PERAWATAN HIV & AIDS KOMPREHENSIF BERKESINAMBUNGAN Oleh : Purwaningsih PENGERTIAN suatu konsep perawatan yang menyeluruh membentuk suatu jejaring kerja diantara semua sumber daya yang ada dalam rangka memberikan pelayanan dan perawatan holistic, menyeluruh dan dukungan yang luas bagi ODHA dan keluarganya. -NGOs -Spiritual -Youth group -Volunteer VCT The entry point -Health posts -Dispensaries -Traditional -Orphan care -Distric hosp -Clinics -Hospice PLHA Peer support -Paliative -Emotional & Spiritual support - Self care -Specialist & specialized care facilities PELAYANA DAN DUKUINGAN ODHA PMTCT Perawatan paliatif Perawatan di rmh Anti retroviral teraphy Pengobatan komplementer PEP Tx. peny. terkait HIV Profilaksis & pengobatan IO Dukungan psiko-sosial-spiritual Konseling dan tes HIV sukarela Manfaat ? Pencegahan : Jangan menulari dan ditulari (IMS dan NAPZA suntik) HIV (-) Terpajan HIV (+) AIDS Terminal Beberapa aspek perawatan HIV & AIDS komprehensif dan berkesinambungan VCT Perawatan di rumah Tatalaksana IO Asuhan gizi Asuhan keperawatan KDS Menurunkan stigma DIKLAT Dukungan sosial Sistem rujukan INTERAKSI ANTAR KOMPONEN Pengobatan dan perawatan VCT, PMTCT, profilaksis, pengoatan IO, ART, tatalaksana IMS, gizi ODHA dan keluarga Dukungan psikologis Konseling, dukungan pada yatim piatu, dukungan masyarakat, dukungan spiritual Dukungan sosio-ekonomik Dukunngan material jaminan ekonomi dan jaminan hidup layak Dukungan HAM dan Hukum Menghapus stigma dan diskriminiasi, perencanaan dan partisipasi ODHA, kesetaraan kesempatan dan Penghargaan Efisien dan efektif Ketersediaan PRINSIP DASAR Koordinasi dan integrasi Kesetaraan SEBELUM PROGRAM ART •Prophilaxis •Tatalaksana IO •Pencegahan •Perawatan paliatif PROGRAM ART •HIV Kronis •Untuk mendapatkan program ART, ada beberapa syarat yang harus dipenuhi •Patuh datang ke klinik •Patuh program pengobatan •Nutrisi adekwat •Pola hidup sehat •Dukungan psikososial •Universal precaution SELAMA PROGRAM ART Dokter Ahli gizi Farmasi Konselor ODHA Perawat Perawatan paliatif Relawan sosial SEBAGAI TIM, PERAWAT HARUS: •Partisipasi aktif •Memberikan in-put untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan •Konsultasi dengan anggota tim lain •Saling memberi dukungan pada sesama perawat TUJUAN KEPERAWATAN DALAM PERAWATAN KOMPREHENSIF •Menurunkan morbidity dan mortality •Meningkatkan QoL •Memberikan asuhan keperawatan •Prenvention PERAN PERAWAT DALAM PERAWATAN KOMPREHENSIF •Perawatan kronik •Perawatan akut •Promosi dan pendidikan kesehatan •Pencegahan penyakit •Perawatan paliatif •Dukungan mental •Advokasi •Manajemen rujukan TATALAKSANA HIV KRONIS Testing and counseling Health monitoring Symptom management Medication adherence monitoring Health promotion/patient education Empowering patients to make their own choices PERAN PERAWAT DALAM PERAWATAN AKUT *Melakukan pengkajian tentang tanda dan gejala/ staging •Memberikan intervensi Non-pharmacologic •Bijaksana dalam merespon pengobatan komplementer ODHA •Monitoring program pengobatan Nursing Roles in Health Promotion and Education • Teach health promotion • Promote healthy practices that prolong the asymptomatic stage, reduce HIV-related conditions, and avoid behaviors that can transmit HIV • Assess and use patient’s and family members’ current knowledge as the basis for teaching Nursing Roles in Prevention for Patients • Assess • Identify risks for HIV infection • Intervene • Counsel on the benefits of HIV testing • Educate on HIV transmission and risk reduction • Refer those testing HIV-positive to care and support • Educate those testing HIV-negative about prevention Nursing Roles in Disease Prevention in the Clinical Setting • Reduce transmission of infection • Practice standard precautions at work • Model optimum standard precautions and advise colleagues on proper use • Know the postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) protocol of the health facility • Encourage implementation of PEP if needed Nursing Roles in Mental Health • Psychological or mood disorders are common in patients with HIV • Nurses can assess and intervene on a variety of mental health issues Nursing Roles in Patient Support/Advocacy • Identify needs (along with the patient and family) and refer to appropriate services within the clinical or community setting • Advocate for patient when needed • Support patient’s achievement of needs, such as informing patient of cost-sharing schemes Nursing Roles in Referral Management • A functional referral system with links to other facilities/services and feedback is critical to serve all the comprehensive care needs of patients • Examples of services include community- and home-based services and PLHA support groups • A referral system should include feedback to the referring clinician to determine if the patient’s needs were met Nursing Roles in Palliative Care and End-of-Life Care • Palliative care begins at the time of diagnosis and provides comfort and symptom management throughout life • End-of-life care is focused on assisting the patient and family to have the highest quality of life possible Nursing Roles in Documenting Care • Complete and accurate documentation of the nursing care provided during each patient visit contributes to quality service delivery • Recording assessment findings and interventions over time is required to manage HIV/AIDS as a chronic disease Nursing Roles Realized: Four Steps for “Getting It Right” • Make time for the patient • Use an open, supportive, nonjudgmental approach • Maintain current knowledge • Believe in the importance of your role Importance of Nursing Roles in Care of PLHA • Some nurses may feel their role is unimportant or they are “just nurses” • Nurses’ roles in caring for PLHA and their families are vital for high-quality patient care and family wellbeing • Nurses are the front line of trained health workers for PLHA