實證醫學專題報告 服用綜合維他命,未來發生心 血管疾病的機率有多少? 報告者:Intern 張邦彥 潘泊諺 指導者:王啟忠 主任 門諾醫院 家醫科 March 12th, 2013 情境 • 王先生今年 62 歲,高血壓已服藥 (CCB) 將近 10 年,血壓控制良好。體重過重 (BMI:26),是個老菸槍,常常咳嗽有濃 痰。 • 王先生年過60歲,開始擔心身體狀況, 他想知道每天服用綜合維他命,自己 未來發生心血管疾病的機率有多少? 問題形成 • 病人:服用綜合維他命,未來發生心血管疾病 的機率 • 介入或暴露 : 服用綜合維他命 • 比較:沒有服用綜合維他命 • 臨床結果:心血管疾病的發病率及死亡率 • 這是關於 「治療」的問題 文獻搜尋 • 關鍵字 : multivitamin, cardiovascular disease, men • 資料庫 : PubMed, ACP journal club • 優先順序 : Systematic review/Meta-analysis >RCT>… The Oxford 2011 Levels of Evidence Systematic review Meta-analysis RCT ACP journal club 文獻評讀 1. 病人的治療分派是隨機的嗎? YES! • A total of 14641 men were randomized and stratified by age, prior diagnosis of cancer, prior diagnosis of CVD, etc. 2. 對照組與實驗組在進 入試驗時是否相似? YES! 3. 病人、醫生、研究者是否對治療不知情? YES! • The PHS II was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial evaluating the balance of risks and benefits of a multivitamin (Centrum Silver or placebo daily). 4. 病人的追蹤是否夠久、夠充足完整? YES! • The trial began in 1997 with continued treatment and follow-up through June 1, 2011(a mean of 11.2 years of treatment and follow-up in 14 641 men) • Morbidity and mortality follow-up in PHS II were high—98.2% and 99.9%, respectively. In addition, morbidity and mortality follow-up as a percentage of person-time each exceeded 99.9%. 5. 是否所有的病人都被放到原先分派的組別 中做分析? YES! • All primary analyses were based on the intention-to-treat principle. 6. 所有組別是否被平等對待? Yes! • Every 6 months for the first year, then annually thereafter, PHS II participants were sent monthly calendar packs containing a multivitamin or placebo. • Annual mailed questionnaires asked about adherence, adverse events, end points, and risk factors. 文獻評讀之效度/信度 Multivitamins in the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Men JAMA, November 7, 2012 病人的治療分派是隨機 ○ 對照組與實驗組在進入試 驗時相似 ○ 病人、醫生、研究者對治 療不知情 ○ 病人的追蹤夠久、夠充足 完整 ○ 所有的病人都被放到原先 分派的組別中做分析 ○ 所有組別被平等對待 ○ 研究結果 • During a median follow-up of 11.2 (interquartile range, 10.7-13.3) years, there were 1732 confirmed major cardiovascular events. • There was no significant effect of a daily multivitamin on major cardiovascular events. • A daily multivitamin had no effect on total MI, total stroke, or CVD mortality. • A daily multivitamin was also not significantly associated with total mortality. Hazard Ratio(風險比值) : 是被用來比較兩組的“發生事件所需時間 (time to event)” ,即是介入組死亡的風險除以對照組死亡的風險。 There were no significant difference in major cardiovascular events, total MI, total stroke between cumulative incidence curves. Cumulative incidence rate:某世代族群或某固定族 群的人,經過某段觀察時間後,發生某事件﹙疾 病﹚的人口佔該世代族群人口總數的百分比。 • No significant interaction by baseline CVD history status (P=.62 for interaction) for primary (HR, 1.02; 95% CI, 0.92-1.13) vs secondary (HR, 0.96; 95% CI, 0.75-1.22) prevention. • The cumulative incidence curves did not differ for primary (crude log-rank P=.71) or secondary (crude log-rank P=.94) prevention during up to 14 years of treatment and follow-up. • 對CVD的初級預防和次級預防都無顯著效果 Potential Adverse Effects • No significant effects on gastrointestinal tract symptoms (peptic ulcer, constipation, diarrhea, gastritis, and nausea), fatigue, drowsiness, skin discoloration, and migraine (P=.05 for all). • Participants taking the multivitamin vs placebo were more likely to have skin rashes (2125 in the multivitamin group and 2002 in the placebo group; HR, 1.07; 95% CI, 1.01-1.14; P=.03). 研究結論 • 在超過十年的治療和追蹤下,服用綜合維 他命並無法讓這群美國男性醫師降低心血 管疾病、心肌梗塞、中風的發生率,以及 心血管疾病的死亡率。 回到我們的病患身上 • 病人性質與治療方式是否與我們的病患條件 一致? – – – – 種族 職業 年齡 本身潛在的疾病 • 其研究結論是否可應用在我們的病患身上? • 經濟效益評估 自我評估 • • • • • 是否提出一個可以回答的問題? 是否能從廣大資料來源中找到有用的證據? 是否知道現有的最佳證據來源? 是否能審慎評讀證據的正確性? 是否能整合證據與病患的價值觀? 謝謝大家 !