ENERCEL A WORLD LEADER IN NATURAL HEALTH CARE INTRODUCTION ENERCEL® is a leading candidate to become the global first-line-of-defense against diseases for 6 essential reasons: It works in a larger proportion of cases than any other system of health that we know of It is relatively inexpensive It helps the body heal itself rather than just relieving symptoms. It does not produce the harmful side affects that are so common and unpredictable as with allopathic medicines It works in combination with conventional medicine It is a leader in the new efforts for the field of Preventative Medicine COMPOSITION ENERCEL is a complex homeopathic medication with scientifically tested ingredients. Product composition varies with method of administration. Enercel Max for oral and sublingual use has these constituents: Cactus Grandiflorus 仙人掌4 X Aloe Socotrina 芦荟4 X Abies Nigra 冷杉黑质4 X Arnica 山金车6 X Lachesis 蛇类11 X Calcium Carbonate 碳酸钙6 X Pulsatilla Vulgaris毛茛科 欧洲白头翁花 6 X Distilled water 蒸馏水 Alcohol 酒精(~2% by volume) PRODUCTION Manufactured in strict accordance with Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS) and Good Drug Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Odorless, tasteless, clear liquid Contains 5-8% alcohol by volume NO chemical preservatives FORMULATIONS Plus IV for intravenous administration Plus IM for intramuscular application Mist as a nasal spray Mist with Nebulizer for aerosolized use Max for sublingual and oral applications Forte for once-daily sublingual use AM for morning sublingual administration PM for evening sublingual use SAFETY Doses of 100 ml given intravenously without toxicity 12 puffs of Nasal Spray used daily without side effects 3 cc intramuscular doses given daily for a year without local reactions or side effects Two 3 cc IM injections separated by 12 hours given to young children without adverse events 50 cc daily intravenous doses administered for up to 12 months with no toxicity or side effects Sublingual drops used daily for over 12 years without any side effects Can be used with any conventional medicines Can be safely used in pregnant women, children and the elderly MECHANISMS OF ACTION Luc Montagnier and colleagues have reported on the electromagnetic energy production properties of highly-dilute biological samples Increases mitochondrial energy in cells Improves immune system function Stimulates energy meridiens between tissues Activates electromagnetically-sensitive stem cells Hydrates cells IN VITRO STUDIES No toxicity to MOLT-5 and K562 cells at concentrations as high as 100 µl/mg Stimulates Natural Killer [NK] cell function by over 300% Decreases cancer cell formation by over 200% Stimulates production of the anti-aging hormones IGF-1 and Human Growth Hormone ANIMAL STUDIES Safety study in mice [6 studies]: – No local reactions after repeated intramuscular injections – No gross or microscopic tissue damage – No change in behavior Reduced growth of mammary [breast] cancer in rats Significant antiviral activity against a diabetes-causing strain of coxsackie virus B4 (strain E2) HUMAN STUDIES Decreased the duration and severity of acute infectious diarrhea in children ages 6 months to 5 years Reduced the severity of seasonal allergic sinusitis, rhinitis and bronchitis Improved quality of life and survival in advancedstage pancreatic cancer patients Hydrated atrophied muscle cells Decreased symptoms of upper respiratory tract allergies and asthma Reversed rapidly progressive glaucoma in combination with stem cells TUBERCULOSIS STUDIES Chernigiv Regional Antituberculosis Hospital: Nov. 2011 to present 30-day results for Drug-sensitive patients – Newly diagnosed, <1 month TB treatment – 6/6 became sputum smear negative [microbiological cure] – All with improved Chest X ray findings – All improved clinically—resolution of cough, improved energy and appetite and weight gain 30-day results for Multi-drug Resistant patients – Treatment refractory with disease progression despite second-line TB medications – 2/7 [28%] became sputum smear negative – 1/7 [14%] quantity of AFB in sputum decreased from 3+ to trace – These 3 patients all had improved Chest X ray findings – All 7 improved clinically—decreased or resolution of cough; improved energy and appetite and weight gain ENERPUNCTURE The injection of Enercel into Acupuncture Points Increased the efficacy of standard Acupuncture in multiple patients with neuromuscular disorders Peri-umbilical injections reduced the severity of upper gastrointestinal complaints One month treatment improved neurological function in patients with ALS (Published by the Korean Pharmacopuncture Institute) CONCLUSIONS As a complex homeopathic, Enercel is safe for all ages and medical conditions Enercel improves energy and immune systems in the body Used successfully in multiple conditions Backed by clinical research in the laboratory, animals and humans Improves the efficacy of Acupuncture in neuromuscular disorders Patient, 55 y/o black female with Stage III left-side breast cancer. Before starting Enercel [left] compared with after a 1 month course of Enercel (intravenous, oral and direct tumor injections) [right].