Home Safety - Equpment, Education & Support presented by J

Home Safety
Equipment, Education and Support
Home Safety Evaluation
• Have working phone
• Have emergency phone numbers posted next to
phone including - 911
• Have phone in the bedroom
• Smoke alarms and check the batteries monthly
• If you use walking aids, remove all loose carpets
/ throw rugs
• Make sure your exits from the home or
apartment are clear from obstruction, corner
tables, boxes, garbage, plants
• Make sure you have a fire extinguisher and it is
• Make sure all walking areas are clear from throw
rugs, and have non-slip surfaces
• Keep stairs in good repair, hand rails are secure,
no rotten wood, no missing steps
• Insure lighting is good to see, walk and perform
your normal activities
• Keep home well ventilated in the summer and
comfortable in the winter
• Contact your utility company if you have difficulty
paying utility bills
• Keep all medication labeled and safely stored
• Dispose of old medications, can take to
• Wash hands frequently – Better than Flu Shot
• Keep kitchen uncluttered and clean, don’t
keep things near open flames or hot stoves.
• If you use oxygen keep fire department
informed of where the spare tanks are.
Oxygen tanks as well as fire extinguishers
can explode in excessive heat
• Oxygen doesn’t “burn” but will help a fire burn
• Keep home free from rodents and insects
• Keep electric space heaters at least 3 feet
from walls or other items.
• Make sure it has an auto-off capacity
• Watch for floppy, loose fitting clothes they
can drag across an open flame, get caught
on something and cause a fall.
• If you smoke make sure you never do it in
bed, and douse your cigarette with water
before throwing them out
• Insure you have running water, hot and
cold for washing and toileting
• If you have wood burning fireplace make
sure the chimney is cleaned at least every
couple years and that the flue is open if
using it
• Keep screen in front of the fireplace to
prevent embers and fires
• Gas stove? Make sure it has an auto-pilot
and be aware for the smell of gas
Always keep several “working” flashlights
Have a battery powered radio
Have batteries, for all sizes needed
Have enough food and water around for a
minimum of one week – Maybe more!
• Have an emergency plan written down
• Insure that DTE and Consumers knows if
you are dependent on equipment requiring
• Throw away any contaminated medical
supplies or equipment properly, Needles
in a bleach bottle or laundry bottle
• Keep a list of medications and medical
conditions handy for any emergency
• Insure you keep your “emergency number”
of who to call on your cell phone listed as:
“ICE” then the persons name.
ICE= “In Case of Emergency”
Other Things to do!
• First off, you should never open the door for
anyone unless you’re certain of who they are.
• Criminals are brazen and often ingenious.
They can come up with all sorts of believable
stories to get you to open the door and allow
them into your home. Don’t be fooled.
• If someone claims to need help, volunteer to
call the police, an ambulance, a tow truck, or
whatever they need. But if you don’t know
them, don’t let them in your house.
• Instill this habit early in you children, and
reinforce it constantly. They’re naturally
trusting of adults, and criminals know this and
will use it to their advantage. For this same
reason, all doors that open to the outside
should have a wide angle viewer, or
“peephole”, installed. They’re not expensive,
and usually only require a drill to install
• If you’ve got a flimsy or worn out door, replace
it with a heavier, stronger model as soon as
• And don’t neglect the frame – locks are no
stronger than the doors and frames they fit in.
If you’ve got a door frame that’s weak, the
door can easily be kicked in.
• The best locks for home safety are deadbolts,
and every door on your house should have
one. Other types of locks are just too weak,
and don’t offer much protection.
• Also keep your garage door closed as much as
possible, and always be sure it’s closed when
not in use.
• Never leave it open over night.
• Your second line of personal safety defense in
the home is your windows.
• Make sure they’re strong, the frames are in
good shape, and they can be locked securely.
If not, invest in newer, stronger models.
• Take particular notice of sliding glass doors.
These are notoriously insecure. Make sure
they have strong locks, and are wedged shut
when not open.
• Make some wood jams to fit in your windows
to insure they can’t be forced open.
• Good outside lighting is essential, as criminals
don’t like to be seen. Install motion activated
lights around your house and driveway.
• At least keep your porch light on at night.
• A security system can also be an excellent
investment. You’ll need to do some research
to find the best one for your situation, and
check with the local police for their policy on
false alarms
• More and more police departments are
starting to charge homeowners for false alarm
calls, and with a faulty system that can be
• And always go with a well-known, reputable
company who does background checks on
their installers. You don’t want somebody
installing a security system, then coming back
and using his knowledge of your system to rob
you. Never let anyone know your password.
• These are the best things you can do to
enhance your personal safety at home. They
do cost money, but they’re worth it. And, as
always, don’t let your security measures cause
you to let down your guard.
• Always be aware – that’s the most important
safety tip of all, no matter where you are
The Biggest Safety Issue
Fall prevention for the elderly
• At least half of all falls happen at home.
• The aging population experiences falls that result in
serious injuries, disability and even death.
• Maintaining home safety for the elderly starts by
assessing your aging loved one, then the home
environment it is an important part of elder health care.
• Here is a checklist of all the risk factors that apply to
your aging loved one and your home.
• Circle the risk factors below that apply to your loved
one. The more factors checked, the higher your risk
for falling.
• History of falling - 2 or more falls in last 6 months.
• Vision loss- If your loved one changes in their
ability to detect or discriminate objects; you notice
a decline in depth perception; or a decrease in
their ability to recover from a sudden exposure to
bright light or sun glare.
• Hearing loss- take notice to your loved one’s
ability to hear. If they have decreased hearing it
mat affect their response time to a potentially
dangerous situation
• Foot pain or shoe problems – foot pain can affect
walking and balance; neuropathies cause
decreased sensation or feeling; sores on foot or ill
fitting or badly worn shoes.
• Medications- taking four or more medications;
medications that may cause drowsiness,
dizziness or low blood pressure.
• Balance problems- observe you loved ones
ability to walk; a decline in balance; a decline
in speed of walking; observe for weakness of
lower extremities
• High or low blood pressure- Both of these
conditions or the medications that treat them
may cause unsteadiness.
• Identify Hazards inside your home
• Identify Hazards outside your home
• Falls are the #1 fear of aging adults and the #1
independence robber
• The fear of falling is not unfounded. Falls are not an
inevitable part of aging. The best thing you can do is
learn how to prevent falls.
• More than one in three people age 65 years or older falls
each year.
• The risk of falling increases with age and is greater for
women than for men.
• Two-thirds of those who experience a fall will fall again
within six months.
• A decrease in bone density contributes to falls and
resulting injuries.
• Failure to exercise regularly results in poor
muscle tone, decreased strength, and loss of
bone mass and flexibility. At least one-third of
all falls in the elderly involve environmental
hazards in the home.
• The most profound effect of falling is the loss
of independent functioning. Twenty-five
percent of those who fracture a hip require
life-long nursing care.
• About 50 percent of the elderly who sustain a
fall-related injury will be discharged to a
nursing home rather than return home.
• Most falls do not result in serious injury.
However, there is often a psychological
• Approximately 25 percent of communitydwelling people 75 or over unnecessarily
restrict their activities because of fear of
• There are proven strategies that can reduce
your risk for falls and help you live a longer,
healthier life.
• If you have issues of falling or fainting get an
alert alarm system. “Help I’ve fallen and I
can’t get up” - These should cost ~ $50 /
Equipment that can Help
• Ambulatory Devices
– Grab Bars
– Canes
– Walkers
– Rollators
– Wheelchairs
– Hospital Beds
– Patient Lifts
– Bath Room Safety Devices
Grab Bars
Be sure when
installing the
wall mounted
bars that they
are into studs,
you may have
to install a
base board
** If not properly installed you may
grab the bar and come down with
part of the tile!!!
Standard Cane
Small based quad cane,
also have large based
Have various colors
and handles
Side Stepper / Hemi
Walker with Wheels
Standard Walker
Rolling Walker With Seat, basket and brakes
Wheel Chairs
With elevating leg rests
With Foot Rests
•Light Weight
•Recline Back
Transport Chair
Hospital Beds
Low Rider
Standard in home bed
Home Hospital beds can be
•Semi Electric
• Fully Electric
•Alternating Pressure Pad
•Low Air Loss Mattress * must qualify for
Various types of mattresses
In Home Bed Accessories
Floor based Trapeze
Over bed table
Bed attached Trapeze
1/2 Bed Side Rails
Full Bed Side Rails
Patient Lifts
•Standard Lifts
•Hydraulic Lifts
•Electric Lifts
•In the corner room lifts
•Ceiling mounted home
•Most of the time
the rooms aren’t
large enough to
accommodate the
use of the lift.
•Electric and
mounted lifts are
not covered by
Medicare or most
Bath Room Safety Equipment
Commode Chair
This equipment is not covered by most
traditional insurances
Safety Frame
Shower Attachment
Raised Toilet Seat
This equipment is not
usually covered by
traditional insurances
Raised Toilet Seat with Handles
Shower Bench
This type of
equipment is
not usually
covered by
Transfer Bench
Shower Chair
Three position chair
Seat Lift Recliner
This equipment may be covered at least in part by Medicare or other
We thank you for your time and this
opportunity to present to you today. If we
can ever be of service, even to just answer
a question, please call us at: