

Dr. Nehal Draz

Myxo = affinity to mucin


Orthomyxo viruses


Segmented RNA genome

Liable to Agic variation

Influenza viruses

Paramyxo viruses


Single piece of RNA

Not liable to Agic variation

- Parainfluenza

- Mumps vairus

- Measles virus

- Respiratory syncytial virus

Large Spherical envelopped

Unsegmented –ve sense


The lipid envelope is associated with 2-virus specific glycoptns;


Neuraminidase (HN) ptn& fusion (F) ptn

Commonest cause of bronchitis & pneumonia among infants< 1yr.

Causes repeated infections throughout life, usually associated with moderate- to severe cold –like symptoms

Severe lower respiratory tract disease may occur at any age, espec i ally elderly & those with compromised cardiac, pulmonary or immune systems

Specimens : nasal secretionsnasopharyngeal aspirate

1- Direct virus demonstration :

- DIF: for detection of viral Ag

- RT-PCR for detection of viral RNA

2- Viral isolation :

- nasal secretions inoculated onto (HeLa)

- Growth is recognized by development of

CPE in the form of giant cells & syncytia

Symptomatic treatment for mild disease

Oxygen therapy & may be mechanical ventilation in children with severe disease

Ribavirin aerosol

No vaccine is yet available

HPIVs are second to RSV as a common cause of lower respiratory tract disease in young children

Similar to RSV, HPIVs can cause repeated infections throughout life, usually upper respiratory tract illness

Can also cause severe lower respiratory tract infections ammong immunocompromised patients

Each of the four HPIVs has different clinical & epidemiologic features

The most distinctive clinical feature of HPIV-1& HPIV-2 is croup

HPIV-3 is more associated with bronchiolitis & pneumonia

HPIV-4 is infrequently detected, because it is less likely to cause severe disease

Croup (laryngotracheobronchitis difficulty in breathing, hoarseness and a seal bark-like coughing

Specimens : nasal secretionnasopharyngeal aspiratebronchoalveolar lavage

1- Direct virus demonstration :

- DIF: for detection of viral Ag

- RT-PCR for detection of viral RNA

2- Viral isolation :

- Specimens are inoculated onto (MKTC)

- Growth is recognized by hemadsorption using guinea pig RBCs or by direct IF

3- Serological tests:

Based on Nt, HI, or ELISA for detection of IgM or IgG

Paired acute & convalescent sera are necessary for IgG detection

A four fold or more rise in the titre indicates infection

Causes epidemic parotitis ( non suppurative inflammation of parotid)

Mode of transmission:

Via aerosols & fomites saliva

The virus is secreted in urine so urine is a possible source of infection

Infects children 5-15years

Replicates in the nasopharynx

&regional LNs

Incubation period: 2-25 d Lasts 3-5 d viremia




-ovaries glands meninges

Long life immunity due to IgG neutralizing Abs

Severe aseptic meningitis in adults

Orchitis in adult males which might cause sterility


Oophritis & thyroiditis

Specimens : - saliva


- urine

1- Direct virus demonstration :

- RT-PCR for detection of viral RNA

2- Viral isolation :

- Specimens are inoculated onto (MKTC) or chick embryo

- Growth is recognized by hemadsorption or by direct IF & by characteristic CPE giant cell formation

3- serology :

ELISA is used for detection of IgM or


For IgG, paired acute & convalescent sera are necessary

Four fold or more rise in IgG titer indicates infection

Mumps vaccine

Active immunization

-Live attenuated

-Given by subcutaneous injection

-Long term immunity

-Monovalent form or MMR vaccine

Causes measles (robeola)

One of the most contagious respiratory infections

It can nearly affect every person (in a given population) by adolescence, in the absence of immunization programs

Mode of transmission :

- Large repiratory droplet


Most infectious in the early stage

Before the rash appears

Replication initially in the upper & lower respiratory tract

Followed by LNs replication

Viremia & growth in a variety of epithelial tissue

Incubation period : 1-2 wks

In 2-3 days, no rash but fever, running nose, cough & conjunctivitis

Koplick spots : slightly raised white dots, 2-3 mm in diameter are seen on the inside of the cheek shortly before rash onset persist for 1-3 days

A characteristic maculopapular rash extending from face to extremities involving palms & soles : this seems to be associated with T-cells attacking virally infected endothelial cells in small blood vessels

The rash lasts from 3-7 d & may be followed by skin exfoliation

1-Respiratory symptoms

2-3 days

2-Koplick spots

Persist 1-3 days

Disappear after the rash onset

3-Maculopapular rash

Lasts for 3-7 days

4-Skin exfoliation

Long life immunity due to IgG neutralizing Abs

The virus invades the body via blood vessels reaches surface epithelium first in the respiratory tract where there are only 1-2 layers of epithelial cells

Then in mucosae (Koplik's spots) and finally in the skin (rash).

I- Respiratory

Otitis media & bacterial pneumonia: common

Giant cell pneumonia in patients with impaired CMI ( rare but fatal)

II- Neurological

Postinfectious encephalitis. Few days after the rash (1:1000)

Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis

(SSPE) (1:100.000)

Specimens : nasal secretionsnasopharyngeal aspirate or swab- urine

1- Direct virus demonstration :

- DIF: for detection of viral Ag

- RT-PCR for detection of viral RNA

2- Viral isolation :

- nasal secretions inoculated onto (MKTC)

- Growth is recognized by development of

CPE in the form of multinucleated giant cells containing both intranuclear & intracytoplasmic IBs

3- serology :

ELISA is used for detection of IgM or


For IgM single serum specimen 1-2 wks after the rash onset

For IgG, paired acute & convalescent sera are necessary

Four fold or more rise in IgG titer indicates infection

Passive immunization

Measles IGs


For immunocompromised patients

-Intramuscular within 6 days of exposure

-Prevent measles symptoms in 80% of cases

Active immunization

Mumps vaccine

-Live attenuated

-Given by subcutaneous injection

-Long term immunity

-Monovalent form or MMR vaccine

Causes German measles which is the mildest of common viral exanthems

It is a member of rubiviruses but not an arbovirus

Envelopped +ve sense ss RNA

Posseses hemaglutinating ability

1- German measles : acute febrile illness with rash & lymphadenopathy affecting children & young adults

2- Congenital Rubella Syndrome :

Serious abnormalities of the fetus as a consequence of maternal infection during early pregnancy

Mode of transmission : droplet

Initial viral replication occurs in the respiratory mucosa followed by multiplication in the cervical lymph nodes

Viremia develops with spread to other tissues. As a result the disease symptoms develop in 50% of cases after an incubation period of 12-23 days

Possibly 50% of infections are apparently subclinical

Fever & malaise (prodromal symptoms) for 1-2 days

Maculopapular rash appears on the face,then the trunk, then the extremities and disappears within 3 days

Suboccipital and postauricular lymphadenopathy

Extremely rare complications, self limiting encephalopathy

Extremely rare (1/6000)

Rubella encephalopathy

6 days after the rash appears

Complete recovery with no sequalae

Specimens : nasal secretionsnasopharyngeal aspirate or swab

1- Direct virus demonstration :

- DIF: for detection of viral Ag

- RT-PCR for detection of viral RNA

2- Viral isolation :

- nasal secretions inoculated onto


- Growth is recognized by interference with coxsakie virus

3- serology :

ELISA is used for detection of IgM or


For IgM single serum specimen

For IgG, paired acute & convalescent sera are necessary

Four fold or more rise in IgG titer indicates infection

Congenital rubella is a group of physical problems that occur in an infant when the mother is infected with the virus that causes German measles.

Congenital rubella is caused by the destructive action of the rubella virus on the fetus at a critical time in development. The most critical time is the first trimester (the first 3 months of a pregnancy). After the fourth month, the mother's rubella infection is less likely to harm the developing fetus.

The rate of congenital rubella has decreased dramatically since the introduction of the rubella vaccine.

Risk factors for congenital rubella include:

Not getting the recommended rubella immunization

Contact with a person who has rubella (also called the 3-day measles or German measles)

Pregnant women who are not vaccinated and who have not had rubella risk infection to themselves and damage to their unborn baby.

Transient symptoms : growth retardation, anemia & thrombocytopenia

Permanent defects : congenital heart diseases, total or partial blindness, deafness & mental retardation

Progressive rubella panencephalitis:

Extremely rare slow virus disease, develops in teens with death within

8 yrs

During Pregnancy After Birth

Detection of maternal

IgM or rising IgG in serum

Then, detection of rubella Ag in the amniotic fluid by DIF

Live newborn : detection of IgM antirubella Abs in the serum of the baby by


Stillbirth : virus isolation on MKTC


Women in the childbearing age

School age children

Pregnancy should be avoided 3 months after vaccination

Maternal rubella infection confirmed during the first trimester????

Therapeutic abortion


Contains 3 live attenuated viruses: mumps, measles and rubella

Given in 2 doses

The first dose: to children 12-15 months of age by subcutaneous injection

Why not before that?

When is the second dose?


Thank you
