The Principles of Billing Case Study Dr. New Entrant (NE) completes his/her FM residency in 5 months. To date, she only fills in a patient encounter form which the unit manager will use to do the billing. Her preceptor is on salary with the teaching program funded by a ARP. There has been no specific instruction in billing. The program encourages the resident to learn this during their community rotations. NE doesn’t know how to bill or how to obtain her billing #. Introduction Most physicians are self-employed vs salaried As a professional, you provide a service Your income is received upon billing and receipt of payment for services rendered You are now a proprietor in the Service Industry called Medicine Areas to be Addressed Registering with the provincial HCP When, how and who to bill Staff Training Where to go for Help Monitoring The components of a bill to provincial Health Care Plans (HCP) or WCB The “bread & butter” of billing Areas to be Addressed (cont’d) Third Party Billing Uninsured/Noninsured Services Alternate Billing Options NEVER FORGET TO....!! Common Mistakes Registering with Your HCP Provincial registration variations & exclusion criteria Contact provincial licensing college application for Independent Practice License Contact HCP for “Application for Billing Number” Billing # restrictions may apply! Register with WCB Choosing a Billing Package List of approved submitters 310-000 (780) 422-0069 AMA Web site ( computerized office Physician office system program 3 approved vendors (Med Access, Telus Health Solutions (Practice Solutions), Telus Health Solutions Wolf Medical System) Practitioners in Similar practices Service Bureau’s VS Direct Submission Cost, support, availability of software HCP Physician Information Kit HCP Schedule of Benefits (www., fees and negotiation, billing advice) General Rules Procedure list Fee modifier list Price list Explanatory codes Diagnostic code manual AHW Web site ( A Physicians Resource Guide /AH&W Bulletins AHW Web site ( Facility Listing AH Web site ( Staff Training Office policies Billing for Uninsured services Alberta Health Billing Submission Reconciliation Resubmission Not all services are billable - varies from province to province Supervised services Reciprocal Billing Where to go for Help Physician Resource Guide Alberta Health 310-0000 (780) 427-1432 AMA - Physician Advocacy 1-800-272-9680 (780) 482-2626 e-mail Verifying AH Coverage IVR 1-888-422-6257 Netcare Opted out Good Faith Claims Invalid AHC Numbers Office Bill patient Hospital Patient Name, address, phone number, ULI, DOS, DOB, claim number Remittance Review & Reconciliation The weekly process of reviewing if you have received 100% payment for the services you have rendered to date Unpaid or partially paid accounts should be reviewed, corrected & resubmitted to the responsible party Monitoring Verify assessment results Is explanatory code acceptable Paid does not equate to assessment is correct Few edits in place Physicians responsibility to ensure that assessment is correct Responsible Party The Responsible Party remits payment to the physician for services rendered Provincial HCP WCB Third parties (uninsured services) insurance companies employers lawyers government agency Patient (insured or uninsured) Worker’s Compensation Obtaining a Registration (billing) number Edmonton 780 498-4316 or toll free 1-866-922-9221 Always verify if the patient is covered by WCB when assessing all work related medical complaints. Knowingly billing the Provincial HCP for WCB services is…fraudulent WCB pays for form completion Claims submission must be electronic Reciprocal Billing All provinces & territories, except Quebec, have mutual arrangements that allow the physician to bill the patient’s “home province” for services rendered Payment is rendered at the rates of the “host province” Some exceptions/exclusions Physician’s Resource Guide (section 4) Billing Period AHW provides weekly payments Accounts receivable = 2 - 4 weeks AHW claim submission deadlines are 180 days from service date or 180 from last communication Note AH has indicated to AMA they want to move to 90 days. The Components of a Bill Service provider PRACID Skill Code Recipient ULI Date of service Location of service Referral PRACID if applicable Health service code Calls Diagnostic code Encounter number Modifiers if applicable Facility number Functional centre Responsible party Recovery code Billing Documentation Billing Day sheet Computer record Patient record must be able to stand alone as an indicator of what services and procedures were provided without your interpretation!!! AHC legislation Records must be kept minimum of 6 years Know Your Fee Schedule Provincial HCP’s “Schedule of Benefits” dictate the fees you receive Fees change - READ ALL BULLETINS Stay up-to-date Request new SOMB fax (780) 427-1093 Review the schedule - general rules, procedure list and associated notes, modifiers PHYSICIAN DECIDES ON CODE TO SUBMIT IGNORANCE leads to LOST INCOME The “Bread & Butter” of Billing In general, most specialties use 5-6 service codes more often than any others Learn what criteria must be met before using these codes Each code is explained in the procedure list of the HCP “Schedule of Medical Benefits” Bread and Butter Codes: 03.03A Limited visit not requiring complete history and evaluation $35.92 -75 years and older 03.03A + 20% 03.03B Prenatal visit $35.78 03.04A Comprehensive visit $98.78 CMGP01 - 10 Complex patient visit modifier/unit $15.56 - 03.01J, 03.03A, 03.03B, 03.03C, 03.03N, 03.03P, 03.03Q, 03.07A, 03.07B Bread and Butter Codes cont’d: CMXC30 Complex visit/consultation modifier $30.56 - 03.04A, 03.04B, 03.04C, 03.04D 03.04M, 03.08A 08.19G Direct contact with a patient for psychiatric treatment, per 15 minute $44.90 98.12A Excisional biopsy, skin $41.25 03.04M Pre op history & physical $98.78 Comprehensive care plan 03.04JDevelopment, documentation & administration of a comprehensive annual care plan for patient with complex needs $215.52 - Family physician most responsible - One/patient/year with ongoing communication - Not payable within 345 days of previous 03.04J - May be claimed in addition to 03.03A, 03.03N, 03.04A - Complex – patient with multiple complex health needs including chronic disease and other complications - Two or more diagnosis from group A & B Comprehensive care plan cont’d Group A - Hypertensive disease (401) - Diabetes Mellitus (250) - COPD (496) - Asthma 493) - Heart Failure (428) - Ischemic Heart Disease (413 - 414) - Chronic renal failure (585) - (2 different GFR readings, >3 mon apart. Values 60-89 must be accompanied by urine or imaging abnormalities) Group B - Mental Health Issues (290 – 319) - Obesity (Adult + BMI 35, Child = BMI 97 percentile) (278) - Addictions (303 – 304) - Tobacco (305.1) Comprehensive care plan cont’d Care plan includes: - Direct contact with patient - Clearly defined goals - Detailed review of chart, current therapies and problem list - Demographic information that may affect patient health &/or treatment - Incorporate patient values and personal goals - Expected outcome - Identification of other health care professionals that may be involved - Physician & patient sign and each keep copy Most Common Rejected Claims Patient coverage problems Duplicate services Patient seen twice in one day Missing information on claim Reductions by the Ministry What does this cost you every Month/Year????? Primary Care Networks Objectives of PCN include Increase access to primary care Manage 24/7 access to appropriate care Increase emphasis on promotion and prevention Greater use of multi-disciplinary teams Better coordination and integration between the components of the health system Primary Care Initiative cont’d Local Primary Care Networks (LPCN) Arrangement between group(s) and a regional health authority (shared leadership) Local flexibility to address local needs Manages the comprehensive care of a population Patient population defined through formal or informal enrolment Funding follows the patient AMA Practice Management Program To provide high quality change management products and services primarily to physicians entering Local Primary care Networks (LPCN’s) Third-Party Billing & Uninsured Services Services not covered by provincial HCP or WCB Physician bills the responsible party (insurance company, employer, lawyer, government agency or directly to the patient) Not subject to clawbacks Non-insured Services Why Physicians Don’t Bill It will create public relations problems It will create administrative problems It’s not financially worth it I’ve never done it before I don’t want to be the first in town to do it I don’t know how My patient’s won’t like me. Is Bill a 4-letter word? What will really happen My patients will recognize that ALL my time is valuable I will accept that ALL my time is valuable I will get paid for things that I now do for free My revenues will increase Overhead ratio will decrease My practice remains viable Able to take time off Billing for Un-insured Services is... EXTREMELY IMPORTANT Be proactive - start from day one! Be consistent Use discretion Inform patients of their responsibility for payment prior to the delivery of the service Don’t feel guilty for billing appropriately for uninsured services Common Uninsured Services Sick notes and medical certificates Employment insurance forms Phone call prescription renewals Chart transfer charges Missed appointments Insurance reports Cosmetic procedures Uninsured Service Fees Most provincial medical associations provide recommended rates for uninsured services Contact your provincial medical association for more information Alberta Medical Association Recommended Fees Medical - legal services Report on patient attended Review & interpretation of file Phone Rx renewal Sick note - note only - exam & note $500 - 700/hr $450 – 625/hr $55 -75 $50 $90 - 135 Alberta Medical Association Recommended Fees Driver’s Exam (<74.5 years) form only Exam and form EI / Maternity CPP Disability short narrative, 1 page (15 – 20 min) full narrative, 2 pages (40 – 45 min) Detailed narrative, 3 or more pages (60 min) $75 – 150 $150 -275 $55 - 95 $50 $100 $150 Insurance Disability Form completion only Examination & form Chart Transfer patient request + photocopying $0.25/page (HIA) $60 - 125 $145 - 230 $25 Remember! Billing for 1 sick note at $50 for every office day generates ~ $14,000/year... office medical supplies cost < $3,000 per year Can you afford not to bill for these services? If you undervalue your services, so will your patients Commonly Missed Services Palliative care (03.05I) Unrelated AHC service with WCB (03.01J) Visit with non surgical treatment of warts (98.12L) Visit with IUD insertion (81.8)/removal (11.71A) CMGP modifier (03.01J, 03.03A, 03.03B, 03.03C, 03.03N, 03.03P, 03.03Q, 03.07A) CMXC30 modifier (03.04A, 03.04B, 03.04C, 03.04D, 03.04M) Complex inpatient modifier (COINPT) (03.03D, 03.03AR) 03.01AATime premium Commonly Missed services Telephone advice (03.01B, BA, BB; 03.01NG, NH, NI, 03.01LM, LN, LO, 03.01NM) Physician to physician advice (03.01LG, LH, LI, LJ, LK, LL) Periodic Pap smear (13.99BA) INR Management (03.01N) REVIEW ALL premiums and modifier codes in Schedule of Fees NEVER FORGET TO !!!!!!!! Complete all components of the bill! Always verify who is the responsible party! Bill for daily minor procedures Bill WCB whenever appropriate NEVER FORGET TO !!!!!!! Stay up-to-date with the fee schedule Never bill the HCP for uninsured services Bill for uninsured services when appropriate Common AHC Billing Examples Introduction The key billing components billed to the Ministry of Health are: health service codes diagnostic codes modifiers physician and patient identification Code definitions and #’s vary by province Billing Examples: Alberta 2011 Q1. A thorough office visit for a URI with an IM (flu) shot given? 03.03A 465.9 Possible CMGP01 (modifier ) 13.59A V04.8 $35.92 $15.56 $9.58 ($45.50 if modifier not applicable or $61.06 if applicable) Q2. Complete office assessment of 85 year old for chest pain, urinalysis done? 03.04A 786.5 Possible CMXC30 (modifier) $98.78 $30.56 Billing Examples Q3. Office visit for BP follow-up? 03.02A 401.9 $20.94 Q4. 25 minutes assessing an anxious patient? 03.03A CMGP02 300 or 2 - 08.19G (35.92+15.56+15.56) $67.04 300 $89.80 (44.90 x 2) Billing Examples Q5. Complete assessment 74 year old febrile male one week post-operative discharge. 03.04A 780 $98.78 Note: CMXC30 may be applicable if 30 minutes spent adds an additional $30.56 Q6. Detailed office assessment, suspected ulcerative colitis, flexible sigmoidoscopy? 03.03A 01.24B (+ tray) 556 556 (74.92 +37.71) $ 35.92 $112.63 ($148.55) Billing Examples Q7. Emergency house call, 3pm,weekday, first patient seen, breast cancer, 25 minutes? 03.03N CMGP02 174 (79.35 + 31.12) or 03.05I x 2 174 $ 110.47 $98.18 Q8. Same visit, spouse seen and NSAIDs reordered for osteoarthritis? 03.03P 715 Possibly CMGP01 (if 15 minutes spent) $ 29.93 $15.56 Billing Examples Q9. Weekday evening (2100 H) ER visit, complete assessment, 55 year old, chest pain NYD? 03.03LA 786.5 03.04A 786.5 Possible CMXC30 (modifier) 03.01AA TEV 02 $107.76 $ 98.78 $ 30.56 $ 43.66 ($250.20 if no modifier $280.76 if modifier applicable) Billing Examples Q10. You do a delivery at 1 AM having augmented the patient. You do post-natal care visits in the hospital? 87.98A NTAM 03.01AA TNTA03 650 (431.74 + 114.17) (43.65x 3) $545.91 $130.95 ($676.86) Billing Examples Q11. New-born care in hospital, circumcision? 03.05G (first day) V30.0 03.05GA (subsequent days/day) In Alberta, the circumcision is uninsured. $ 70.33 $ 40.58 Billing Examples Q12. Evening admission on 2/11/10 at 2330, 72 year old, Dx CHF, 5 regular hospital visits, special evening (2100) special callback Sat 6/11/10 to reassess dyspnea. 03.04C HANTPM 428 (122.72 + 142.88) 03.01AA TNTP02 (21.83 x 2) 03.03D x 5 428 (40.58 x 5) 03.05R (2100) 428 03.03DF 428 03.01AA TWK01 Use encounter 2 for Sat. callback $265.60 $ 43.66 $202.90 $ 107.76 $ 40.58 $ 21.83 ($682.33) Billing Examples Q13. Office visit, shave biopsy / desiccation of basal cell Ca < 1 cm, on the face? 03.03A 98.81B 173 173 (Punch biopsy) Note: 98.81B does not have a tray fee $35.92 $29.60 ($65.52) Billing Examples Q14. Office visit, patient concerned regarding a changing mole, excisional biopsy. 98.12M (+ tray) 216.8 (34.23 + 37.71) (Removal of pigmented benign nevus) or If unsure and decide to do excisional biopsy 98.12A (+ tray) (41.25 +37.71) 03.03A Should this billing be put on hold? $71.94 $78.96 $35.92 ($114.88) Billing Examples Q15. A patient presents with a plantar wart and liquid nitrogen is applied? 98.12L 03.03A 078.1 078.1 $20.45 $ 35.92 ($56.37) Don’t forget to bill the patient for the N2 Q16. A patient requests a visit for N2 treatment of a wart on their finger Can you bill the HCP for this? What should you bill? Billing Examples Q17. Regular visit, diabetes and BP assessment, unanticipated crisis supportive psychotherapy for additional 22 minutes, marital strife? 03.03A CMGP02 250 (35.92 + 31.12) $ 67.04 or 08.19G x2 300 $89.80 Note: Assessment must have determined that patient is suffering from a psychiatric disorder Billing Examples Q18. Attendance at labour, assistance at C.S. which took 1 hour, finished at 10 pm? 87.98B EV 86.9C SA 03.01AA TEV08 656.3 (428.04 + 47.59) $475.63 $143.95 $174.64 ($794.22) Q19. Assisting at elective hernia repair, 1 hour time, 10 am? 65.01A SA $143.95 Billing Examples Q20. Dr. on duty in ER, multiple systems assessment, 1 am, abdominal pain, NYD? 03.05ER CMXV20 789.0 (28.43 + 15.27) 03.01AA TNTA02 $43.70 $87.30 ($131.00) or 03.04H 789.0 Possibility CMXC30 modifier (30.56) ($126.99 if modifier applicable) 03.01AA TNTA02 $ 96.43 $87.30 ($183.73) Billing Examples Q21. Regular registered nursing home visit to assess a patient with dementia. 03.03E 290 $ 26.94 Billing Examples Q22. During a periodic health exam you order a lipid profile. The patient’s lab has returned and is abnormal. You request a follow-up visit and spend 25 minutes educating the patient regarding their risk of ASHD and the treatment options for their abnormal lipid profile. O3.03A CMGP02 272 (35.92+ 31.12) $ 67.04 Billing Examples Q23. A postmenopausal woman who has been on continuous HRT for 4 years presents with breakthrough bleeding. You do an endometrial aspirate biopsy. 03.03A 80.83B (+tray) 627.1 627.1(42.42 + 12.74) $35.92 $55.16 ($91.08) Billing Examples Q24. A 44 year old male presents with a painful 2cm boil in the left axilla which you incise and drain. 98.03A (+tray) 680.8 (31.36 + 12.74) $44.10 (I & D subcutaneous abscess ) 03.03A 680.8 $35.92 ($80.02) Billing Examples Q25. A patient receives their regular allergy shot from the nurse. 13.42A V07.1 (Allergy injection) $10.99 Billing Examples Q26. A 35 year female patient presents with a newly discovered breast lump. You do an appropriate exam and aspirate 3cc of clear fluid that is sent off for cytology. 03.03A 610.0 $35.92 97.81 (+tray) 610.0 (43.32 + 12.74) $56.06 (Needle biopsy breast) How will bill differ if needle biopsy? No difference as above ($91.98) Billing Examples Q27. A patient with tennis elbow unresponsive to NSAIDS and physiotherapy is seen for follow-up and you decide to inject with cortisone. 03.03A 727 $35.92 95.96A ( for tray) 727 $12.74 ($48.66) Note 95.96A does not allow for visit in addition but need to bill to get the tray fee (95.96A rate = $12.57) (Who pays for the cortisone?) Patient is billed ~$10-15 separately Billing Examples Q28. You receive the bi-weekly INR results of a patient and instruct your nurse to call the patient to modify their coumadin dosage. Can you bill for phone call advice? 03.01N $16.46 Management of anticoagulant therapy, two per month per patient Billing Examples Q29. A patient has seen you before and decides to return for the elective removal of a sebaceous cyst. Is this an insured service? 98.12C (+tray) 706.2 (52.35 + 37.71) $90.06 (Removal of sebaceous cyst) 03.03A 706.2 $ 35.92 ($125.98) Billing Examples Q30. A disabled hemiplegic patient with multiple concerns is seen in follow-up. You also complete a Disability benefit report for an Insurance company on their request. 03.03A 342.9 $35.92 CMGP01 if 15 m excluding report $15.56 Disability report - initial medical report &/or Reassessment medical report $60 - 125 (patient responsibility) Billing Examples Q31.You have a flu shot clinic where 20 patients see your nurse for a flu shot. 13.59A V04.8 $9.58 (Note to bill this a physician must supervise) Total 20 patients $191.60 Third Party Billing Billing WCB Verify if work related problem Verify if patient is covered Bill WCB for professional service & form completion It is fraudulent to bill AHW for WCB service WCB Billing Examples 33 year old typist with evidence of lateral epicondylitis from RSI. 03.03A CMGP01 (35.92 + 15.56) Initial report, (C050) (electronic) BCP 01/02 X2 $51.48 $58.07 BCP01 All of Alberta except Calgary & Airdrie $2.82/unit BCP02 Calgary & Airdrie $3.33/unit WCB Billing Example Follow-up visit in 4 weeks, patient has form to fill in, steroid injection indicated 0303A • 95.96A • MINT (tray) $35.92 $12.57 $12.74 ($61.23) Progress report (C051) BCP 01/02 x 1 $35.28 WCB Billing Examples WCB requests a detailed report and copies of all consults, exams, investigations. Summary of medical information, without opinion requested by WCB (RF05): First 30 minutes Additional 15 minute increments Photocopying (RF08) $127.01 $49.41 $0.43 per page Canada Pension Plan - CPP 56 year old with severe RA applying for CPP brings in forms. You later spend 40 minutes preparing a 2 page medical summary. What should you bill CPP? Form / report completion $100 What are the CPP billing criteria? Based on time spent CPP Billing Guidelines Photocopied info and / or short report time spent < 15 minutes $25 Chart Review & Short typed narrative report 1-2 pages time spent 15-20 minutes $50 Full typed narrative, 2 or more pages time spent 40-45 minutes $100 Detailed typed narrative, 3 or more pages time spent 60 minutes $150 Non-insured Billing 33 year old seen for tonsilitis & requests sick note for 2 days 03.03A (AHW) Form completion $35.92 $50 Pilot seen for MOT exam Examination & form completion $260 - 450 Non-insured Billing 14 year old seen for camp physical with form completion Form only Examination and form $50 $130 22 year old requests N2 for wart on hand Non surgical treatment Surgical removal $55 - 100 $95 – 210 Non-insured billing Phone request for prescription renewal $55 - 75 Request for removal of 7 skin tags individually set Travel advice and Hepatitis A shot individually set Medical Legal Reports 1.5 hours for chart review, report dictation and review, inclusion of 20 photocopies from chart Report Photocopies (HIA) $450 – 625/hour $25 Completion of Insurance Company Medical summary Report & examination $260 - $450