The Complexities of Care: ensuring excellence in end of life care Education – a vision for nursing homes Jo Hockley RGN PhD MSc SCM Nurse Consultant St Christopher’s Hospice, London Nursing and residential care places for elderly, chronically ill and physically disabled by sector, UK, April 1967-2000 (Laing & Buisson, 2002) Policy changes in the care of older people (i) Considerable change in CH context as a result of government policies: NHS and Community Care Act of 1990: Closure of long-stay geriatric wards in favour of care being given in the community - monies given to private sector via social services Little realistic provision of medical care Policy changes in the care of older people (ii) Care Standards Act in 2000: All homes for older people now called CARE HOMES Residential Homes = CARE HOMES (providing personal care) Nursing Home = CARE HOME (providing both nursing care & personal care) Danger of lack of a balanced health/social care collaboration in the policy Policy changes in the care of older people (iii) Recommendations from RCP/RCN/BGS (2000:8) setting out aims of heath & care of older people in care homes suggested: A rehabilitative philosophy of enablement should underpin all care if an older person’s potential is to be maximised.’ In this document ‘death/dying’ was never mentioned The National Service Framework for Older People (2001) makes reference to palliative care Staff & residents in an older people's care home in London. Photograph: Frank Baron Residents are becoming increasingly frail o They have multiple medical pathologies o Survey across all BUPA Care Homes (Bowman et al 2004) o 41% had 2 or more diagnoses o 27% were confused, incontinent & immobile The majority of residents admitted to nursing care homes will die within 2years (Katz & Peace 2004; Hockley 2006) Care Homes for Older People in the UK Care Homes = collective for both nursing & residential homes from private, LA & voluntary sector* Care Homes England 18,305 Wales 1,186 Scotland 942 N.Ireland 448 ____________________ TOTAL: 20,881 care homes/UK * (accessed Nov 2009) Care Homes o There are 3 times as many beds in care homes as in the NHS o In England @ 80,000 people each year die in care homes o 18% UK deaths occur in care homes o Majority die in nursing care homes (Tebbit 2008) o 9.5% deaths in nursing care homes (4,300 NHs) o 6.7% deaths in residential care homes (14,000RHs) Challenges of high quality end-of-life care in care homes (nursing) 1) ‘living-dying continuum’ (Froggatt et al 2007) ‘living with’ & ‘dying from’ advanced progressive incurable disease Parkinson’s disease; different kinds of dementia; multiple sclerosis; Cardio-vascular disease (often undiagnosed) Cancer (less than 10%) many cancers remain undiagnosed 4 sorts of dying make ‘defining dying’ difficult (Katz et al 2003) General deterioration of the very old – ‘dwindling’ Death from an acute episode such as stroke, pneumonia Dying from a terminal disease [‘cancer’, Parkinson’s disease] (15%) Sudden death (9%) 2) Pervading culture of functional rehabilitation versus palliative care approach ‘Failure of death’ versus ‘celebration of a life lived’ ‘striving to keep alive’ versus ‘allowing natural dying’ 3) Isolation & lack of good role models and training around palliative care Seen as Cinderella service Few have continuity of medical support despite frailty & multiple co-morbidities Lack of external support from geriatrics & SPC Cared for by untrained carers Care Home Project & Research Team St Christopher’s regional training centre for GSFCH Croydon, Bromley, Lewisham, Lambeth & Southwark 5 FTE (including myself) Phase Phase Phase Phase 5 6 7 8 – – – – September ‘08 to March 2010 September ‘09 to March 2011 September ‘10 to March 2012 October ‘11 to March 2013 High Facilitation Relative ‘weak’ context of nursing care homes: High turnover of staff Lack of a learning culture Mostly untrained staff Lack of m/disciplinary input Requires ‘high’ facilitation Use of evidence-based tools Experienced change agent Emphasis on empowerment Visits by ‘generalist’ palliative care nurse specialists 2-3 visits a month to role model, empower and encourage Time for change to occur – intense input + sustainability initiative Lack of appropriate facilitation in such a ‘weak’ context is likely to discredit the end-of-life care tools + sustainability will be patchy What is involved? Implementation of end of life care ‘systems’: GSFCH supportive/palliative care register to improve collaboration with primary care team Advance care planning discussions Use of DNaCPR documentation Adapted LCP for Care Homes Assessment tools for pain, depression, constipation Valuing of staff Reflective de-briefing sessions following a death Supportive, helps build teamwork, educative Reflective de-briefing sessions (Hockley 2006) Brief résumé/pen portrait of person who has died and their family What happened? How did people feel? Description of people’s actions/involvement What occurred on different shifts Exploration of personal/interpersonal feelings Unexpected expressions of emotions What was ‘good’ – what was ‘bad’ What does it mean? What can we learn? How does practice have to change? Family Residents Staff Pneumonia as the old man’s friend Allowing natural dying Taking responsibility - unexpected but timely recognising dying death Family involvement in EoL decision making Dying trajectories sudden death Respite admission & sudden death Speaking to relatives about Dying process EoL care/dying Shock / Guilt – immunity to buzzers Resident & family as the unit of care Dying & constipation Telling other residents – saying ‘goodbye’ Death as a celebration in older people Removal of body from CH Sitting with the dying BBNs over phone / sudden death Complex pain control gangrenous pain Staff communication using the word dying Dehydration & dying OOHs pharmacy Resuscitation! Knowing medical background Pain v. anxiety – use of anxiolytics…terminal restlessness ‘Striving to keep alive’ culture v. PCA Sustainability Initiative - Cluster Groups PCT divided into ‘cluster groups’ of 6-7 nursing homes in each cluster NHMs help by taking responsibility of hosting training 3 levels: Palliative Care Induction Day for ALL new staff within 6 months of starting 4-day Macmillan Foundations in PC for CHs Action Learning - NHMs 27 NURSING HOMES – CROYDON – GSFCH Programme 13 GSFCH ACCREDITED NURSING HOMES [Phases 4, 5 & 6] GSFCH Phase 6: (Sept 2009 – Sept 2011) 10 NCHs preparing portfolio for accreditation: BEACON: oVilla Maria oHill House oWestside oAmberley PREPARING FOR ACCREDITATION - January 2012 COMMENDED: oAcacia Lodge oBarrington Lodge oJames Terry oPurley View oTudor oWhitgift oWoodcote Grove PASS oOban oSt John’s oGibsons… oHayes Court… oWoodlands… oSunrise… oHeatherwood. oAlbany… oElmwood oRed Court oThackery oParkview GSFCH Phase 7: (Sept 2010 – Sept 2012) GSFCH Phase 8: (Oct 2011 - Sept 2013] UNDERGOING CURRENT PROGRAMME: NEW PROGRAMME TO COMMENCE: Lakeside Clarendon •Little Hayes •Croham Place MONTHLY Demographic DATA on ALL nursing care home residents who died from Sept 2010 – Aug 2011 Nursing Care Home Code: ……………………………….. F / M D O B D O A D O D Time in NH ALL diagnoses Doc. evidence of DNaCPR Yes/No Doc. evidence of ACP Yes/No LCP or Minimum Protocol: Yes/No D = dwindling – slow deterioration with loss of weight over a matter of weeks/months; S = sudden (ie heart attack in dining room; or found dead in bed at night); A = after ‘acute’ episode – ‘unexpected death’ with deterioration over a few days (ie extension of stroke; fractured femur); T = diagnosed terminal condition – cancer, Parkinsons Place of death: NH , hospice or hospital Comments re death + type of death: D, S, A, T[1] Place of death for residents in NCHs Pre GSFCH: Place of death - 2007/2008 [n=115 residents across 8 NCHs] 42% 2007-2008 NH deaths 58% Hospital deaths [8 NCHs] Place of death - 2010/2011 Post GSFCH: [n = 435 residents across 25 NCHs] 2009-2010 [23 NCHs] 24% NH deaths Hospital deaths 76% Use of DNaCPR documentation Percentage of DNaCPR documentation 80 75 69 70 60 Evidence of DNaCPR documentation 50 40 31 25 30 20 10 0 2008/2009 2010/2011 No evidence of DNaCPR documentation Percentage of ACP discussions documented ACP discussions: 2008/2009 & 2010/2011 compared 80 70 60 50 74 60 Evidence of ACP 40 40 30 20 26 10 0 2008/2009 2010/2011 No evidence of ACP Comparison of data on deaths in nursing homes across 5 PCTs – 2007 to 2010 2007/2008 2008/2009 2009/2010 Percentage of deaths occurring in NHs Percentage of deaths occurring in NHs Percentage of deaths occurring in NHs 57% 34 /59 deaths – 4 NHs 63% 82 /131 – 7 NHs 62% 72 /117 deaths – 7 NHs 57% 41 / 75 deaths – 3 NHs 59% 121 / 204 deaths – 8 NHs 67% 136 /204 deaths – 8 NHs Croydon 55% 63 / 115 deaths – 8NHs 66% 248 / 375 deaths – 23 NHs 71% 341 /477 deaths 23 NHs Bromley 61% 46 / 75 deaths – 4 NHs 76% 212 / 279 deaths – 14 NHs 81% 220 /273 deaths – 15 NHs 57% 184 / 324 deaths across 19 NHs 67% 663 /989 deaths across 52 NHs 72% 769/1071 deaths across 53 NHs Lewisham Lambeth & Southwark TOTALS ‘We face a big challenge in end-of-life care of older people, not because of demographics, but due to ignorance and prejudice among practitioners and the general public, failing to apply evidence to develop best practice and failing to spread good practice.’ (Philp, 2003: 153)