Medicaid_and_CHIP - Texas Department of State Health Services

Introduction to the Medicaid Program
in Texas
December 2011
• Overview
• Program Administration
• How is Medicaid Funded?
• Who Does Medicaid Serve?
• What Services Does Medicaid Provide?
• Who Provides Medicaid Services?
• Delivery Models
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What is Medicaid?
• Medicaid is a jointly funded state-federal program that
provides medical coverage to eligible needy persons.
• Medicaid is an entitlement program, which means that the
federal government does not, and a state cannot, limit the
number of eligible people who can enroll.
• Federal laws and regulations:
 Require coverage of certain populations and services;
 Provide flexibility for states to cover additional
populations and services.
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Acute and Long-Term Care
• Acute Care
 Physician, inpatient, outpatient, pharmacy, behavioral health, lab
and X-ray services.
 Refers to health care for children and pregnant women for episodic
health care needs.
• Long-Term Services and Supports (Long-Term Care)
 Care for people with long-term care needs, chronic health
conditions that need ongoing medical care, and often social
support. This includes home and community-based care, as well
as in facilities such as nursing homes and can include care for
behavioral health conditions.
• Acute Care vs. Long-Term Care – Distinction is based on the:
 Cognitive and medical condition of patient;
 Need for assistance with activities of daily living;
 Degree to which a disability is chronic;
 Nature of services provided; and
 Setting in which services are provided.
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Medicaid Clients
• How many people receive Medicaid?
In June 2011, 3.3 million people received
Medicaid. Of those:
 Over 2.3 million are children
 Over 700,000 are Aged, Blind, and Disabled
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Medicaid Clients and Spending
Figure 1.2: Texas Medicaid Beneficiaries and Expenditures
State Fiscal Year 2009
Non -Disabled
Non -Disabled Adults
Non -Disabled Adults
Aged & Disability
Aged & Disability
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Texas Medicaid and the State Budge
How much is spent on Medicaid?
Total SFY 10-11 budgeted for Medicaid:
• $44.9B from all fund sources
• $18.8B from General Revenue, GR-Dedicated, and Tobacco
Settlement Receipts
Medicaid amounts represent:
• 75 percent of all appropriations for HHS
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Joint State and Federal
• Both the federal and state governments have a role in
overseeing and funding the Medicaid program.
• At the federal level, Medicaid is administered by the
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) within
the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services.
• Federal Medicaid regulations require each state to
designate a single state agency responsible for the
Medicaid program. HHSC has been the single state
agency since 1993. Duties include establishing
Medicaid policy, administering the Medicaid State
Plan (or agreement) with the federal government, and
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Medicaid Eligibility
• Medicaid serves:
Low-income families
Related caretakers of dependent children
Pregnant women
People with disabilities
• Texas Medicaid does not currently serve:
 Non-disabled, childless adults
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Income and
Federal Poverty Levels
• Financial eligibility for Medicaid and many other
social programs is based on a family’s income level
compared to the Federal Poverty Level (FPL).
• The FPL is intended to identify the minimum amount
of income a family would need to meet certain, very
basic, family needs.
• FPLs indicate annual income levels by family size and
are updated each year by the US Department of Health
and Human Services.
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Selected HHS-Relevant Percent of
Poverty Income Levels for 2011
The amounts corresponding to 100% of poverty are based on the U.S. Department of HHS
poverty income guidelines for 2011.
Based on Annual Income
Family Size
At 100% of poverty, for families larger than 8, add $3,820 for each additional person.
SOURCE: Federal Register, Vol. 76, No. 13, January 20, 2011, pp. 3637-3638
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Medicare and Medicaid
• Medicare is a federally funded and administered program.
• Medicaid is a jointly (Federal & State) funded program,
administered by states.
• It is important to note that Medicaid, not Medicare, pays
for most long-term care services and supports.
 Medicare only covers 100 days of nursing home care per “spell of
illness” and beneficiary must be progressing toward rehabilitation
 Medicaid covers long-term institutional services and supports and
covers the cost of nursing home care for dually-eligible clients not
paid by Medicare.
 Medicaid also covers community-based long-term care services
and supports, not covered in Medicare.
 Persons under 65 who receive monthly SSI must wait 2 years
before becoming eligible for Medicare. During this period,
Medicaid is the primary payor for their health care.
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Mandatory Services
• Federal law requires that all state Medicaid programs
pay for certain services and reimburse certain provider
types. The following must be covered by Medicaid:
 Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment
(EPSDT) also known as Texas Health Steps for children
under age 21 (includes treatment of any conditions
identified as medically necessary)
 Check-up includes: medical history, complete physical exam, assessment of
nutritional, developmental and behavioral needs, lab tests, immunizations,
health education, vision and hearing screening, referrals to other providers as
 Federally Qualified Health Centers
 Home health care
 Inpatient and outpatient hospital
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Mandatory Services
• Mandatory Services (Continued):
 Family planning/genetics
 Lab and X-ray
 Nursing facility care
 Pregnancy-related services
 Rural Health Clinics
 Physicians
 Certified Nurse Midwife
 Certified Pediatric and Family Nurse Practitioner
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Optional Services
• The state may choose to provide some, all, or no optional
services specified under federal law. Optional services
provided in Texas include services such as:
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Prescription drugs
Physical therapy
Occupational therapy
Targeted Case Management
Some rehabilitation services
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthesiologists
Eyeglasses/contact lenses
Hearing aids
Services provided by podiatrists
Certain mental health provider types
Pharmacy Services
• The HHSC Vendor Drug Program performs most pharmacy services
functions, including policy and program oversight, formulary
management, and pharmacy customer services.
• Texas contracts with private companies for pharmacy claims
processing, prior authorization services, and administration of the drug
rebate program.
• The state contracts with pharmacies to provide Medicaid clients with
pharmacy benefits.
 Over 4,200 licensed Texas pharmacies are under contract.
• Beginning March 2012, the managed care organizations will be
responsible for providing pharmacy benefits to their members
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Medicaid Providers and
• Medicaid providers include:
 Health professionals - doctors, nurses, physical
therapists, dentists, psychologists, etc.
 Health facilities - hospitals, nursing homes, institutions
and homes for persons with mental retardation, clinics,
community health centers.
 Providers of other critical services like pharmaceuticals
or drugs, medical supplies and equipment, medical
• Medicaid providers must be enrolled as a Medicaid
provider through the Texas Medicaid & Healthcare
Partnership (TMHP)
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Medicaid Delivery Models
• Fee for Service (Traditional Medicaid)
• Managed Care:
 Managed Care Models in Texas:
 Managed Care Organizations (MCOs)
 Primary Care Case Management (PCCM)
 Managed Care Programs in Texas:
 STAR (State of Texas Access Reform) – Acute Care MCO
 STAR+PLUS – Acute & Long-Term Services and Supports MCO
 PCCM - Managed care model that provides a medical home for Medicaid
clients through primary care providers
 NorthSTAR – Behavioral Health Care MCO
 STAR Health – Comprehensive managed care program for children in Foster
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Fee-for-Service Medicaid
• Fee-for-Service Medicaid is the traditional
Medicaid program.
• A Fee-for-Service Medicaid client is defined as
either of the following:
 (1) a client who is not enrolled in a managed care plan,
such as a health maintenance organization; or
 (2) a client who is enrolled in a managed care plan, but
the service that is needed is covered by Medicaid, not
by the plan.
• Eligible clients may receive services from any
eligible Medicaid provider
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Provider Reimbursement:
Claims Payment
Payment and processes vary by delivery model
HMO Model:
 HMOs are paid a capitated rate by HHSC.
 Providers are paid reimbursement rates established by the HMO via a
contractual arrangement.
 Bills for services, called “claims,” are sent to the HMO for payment.
Fee-for-Service and PCCM Models:
 HHSC is responsible for establishing Fee-for-Service (Traditional
Medicaid) and PCCM reimbursement methodologies.
 Providers are paid Medicaid reimbursement rates for providing eligible
Medicaid services to eligible clients.
 Primary Care Providers in PCCM receive an additional monthly case
management fee for each client.
 Bills for services, called “claims,” must be sent to the state for payment.
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Provider Enrollment
• The Claims Administrator for Texas Medicaid is the Texas
Medicaid and Healthcare Partnership (TMHP)
• TMHP, a coalition of contractors headed by ACS, carries
out the fee-for-service and Primary Care Case
Management claims payment.
 Assists providers in enrolling in the Texas Medicaid
 Educates providers on changing Medicaid policies,
reimbursement rates and provider requirements.
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Federal Medical Assistance
Percentage (FMAP)
• The portion of total Medicaid costs paid by the
federal government is known as the Federal
Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP).
 Texas FMAP for FFY 2011: 60.56
 Of each dollar spent on Medicaid services in Texas, the federal
government pays approximately 61 cents.
 Based on average state per capita income compared to
the U.S. average
 Small changes in the FMAP could result in significant loss or gain
of federal funds.
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• “Pink book” -
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Introduction to the Children’s Health
Insurance Program (CHIP)
December 2011
CHIP: Federal Legislative
• CHIP was created by the federal Balanced Budget Act of 1997, under a
new Title XXI of the Social Security Act. It allowed each state to
offer health insurance for certain children who are not already insured.
• Texas CHIP was implemented in two phases:
 Phase I began in 1998 as a Medicaid expansion for children 15 –
18 in families below 100 percent FPL.
 Phase II was enacted by the Texas Legislature in 1999 as a separate
health insurance program; enrollment began in April 2000.
• Current caseload for December 2011: 562,550 children
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Overview: What is CHIP?
• CHIP is a joint state-federal program that provides medical
coverage to eligible children up to age 19, who are not
already insured.
• Federal law and regulations require each state to:
 Set eligibility guidelines, service levels, and delivery
systems; and
 Operate a state plan listing these elements.
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What is CHIP?
• CHIP is NOT an entitlement program, meaning:
The state can determine age and income
The state can cap enrollment; and
The state can limit service benefits as approved
by the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human
• Total federal financial participation is limited to
block grant amounts allocated to each state.
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CHIP Eligibility
CHIP serves:
 Uninsured children under age 19
• CHIP Perinatal serves unborn children meeting eligibility requirements
 Gross income up to 200% Federal Poverty Level (FPL)
 U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents
 Not eligible for Medicaid
• Families with net incomes above 150% FPL must meet assets criteria:
 Assets below $10,000
 One vehicle is exempt up to $18,000; additional vehicles are exempt up to
• Eligibility is determined for a 12-month period; income verification at
6th month for families at 185% FPL and above
 CHIP Perinatal eligibility is determined for a 12-month period
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Cost Sharing: Enrollment Fees
• CHIP annual enrollment fee:
 $0 for families with net income less than 150% FPL
 $35 for families between 151-185% FPL
 $50 for families between 186-200% FPL
• Families are required to pay the enrollment fee
upon enrollment or renewal of CHIP
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Cost Sharing: Current
Families enrolled in CHIP are responsible for co-payments
for certain plan benefits
At or below
100% FPL
Preventative Health Care and Shots
Office Visit
Non-Emergency Room Use
Generic Prescription
Name-brand Prescription
Inpatient Hospital Care
Outpatient Hospital Care
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101% to
150% FPL
151% to 185%
186% to 200%
Cost Sharing: Co-payments effective
March 1, 2012
Families enrolled in CHIP are responsible for copayments for certain plan benefits
At or below
100% FPL
Preventative Health Care and Shots
Office Visit
Non-Emergency Room Use
Generic Prescription
Name-brand Prescription
Inpatient Hospital Care
Outpatient Hospital Care
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101% to
150% FPL
151% to
185% FPL
186% to
200% FPL
Current CHIP Benefits
• Inpatient Hospital Services, including Inpatient Rehabilitation
• Outpatient Hospital and Ambulatory Health Care Services
• Lab and X-ray for inpatient, outpatient and ambulatory health
• Physician/Physician Extender Professional Services (surgical
and medical), including services such as immunizations and
well-baby and well-child examinations
• Emergency Services
• Prescription Drugs
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Current CHIP Benefits
Physical/Speech/Occupational Therapy
Home Health
Durable Medical Equipment (DME)
Dental Services
Hospice Care Services
Skilled Nursing Facilities
Vision Benefits (eye exams and eyeglasses)
Chiropractic Services
Tobacco Cessation
Behavioral health and substance abuse services
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CHIP Perinatal Benefits
• CHIP Perinatal provides a limited, basic prenatal care benefit package
that includes:
 Up to 20 prenatal and 2 postpartem visits
• First 28 weeks of pregnancy ― one visit every four weeks
• 28 to 36 weeks of pregnancy ― one visit every two to three weeks
• 36 weeks to delivery ― one visit per week
 Additional prenatal visits allowed if medically necessary
 Pharmacy, prenatal vitamins, limited laboratory testing, assessments,
planning services, education and counseling
 Prescription drug coverage based on the current CHIP formulary
 Hospital facility charges and professional services charges related to the
 No cost-sharing requirements
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CHIP Delivery Models
• CHIP Service Delivery Models include:
 Managed Care Organization (MCO): A type of health care plan
that arranges for or provides benefits to covered clients
• The state pays the CHIP MCOs on a capitation basis: a set dollar
amount PMPM to cover the health care costs of clients.
• Client selects an MCO and a Primary Care Provider (PCP)
• PCP authorizes services within the network
• Providers are paid reimbursement rates established by the MCO
 EPO: A health plan that arranges for or provides benefits to
covered persons through a network of exclusive providers
• Limited to services provided to client in network, except for
 Dental Maintenance Organization (DMO) for dental services
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Federal Match Rate
• As in Medicaid, the federal government pays a percentage
of CHIP program costs.
• The federal government pays a higher percentage for CHIP
than for Medicaid.
 In 2011, the federal government pays 72.39% of CHIP
medical care expenditures; compared to 60.56% of Medicaid
medical care expenditures.
 Of every dollar spent on CHIP medical costs, $0.72 is paid
for by the federal government.
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