Sri Lanka Medical Council - Faculty of Medical Sciences, University

Sri Lanka Medical Council
Dr. Ravi Nanayakkara
SLMC Office.
31, Norris Canal Road ,
Colombo 10.
 Tel:- 2691848 Fax :- 2674787
E-mail :
Logo of SLMC
Describe the organizational structure
 Describe the powers and duties
 Discuss the types of disciplinary procedure
that can be taken by the SLMC.
“The Sri Lanka Medical Council shall be a
body corporate by the name and style of
“The Sri Lanka Medical Council” having
perpetual succession, and a common seal
with power to sue and be sued in such
name and to acquire and hold
Medical Ordinance (Section 12)
statutory body established for the purpose of
protecting health care seekers by ensuring the
maintenance of academic and professional
standards, discipline and ethical practice by
health professionals who are registered with it.
As presently constituted the Council has
representation from medical faculties of the
state universities as well as from professionals in
the state and private sector.
It is a body corporate having perpetual
succession and a common seal.
The Colombo Medical College was
declared open on 1st June 1870 and
the diploma of the college, Licentiate of
Medicine and Surgery (L.M.S.) was
registrable with the General Medical
Council (U.K.) without further
Since 1905 registration of Medical
Practitioners was done by the Ceylon
Medical College Council.
The Ceylon Medical Council (CMC) was
established by the Medical Council
Ordinance No. 24 of 1924
The “Sri Lanka Medical Council” was
established by the Medical (Amendment)
Act No. 40 of 1998 when the title was
substituted for the “Ceylon Medical
Powers of Ceylon Medical
College Council
Confer the diploma L.M.S (Ceylon)
 Register persons who had L.M.S. (Ceylon)
 Register persons with other degrees and
diplomas awarded by countries which
recognized the L.M.S. (Ceylon).
Establishment of SLMC
In 1924 the functions of the Ceylon Medical
College Council was separated for training
of personnel and a Council for Registration
was established.
Ceylon Medical Council 1924
Sri Lanka Medical council 1998
Need of SLMC
The need for a Medical Council in Ceylon/
Sri Lanka followed the practice in U.K.,
Australia and Canada.
The General Medical Council (G.M.C.) was
established by the Medical Act in 1858.
In 1927 – registration of Pharmacists,
which included Apothecaries and Estate
 1949 – Nurses were registered
 1987 – Registration of Para-medical
 1998 - Professions supplementary to
Powers of the Council
The Medical (Amendment) Act No. 30 of 1987
makes provision for the Council to enter and
make inquiries at recognized universities and
institutions to ascertain whether the courses of
study, the degree of proficiency at
examinations conducted for conferment of
qualifications and staff, equipment and
facilities provided at such universities and
institutions conform to prescribed standards.
If they fail to conform to prescribed
standards, the council may recommend to the
Minister to withdraw such recognition.
Activities or Functions of the
Maintenance of Registers
i. Medical Practitioners:
Provisional Registration for internship
Registration as Medical Practitioners (Full Registration)
Temporary Registration – for persons employed as Medical
ii. Dentists
iii. Persons entitled to practice medicine
and surgery (Apothecaries/ Assistant
Medical practitioners)
Activities or Functions of the SLMC
iv. Midwives
v. Pharmacists
vi. Nurses
vii. Professions Supplementary to
Medical Laboratory Technicians
Occupational Therapists
Activities or Functions of the SLMC
vii. Para-Medical Assistants
Electrocardiograph Recordists
Clinical Physiologists
Speech Therapists
Ophthalmic Auxiliaries
Electroencephalograph recordists
Clinical Psychologists
Activities or Functions of the SLMC
Change of Name in the Register
 Registration of Additional Qualifications
 Issue of a Certified Extract from the
 Restoration of name in a register
 Replying to inquiries regarding registration
 Issue of Identity Cards
 Registration of Apprentice Pharmacists
Activities or Functions of the SLMC
Maintain the standards of medical education
-visit medical schools to supervise the standards
Approval of Degrees of Foreign Medical & Dental
Conducting the Special Exam for Foreign Medical
& Dental Graduates for local registration
Issue of certificate of completion of Special
Advice the Government on certain health
Activities or Functions of the SLMC
Inquiry into complaints against registered
 Renewal of Registration
 Maintenance of Council Accounts
Activities or Functions of the SLMC
Issuing Guidelines to registered persons
i. Ethical Guidelines to Medical
Practitioners & Dentists
ii. Guidelines to Interns
iii. Writing Medical & Death Certificates
iv. Guidelines on Assisted
Reproductive Technologies
Composition of the SLMC
President – Nominated by the Minister of Health
One member elected by teachers of each faculty of medicine
Eight members elected by medical practitioners registered under
Section 29
One member elected by persons entitled to practice medicine &
surgery under Section 41 (Apothecaries/A.M.Ps)
One member elected by Dentist registered under Section 43
One member elected by teachers of each faculty of dental sciences
Four members nominated by the Minister of Health, at least two of
whom should not be receiving a Government salary or pension
The Director General of Health Services
Disciplinary proceedings
When a petition made against a doctor or
courts report a case
Two committee levels
1. Preliminary Proceeding Committee(PPC)
Five members- Vice President(Chairman)
2.Professional Conduct Committee(PCC)
Eleven members- President(Chairman)
Disciplinary proceedings
PPC will inquire any complaint referred to the
president and decides whether the case should
be referred to PCC
 PCC conducts extensive inquiry on the cases
The parties can represent through lawyers
Warned to erasure of the name
The procedure for disciplinary inquiries
currently applicable was published in the
Government Gazette No. 757/7 of March
10, 1993.
Reasons for erasure
When registration obtained without qualification
Conviction of an offence (criminal)
Failure to reply letters (renewal of registration)
Professional negligence
Submitting false medical certificates
Abuse of doctors privileges- addiction, sale of
additive drugs, breach of professional secrecy
Reasons for erasure cntd..
Association with unqualified persons
 Abortion (esp. deaths)
 Adultery
 Alcoholism
Registration as a doctor
Procedure for the full registration
Hold a recognized medical degree
Foreign graduates–passed special exam
Completion the internship period
Rights and privileges of
provisional registration
Can be only employed in government
 Can issue medical certificates under the
name of the institution/consultant
 Can use the tile of doctor
 Can recover an allowance (No salary)
Rights and privileges of full
Can practice medicine and surgery in Sri Lanka
Can demand and recover reasonable charges
Issue medical certificates under the name
Use title of doctor
Qualified to sign certain documents (Banks,
passport applications ,etc…)
Expert in the field in courts (Diseases, injuries)
Can store, prescribe narcotics
Temporary registration
To practice in a specific institution or
private hospital
 Specific discipline of medicine
 Limited to a specific period
Hippocratic Oath
"I swear by Apollo the physician, and Aesculapius and Health, and all-heal,
and all the gods and goddesses, that, according to my ability and
judgement, I will keep this Oath and this stipulation-to reckon him who
taught this Art equally dear to me as my parents, to share my substance
with him, and relieve his necessities if required; to look upon his offspring
in the same footing as my own brothers, and to teach them this Art, if they
shall wish to learn it, without fee or stipulation; and that by precept, lecture
or every other mode of instruction, I will impart a knowledge of the Art to
my own sons, and those of my teachers, and to disciples bound by a
stipulation and oath according to the law of medicine, but to non other. I
will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and
judgement, I consider for the benefit of my patients and abstain from
whatever is deleterious and mischievous. I will give no deadly medicine to
anyone if asked, nor suggest any such counsel; and in like manner I will not
give to a woman a pessary to produce abortion. With purity and holiness I
will pass my life and practice my Art.
I will not cut persons labouring under the stone, but will leave this
to be done by men who are practitioners of this work. Into
whatever houses I enter, I will go into them for the benefit of the
sick, and will abstain from every voluntary act of mischief and
corruption; and further, from seduction of females or males of
freeman or slaves. Whatever in connection with my professional
practice, or not in connection with it, I see or hear, in the life of
men, which ought not to be spoken abroad, I will not divulge as
reckoning that all such should be kept secret. While I keep this Oath
inviolated, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and the practice of
the Art, respected by all men, in all times. But should I trespass and
violate this Oath, may the reverse be by lot."
A modem restatement of the Hippocratic oath, known as the
International Code of Medical Ethics or the Declaration of Geneva
was produced by the World Medical Association. It reads as follows:
At the time of being admitted as a member of the medical
I solemnly pledge myself to consecrate my life to the service of
Humanity; I will give to my teachers the respect and gratitude
which is their due; I will practice my profession with conscience and
dignity; The health of my patients will be my first consideration; I
will respect the secrets which are confided in me, even after the
patient has died; I will maintain by all the means of my power, the
honour and noble tradition of the medical profession; My colleagues
will be my brothers; I will not permit considerations of religion,
nationality, race, party politics or social standing to intervene
between my duty and my patients; I will maintain the utmost
respect for human life from the time of conception; even under
threat, I will not use my medical knowledge contrary to the laws of
humanity. I make these promises, solemnly, freely and upon my
Thank you