions limit the content of the examination. For each area/system, documentation of at least 2 elements identified by bullet is expected. 1995 Documentation Guidelines for Evaluation and Management Services: Eight organ systems must be examined. If body areas are examined and counted, they must be over and above the 8 organ systems. Exam Bullets Constitutional Eyes 3 vital signs General appearance Inspection of Conjunctiva and Lids Examination of Pupils and Iris (PERLA) Ophthalmoscopic discs and posterior segments Ears, Nose, Mouth and Throat External appearance of Nose and Ears Otoscopic Examination Assessment of Hearing Inspection of Nasal Mucosa/Septum Examination of oropharynx Exam Bullets Neck Examination of Neck Examination of Thyroid Respiratory Assessment of respiratory effort Percussion of Chest Palpation of Chest Auscultation of Lungs Exam Bullets Cardiovascular Palpation of PMI Auscultation of the Heart Assessment of Lower Extremity Edema Examination of Carotid Artery Examination of abdominal aorta Examination of femoral pulse Examination of pedal pulse Chest (breasts) Inspection of breasts Palpation of breasts and axillae Exam Bullets Gastrointestinal (abdomen) Examination with notation of masses or tenderness Examination of liver and spleen Examination for presence/absence of hernias Examination of anus, perineum, rectum, including sphincter tone, hemorrhoids Obtain stool for occult blood Genitourinary (male) Examination of scrotal contents Examination of Penis DRE prostate Exam Bullets Genitourinary (female) Examination of external genetalia Examination of urethra Examination of bladder Examination of cervix Examination of uterus Examination of adenexa Lymphatic Palpation of lymph nodes in two or more areas Neck, axillae, groin, other Exam Bullets Musculoskeletal Examination of gait and station Examination of joints, bones and muscles of one or more of the following 6 areas Head and Neck Spine, ribs and Pelvis Right Upper Extremity Left Upper Extremity Right Lower Extremity Left Lower Extremity Examination includes…Inspection and/or palpation with notation of any misalignment, asymmetry, crepitation, etc; range of motion with notation of pain, crepitation; assessment of stability; assessment of muscle strength Exam Bullets Skin Neurologic Examination of skin and subcutaneous tissue Palpation of skin and subcutaneous tissue Test cranial nerves with notation of deficit Examination of DTR Examination of sensation Psychiatric Description of judgment and insight Brief assessment of mental status Medical Decision Making Determination of Medical Decision Making Based upon Number of diagnoses or management options Amount and complexity of data Overall risk Medical Decision Making (MDM) refers to the complexity of determining a diagnosis and/or the selection of a treatment option. Measured by documentation of the following: Number of diagnoses and/or management options that must be considered. Amount and/or complexity of data to be reviewed. Risk of complications, morbidity and/or mortality, and comorbidities. Four types Straightforward, Low Complexity, Moderate Complexity, and High Complexity. Documentation to Support Complexity Consider the following for risk Chronic illness(es) Well controlled Mild exacerbation Severe exacerbation Acute illness Uncomplicated like allergic rhinitis With systemic symptoms like pneumonitis Medical Decision Making Diagnoses/Management Options Max of 4 points Problem Categories Number of Problems Self Limited/minor Max of 2 Possible Score Points 1 Established Problem – stable or improving 1 Established problem – worsening 2 New problem (no further work up) New problem (work up needed) Max of 1 3 4 Documentation to Support Complexity Consider the following… Did you order/review labs? Did you order/review X-rays, US, MRI Did you order/review any other testing Did you visualize image, tracing, or specimen Did you review or summarize old records Must document this on the record …old records reviewed which noted …. Medical Decision Making Amount and Complexity of Data Max of 4 points Type of Data Check if Possible Done Points Review/Order tests (8xxxx clinical) 1 Review/order tests (7xxxx radiology) 1 Review/order tests (9xxxx medicine) 1 Discuss test results with performing physician 2 Independent review of tracing, specimen, image 2 Decision to obtain medical records 1 Review, summarize old records and/or obtain history 2 Score Table of Risk Level of risk Presenting problem(s) Diagnostics ordered Management options Minimal (1 point) One self-limited/minor problem (e.g., URI) Lab tests requiring venipuncture CXR EKG Urinalysis Rest Gargles Ace wrap Low (2 points) 2+self limited/minor problems 1 stable/chronic illness Acute uncomplicated illness/injury Physiologic tests not under stress (pulm. Function) Non-cardiac imaging w/barium Lab requiring arterial puncture Skin biopsy Over the counter drugs Minor surgery w/no identified risk PT/OT IV fluids w/o additives Moderate (3 points) 1+chronic illnesses with mild progression, or side effects of treatment 2+ stable chronic illnesses Undiagnosed new problem w/uncertain prognosis Acute illness with systematic symptoms Acute uncomplicated injury Physiologic test under stress Diagnostic endoscopy w/no risk factors Deep needle or incisional biopsy Obtain fluid from body cavity Minor surgery w/risk factors Elective major surgery w/no risks Prescription drug management IV with additives High (4 points) 1+ chronic illness with severe exacerbation or side effects of treatment Acute/chronic illness that poses a threat to life/bodily function Abrupt change in neurologic status Cardiovascular imaging w/contrast w/risk factors Cardiac electrophysiological tests Diagnostic endoscopies w/identified risk factors Elective major surgery w/risk factors Emergency major surgery Parenteral controlled substances DNR due to poor prognosis Medical Decision Making The HIGHEST level of ANY ONE of the three aspects of a medical decision making will determine the overall level chosen Medical Decision Making Final Medical Decision Making 2 of 3 rule Decision Making Straight Forward Low Diagnosis &/or Management Options Minimal (1) Limited (2) Multiple (3) Extensive (> 4) Amount of Data Reviewed Minimal (1) Limited (2) Multiple (3) Extensive (> 4) Table of Risk Minimal (1) Low (2) Moderate High Moderate (3) High (4) Defining Levels of E&M Services 7 components History Examination Medical Decision Making Counseling Coordination of care Nature of Presenting Problem Time Counseling and Coordination of Care Discussion with patient or family concerning one or more of the following: Diagnostic results Prognosis Risk & benefits of management options Instruction for management Compliance Time…as another factor Appropriate in cases where counseling and/or coordination of care dominates (>50%) of the patient and/or family encounter Documentation requirements Total face to face time or encounter Total counseling/coordination time Content of counseling/coordination Time based billing…example cc: Depression Hx cc: 59 y/o female w/depression and anxiety. Denies suicidal ideations. Hx ativan use in past Exam: vitals (list) A/P: Depression. Had long discussion w/patient and counseled him on exacerbating factors and treatment options. Rx ordered (list) Total visit time 25 minutes, counseling time 15 minutes Summing Up Your Services Billing the Correct Code… The Constants of Coding 3 of 3 rule Go to the lowest component i.e., 2,3,4 = 2 3,3,4 = 3 Used for new patient, initial consults, initial hospital care and emergency department visits 2 of 3 rule Go to the middle component 2,3,4 = 3 3,3,4 = 3 Used for established patient, subsequent hospital f/u, f/u consult New vs. Established Patient New Patient All key components must meet or exceed the stated requirements to qualify for a particular level Established Patient Two key components must meet or exceed stated requirements to qualify for a particular level Documentation Requirements New Patient Office Visit 3 of 3 rule Level of History Service Examination Medical Decision Making 99201 Problem focused Problem focused 99202 99203 Expanded problem focused Detailed Expanded problem focused Detailed Straight forward complexity Straight forward complexity Low complexity 99204 Comprehensive Comprehensive Moderate complexity 99205 Comprehensive Comprehensive High complexity Documentation Requirements New Patient Office Visit 3 of 3 rule Level of History Service Examination Medical Decision Making 99201 Problem focused Problem focused 99202 99203 Expanded problem focused Detailed Expanded problem focused Detailed Straight forward complexity Straight forward complexity Low complexity 99204 Comprehensive Comprehensive Moderate complexity 99205 Comprehensive Comprehensive High complexity Documentation Requirements New Patient Office Visit 3 of 3 rule Level of History Service Examination Medical Decision Making 99201 Problem focused Problem focused 99202 99203 Expanded problem focused Detailed Expanded problem focused Detailed Straight forward complexity Straight forward complexity Low complexity 99204 Comprehensive Comprehensive Moderate complexity 99205 Comprehensive Comprehensive High complexity Documentation Requirements New Patient Office Visit 3 of 3 rule Level of History Service Examination Medical Decision Making 99201 Problem focused Problem focused 99202 99203 Expanded problem focused Detailed Expanded problem focused Detailed Straight forward complexity Straight forward complexity Low complexity 99204 Comprehensive Comprehensive Moderate complexity 99205 Comprehensive Comprehensive High complexity Established Patient CPT E&M Guidelines 2 of 3 rule Code History Physical Exam Medical Decision making Time 99211 Nursing service N/A only Nursing order 5 99212 Problem Focused (1) Problem Focused (1) Straight forward (1) 10 99213 Expanded Problem Focused (2) Expanded Problem Focused (2) Low Complexity (2) 15 99214 Detailed (3) Detailed (3) Moderate Complexity 25 99215 Comprehensive Comprehensive High Complexity (4) (4) (4) 40 Established Patient CPT E&M Guidelines 2 of 3 rule Code History Physical Exam Medical Decision making Time 99211 Nursing service N/A only Nursing order 5 99212 Problem Focused (1) Problem Focused (1) Straight forward (1) 10 99213 Expanded Problem Focused (2) Expanded Problem Focused (2) Low Complexity (2) 15 99214 Detailed (3) Detailed (3) Moderate Complexity (3) 25 99215 Comprehensive Comprehensive High Complexity (4) (4) (4) 40 Established Patient CPT E&M Guidelines 2 of 3 rule Code History Physical Exam Medical Decision making Time 99211 Nursing service N/A only Nursing order 5 99212 Problem Focused (1) Problem Focused (1) Straight forward (1) 10 99213 Expanded Problem Focused (2) Expanded Problem Focused (2) Low Complexity (2) 15 99214 Detailed (3) Detailed (3) Moderate Complexity (3) 25 99215 Comprehensive Comprehensive High Complexity (4) (4) (4) 40 Inpatient Codes Follow 3 of 3 rule Inpatient Services and Observation Inpatient Consults Inpatient follow ups follow the 2 of 3 rule Other Medical Services General Consultant Pre/Post Operative Consults Definition of Consultation Type of service provided by a physician whose opinion ad advice regarding evaluation and/or management of a specific problem is requested by another physician or other appropriate source. Consultation Services Documentation MUST include Request for consultation documented in the medical record Reason for consultation (medical necessity) Report- Consultant’s opinion, advice and evaluation of the patient (this MUST be communicated back to the requesting physician) Have separate initial coding Follow up visits use established patient visits Preoperative Consultation Must request opinion or advice regarding a specific problem Request and need for consult must be documented in the medical record Any services ordered or performed must be documented Consultant’s opinion, advice and evaluation of the patient must be communicated back to the requesting surgeon Preoperative Clearance ICD-9 diagnosis codes V72.81 Preoperative cardiovascular examination V72.82 Preoperative op respiratory examination V72.83 Other specified preoperative examination V72.84 Preoperative examination, unspecified V72.85 Other specified examination Must supplement with sigh/symptom/dx codes Must also include surgical indication (eg, cataracts) Rules for Consultation 99241-99275 Opinion or advise regarding E&M of a specific problem is requested Documented request from appropriate source is required (if patient generated for 99271-99275) Written report sent to referring provider (a letter for an outpatient) Initiation of care at time of consult is acceptable Post-op consult by provider performing pre-op clearance should use subsequent hospital codes or established office visit codes New outpatient and consultative CPT E&M Guidelines 3 of 3 rule Confirm Initial New Consult consult patient History Physical Exam Medical Decision Making Time 99271 99241 99201 Problem Focused (1) Problem Focused (1) Straight forward (1) 10 99272 99242 99202 Expanded prob. focused (2) Expanded prob. focused (2) Straight forward (1) 20 99273 99243 99203 Detailed (3) Detailed (3) Low Complex (2) 30 99274 99244 99204 Comprehensive (4) Comprehensive (4) Moderate 45 Complexity (3) 99275 99245 99205 Comprehensive (4) Comprehensive (4) High Complexity 60 Coding Examples Documentation Requirements Established Patient Office Visit Level of History service Examination Medical decision making 99211 Nursing service only Nursing order 99212 Problem focused Problem focused Straight forward complexity 99213 Expanded problem focused Expanded problem focused Low complexity 99214 Detailed Detailed Moderate complexity 99215 Comprehensive Comprehensive High complexity Example 99211 Non-physician visit Patient Calls Advice Nurse with Possible UTI Patient brings and drops-off UA Nurse processes UA You (Doctor/PA/NP) review and find UTI Nurse calls in antibiotics and documents in Chart Blood Pressure Check Example 99212 4y/o female with fever and ear pain Established Patient: 2 of 3 required History: 1-2 HPI Exam: 1-5 elements Medical Decision Making: 1 self limited minor problem Example 99212 4y/o female with fever and ear pain History Exam Fever 101 Left ear 3 days Injection with redness and drainage of tympanic membrane Pharynx red, no exudates + anterior cervical nodes Lungs clear Heart rrr Medical Decision Making OM – Prescription Antibiotics Fever control Recheck in 2 weeks Example 99213 4 y/o female with fever and ear pain History: 1-3 HPI elements …AND ROS Exam: 6-11 elements Medical Decision Making: 2 self-limited or minor problems …OR 1 new problem plus low risk Example 99213 4 y/o female with fever and ear pain History: Fever and Ear pain for 3 days ROS PFSH NKA/Immunization/passive smoking/any chronic meds Exam Cough/sinus congestion, sore throat, vomiting and diarrhea 3 vitals (weight, temp, BP) Left TM red, pharynx red, tender nodes, neck supple, lungs clear, heart regular, abdomen non-tender Medical Decision Making: LOM Antibiotics/Fever Control Recheck in 2 weeks Call if worse Example 99214 58 y/o male at 3 month check up Detailed history Detailed exam Extended HPI Extended ROS One element PFSH 12 exam elements from at least 2 systems Moderate Complexity 2 of the following: Multiple dx; Moderate amount and complexity of data; Moderate risk Example 99214 58 y/o male at 3 month check up History HTN; DM; DJD; vision exam UTD; (-) HA; (-) SOB; (-) CP; (-) NVDC; (-) Hematochezia; (-) Nocturia PFSH Detailed exam 12 exam elements from at least 2 systems Medical Decision Making Unchanged from prior exam EKG, Pulse Oximetry; UA, Rapid Strep Review of CXR Prescriptions written Document Procedures Document OMM OMT Billing OMT codes These are nonallopathic lesions, not elsewhere classified. CPT codes 98925 – 98929 ICD codes 739.0 – 739.9 depending on body region Will be discussed at separate lecture in detail Other Billable Services Other Billable Services Injections/Immunizations Smoking Cessation Visit and procedures Injections/Immunizations 90471 is for first administration 90472 is for EACH additional administration Cannot report if patient brings their own supply Cannot bill 99211 (nursing service) if only injection given Must provide separately identifiable service e.g., get vital signs Smoking Cessation Document that you told patient to stop smoking 99406 Greater than 3 minutes, up to 10 minutes 99407 Greater than 10 minutes Other Billable Services Digital Rectal Exam for Prostate Cancer Screening Visual Acuity Exam (Snellen Chart) G0102 99173 Needle Sticks!! 96150 – e.g., when an occupational health nurse sees a patient due to a needle stick he/she can code this encounter as 99499 E/M and 96150 CPT with the applicable ICD-9 primary for the wound and a secondary ICD-9 code of the External cause. Billing an office Visit and a Procedure Procedure must be a separate service from the evaluation and management service Modifier 25 should be added to the evaluation and management service to identify that it is a separate service Other Coding Opportunities Modifiers 22 Unusual procedural service 25 significantly, separately identifiable E&M service by the same physician on the same day of the procedure or other service e.g., patient comes in with sinus infection – you do OMT “cause it will help” vs. patient coming in specifically for OMT 32 Mandated by 3rd party (HMO) 51 Multiple Procedures Other Miscellany Other… If you see a patient and admit directly to a hospital, you should submit only the hospital code. Critical Care Codes Use appropriate E&M code if < 30 minutes 99291 First 30-74 minutes of evaluation and management 99292 Each additional 30 minutes (can round up after 15 minutes) e.g., 105-134 minutes = 99291 x 1 and 99292 x 2 Prolonged Care Codes Threshold time is 30 minutes over the time component allotted for the E&M code Outpatient Inpatient 99354-99355 Face to face time 99356-99357 Inpatient or outpatient office/floor/unit time without direct patient contact 99358-99359 e.g., IV running for rehydration in your office for 1 hour Other Coding Opportunities 99050 After Hours 99052 Services Provided between 11pm and 8am 99054 Sundays/Holidays 99024 Post op follow up in Global Period 99058 Office services on Emergent basis 99082 Unusual Travel (transport/escort) 99090 Analysis of Data Stored on Computer For Further Information Evaluation and Management Services Guide AMA