Tools and Techniques - National Center for Health and Aging


Techniques for Improving

Health Literacy Among

Low-Income and Immigrant


March 26, 2013

Michael Villaire, MSLM

Chief Operating Officer

Institute for Healthcare Advancement

(800) 434-4633 x202

What You’ll Learn

By the time you’re done with this webinar, you should be able to:

1. Define health literacy

2. Describe the importance of improving health literacy

3. Explain the relationship between health literacy and health disparities

4. Identify strategies to improve health literacy among low-income and immigrant populations

5. Discuss the Institute for Healthcare Advancement’s

“What to do for Health” book series



• “Using printed and written information to function in society, to achieve one’s goals, and to develop one’s knowledge and potential”

(Kirsch et al, 1993)


Health Literacy

• “The degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions”

(Ratzan and Parker, 2000)

• “Health literacy allows the public and personnel working in all health-related contexts to find, understand, evaluate, communicate, and use information. Health literacy is the use of a wide range of skills that … include reading, writing, listening, speaking, numeracy, and critical analysis, as well as communication and interaction skills .”

(Calgary Charter on Health Literacy,



Health Literacy Components

Reading and writing

Listening and verbal communication (patient and provider)


Computation skills

Interpreting / evaluating risk (%)


--Institute of Medicine. Health Literacy: A Prescription to End Confusion. 2004

Other Considerations

Culture / belief systems

Mismatch between provider demand and patient skill level

Mismatch of reading level / materials

Strong relation to health disparities

Strong relation to safety and quality

You know what you mean…

But do they?

This happens…

An 89-year-old man with dementia is diagnosed with an ear infection and is prescribed an oral liquid antibiotic. His wife understands that he must take one teaspoon twice a day. After carefully studying the bottle’s label and not finding administration instructions, she fills a teaspoon and pours it into his painful ear.

Parker, R. et al. J Health Comm, 2003.

This happens, too…

Mr. G, 45, an Hispanic immigrant, native Spanish language speaker, has a job health screening. He is told his BP is high, can’t work until it’s controlled. Given β-blocker, diuretic, instructed to take each “once a day.” 1 week later, presents @

ED, BP very low, dizzy. Docs can’t figure out.

Spanish speaker asks him how many pills he took each day. “22,” says Mr. G. (In Spanish, once means 11.)

Nielsen-Bohlman et al. IoM “A Prescription to End Confusion” 2004

Who’s to Blame?

At a teaching hospital, an intern writes in a

“Patient’s problems” section of the medical chart, “Speaks no English.”

The attending physician writes a note back in response, “Your problem, not his.”

Clancy C. AHRQ. Comments at Institute of Medicine

Health Literacy Roundtable 2/09.

Which of the following is the strongest predictor of an individual’s health status?

A. Age

B. Income

C. Literacy skills

D. Employment status

E. Education level

F. Racial or ethnic group

Which of the following is the strongest predictor of an individual’s health status?

A. Age

B. Income

C. Literacy skills

(75% who self reported poor health in Below Basic HL category)

D. Employment status

E. Education level

F. Racial or ethnic group

--National Patient Safety Foundation

Health Literacy Myths

• People who can’t read, can’t learn.

Most people who are illiterate are immigrants or minorities.

• If someone can’t read and I give them written instructions, they’ll tell me they can’t read.

I can tell how well someone can read by the number of years they attended school.

From: Health Literacy Myths, Misperceptions and Reality

Health Disparities and

Health Literacy

Health Disparities


• “[D]ifferences in the incidence, prevalence, mortality, and burden of diseases and other adverse health conditions that exist among specific population groups in the U.S.” (NIH, 1999)

• “… a population-specific difference in disease, health outcomes, or access to care .” (HRSA, 2000)

• “…difference in health status between a defined portion of the population and the majority. Disparities can exist because of

SES, age, … gender, race/ethnicity, language, customs or other cultural factors, [or] disability… .” (Minnesota Dept. Health,


Health Disparities Components

Restricted access to healthcare services

Includes unjust / preventable inequities

Disproportionately affects minorities / poverty

/ low educational attainment

Shared responsibility among system, providers, patients

Connections: Health Literacy /

Health Disparities

Low systemic awareness of the problem

• ↓ access to usable health promotion materials

Disproportionate by poverty / language barriers / education / disability

Lower rates of insured / less access

Victims of poor cultural competency / lack of racial/ethnic diversity in HC system

Connections: Health Literacy /

Health Disparities

Higher hospital admission rates

Receive poorer quality healthcare

Poorer outcomes

Inadequate language access services

Perception of unequal treatment

Poor self-efficacy


Literacy / Health Literacy Statistics

Data Sources

1992 NALS (National Adult Literacy


2003 NAAL (National Assessment of

Adult Literacy)

Added Health Literacy Module

Literacy Levels

Below Basic—no more than the most simple

& concrete literacy skills

Basic—skills needed to perform simple, everyday literacy activities

Intermediate—skills needed to perform moderately challenging activities

Proficient—skills needed for more complex & challenging literacy activities

NAAL Literacy Findings

Percent of U.S. adult population with Below

Basic or Basic skills in:

Prose Literacy – 44%

Document Literacy – 34%

Quantitative Literacy – 55%

NAAL Health Literacy Findings:

36% have limited health literacy skills

(22% Basic, 14% Below Basic)

About 12% considered Proficient

Includes 3% who did poorly on basic screening tasks, routed to alternative assessment

Does not include 2% who knew no English or Spanish

Majority (53%) had intermediate HL levels

• Women’s avg. HL score 6 pts. higher (4% more men in Below Basic)

Who has poor health literacy?

Nearly 60% of 65+ in Basic/Below Basic

• Health ins. from employer ↑ HL,

Medicare/Medicaid/No ins ↓ HL

Hispanics (12% of adult pop.) represent 35% of those in Below Basic HL category

Below poverty level (17% adult pop.) represent 43% of those in Below Basic HL

75% who self-reported poor health in Below

Basic HL

Health Literacy Statistics

• 1 in 2 Americans can’t read above a 5 th grade level

(Kirsch 2003)

Most patient education materials written beyond recipients’ ability to understand

(IoM 2004)

• 26% couldn’t understand when next appt.

• 42% couldn’t understand “take on empty stomach”

• 60% couldn’t understand consent form

( JAMA 1995)

Stir In…

381 languages spoken/signed in U.S.

40 million foreign-born people live in the

United States (2010)

60 million Americans speak a language other than English at home

24 million Americans have LEP

75-90% of patients in the 2 lowest reading levels describe themselves as being able to read/write English “well” or “very well”

Oh, and then there’s…

Cognitive impairment

Hearing / visual impairment


Stress (most forget at least 50% of what healthcare provider told them)

Shame re Illiteracy:

78% thought they should hide it/cope

77% never told their doctor

67% never told their spouse

19% never told anyone

Parikh, N.S., et al. Patient Educ Couns, 1996.

How Patients Hide Illiteracy

May say things like:

• “I forgot my glasses”

• “I don’t need to read this through now; I’ll read it when I get home”

• “I’d like to discuss this with my family”

• “I have a headache now and can’t focus”

• “I’ll just take this with me and read it later”

• Don’t ask questions

• Believe they understand but don’t

Why Does Health Literacy Matter?

Those with limited literacy skills:

Report poorer overall health

Have poorer ability to manage chronic diseases

Have poorer outcomes

Less likely to understand their diagnosis

Less likely to have screening / preventive care

Present in later stages of disease

Are more likely to be hospitalized / rehospitalized

Why Does Health Literacy Matter?

Cost of Poor Health Literacy:

$73 billion in unnecessary costs annually

( Friedland, Georgetown University, 2003)

$106-$238 billion in unnecessary costs annually

( Vernon, University of Connecticut, 2007)

Cost of Chronic Disease:

$1.7 trillion (75% of HC expenditures)

Nearly 1 in 2 Americans live with a chronic disease

90% >65 have a chronic disease;

77% have 2+

70% of annual US deaths

(CDC 2008)

Toward Solutions

Tools and Techniques

Design Considerations

Universal Precautions

Plain language

Teach-back method

Brown-bag test

Ask Me 3 / Questions Are the Answer

Easy to Use Materials

Tools and Techniques

Design Considerations

Large type size (12-14 point) and double-spaced

Standard font (no italics or ALL CAPS)

Two type faces (Arial-headings, Times NR-body)

Simple headings

White space

Usable, appropriate, explanatory graphics

Tools and Techniques

Design Considerations

Short sentences (8-10 words each)

Use columns

 Bulleted list/text or “chunking” (keep to 7-8 max)

 “How to” or “Need to do” in active voice


White space

Large type size (12-14 point) and double-spaced

Standard font (no italics or ALL CAPS)

Two type faces (Arial-headings; Times New Romanbody)

Simple headings

Usable, appropriate, explanatory graphics (no abstract graphics)

Short sentences (8-10 words each)

Use columns

Bulleted lists (keep to 7-8 max)

Color / Navigation



From “What To Do When Your

Child Gets Sick” Institute for

Healthcare Advancement



From “Living With Diabetes:

An Everyday Guide for You and Your Family”

American College of

Physicians Foundation esources.htm




From “From Junk Food to

Healthy Eating: Tanya's

Journey to a Better Life”

Inter-Cultural Association of

Greater Victoria ls.htm

Design critique

• What’s good?

• What’s not so good?

Available from:

•http://www.hsph. healthliteracy/ resources/doak-book/

•IHA Health Literacy


“The Bible”

Tools and Techniques

Universal Precautions

Assume 5 th grade reading level for all pts.

Include all stakeholders in planning/ implementation

 Limit key messages to no more than 3 “need to do,” not “nice to know”

 Elicit questions. “What questions do you have?”

Strike the phrase, “Do you have any questions?” from your vocabulary!

 UP toolkit

Tools and Techniques

Plain language

Do not use medical jargon

Slow down

 Use “living room language”

Test results: What is benign? Negative? At-risk?

More likely your message will be understood

Lower chance of misunderstanding instructions

Don’t Use

Medical Jargon vomiting formulary unconscious oral analgesic umbilicus contraception

Consider these words: insomnia urine acne

CVA benign terminal negative

Don’t Use

Medical Jargon

Do these “living room language” alternatives work?

vomiting (throwing up) formulary (list of drugs) unconscious (out, not awake) oral (by mouth) analgesic (pain med) umbilicus (belly button) contraception (birth control) insomnia (can’t sleep) urine (pee) acne (pimples)

CVA (stroke) benign (no cancer) terminal (end of life) negative (don’t have)

Tools and Techniques

Teach-back method

Toward assuring patient comprehension

Shared learning burden – include clinician role

Iterative process – teach to goal:

 Introduce new concept / technique

Demonstrate using multiple teaching modalities

Ask pt. to demonstrate / explain in their own words

Assess – review – tailor approach

Repeat to patient mastery

Tools and Techniques

Brown-bag test

A form of literacy screening

Look at pill or label?

Ask patient to bring in all their meds (in a brown bag) (Drug interaction opportunity)

Test for comprehension of what med is / how to take it / why they take it

 “When was the last time you took this pill?”

Tools and Techniques

Ask Me 3 / Questions Are the Answer

Ask Me 3

What is my main problem?

What do I need to do?

Why is it important for me to do this?

Tools and Techniques

Ask Me 3 / Questions Are the Answer (

Questions Are the Answer

 What is the test for?

How many times have you done this procedure?

When will I get the results?

Why do I need this treatment?

Are there any alternatives?

 What are the possible complications?

Which hospital is best for my needs?

How do you spell the name of that drug?

Are there any side effects?

Will this medicine interact with medicines that I'm already taking?

Tools and Techniques

Easy to Read, Easy to Use Books

Tools and Techniques

“What To Do For Health” Books

Written at a 3rd-5th grade reading level

Effective in-home solutions for most health issues

Liberally illustrated with useful diagrams and images

No medical jargon

Available in multiple languages

Indexed for quick and easy use

Tools and Techniques

“What To Do For Health” Books

57-61% reduction in ER Visits

39-56% decrease in doctors/clinic visits

29-60% fewer missed school days by children due to illness or injury

41-47% fewer missed work days by parents due to child's illness

















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Thank you!

What questions do you have?
