Module 9 Presentation

Module 9
Classical Conditioning
• A relatively enduring or permanent change
in behavior that results from previous
experience with certain stimuli and
• Behavior includes both unobservable
mental events (thoughts, images) and
observable responses (fainting, salivating,
3 Kinds of Learning
• Classical Conditioning
– Kind of learning in which a neutral stimulus acquires the ability to
produce a response that was originally produced by a different stimulus
• Operant Conditioning
– Kind of learning in which the consequences that follow some behavior
increase or decrease the likelihood of that behavior’s occurrence in the
– Law of Effect (Actions followed by pleasurable consequences are
• Cognitive Learning
– Kind of learning that involves mental processes, such as attention and
– May be learned through observation or imitation
– May not involve any external rewards
Conditioning Activity
We need a volunteer!
20 3
Important Terms
• Stimulus: Something in the
environment to which an organism
• Response: Reaction to a stimulus
Select Stimulus &
• Neutral Stimulus
– Some stimulus that causes a sensory response, but
does not produce the reflex being tested
– Bell does not normally cause Sam to salivate
• Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS)
– Some stimulus that triggers a physiological reflex,
such as salivation or eye blink
– When presented to Sam, food causes him to salivate
• Unconditioned Response (UCR)
– An unlearned, innate, involuntary physiological reflex
that is elicited by the UCS
Establishing Classical
• Trial
– Common procedure used in classical conditioning
– Present both stimuli
• Typical trial
– Pair the neutral stimulus (tone) with the UCS (food)
– Tone + Food = UCR (Salivation)
Testing For
• After 10 to 100 trials, test for the occurrence of classical conditioning
• Present the CS (tone) without the UCS (food)
• Conditioned stimulus (CS)
– Formerly neutral stimulus that has acquired the ability to elicit a response
that was previously elicited by the UCS
• Conditioned response (CR)
– Elicited by the CS
– CR is similar to, but not identical in size or amount to, the UCR
Labeling Activity
Scenario 1
• A man wearing purple gloves snatched Sandra’s
purse. Now, whenever Sandra sees someone
with purple gloves, she feels tense.
– What was Sandra’s learned response? CR
• Feeling tense
– What would naturally cause this response for Sandra?
• Getting purse snatched
– What did Sandra learn to associate with this
response? CS
• Purple gloves
Scenario 2
• One of the best memories Jim had growing up
was when he and his father would drink iced tea
and talk. Now, every time Jim drinks iced tea, he
thinks about those times and feels happy.
– What was Jim’s learned response? CR
• Feeling happy
– What would naturally cause this response for Jim?
• Talking with his father
– What did Jim learn to associate with this response?
• Drinking iced tea
Scenario 3
• Whenever Fred kissed Marilyn, he would get a whiff of
her very bad breath. Since that time, even though she
now uses mouthwash, when he puckers up to kiss her he
involuntarily winces as if in pain.
– What was Fred’s learned response? CR
• Wincing
– What would naturally cause this response for Fred? UCS
• Smelling bad breath
– What did Fred learn to associate with this response? CS
• Kissing Marilyn
Scenario 4
• Peggy was playing with a small black bug. When her
mother saw it, she started screaming, frightening Peggy.
Now, whenever Peggy sees a bug, she becomes
– What was Peggy’s learned response? CR
• Feeling frightened
– What would naturally cause this response for Peggy? UCS
• Mother screaming
– What did Peggy learn to associate with this response? CS
• Bugs
Other Conditioning
• Generalization
– Tendency for a stimulus that is similar to the original CS to
elicit a response that is similar to the CR
– Carla may also experience anxiety when smelling her own
hair shampoo because it is similar to the dentist’s
• Discrimination
– Occurs when an organism learns to make a particular
response to some stimuli but not others
– The smell of Carla’s nail polish does not elicit feelings of
• Extinction
– A procedure in which a CS is repeatedly presented without
the UCS
– Therefore, the CS no longer elicits the CR
• Spontaneous Recovery
– Tendency for the CR to reappear after being extinguished
even though there have been no further conditioning trials
How Useful is Classical
• Adaptive value
– Usefulness of certain abilities or traits that have evolved in animals and
humans that increases their chance of survival
– Examples include finding food, acquiring mates, and avoiding pain
• Taste-aversion learning
– Associating a particular sensory cue with getting sick
– Thereafter avoiding that particular sensory cue
– Rats quickly learn to avoid the smells or
taste associated with getting sick after eating
poisonous bait
• Preparedness
– Animals and humans are biologically prepared to associate some
combinations of conditioned and unconditioned stimuli more easily
than others
Emotional Response
• Feeling some positive or negative emotion
when experiencing a stimulus that initially
accompanied a pleasant or painful event
• Little Albert
• Many couples have a special song that
becomes emotionally associated with their
Can Emotional Responses
Be Conditioned?
John Watson tried to classically condition an emotional response in a young
child named Little Albert
He presented a white rat followed by a loud noise that elicited a startle and
Source: PhotoDisc, Inc.
Albert developed an emotional response (fear) to the white rat
Source: PhotoDisc, Inc.
Watson’s Little Albert
• Generalization
– Even Furry White Bunnies (initially a neutral
– After conditioning with a similar stimulus (furry
white rat)
– Produce response of fear!!!
Anticipatory Nausea
• Feelings of nausea that are elicited by stimuli associated
with nausea-inducing chemotherapy treatments
• Patients experience nausea in anticipation of their
• Conditioning anticipatory nausea
– Neutral stimulus is smell of the treatment room and Michelle’s
dish detergent
– US is the chemotherapy which elicits nausea & vomiting
– Conditioning trials occur when the smell of the treatment room is
paired with the chemotherapy
– This produces the CR which is that the smell of the treatment
room or the detergent elicits nausea
Writing Activity
3 Examples of Classical
Eyeblink 20 6
• Procedure based on classical conditioning
• Person imagines or visualizes fearful or anxietyevoking stimuli and then immediately uses deep
relaxation to overcome the anxiety
• Serves as a form of counterconditioning because
it replaces fear with relaxation
3 Steps To Systematic
• Learn to relax
• Make an anxiety hierarchy
• Imagine and relax
Key Terms:
Ivan Pavlov
Classical Conditioning
Neutral Stimulus
Unconditioned Stimulus
Unconditioned Response
Conditioned Stimulus
Conditioned Response
Ivan Pavlov
• Russian scientist who discovered the
principles of classical conditioning
• Accidental discovery!
– Terms
• Controlling behavior by pairing old
responses to new stimuli
• Type of learning or conditioning in which a
response naturally elicited (brought about)
by one stimulus comes to be elicited
(brought about) by a different neutral
– Terms
• Acquiring a new response to an originally
neutral stimulus
– Occurs gradually
– Terms
• Responding to a stimulus similar to the
conditioned stimulus (CS) with the
conditioned response (CR) without prior
– After conditioning, “Little Albert” feared furry
white rats and furry white bunnies
– Terms
• The ability to respond differently to different
– After conditioning, “Little Albert” feared furry
white rats and furry white bunnies, but did not
fear blocks
– He was able to ‘discriminate’ among different
• Terms
• A conditioned response will die out
gradually without pairings
• Terms
Neutral Stimulus
• A stimulus that does not produce a
response before training/conditioning
• Terms
• A stimulus that produces a response
naturally or automatically without
• Terms
• A natural or automatic response to a
• Terms
Conditioned Stimulus
• A stimulus that an organism has been
trained/conditioned to respond to in a
certain way
– CS
• Terms
• A trained/conditioned response to a
particular stimulus
– CR
• Terms
Mowrer’s Experiment
• A Creative Application of Classical
• Bedwetting
– Alarm- Awakening
– Full Bladder- No response
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