Coeus Technology
Sales Training
Table of Contents
Section 1 – History of Coeus Technology
Section 2 - Microbes in our environment
Section 3 – Antimicrobial Technologies
Section 4 – Coeus Technology/ Products
Section 5 - EPA and other Federal Agencies
Section 6 - Competitors and their products
Section 1
History of the company
CEO and co-founder of Coeus Technology Nate
Richardson has a background that includes 15
years of physiology and biology as well as a
military career in the Marines and Army.
President and co-founder of Coeus Technology
David Parker has a background that includes
15 years of sales for Pfizer and Cardinal Health
as well as a military career in the Air Force.
Section 2
Microbes in our Environment
Common yet dangerous Microbes
Section 2 - Germs/ Bacteria
1. MRSA or Methicillin-Resistant
Staphylococcus aureus
MRSA is a type of bacteria that causes a variety
of infections that belong to the Staphylococcus
family. MRSA has evolved and is resistant to
the most used antibiotics. Staphylococcus
aureus is a leading cause of hospital-acquired
infections. This is because people in the
hospital have weak immune systems from
being sick and or they have open wounds
which allow the bacteria to get in their body. It
is also a problem in other confined setting such
as prisons, daycare centers, nurseries and also
in athletes who share locker rooms and gyms.
MRSA is highly contagious and can cause
severe health problems and even death if not
treated in time.
Although the MRSA bacteria are resistant to
most antibiotics , MonoFoil® has been studied
and proven to defeat it and continue to defeat
for an average of 30 days per application.
Section 2 – MRSA (pg.2)
• MonoFoil® has been tested and
proven to defeat 99.99% of MRSA
• MRSA on the rise - From 1999
through 2005, the CDC has
estimated MRSA-related
hospitalizations more than
• MRSA is responsible for perhaps
the largest percentage of
Hospital Acquired Infections.
Germs/ Bacteria
2. Escheria coli (ecoli) and
Klebsiella Pneumoniae
E. coli –
This is a bacterium that is commonly found in the
gut of endotherms (warm blooded organisms).
Years ago, E Coli was mainly responsible for severe
stomach aches and diarrhea; however, two strains
of the bacteria have become drug and antibiotic
resistant. These strains are causing severe health
complications that can lead to death.
Several types of E. coli exist as part of the normal
flora of the human gut and have several beneficial
functions, such as the production of vitamin K2.
They also prevent harmful bacteria, known as
pathogenic bacteria, from establishing themselves
in the intestine.
Healthy adults usually recover from infection with
E. coli O157:H7 within a week, but young children
and older adults can develop a life-threatening
form of kidney failure called hemolytic uremic
syndrome (HUS).
E coli (pg2)
• Humans can become infected by: Ingesting contaminated water even though tap water contains chlorine and has undergone ozone
or ultraviolet treatment, some E. coli outbreaks have been caused
by contaminated municipal water supplies. Private wells can be a
source of infection, as can some lakes and swimming pools.
• Ingesting contaminated food - examples include ground beef,
unpasteurized milk, or fresh vegetables. Infected people who work
in restaurants and do not wash their hands properly after going to
the toilet can spread the infection to customers and other members
of staff.
• Having physical contact with an infected person, known as personto-person contact. Good hand hygiene is important in stemming the
spread of infection.
• Contact with animals - this may not only occur in farms, but also in
petting zoos or country fairs.
Section 2 - Germs/ Bacteria
Klebsiella Pneumoniae
Carbapenemases (KPC)
is considered a “superbug”
and is antibiotic resistant.
• KPC can lead to Lung
infections, pneumonia and
eventual death.
• KPC causes pneumonia,
urinary tract infections, and
sepsis; the mortality rate
from these infections is
extremely high.
• MonoFoil® has been proven
to defeat Klebsiella bacteria
up to 99.99% .
Aspergillus is a fungus whose spores are present in the air we
breathe, but does not normally cause illness. However an
individual with a weakened immune status may be susceptible to
Aspergillus infection. Aspergillus can cause pulmonary
respiratory infections as well as blood infections which can lead
to death.
It also occurs commonly in cancer patients and patients with
other diseases. This bacterial mold is most often found in air
conditioning systems where it is then spread through the air
ducts. This bacterium is hard to diagnose due to the people who
have it generally having illness symptoms due to major diseases
like cancer, leukemia, and HIV. Some people with asthma have
the illness because of the bacteria.; however, this is one
bacterium that is hard to avoid because is found practically
Once it gets loose in the bloodstream, Aspergillus kills 50% of
the time or more--and that's with the best new antifungal drugs
that have been developed in recent years. Experts complain that
drug companies are choosing to test their medicines on other,
easier-to-treat fungal infections.
The best way to treat an Aspergillus infection is prevention.
MonoFoil® has been proven to defeat and give long lasting
preventive protection against Aspergillis.
Acinetobacter baumannii (MDR)
This pathogenic bacterium, like many of the other deadly
bacteria has become resistant to most antibiotics and
causes thousands of deaths every year.
It has been nicknamed the “Iraqibacter” due to the
number of soldiers in Iraq who have contracted it after
being wounded through open sores, wounds, catheters
in war. The bacteria are able to enter the body and other
openings into the body. This bacterium is not new but
the prevalence of its outbreaks is increasing in number.
The only way to lower the incidence of this bacterial
infection is to increase and monitor hand washing. It is
also an increasingly common cause of pneumonia, now
accounting for 7% of hospital-acquired cases. There are
few existing drugs to treat it, and no medicines in
development targeted at this bug.
MonoFoil® applied to surfaces will assist dramatically in
reducing the populations of MDR bacteria.
Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (VRE)
Enterococci (VRE) are part of the normal intestinal flora of
humans and animals but are also important pathogens
responsible for serious infections. The genus Enterococcus
includes more than 17 species, but only a few cause clinical
infections in humans. With increasing antibiotic resistance,
enterococci are recognized as feared nosocomial pathogens
that can be challenging to treat.
Enterococci are a group of gram-negative, round-shaped
bacteria that commonly live in the gut, although they can
cause infection anywhere in the body. They are resistant to
several antibiotics, but in the past, physicians could rely on
the drug vancomycin to effectively treat VRE infections. In
recent decades, however, some enterococci have become
resistant to vancomycin VRE is a major cause of infection of
the heart, brain and the abdomen.
VRE is typically acquired in the U.S. thru consumption of
intensively farmed chicken thru Hospital Acquired Infections.
Section 2 - Germs/ Bacteria in the Home
Top (5) most contaminated areas in the home:
1. Kitchen sponges and cloths
The problem: Food particles from last night’s dinner cleanup are still clinging to your sponge or dishrag, but that’s not
the main problem. It’s the moist environment that makes it a playground for bacteria to grow and multiply.
2. Cutting boards
The problem: Cutting boards are used to prepare a variety of foods, including raw meat which can contain dangerous,
make-you-sick bacteria such as salmonella. Also, if you’re not washing your produce thoroughly before cutting, the
bacteria clinging to your broccoli or strawberries get transferred to your board.
3. Toothbrushes
The problem: Our mouths are full of bacteria, which can transfer to our brushes after a cleaning. Brushes are also often
sitting out on a shelf our counter, so if you’re washing your toddler’s hands post-play date, for example, splashes can hit
your toothbrush.
4. Computers and cell phones
The problem: Bacteria left over from handling food, suppressing a cough or changing the cat litter can all get deposited
on these common household devices. Cell phones, hand held organizers and TV remotes are in this same category.
5. Pets
The problem: Pets carry bacteria from playing, walking and eating outside, notes Mail. If your kitty creates an outdoor
litter box, for example, or your dog investigates something dead and rotten, all kinds of bacteria gets tracked into your
home on paws and fur.
Section 2 - Microbes
Fungi (Molds)Any of a large group of plant-like living organisms which
do not contain chlorophyll, including yeasts, molds, and
Fungi can cause a wide array of
deadly infections including:
Aspergillosis- Sinuses, Lungs, Pulmonary problems
Yeast infections
Hair, nail and skin diseases
Athlete’s foot
Jock itch
Section 2 - Microbes
A large group of simple non-flowering
plants containing chlorophyll but lacking
true stems, roots, leaves, and vascular
Some algal blooms are dangerous and
produce toxins. Toxic algal blooms occur
in both salt and fresh water, are known to
kill fish, marine mammals, and birds; they
can contaminate shellfish with toxins
sometimes resulting in human fatalities.
Algae is often responsible for sidelining
fishermen and detouring tourists from
resorts. Researchers have estimated that
Algae costs coastal communities nearly
$100 million annually.
Algal blooms can also cause hypoxia
where oxygen is stripped from the water
resulting in so-called "dead zones". Like
humans, most animals and plants need
oxygen for survival and typically perish in
areas such as the "dead zone" in the Gulf
of Mexico, which averages 6,000 square
miles in size.
Section 2 (Microbes Quiz)
1) What it one of the leading causes of Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI’s)?
a) E Coli b) MRSA c) Influenza d) Diarrhea
2) Where are e coli bacteria typically found?
a) Digestive system of most animals b) in the mouths of most animals
c) from human ears d) bird poop
3) Which is NOT a way to become infected with e coli?
a) Drinking contaminated water b) eating contaminated food c) contact
with a contaminated person d) none of the above.
4) The KPC “superbug” can lead to: a) pneumonia b) sepsis c) urinary tract
infections d) all of the above
5) Aspergillus is: a) a bacterium b) a green vegetable c) a fungus d) the byproduct of asparagus.
Section 2 (Quiz)
Aspergillus is difficult to avoid because; a) it is virtually everywhere b) It
“clings” onto clothing c) It has a positive charge d) all of the above.
The best way to treat Aspergillus is to: a) use prevention by applying MonoFoil®
to surfaces in the home and office b) apply MonoFoil® to the open sore c)
create a MonoFoil® bath and soak your body d) Rinse your mouth out with
MonoFoil® once per day
MDR is typically contracted through: a) open wounds b) mouth to mouth
contact c) unprotected sex d) all of the above
VRE is most closely resembled to: a) Protozoa b) gram negative bacteria c)
Hodgkin's disease d) e coli
10) Which type of infection is Fungi typically NOT responsible for: a) Common cold
b) yeast infections c) toe nail infections d) athlete’s foot
Section 3
Antimicrobial Technologies
• Antimicrobials: An antimicrobial is a substance
that is capable of destroying or inhibiting the
growth of disease-causing microorganisms.
Antimicrobials either poison microbes
(microbiocidal) or prevents the growth of microbes
Section 3
Antimicrobial Technologies
• Triclosan -
Triclosan is considered a
microbiocidal antimicrobial
– Toxic chemical
– Outlawed in most developed nations
As of the end of 2010, triclosan could be
found in everything up to approximately
50 percent of all consumer soaps to
deodorant, cutting boards and clothing;
basically most products labeled "antibacterial" or "anti-microbial“
Unknown to most consumers, triclosan
poses serious public health and
environmental concerns. It is an endocrine
disruptor which research has linked to
increased allergies, cancer and
reproductive effects. Doctors worry its
increased use is also breeding bacteria
with increased resistance to medical
Triclosan is banned in many countries in
Europe, in Canada and in Japan.
Section 3 - Antimicrobial
Silver/ Copper
• Silver/ Copper -
Metal based
microbiocidal antimicrobials
Silver- Silver ions have been shown inhibit a
microbe’s oxidative enzymes. Silver ions
have also been shown to interact with DNA
to possibly prevent DNA replication. Silver
acts similar to a virus and attaches itself to
the cell and slowly poisons thru the cell
Copper- Elevated copper levels inside a cell
causes oxidative stress and the generation of
hydrogen peroxide. This causes a chemical
reaction resulting in oxidative damage to
cells. Excess copper causes a decline in the
membrane integrity of microbes, leading to
leakage of specific essential cell nutrients,
such as potassium and glutamate. This leads
to slow and subsequent cell death.
Section 3 - Antimicrobial Technologies
Quaternary Ammonium compounds
Quaternary Ammonium Compounds- A compound derived from ammonium with
hydrogen atoms replaced by organic groups; used as surface-active agents,
disinfectants, and in drugs.
The quaternary ammonium compound 3-(Trimethoxysilyl) –propyl dimethyl octa
decyl ammonium chloride (Si-QAC) has been found to have antimicrobial activity
when the molecule covalently bonds to a surface. Once bonded to the surface, the
molecule ruptures the cell membrane.
Key components1)
Carbon chain- acts like a “blade” and punctures or impales the cell
Silane base – anchors the molecule and bonds it to the surface. The base
allows the carbon chain to “stand straight up”
Positive charge – creates a “magnetism” effect and attracts the microbe to
the carbon chain.
Microbiostatic – does not leach
Section 3 - MonoFoil® Technology
MonoFoil® is a Microbiostatic Quaternary Ammonium Compound used on non-living objects and outside
of the human body.
Unique attributes of MonoFoil®:
“Bonds” to the surface and does not “leach” off into our environment (rivers and streams) and into
humans like triclosan or silver.
Carries a “Positive charge” that attracts “negatively charged” microbes that includes (99.9%) of all
bacteria, molds, fungi, and algae.
Acts like a “sword” or “blade” that pierces the cell membrane and electrocutes offending microbes. NO
microbes are allowed to adapt and develop an immunity resulting in potential “superbugs”.
MonoFoil® lasts for an average of 30 days per application onto a surface after it dries and for over 25
washes once properly applied to textiles.
Coeus Technology formulates MonoFoil™ and has developed a “trade-secret” process that is, by far, the
cleanest and most versatile in the world giving MonoFoil™ the ability to “bond” to virtually any surface.
MonoFoil® has no surfactants. Surfactants are “chemicals” to ease surface tension. In addition,
MonoFoil® unlike competing products, is the world’s cleanest formulation (no surfactants). MonoFoil® up
to 50% more effective than any other competing Microbiostatic Quaternary Ammonium Compound
technology allowing it to bond to nearly all surfaces.
Actual photo from a Mass-spectrometer of MonoFoil™ applied to a
Technology Comparisons
Mode of action: Pierces and electrocutes
cell membranes
30 days per application
Effective against wide array of
Silver/ Copper Based
Releases silver ions
to poison cells
Releases toxins into cells to poison
resulting in slow death of cells
Medium Cost
Limited spectrum of microbes
Limited spectrum of microbes
bacteria, molds, fungi, algae
Varies by company
Banned in most developed countries
including the European Union, Japan,
and Canada
Section 3 Quiz
1) Which is not an Antimicrobial technology? a) Silver/ Copper b) Pine Sol
c) Triclosan d) Quaternary Ammonium compounds
2) Triclosan and metal technologies typically a) poison a microbe b) leach into the
environment c) lasts for a limited amount of time d) all of the above
3) Triclosan is banned in all of the following countries EXCEPT:
c) Japan d) France
a) USA b) Germany
4) Quaternary Compounds are: a) microbiostatic b) Microbiocidal c)
Micro-mono static d) illegal in most developed nations
5) Once MonoFoil® is applied to a surface; a) it creates a magnetic attraction for
microbes b) will “stab” and “electrocute” microbes c) last for an average of 30 days
per application d) all of the above
Section 3 - Quiz
6) MonoFoil® will defeat 99.99% of: a) Bacteria and germs b) Fungi and molds
c) Algae d) all of the above
7) MonoFoil® bonds to : a) textiles b) drywall c) concrete d) most all surfaces
8) Silver and Copper technologies: a) are toxic b) will “poison” a microbe and
slowly defeat it c) are expensive d) all of the above
Section 4
Coeus Technology
Antimicrobial Products/ Formulations
• MonoFoil®
– Coeus Technology’s primary and premium brand
– The most versatile of all Coeus brands against
bacteria, molds, fungi, algae.
– One point three percent (1.3%) active
• Hypoallergenic
– Coeus Technology is the only company that makes
this technology in “wipe” form.
Section 4
(pg. 2)
Coeus Technology Formulations
General Purpose Formulation – MonoFoil® is a 1.3% active formulation
that is the best all around defense against bacteria, germs, molds, fungi,
and algae.
Mold Formulation – Specifically formulated for defeating molds (fungi).
Current brand is Ultra 7 and being sold in Home Depot.
Laundry Formulation – Formulated specifically for textiles with easy
treatment method. Proven to last for a minimum of 25 washes.
Consumer Electronic Formulation- specifically blended for cell phone and
other electronic devices
Custom Formulation - Coeus Technology is an EPA registered formulator
and has the flexibility to make custom formulations for our customers.
Market Segments
Agriculture, Airlines, Air Filtration, Athletics, Automotive,
Bandages, Band-Aids, Casinos, Child Care Centers,
Construction, Contact lens cases, Cruise Lines, Doctors
Offices, Dental Offices, Drywall, Embalming, Epidemiology,
Furnace Filters, Flooring – Carpet, Flooring - hardwoods,
Flooring Composites, Supermarkets, Food packaging, Air
Filtration, Food Preparation, Gauze, Healthcare, Homes,
Hospitals, Hotels, Hunting Industry, Janitorial, Long Term
Care, Maritime/Boating, Mass Transit, Nursing Homes,
Offices, Paint, Petroleum, Water filtration, Cosemeceuticals,
Plastics, Pet Industry, Powder Coating, Prisons, Restaurants,
Schools, Stadiums, Supermarkets, Textiles…
Section 5
Regulating Federal Agencies
• Environmental Protection AgencyOriginally, EPA acted as the nation’s environmental watchdog making sure
that industries met legal requirements to control pollution. In subsequent
years, EPA began to develop theory, tools, and practices that enabled it to
move from controlling pollution to preventing it with additional power to
enforce laws
MonoFoil ® is registered and regulated by the Environmental Protection
Agency or EPA.
MonoFoil® is currently categorized as an “Antimicrobial”. All Antimicrobials
within the EPA are considered “pesticides”. Coeus Technology is currently
in the process of “re-registering “ MonoFoil®
Section 5
Regulating Federal Agencies
MSDS – Material Data Safety Sheet
– 1) describes ingredients and hazards associated with any product
– 2) provides remedies for any potential dangers
– 3) MSDS review on the following slide
EPA Registration NumberThe EPA requires the establishment of an EPA Registration Number. The
purpose of an Identification Number is to provide a unique product
number for regular registrations, distributor registrations, Special Local
Needs registrations, and Experimental Use Permits.
• The EPA Registration Number indicates which company holds the
registration for the pesticide product, and in which sequence the product
was submitted to EPA by the company.
Section 5
Regulating Federal agencies
• United States Department of Agriculture –
The primary purpose of the USDA is to make sure that all American
food that is manufactured and consumed is safe, nutritious and
They set guidelines by which manufacturers and producers are
required to safely operate. By exceeding these safety guidelines, a
product like MonoFoil is deemed safe and ready to be used by the
Section 5 -Food and Drug Administration
United States Food and Drug Administration –
The FDA is responsible for protecting and promoting public health through the
regulation and supervision of food safety, tobacco products, dietary
supplements, prescription and over-the-counter pharmaceutical drugs
(medications), vaccines, biopharmaceuticals, blood transfusions, medical
devices, electromagnetic radiation emitting devices (ERED), veterinary
products, and cosmetics.
MonoFoil® may not be used for health care purposes. However, any use
outside of the human body for surface protection is permissible.
MonoFoil MSDS
All Product MSDS
sheets are located
on the Partners Page
of our website.
Section 6
What separates MonoFoil®
from the Competition
All competitors have a “conditional registration” with the EPA if they are
registered at all. MonoFoil® has an “unconditional registration”.
Coeus Technology is the only manufacturer of Quaternary Ammonium
compounds that has the technology in a Pad or “Wipe” form.
This is specifically because MonoFoil is the only product of its kind capable of
being transferred from a non-woven to another surface while at the same
time maintaining a durability profile
MonoFoil® is a one-step process that includes an instant defeat of
microbes while simultaneously applying the base molecule to the surface
for long-lasting 24/7 protection on that surface. Keeps microbe
populations down.
Coeus Technology is an EPA registered formulator and has the ability to
create a “custom blend” for our customers.
Section 6 - Competing products
(Quaternary Ammonium compounds)
1) Indusco - AM500, SiS7200, AM7200, BioShield 75, Quat
compound (2 step process) 30% as effective.
2) Sani-Shield – Hydrogen Peroxide base.
3) ARS – BioStat 500, Biostat Pro, Quat compound
4) Duraban – 5% active quat compound, 2-step
5) Microbe Guard – 72% active silver based, primarily paper
6) M Pact – mPale brand, Quat compound, 2-step process.
7) Piedmont- Ztrex 72 brand, Quat compond , 2-step
8) Si Shield - Sis AM 500 brand, Quat compound, 2-step
MonoFoil® Protecting NBA basketball facilities and locker rooms
MonoFoil® is the official antimicrobial of the Indiana Pacers