STDs Condoms HIV EC Really? The Pill
What is the most frequently reported bacterial STD in the U.S?
10 pts
HPV (Human Papillomavirus) is one of the most common causes of sexually transmitted infections in the world.
20 pts
What is the most common preventable cause of infertility in the U.S?
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
30 pts
Most people who have an STD never know it.
40 pts
According to the CDC, one out of five American teenagers and adults are infected with what STD?
Type 2 Herpes
50 pts
Which STD, if left untreated, can progress through three stages of the disease?
• Primary Stage
• Secondary Stage
• Latent (Hidden) Stage
60 pts
What is the most effective material that condoms should be made out of?
10 pts.
What material is a female condom made out of?
20 pts
When should a condom be put on a guy’s penis?
As soon as he gets an erection.
30 pts
What are the only type of lubricants that can be used with male condoms?
Water-based lubricants
40 pts
Name two advantages of using condoms for birth control.
• Reduce Risk for Pregnancy
• Reduce Risk for STDs
60 pts
Using a condom correctly and consistently every time helps protect against all STDs.
60 pts
You can get HIV from French Kissing.
10 pts
What body system does HIV damage?
Immune System
20 pts.
Name three body fluids through which HIV is transmitted.
• Semen
• Blood
• Vaginal Secretions
• Breast Milk
30 pts.
Name five ways you cannot get HIV.
• Kissing
• Hugging
• Holding Hands
• Using same: Brush, comb, glass, fork
• Wearing same: hat, shirt, pants, scarf, hat
• Living / working with someone who is HIV+
40 pts
What are the two most common ways HIV is transmitted?
• Sexual Contact
• Exchange of Blood
50 pts
If both partners have HIV, they do not have to worry about using condoms.
60 pts
Emergency Contraception is also know as what?
The Morning After Pill
10 pts
True or False: Emergency contraception works similar to having an abortion.
20 pts
How do Emergency
Contraception pills work?
• Prevents Ovulation
• Prevent Fertilization
• Prevents Implantation
30 pts
How long after sexual intercourse can a female take EC?
40 pts
How effective are ECs at preventing pregnancy if taken within 5 days of intercourse?
75 – 89% effective
50 pts
What is the purpose of ECs?
To prevent fertilization in the event of accidental exposure to semen.
• Condom breakage
• Failure of pill due to unusual circumstances
(antibiotics, forgetting to take pill).
• NOT intended for individuals to routinely use after each sexual intercourse experience.
60 pts
You can get HIV from mosquitos.
10 pts
Donating blood is risky behavior for getting HIV.
20 pts
Oral sex increases the chances of getting HIV.
30 pts
A person cannot get HIV from tattoos or body piercing.
40 pts
Anal Sex puts a person at risk for HIV infection only when it occurs between males.
50 pts
Most children get HIV acquire it in which way?
From their infected mothers:
• through breast-milk
• during pregnancy
• during childbirth
60 pts
How often should the birth control pill be taken?
EVERY day at the same time
10 pts
Identify two ways the birth control pill works to prevent pregnancy.
• Prevents Ovulation
• Thickens cervical mucus to prevent implantation
20 pts
Name two places where teens can get birth control pills.
• Planned Parenthood
• Teen Health Clinics
• Health Departments
• Adolescent health programs at
30 pts
When a female starts taking the pill, how long does it take for the pill to become effective?
40 pts
What are two advantages of using birth control pills?
• Regulates Cycle
• Reduces cramping
• Reduces Acne
50 pts
Birth control pills used alone are effective in preventing sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
60 pts