기본 의학 용어 의공학교실 박성근 table 1. 의학용어의 특징 2. 인체의 기본구조 3. 병리학적 검사분야 4. 방사선과학적 검사분야 5. 임상병리 검사분야 6. 핵의학 검사분야 7. 약물요법 분야 8. 소화기계질환 분야 9. 심혈관계질환 분야 10. 호흡기계질환 분야 11. 근골격계질환 분야 12. 신경 및 정신계질환 분 야 13. 비뇨기계 및 남성생식기 계질환 분야 14. 내분비계 및 여성생식기 계질환 분야 15. 피부과, 안과 및 이비인 후과질환 분야 16. 병원의 진료 편제 해부생리학 용어 I pharynx: 인두 (咽頭) tonsil: 편도 (扁桃) larynx: 후두 (喉頭) vocal cords:성대(聲帶) trachea: 기관 (氣管) bronchus(pl. bronchi): 기관지 (氣管支) bronchiole: 세기관지 (細氣管支) alveolus (pl. alveoli): 폐포 (肺胞) lung: 폐 (肺(臟)) pulmonary: 폐의 lobe: 엽 (葉) pleura: 흉막 (胸膜) diaphragm: 횡격막 (橫 隔膜) mediastinum: 종격동 (縱隔洞) hilum: 폐문 (肺門) sternum: 흉골 (胸骨) larynx I larynx III larynx IV tracheal epithelium hilum lung model lower air pathway 해부생리학 용어 II rib: 늑골 (肋骨) costal: 늑골의 respiration: 호흡 (呼吸) inhalation: 흡입 (吸入) inspiration: 흡기 (吸氣) expiration: 호기 (呼氣) compliance: 유순도 (柔順度), 폐탄성 (肺彈 性) diffusion: 확산 (擴散) 증상용어 I cough: 기침 sputum: 담 (痰), 객담 (喀痰), 가래 hemoptysis: 혈담 (血 痰), 객혈 (喀血) dyspnea: 호흡곤란 asphyxia: 질식 (窒息) orthopnea: 기좌호흡 (起坐呼吸) apnea: 무호흡 tachypnea: 빈호흡 (頻 呼吸) cyanosis: 청색증 (靑 色症) hypoxia: 저산소증 (低 酸素症) hypercapnea: 과이산 화탄소혈증 (過二酸化 炭素血症), 고탄산혈증 (高炭酸血症) hoarseness: 애성 (嗄 聲), 쉰목소리 증상용어 II rales: 수포음 (水泡音) crackle: 악설음 (握雪 音) wheezing: 천명 (喘鳴) stridor: 천음 (喘音), 협 착음 (狹窄音) lung auscultation lung sound I lung sound II 진단/병리학적 용어 I tonsillitis: 편도염 pharyngitis: 인두염 laryngitis: 후두염 bronchiolitis: 세기관지 염 chronic bronchitis: 만 성기관지염 bronchiectasis: 기관 지확장증 bronchial asthma: 기 관지천식 lung cancer: 폐암 bronchogenic cancer: 기관지원성암 (氣管支 原性癌) atelectasis: 무기폐 (無 氣肺) collapse: 허탈 (虛脫) pulmonary emphysema: 폐기종 (肺氣腫) pneumonia: 폐렴 (肺 炎) chronic bronchitis bronchiectasis bronchial asthma I bronchial asthma II bronchial asthma III lung cancer I lung cancer II lung cancer III lung cancer IV atelectasis I atelectasis II pulmonary emphysema I pneumonia I pneumonia II pneumonia III pneumonia IV 진단/병리학적 용어 II bronchopneumonia: 기관지폐렴 lung abscess: 폐농양 (肺膿瘍) pulmonary tuberculosis: 폐결핵 (肺結核) endobronchial tuberculosis: 기관지결 핵 (氣管支結核) MOTT (Mycobacterium other than tuberculosis): 비결핵항산균 (非結核 抗酸菌) pneumoconiosis: 진폐 증 (塵肺症) pulmonary edema: 폐 부종 (肺浮腫) pulmonary embolism: 폐(동맥)색전증 (肺(動 脈)塞栓症) hyaline membrane disease: 유리질막병 (琉璃質膜病) lung abscess I lung abscess II lung abscess III lung abscess IV pulmonary tuberculosis I pulmonary tuberculosis II pulmonary tuberculosis III Mycobacterium tuberculosis I Mycobacterium tuberculosis II alveolar macrophage phagocytosis of macrophage pseudopodia of macrophage phylogenetic tree of Mycobacterium 진단/병리학적 용어 III DILD (diffuse interstitial lung disease): 미만성간질 성폐질환 (彌漫性間質 性肺疾患) IPF (idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis): 특발성폐섬유화증 (特 發性肺纖維化症) COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease): 만성폐쇄성폐질환 (慢 性閉鎖性肺疾患) fungus ball (= mycetoma): 진균종 (眞菌腫) respiratory failure: 호 흡부전증 (呼吸不全症) ARDS (adult respiratory distress syndrome): 성인성호 흡곤란증후군 (成人性 呼吸困難症候群) diffuse interstitial lung disease I diffuse interstitial lung disease II DILD ⊃ IPF systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis etiology inhaled substances infection drug induced silicosis, asbestosis, berylliosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis antibiotics, chemotherapeutic drug, antiarrhythmic agents idiopathic connective tiss. dis. systemic sclerosis, polymyositis, dermatomyositis, atypical pneumonia, pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP), tuberculosis sarcoidosis, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, Hamman-Rich syndrome malignancy lymphangitic carcinomatosis chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) chronic bronchitis & emphysema airway narrowing or obstruction c.f., DILD – restriction, increased lung stiffness etiology smoking, occupational exposures (coal/gold mining, Cd, welding fumes), air pollution, genetics (alpha-1antitrypsin) alpha-1-antitrypsin (A1AT) serine protease inhibitor inhibiting a wide variety of protease in its absence, elastase is free to break down elastin -> the decreased elasticity of the lungs -> COPD (emphysema) 394 amino acids the gene is located on the long arm of 14th chromosome fungus ball (mycetoma, aspergilloma) adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) ARDS case young woman just back from West Africa with fever and 1.7 % P. falcifarum parasitemia June 2 June 4 16:27 June 5 01:40 진단/병리학적 용어 IV pleurisy:흉막염(胸膜炎) pleural effusion: 흉막 삼출 (胸膜渗出) empyema (= pyothorax): 농흉 (膿胸) hemothorax:혈흉(血胸) pneumothorax: 기흉 (氣胸) mediastinitis: 종격염 (縱隔炎) paragonimiasis: 폐흡 충증 (肺吸蟲症) pleural space pleurisy (pleuritis) empyema (pyothorax) hemothorax pneumothorax I pneumothorax II 38 y/o male in skate board accident pneumothorax III tension pneumothorax lung collapse by TP needle thoracostomy Paragonimus westermani (adult) I P. westermani (adult) II P. westermani (egg) 진단/치료 용어 I tonsillectomy: 편도절 제술 (扁桃切除術) tracheostomy: 기관절 개술 (氣管切開術) pneumonectomy: 폐절 제술 (肺切除術) lobectomy: (폐)엽절제 술 ((肺)葉切除術) thoracotomy: 개흉술 (開胸術) thoracostomy: 흉강삽 관술 (胸腔揷管術) decortication: (흉막) 박피술 ((胸膜)剝皮術) pleuropneumonectom y: 흉막폐절제술 PFT (pulmonary function test): 폐기능 검사 bronchoscopy: 기관지 (내시)경검사 tuberculin test (= Mantoux test): 투베르 쿨린검사 tracheostomy tube tracheostomy done lung surgery anterolateral thoracotomy median sternotomy thoracostomy 3 bottle system of chest drainage chest drainage system bronchoscopy rigid bronchoscope flexible bronchoscope bronchoscopy II tuberculin test (Mantoux test) hypersensitivity reaction tuberculin test (+) result 진단/치료용어 II endotracheal intubation: 기관내삽관 술 (氣管內揷管術) thoracentesis: 흉강천 자 (胸腔穿刺) chest tube: 흉관 (胸管) PCNA (PerCutaneous Needle Aspiration): 경 피적침흡인술 (經皮的 針吸引術) postural drainage: 체 위배액법 (體位排液法) AFB (acid fast bacilli): 항산균 (抗酸菌), 결핵 균 (結核菌) endotracheal tube & laryngoscope endotracheal intubation thoracentesis set thoracentesis chest tube insertion chest tubes percutaneous needle aspiration postural drainage Hans Christian Gram, 1853-1938 Gram (+) & (-) species Staphylococcus aureus Escherichia coli mycobacterium species (AFB) acid-fast staining acid fast stained M. tuberculosis acid fast stain (+) & (-) species acid fast stained cryptosporidia device for pulmonary function test pulmonary function test lung volumes results for pulmonary function test volume-time curve flow-volume loop flow-volume loop typical results of disease on spirometry variable results of spirometry V/Q ratio normal values about blood gas exchange Blood gas values (ranges) from healthy persons at rest. - Normal mean tensions for mixed venous blood and for alveolar air are shown below. PaO2 : 10-13 kPa (75-95 mmHg) PaCO2: 4.8-6 kPa (36-45 mmHg), Base Excess: pH : PAO2 : PACO2 : Mean PvO2 : Mean PvCO2 : Zero, 7.35-7.45 (ie,[H+] = 35-44 nM) 10 - 13.3 kPa (75-100 mmHg) 4.8-6 kPa (36-45 mmHg). Mean: 5.3 kPa (40 mmHg), 6 kPa (45 mmHg) 6.1 kPa (46 mmHg) respiratory failure Type 1 (hypoxemic) PaO2 Type 2 (hypercapnic) low (<60mmHg) decreased PaCO2 normal or low (<=45mmHg) increased PA-aO2 increased normal normal or high decreased Parenchymal disease(V/Q mismatch) Diseases of vasculature and shunts: right to leftshunt,pulmonary embolism interstitial lung diseasesARDS, pneumonia, emphysema. Reduced breathing effort (in the fatigued patient) Increased resistance to breathing (such as in asthma) A decrease in the area of the lung available for gas exchange (such as in emphysema). pH etiology