340B Market


340b Program Background

General Overview

• What is the 340b program

• Recent legislative changes and the impacts

• What it means for Indian Tribes

• What is means for pharmacies and PBMs

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What is the 340B Program?

 Federally-sponsored provision added to VHCA in 1992:

 Designed to provide affordable drug access to at-risk populations via Qualified Entities (QE):

 Includes Disproportionate Share Hospitals (DSH), Critical Access Hospitals (CAH), Federally Qualified Health

Centers (FQHC)

 The 340B business model:

 Targets low-income/indigent families and individuals

 Allows QE’s to receive drugs at heavily discounted prices (average 51% of wholesale price)

 Generates revenues for QE’s via the price spread between 340B and network pricing

 Specified a 1:1 ratio of QE to specific contracted pharmacy (typically in-house)

 Prior to PPACA, 340B was a niche with limited access, specific eligibility and operational requirements:

 Mandatory segregation of 340B versus non-340B drug inventories

Physical drug inventories must be on-site and maintained separately from non-340B drugs

 Only available to employees of qualified entities and eligible patients of record of QE-employed providers

 Separate records for claims processing, patient files and data increased the difficulty for hospitals to participate

340B Program Overview The 340B Discount







Private Sector Pricing






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340B Program Size, Impact and Importance









 340B market has experienced significant growth in patient encounters due to a number of factors:

 High unemployment + poor job market have driven millions of consumers to Federally Qualified Health Centers

 State and Federal administration significantly increased funding for community healthcare to increase access

 In 2010, 340B qualified entities had approx. 260 M outpatient encounters averaging of 2.2 scripts/patient encounter

 HCR modified a number of 340B rules to increase access and coverage for the eligible 340B population:

 Expanded list of qualified entities across the DSH and Federally Qualified Health Centers

 Recently expanded eligible entities: Children’s Hospitals, American Indian Tribes, Ryan White AIDS Centers, plus others

 Revised the QE-to-contracted pharmacy ratio from 1:1 to 1:Unlimited

 Allowed for “virtual” versus “physical” inventories of 340B drug supplies

 Resulting market impact of HCR implementation:

 340B drug purchases were over $6 billion in 2010

 Script volumes have experienced tremendous growth and is expected to continue

 2010 total estimated 340B script volume was over 566 million scripts, or 17.2% of the total estimated US script volume

 By 2012 340B script volume is projected to double to 1.1 billion (per McKesson 2010)

Growth of Contracted Pharmacy Arrangements Projected 340B Script Volume










2010 2012

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340B Market – What’s the Attraction?

Continued growth of Qualified Entities (QE):

 Currently over 15,000 QE’s across the US and US territories, up from 14,000 QE’s in 2010

 California alone has over 10% (1,500) of all QE’s

 DSH, Critical Access Hospitals and Federally Qualified Health Centers facilities represent over 80% of all qualified entities

 340B program does not discriminate; anyone who meets eligibility requirements can access 340B drug prices

 Program is difficult to understand and even harder to administer, manage:

 Competition is fragmented and no large competitors currently in this space

A number of companies provide consulting services and/or program administration, management

340B may not be compatible with standard PBM business models

 Growth in this market would likely increase attraction by various companies

 Significant increase reported in RFP’s containing 340B requirements:

 Entities are looking for ways to increase their revenue

 RFP’s are being received from 340B QE’s plus prospective clients looking for added capabilities

 Majority of Public Sector and Medicaid RFP’s (80-100%) include 340B requirements

 Many RFP’s show lack of knowledge on 340B specifics and qualifications; many RFP requestors do not qualify for 340B

 Potential market risks for future considerations:

Changes in legislation may impact 340B program and discounts:

 OptumRx believes there is no current legislative activity significantly impacting the 340B market

 Increased access and participation may drive Pharma to reconsider participation and/or pricing:

 This is a Federally sponsored program; unsure whether Pharma will object to small % of their overall sales

 Trend shifts towards Specialty drug development may cause shift in program design

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340B Market – Implications for Tribes?

• Ability to take advantage of 340b pricing without a tribal pharmacy

• No rebates paid on 340b drugs

• Tribes need contract with wholesaler and have agreements with each pharmacy they intend to fill 340b scripts with

• May want to consider a 340b-facilitation vendor to handle:

– Patient eligibility verification

– Virtual inventory control

– Automated reporting and auditing requirements

• Even though eligible by Tribal status, still need to register with Health

Resources and Services Administration (HRSA): Office of Pharmacy

Affairs (OPA)

– http://opanet.hrsa.gov/opa/default.aspx

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340B Market – Implication to Pharmacies/PBMs?

• Limited or no “spread” revenue on 340b drugs

• Pharmacies may charge a large dispense fee

• PBMs may require an administration fee (for full pass-through of the

340b discount)

• Few, if any, PBMs currently engaged in “340b verification” processes

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