Primary Health Care Services Working Group

Primary Health Care Services
Working Group
The Working Group
 Formed in December 2013, building on the work of the
Mayor’s Advisory Panel on Community Health and
Social Initiatives.
 One year term – aim to address specific gaps in the
health care system in Sooke and surrounding areas.
 Membership: Former Mayor (Chair); Island Health,
South Island Division of Family Practice, West Coast
Family Medical Clinic, Sooke Family Resource Society,
Sooke Region Community Health Initiative, Sooke
Region Volunteer Centre.
Why a Working Group?
 Many factors contribute to the creation of a healthy
community. The availability of accessible, high
quality health services are one of these factors.
 The best health services are designed by
community leaders, residents, and health care
experts working together to ensure the best
information is put to the best use by the best
people. Mayor and Council have a vital role to
 How does Sooke fare in terms of health service
accessibility and quality?
Shortage of Family Physicians
Do you have a Family Doctor?
Current waitlist at Medical Clinic: 800 patients.
Good News
 1 new family physician starting in June 2015
 1 new physician taking over for a retiring physician.
Limited Availability of
Diagnostic Services
 X-ray services are only offered 2 hours per week, twice
weekly (9-11 a.m. on Wednesday and Thursday).
People must travel to Langford.
 The 7 family physicians, and the community as a whole
would like to see these services extended and
 What about other diagnostic services, like ultrasound?
Housing and care for Seniors
– more is needed.
 Approximately 3105, or 27% of the people in Sooke are 55+
(2011 Census).
 The population of Sooke 55 and above increased by 27%
between 2006 and 2011, which is significantly higher than
the general population growth rate of 18%. If this high
rate of growth continues, seniors will make up almost 40% of
the total population of Sooke in 2026.
 An Ayre Manor expansion, and other supported living
options will be required in Sooke.
 Services for Seniors to support aging at home are required.
Other gaps and issues
 Funding of the Integrated Health Network, which is a
team consisting of a nurse, social worker and dietician
who work with local physicians is now certain, but
these services are only available to Clinic patients.
 The health and mental health needs of youth are not
well resourced.
 The way services have been delivered in the past is
changing. Work will be undertaken by Island Health
and community partners to redesign services to meet
population needs. This presents an opportunity ...
PHCSWG has made a start:
 Gained new access to physician recruitment programs
through SIDFP, supported island wide recruitment
navigator initiative, contributed to discussion about a
local recruitment package.
 Advocated for X-ray services. Chair of PHCSWG took
the lead, communicating with current owners (West
Coast Medical Imaging). Have secured agreement for
Sooke business plan, to be developed by SIDFP.
 Secured commitment from Island Health for 2
additional hospice beds.
PHCSWG has ...
 Conducted needs assessment of Seniors who wish to
continue living in their own homes, and made
recommendations for service development.
 Secured grant from SIDFP for the above study.
 Secured UBCM grant:
“Project name: Study of Support Needs of Sooke Seniors
Grant amount: $8,400
Project details: The district will carry out a study to better
understand the services and supports needed in the
community that allow older adults to remain in their homes.”
PHCSWG has ...
 Advocated for support for Integrated Health Network.
 Advocated for continuation of Rural Subsidy for Sooke
 Fostered a new relationship with Island Health –
Former Mayor established an important connection
with the Island Health Board, Acting VP of Planning &
Improvement, and VP Finance that had not existed in
the past.
Benefit to community
 Significant tangible benefits to date.
 Creation of a high level multi-stakeholder group of
advocates, planners and health service providers that
can promote Sooke’s interests in the future.
 As an example, Working Group contributed to
discussions involving CHI, the District of Sooke and
Island Health that led to a $17,500 matching grant from
Island Health to support CHI’s work.
RECOMMEND THAT COUNCIL appoint a liaison to the
Primary Health Care Services Working Group.
 Could take the form of a Select Committee ??
 Areas to pursue in 2015:
Ensure Sooke’s needs are reflected in physician
recruitment initiatives of Island Health and SIDFP.
Develop own physician recruitment package.
Work with SIDFP and other stakeholders on a business
plan for Sooke Diagnostic Services.
Areas to pursue cont ...
Work with Island Health to support services for Sooke
Seniors – residential and community based.
Partner with Island Health to design community
services that meet the needs of the residents of Sooke.
Address gaps in the area of youth health care and
mental health services.
Maintain and strengthen link between the community
and the stakeholders responsible for health care
Without the involvement of
the Mayor and Council
our effectiveness will be