Overview Of Substance Misuse Services In Ostrobothnia

Overview of Substance Misuse
Services in Ostrobothnia
Antti Koivukangas
MD, psychiatric resident
Hospital District of Ostrobothnia
Seinäjoki Finland
Area 338,424 km2
People 5,391,699
District of Ostrobothnia
People 198800
´”Capital” City
of Seinäjoki
58 000 people
Central Hospital
Alcohol is the most popular psychoactive
substance in Finland
Consumption of alcohol has been
increasing years
2010 10 litres (100%/year)
Highest in Scandinavia
Attitudes have changed more tight against
Alcohol and problems?
App. 300 000-600 000 problem drinkers
1/4-1/3 of emergency visits are due to alcohol
Alcohol related situations the most important
cause of death in 18-65 both in male and female
since 2005
ca. 3000 alcohol related deaths per year
Violent crimes and homicide (alcohol included
Alcohol causes lot of violence, suicide attempts,
burden, suffering
Finns and Substances
Binge drinking is typical to Finnish way of
Misuse of bentsodiazepines are common
hangover and poly SUD
Illegal drugs have become more common since
Cannabis and buprenorphin i.v , amphetamin i.v.
heroin availability weak
13 % of adults at least once used some illegal drug
Yearbook of Alcohol and Drug Statistics 2010
Consumption of Alcohol
Consumption of
alcoholin in some EU
100% alcohol litras per
Years 1960–2003
World Drink Trends
Addiction Services in Finland Background
The Substance abuse treatment and
rehabilitation has been under the social service
and outside from medicine
Doctors and Psychiatry only in role of consults
Paradigma differ from medicine
SUD services are produced by communities and
organized by Foundation based A-clinics
Resources have been limited and have not been
increased (as in medicine field)
SUD Services in Ostrobothnia
Outpatient services in the area A-clinic
staff 4,5 persons + 2 Youth station
Detox unit + K-clinic 24/7 10 nurses
Doctor 4h per week
Psychiatrist 4h per month
Doctor 2h 2x/week
Health Centres
SUD in psychiatry background
Dual diagnosis are common (also in
40% drinkers (harmful or dependence) have
some life-time psychiatry diagnosis
30% Psychiatry patients have life-time SUD
Attitude in psychiatry have long been
negative to SUD
Delirium tremens vs. active drinking problem
SUD in psychiatry background
Periodic or parallel model of treatment in
First SUD rehab, then psychiatric care
Parallel care in two different clinics at the
same time
SUD services backgrounds…
2000-development work
National mental and SUD – strategia:
Strengthening the Position of a Client
Focus in Prevention
All services to one organisation
National guideline in Treatment of alcohol
abuse “Current Care” since 2005
updated 2009
Future visions
The practice culture has been changed
Patient with Dual diagnosis get treatment
Substance use is assessed in each patient
Treatment is given to both focuses
What we do in our hospital (to
all patients with or without Dual
diagnosis ?
Audit to all patients
Alcohol lab tests (alat, gt, cdt) from all
Mini-intervention, motivational interview,
disulphiram sekä naltrexone
What tools we need to face to
challenge of patient with Dual
Right attitude
Ordinary evaluation tools and ordinary
treating methods for Psychiatric conditions
Ordinary evaluation tools and ordinary
treating methods for SUD conditions