hettingerwinick050610 - Northeast Business Group on Health

Prudential Financial, Inc.
Who is Prudential?
– Founded more than 130 years ago in Newark, NJ
– In the Fortune 500 – named one of America’s Most Admired
Companies by Fortune Magazine in 2010
– Core services include life insurance, annuities, retirement,
mutual funds, investment management and real estate, offered
to individual and institutional clients worldwide
– $641 billion of assets under management in 2009 with
operations in the U.S., Asia, Europe and Latin America
– Approximately 20,000 active domestic employees
Our Approach
Health is a state of complete physical,
mental and social well-being and not merely
the absence of disease or infirmity.
Prudential’s Approach to Health
“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” 1
– World Health Organization
• Prudential is committed to improving health and well being in every part of our
– Multidisciplinary team of nurses, physicians, exercise physiologists, registered
dietitians, EAP, safety, business and administrative professionals overseeing a
broad array of programs and services such as onsite clinics, fitness centers,
EAP counseling, health screenings, coaching, etc.
– Early adopter of Mental Health parity in benefit design.
– All medical programs cover preventive services at 100%.
– Introduced consumerism programs in 2006.
– Top priorities include integrating health & productivity and eliminating health
disparity in population.
1. World Health Organization; http://www.who.int/about/definition/en/print.html
Evolution of Health & Wellness
Programs at Prudential
2010: Healthy Team Award, Lifestyle Challenge,
Wellness Champions, Weight Watchers Subsidy (30%)
Healthy Team Award
Lifestyle Challenge
Wellness Champions
Weight Watchers Subsidy (30%)
2009: Culture of Health Webinars, Know Your Numbers,
Healthy Stairwells, THM Strategy, Nutritionist
Culture of Health Webinars
Know Your Numbers
Healthy Stairwells
THM Strategy
Expanded Health Coaching (Healthyroads)
Wellness Incentive (HRA)
2008: Expanded Health Coaching (Healthyroads)
Internal Health Coaching
2007: Wellness Incentive (HRA),
Pru Today Healthy Living Series
Prudential Health Solutions (HRA)
Biometric Screenings
-Blood Pressure
-BMI – Body Fat
-On-Site Clinics
Travel Consultations
Flu Vaccines
Total Health Management
Data Warehouse
Intranet Site
Pru Today Healthy Living Series
Health Fairs
Care Counselors
Ask The Doctor
Hypertension Mgmt Program
On-site Fitness
Centers and
Wellness Seminars
Prudential Life Solutions
Child care Discounts
EAP Services Internal/External
2006: Internal Health Coaching,
Prudential Health Solutions (HRA), Total Health Management, CDHP & HDHP
2005: Biometric Screenings - Cholesterol, Glucose, Blood Pressure, BMI/Body Fat; Onsite
Clinics, Travel Consultations, Data Warehouse, Intranet Site, Flu Vaccines, Health Fairs,
Care Counselors, Ask The Doctor, Hypertension Mgt Program, Wellness Seminars, Child
Care Discounts, On-site Fitness Centers and Discounts, Prudential Life Solutions, EAP
Services Internal/External
Senior Level Champion
• CEO voices support for health
• Endorsed healthy lifestyles in Corporate Diversity
• “I’m convinced that a healthy lifestyle contributes
to a stronger mind and body and to overall life
success. As leaders of a workforce… if follows
that we would do what we can to help our
employees achieve their personal best as well.
That’s why we are building a culture of health at
Identifying Organizational Needs
• Health Risk Assessment
• Surveys
• Health Screenings
• Focus Groups
• Analyzing healthcare cost trends (Thompson)
• Aligning with company mission and goals
Multi-channel Communication Strategy
• Available and accessible to all active employees
• Healthy Living Articles on our Intranet
• Culture of Health Webinar Series
• Personal Success Stories on Pru Today and
Leader Magazine
• Intranet Home Page links to Healthy Food Choices
offered by Dining Services
• Home mailers during benefit enrollment period
Health, Life and Wellness Intranet Site
• Valuable tool for health improvement messaging
• Bulletins and events for health improvement and
programming messages
• Wellness calendars with upcoming programs
• Linked throughout the company intranet and many
of our business division sites
Health, Life and Wellness Intranet Site
Communication to Business Leaders
• Well communicated at company meetings, town
halls and via lived/taped videocasts
• Business group specific reports
– Summarize results of H&W initiatives
– Disability and medical cost data
– Recommendations based on business unit results
• Consult with managers and attend employee meetings
Communication to Business Leaders
Prudential HealthSolutions
• Powered by WebMD
• HQ (health risk assessment)
• Communicates our services
• Messaging regarding health resources dependent
on HRA risk status
• Health condition centers and lifestyle improvement
• Incorporated into Health Lifestyle Challenge
Prudential HealthSolutions
Prudential LifeSolutions
Advice and support from an expert
who will listen and help you develop
a plan of action
Useful materials, such as
guidebooks, checklists, kits, and
Referrals to local resources
Up-to-date information about care
regulations, public benefits, and
other financial and insurance issues
Option to connect with Spanish
speaking specialists
– Spanish language guides and tips
also available on-line
On-site Communication
• Posters and flyers at on-site clinical locations
• Health and wellness health fairs and table events
• Signs posted in stairwells and at elevator banks to
encourage stairwalking
• Lunch and Learn programs
• Wellness programs included in PruFit Weekly
updates and Fitness advertised at clinical sites
Reaching Diverse Populations
• Communicate to diverse populations throughout
Business Resource Groups
• Health information presented at local and national
• Communication ramped up during Diversity
Recognition Month
• Presentations on Prudential’s health disparity
• Links to H&W site on Diversity site and vice versa
Wide Range of Employee Preferences
• Biometric Screenings or Free Preventive care through
the Medical Plans
• Free Nutritional counseling by on-site RD or 30%
Weight Watchers’ Discount
• Physical activity, stair walking or on-site Fitness
• Healthy Living Challenges, Health Coaching, Life
Coaching or Healthy Lifestyle Webinars
• On-site free flu vaccines and travel medicine
• “Mothers at Work” program available to all employees
and spouses regardless of medical coverage
Merchandise for participation
Prizes for achieving goals
Days off
Show me the Money!
Be Creative!
Legal and tax issues
Integration key to Engagement
• Wellness Incentive of $150 to complete HQ
• Biometric screening offered at 20+ sites
• Encouraged to print HQ results for on-site clinic
consultation and/or personal physician
• Referred to Health Coaching
– Internal health/nutrition/exercise coaching
– Opt-in telephonic coaching –option given upon HQ
completion or in ongoing communication
Healthyroads Health Coaching
• Four types of coaching available
– Weight Management
– Tobacco Cessation
– Healthy Living
– Childhood Programs
• Employees and dependents eligible for 52 free
sessions annually
• Registered dieticians, certified personal trainers,
health educators, registered nurses
• Healthy Living Kits after 3 sessions
Keys to Success
• Integration of program goals
• Easy and varied points of access
• Holistic, individualized approach to choices
• Focused on affecting behavior change and
lowering health risks
• Senior level commitment to health and well-being
• Business and vendor partnerships
Health Outcomes
• 75% of current population completed HQ
– 7% of participants quit smoking
– 8% increased exercise level
– 8% lowered cardiovascular risk
– 12% lowered cholesterol risk
• 5% of population in Health Coaching
– 53% lost weight
– 66% increased physical activity
– 54% lowered stress
Future Considerations
• Modification of incentive structure to recognize
actions promoting behavior change
• Continue to monitor long-term behavior change,
risk and health cost trends
• Leading indicators focused on modifiable health
risks, as well as, engagement
• ROI is a lagging indicator/difficult to calculate
• Measure impact of specific programs with
“Engagement” and doing the right things