VIII Curso de evaluación e selección de medicamentos Palma de Mallorca, 7 de Mayo de 2010 Assessment of Pharmaceuticals to Inform Reimbursement Decisions in Portugal Vasco A. J. Maria INFARMED – Autoridade Nacional do Medicamento e Produtos de Saúde 1 Portugal Assessment of pharmaceuticals to inform reimbursement decisions in Portugal PORTUGAL 10 Million inhabitants National Health Service Universal comprehensive free of charge covers all the population Other Health Systems (Civil Servants, and other) responsible for 3 millions All the population has the right to health to be delivered through NHS Assessment of pharmaceuticals to inform reimbursement decisions in Portugal Total Health Expenditure as % of GDP - 2006 Despesa em Saúde em % do PIB (2006) 8,5 United Kingdom Sw eden 9,1 8,4 Spain Slovak Republic 7,3 9,9 Portugal Poland 6,2 9,7 Netherlands Luxembourg 7,3 9,0 Italy Ireland 7,1 Hungary 8,1 Greece 9,5 Germany 10,5 France 11,0 Finland 8,3 Denmark 9,6 Czech Republic 7,0 Belgium 10,0 Austria 10,2 0,0 2,0 Fonte: OECD HEALTH DATA 2009, Nov. 09 4,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 12,0 Assessment of pharmaceuticals to inform reimbursement decisions in Portugal Total Medicines Expenditure as % of GDP - 2006 Despesa Total de Medicam entos em % do PIB (2006) Belgium 1,6 0,8 Denmark Sw eden 1,2 Finland 1,2 Austria 1,4 Germany 1,6 Czech Republic 1,6 Poland 1,7 Spain 1,8 Italy 1,8 France 1,8 Slovak Republic 2,2 Portugal 2,2 Greece 2,2 Hungary 2,6 0 0,5 Fonte: OECD HEALTH DATA 2009, Nov. 09 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 Assessment of pharmaceuticals to inform reimbursement decisions in Portugal Total Medicines Expenditure as % of Total Health Expenditure - 2006 Despesa Total de Medicam entos em % de despesa com Saúde (2006) Austria 13,3 Sw eden 13,7 Ireland 14,2 Finland 14,3 Germany 14,8 Belgium 15,9 France 16,3 Luxembourg 19,9 Spain 21,7 Portugal 21,8 Greece 22,7 Czech Republic 22,8 Poland 27,2 Slovak Republic 29,7 Hungary 31,8 Denmark 8,5 0 5 Fonte: OECD HEALTH DATA 2009, Nov. 09 10 15 20 25 30 35 Assessment of pharmaceuticals to inform reimbursement decisions in Portugal Total Medicines Expenditure per capita - 2006 Consumo de Medicamentos per capita nos países da OCDE - 2006 710 Iceland 644 France 599 Belgium 587 Sw itzerland 568 Italy 551 Germ any 542 Norw ay 536 Sw eden 530 Austria 517 Greece 504 Spain 471 Finland 412 Denm ark 397 Portugal 288 Hungary Slovak Republic 226 Czech Republic 221 151 Poland 0 100 Fonte: OECD HEALTH DATA 2009, Nov. 09 200 300 400 US$ 500 600 700 800 Assessment of pharmaceuticals to inform reimbursement decisions in Portugal • Hospitals NHS or third payer is responsible for all the expenses with inpatient consumed medicines • Pharmacies NHS or third payer is responsible for all or part of the expenses with consumed medicines on the purchasing act the consumer does not pay or pay only a part of medicine’s price Assessment of pharmaceuticals to inform reimbursement decisions in Portugal Medicines Expenditure Growth 2000-2008 30% 25% Growth rate 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% -5% 00 20 01 20 02 20 03 20 Total Market (outpatient) NHS expenditure (outpatient) Source: INFARMED, I.P.; IMS Health; ACSS 04 20 05 20 06 20 07 20 NHS Market (outpatient) Hospital Market 08 20 Assessment of pharmaceuticals to inform reimbursement decisions in Portugal Expenditure by NHS 1996-2008 1600 Million Euros 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 20 01 20 02 20 03 20 04 20 05 20 06 20 07 20 08 0 Source: INFARMED 2009 Assessment of pharmaceuticals to inform reimbursement decisions in Portugal Causes of growing drug expenditure: Increase in population of elderly residents Increase incidence and duration of chronic diseases Continuing development of health technologies Increase in health expectations by patients and society Higher prices (R&D costs, attrition rates) Health Technology Assessment What do we measure in HTA? Relative effectiveness Additional benefit in clinical practice of the new medicine in comparison with alternative therapies (EBM) Cost-effectiveness Comparison of two relevant alternative therapies (innovator versus standard treatment) Assessment of pharmaceuticals to inform reimbursement decisions in Portugal Need to: Promote the development of new tools to provide support on decision making process - Economic Evaluation Studies of Medicines (1998) Create guidelines to implement good practices on the execution and evaluation of Economic Evaluation Studies of Medicines - Guidelines (1999) Create levels of quality to graduate the clinical evidence used for assessment of pharmaceuticals to inform reimbursement decisions (2000) Assessment of pharmaceuticals to inform reimbursement decisions in Portugal Relative effectiveness and cost-effectiveness evaluation for reimbursement decision – ambulatory and hospital Clinical Economic Assessment Assessment Relative effectiveness Cost-effectiveness added therapeutic value “value for money” Evidence based report to support the decision Assessment of pharmaceuticals to inform reimbursement decisions in Portugal • Applicants Marketing Authorization Holders (MAH) (submit all necessary evidence) • INFARMED Administrative assistants Pharmacists Doctors Assessment Health Economists Executive Board of INFARMED Decision • Minister of Health Assessment of pharmaceuticals to inform reimbursement decisions in Portugal Team: 10 external experts coming from universities and hospitals (doctors and health economists) * Internal staff – 6 economists – 4 pharmacists – 2 administrative assistants * Names and CV are available at INFARMED webpage Assessment of pharmaceuticals to inform reimbursement decisions in Portugal Clinical Assessment Identify if the medicine is for an unmet need Identify the relative effectiveness/added therapeutic value Extent to which an intervention does more good than harm compared to one or more intervention alternatives for achieving the desired results when provided under the usual circumstances of health care practice. (Pharmaceutical Forum) Assessment of pharmaceuticals to inform reimbursement decisions in Portugal Economic Assessment Identify the value for money - Comparative price analysis for generics and medicines without added therapeutic value using equivalent daily treatment - Economic evaluation study for medicines that fulfil an unmet need or with added therapeutic value (innovative medicines) in order to identify the cost-effectiveness ratio Identify the implications for NHS budget Assessment Procedure Application by MAH Application form (/CFT form)/Scientific information/Additional data Clinical assessment Preliminary Report (structured format) Additional data (critical appraisal and n. of patients) Final Report Inferior Therapeutic Value Therapeutic Equivalence Added Therapeutic Value Assessment Procedure Inferior therapeutic value Therapeutic equivalence Added therapeutic value Price comparative analysis PVH < comp. Economic advantage Negative Decision Positive Decision PVH ≥ comp. MEES [185d] Assessment Procedure MEES/clinical report Economic Assessment Preliminary Report Additional data Final Report Decision (positive/negative) Assessment Procedure Decision (positive/negative) Reports (clinicians/economists/pharmacists) – Peer discussion and adoption by consensus Consolidated Final Report Summary report (to be publish in the webpage) (revised by assessors) Proposal for CFT monitoring procedures) Final proposal for Decision by MB Assessment Procedure Final proposal for Decision by MB Negative Decision Information to MAH 10d for counter argumentation Positive Decision Contract (2 copies) to be signed by MAH Signed contract (MAH + MB) Reanalysis Final negative decision Information to MAH/Hospitals Publication in webpage Agreement and Signed Contract Agreement for 2 years (to be renewed) Additional demonstration of ATV Ceiling for NHS expenditure with the medicine in all public hospitals Estimation of the number of patients to be treated Monitoring mechanisms Consequences if ceiling is surpassed Maximum price considered to be adequate Field of Application NCE reimbursed since 2001 41 22 24 23 23 20 17 15 12 14 7 3 2 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Ambulatory (*) 3 under agreement negotiation 2006 2007 2008 Hospitalar 2009 6 JanMar 2010 (*) Medicines for Hospital use Positive Decision Negative decision Abatacept Lenalidomida Ácido lipoico Agalsidase Alfa Leuprorrelina Bevacizumab Anidulafungina Levofolinato dissódico Carbetocina Ambrisentam Maraviroc Oxibato de sódio Capecitabina Mecassermina Ziconotida Cefeminox Panitumumab Cladribina Raltegravir Darunavir Ranibizumab Dasatinib Sitaxentano Efavirenz + emtricitabina + tenofovir Sorafenib Etravirina Tacrolímus Fibrinogénio humano + Trombina humana Temsirolímus Gadoversetamida Tenofovir Medicines for Hospital use Number of agreements (contracts) Year of Signature Number 2007 2 2008 7 2009 14 2010 (Jan-Mar) 3 Total 26 Critical Issues/Constraints •Selection of comparators •Uncertainty (lack of information) •Orphan drugs (rare diseases) •Target-population (subgroups) •Budget impact •Time pressure •Pressure from pharmaceutical industry Assessment of pharmaceuticals to inform reimbursement decisions in Portugal Basic Principles: Scientific independence Conflicts of interest Robustness of assessment procedure Best experts in the field Evidence based Peer discussion and decision by consensus Transparency Clear definition of criteria Publication Segregation between assessment and decision Gracias por su atención