Homeostasis and Feedback Homeostasis: Maintaining Limits Homeostasis is the maintenance of relatively stable conditions Ensures the body’s internal environment remains steady despite changes both inside and outside the body Examples of Maintaining Homeostasis Keeping body temperature around 37oC Maintaining blood glucose level Keeping oxygen concentration steady Dynamic Equilibrium Homeostasis can fluctuate over a narrow range the is compatible with life. If certain levels fall outside this range for a prolonged period of time death may result Control of Homeostasis: Feedback Systems Every body structure contains homeostatic devices that work to keep the internal environment within normal limits 2 body systems control most homeostatic devices (part of the life process called regulation) Endocrine Nervous Nervous Control of Homeostasis The nervous system detects changes from the normal state and sends out nerve impulses to organs to counteract the change Endocrine Control of Homeostasis Corrects changes by secreting chemicals called hormones into the blood Hormones affect specific body cells where they cause responses that restore homeostasis Feedback System AKA feedback loop Cycle of events in which the status of a body condition is continually monitored, evaluated, changed, remonitored, reevaluated and so on… Each condition in the body that is monitored in such a way is called a controlled condition Any disruption that causes a change in a controlled condition is called a stimulus Components of a Feedback System Receptor – monitors change Control Center – sets a range of acceptable values, evaluates input from the receptor and sends output to an effector Effector – a body structure that receives output from the control center and produces a response or effect that changes the controlled condition. Negative Feedback Systems Reverses the change in a controlled condition EX – BP, BGL, HR, Temp Positive Feedback System The effector produces a response that enhances or reinforces the initial change in the controlled condition. EX – Childbirth, Ovulation, Blood Clotting Happens in stimuli that are do not happen very often Homeostasis and Disease If 1 or more components of the body lose their ability to contribute to homeostasis, the normal balance among all the body’s processes may be disturbed. This may result in a disease, disorder or even death Disorder Any disturbance of the structure or function of the body Disease A more specific term for an illness that is characterized by a specific set of signs and symptoms Symptoms Subjective changes in body function that are not apparent to an observer Ex – nausea or headache Signs Objective changes that a clinician can observe and measure Ex – bleeding, swelling, fever, rash Infectious disease Pathogens invade a host and cause a disease Local Disease Affects one part or region of the body Systemic Disease Affects several body parts or the whole body Pathology The science that deals with the nature, causes and development of abnormal conditions that occur from the disease process Epidemiology The science that deals with the why, when and where diseases occur and how they are transmitted in a human community Pharmacology The science that deals with the effects and uses of drugs in the treatment of disease Diagnosis The identification of a disease or disorder based on a scientific evaluation of a patient’s signs and symptoms, medical history, physical examination and sometimes lab tests Aging and Homeostasis Aging is a normal process characterized by a progressive decline in the body’s ability to restore homeostasis. Produces observable changes in structure and function and increases vulnerability to stress and disease