Effects of interventions on antibiotic use in hospitals Trial lecture for the PhD dissertation September 25th, 2014 Jon Birger Haug University of Oslo Lett omarbeidet for nettundervisning NFIM, 18.12.2014 1 Disposition of the lecture Scope of the lecture Antibiotic stewardship Intervention studies – design and methods The effects of interventions: current knowledge Are intervention effects sustainable? Factors modifying the effects of interventions Novel concepts in interventions A global view Conclusion 2 Scope of the lecture • Only interventions in acute care hospitals are discussed. To be excluded are: Rehabilitation centres Long term care facilities • Outcome effect ("antibiotic use") may also include: Microbial outcomes / antibiotic resistance incidence Degree of adherence, e.g. to antibiotic guidelines Patient outcomes, and the effects on costs • The effect of vaccinations to reduce antibiotic use is less relevant in a hospital setting and will not be discussed 3 Antibiotic Stewardship "Stewardship ….. an ethic that embodies the responsible planning and management of resources" 4 IDSA & SHEA Recommendations, 2007 Dellit et al, CID 2007;44 5 Antibiotic Stewardship program (ASP): interventions Core interventions • Prospective audit with intervention and feedback • Formulary restriction and preauthorization Supplementary activities / interventions • • • • • Education Guidelines and clinical pathways Antimicrobial cycling Antibiotic order forms Combination therapy • Streamlining of therapy • Dose optimization • Parenteral to oral conversion 6 Essential ASP elements (not to be confused with intervention measures) • An established antibiotic stewardship team, optimally including specialist(s) of infectious diseases, microbiology, and clinical pharmacy • Timely and relevant service from the microbiology laboratory and the hospital pharmacy • Computer-based technology (health-care information databases and surveillance systems) • Regular reporting of the hospital's antibiotic use • Regular reporting of antibiotic resistance patterns • Reporting of "alert microorganisms" (multi-drug resistant) 7 To organize for optimal interventions…. Local pre-intervention requirements • Ensure the support from hospital administrators • Secure the approval from key members of the medical staff • Coordinate activities with infection control personnel • Coordinate also with other hospital units for patient safety 8 Identify local areas of major deficits Prioritize targets The Pareto Principle, or "Law of the Vital Few" 80 % of outcomes results from only 20% of the potential causes • Identification of these causes is important! • Identification may be achieved by discussions, patient chart reviews, and surveillance reports 9 Intervention studies: design and methods • Interventions should be planned Unplanned interventions (e.g, acute responses to an outbreak) may be seriously biased because of "regression to the mean" – which denotes the tendency for extreme conditions to return to the normal • Multicentre intervention studies are needed to support an optimal applicability of results • More studies should incorporate end-points related to patient survival and cost/benefits of interventions 10 Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) • The concept is well-known and the "gold standard" in research • Less used in interventions studies of antibiotic use • RCTs are resource demanding (manpower, money) • Randomization is often difficult, and subject to biases (especially one-centre studies) • " Cluster randomization" is the preferred method: - hospitals are randomized, not wards within one hospital - possible to control for the "contamination" bias 11 Example: study of antibiotic treatment duration with a simple RCT design • Clearly defined clinical condition: → «Pulmonary infiltrates in the ICU» • Highly relevant for the appropriate use of antibiotics: → «Is a shorter antibiotic treatment course sufficient?» 12 Inclusion based on a pretreatment clinical score (0 – 10) Compare shortcourse of antibiotics with standard treatment duration 13 Interrupted time-series analysis (ITS) An ITS is particularly useful when a randomized trial is not feasible or unethical • Step 1: construct a time series of rates for your particular improvement focus (antibiotic use) • Step 2: test statistically for a change in the outcome rates in the time periods before and after the implementation The analyses should involve several data points before and after intervention (ideally, 24 monthly rates) 14 ITS: design and interpretation 15 Example: ITS analysis with antibiotic use outcome Intervention • New policy for the appropriate use of "Alert Antibiotics" • Concurrent, patient-specific feedback by clinical pharmacist 16 Ansari et al, JAC 2003 17 Other analytic methods used in intervention studies Controlled clinical trials Study of one or more intervention groups compared to one or more control groups (without randomization) Controlled before / after studies (CBAs) Prospective evaluation of outcomes in one population, before and after intervention(s) Observational studies are usually not included in reviews of intervention effects! 18 The effects of interventions: current knowledge General remarks on current scientific evidence • A majority of studies have methodological flaws! • Effect evaluation is often made difficult by considerable heterogeneity of studies • Low external validity (applicability) of results from carefully monitored studies (e.g. RCTs) is a general aspect to be considered in "real life" situations… 19 Cochrane Collaboration (Davey et al) "Interventions to improve antibiotic prescribing practices for hospital inpatients" Issue published 2005: studies from 1980 up to November 2003 Issue publisher 2013: studies from 1980 up to December 2006 Selected for review were: 1. 2. 3. 4. Randomized clinical trials Interrupted time series studies Controlled clinical trials Controlled before-and after studies 20 Cochrane 2013: Studies overview Type of studies: • 89 studies, 95 interventions reported • 56 studies (63%) used interrupted timeseries analysis • 25 studies (28%) were randomized controlled trials, of which 5 were cluster RCTs 21 Summary of the main findings Main comparisons Effect size difference at 1 month post-intervention Quality of evidence Appropriate prescribing of antibiotics (40 ITS studies) 32% (95% CI 2–61%) Low Microbial outcomes 53% (95% CI 31–75%) Low Mortality risk 0.92% (N.S.) Diff. length of stay (N.S.) Frequent readmissions Moderate Very low Very low (14 ITS studies) Patient outcomes (11 cRCT, RCT and CCT studies ) Patient outcomes (improve prescribing for pneumonia – 3 CBA, 1 RCT) Mortality risk 0.89% (CI 0.82 - 0.97) Low 22 Main categories of interventions Persuasive interventions: use of e.g. education, feedback and reminders to change prescribers behaviour Restrictive interventions: restriction of the freedom of prescribers to select some antibiotics A majority of the 89 Cochrane studies were "multifaceted" – that is, more than one type intervention was used, often with a mix of persuasive and restrictive components. 23 Persuasive intervention that are effective Type of intervention Methods used Educational material, guidelines - Teach or otherwise disseminate knowledge of best practices - Implement updated guidelines Educational outreach ("Academic detailing") "Interactive education" by an expert, or one-to-one discussion with the prescriber Audit with feedback Prospective audit with feedback to prescribing physician in case of inappropriate use Reminders Manual or electronic advice at point-ofcare; e.g. to check indication, microbiology results, parenteral to oral switch 24 Restrictive interventions that are effective Type of intervention Methods used Expert approval Prescribing of certain antibiotic agents needs to be approved by an infectious disease specialist Compulsory order forms When prescribing an antibiotic agent, a form has to be filled out stating e.g. the indication for use Removal of drug choice Certain antimicrobials are removed from the hospital's formulary Review prescriptions and make change Prescriptions are reviewed by an expert and inappropriate use is corrected without further discussions 25 Structural interventions that are effective Type of intervention Rapid microbiology reporting New inflammatory marker – Procalcitonin Use of computerized desicion support systems Methods used - Reduced time to pathogen detection (whole genome sequencing) - Faster susceptibility results by dectecting resistance markers in microorganisms - MRSA, VRE and ESBL screening tests - Decision aid to discontinue antibiotic in sepsis, respiratory tract infections (No substitute for clinical judgement) (Not a test for primary diagnosis) "Antibiotic stop orders" Context-sensitive guideline advice 26 Effect sizes of intervention categories • Persuasive interventions: Average median effect across all study types: 3.5% – 42.5% • Restrictive interventions: Average median effect across all study types: 34.7% – 40.5% • Importantly, restrictive interventions work faster than persuasive interventions and should be used when the need is urgent • This difference between restrictive and persuasive interventions diminishes over time ( ≥ 6 months) 27 Newer intervention studies, "post-Cochrane" (2007 – 2014) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. exp Anti-Bacterial Agents/ - 538561 Medline search, Sept. 15th 2014 exp Antibiotic Prophylaxis/ - 8965 1 or 2 543022 hospital.mp. or exp Hospitals/ - 971084 3 and 4 - 29715 antibiotic us*.mp. 7121 stewardship*.mp. - 1903 antibiotic stewardship*.mp. – 406 antimicrobial stewardship*.mp. - 631 behavioral change.mp. - 2170 behavioral interventi*.mp - 4337 exp Guideline Adherence/ - 21449 Intervention studies.mp. or Intervention Studies/ 13017 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 - 49028 5 and 14 - 2146 limit 14 to (English language and humans and yr="2007 -Current") - 1059 1059 studies evaluated on the basis of title and abstracts: 92 studies described interventions for appropriate antibiotic use in hospitals 28 Are intervention effects sustainable? Sadly --- NO! 29 For example…. A classical intervention, using updated antibiotic guideline dissemination and "academic detailing" in two paediatric wards of a St. Petersburg hospital. 30 Significant reduction in total antibiotic use in the intervention ward, but not in the control ward In the follow-up period, both wards had the same level of use, similar to the baseline condition 31 Factors that modify the effects of interventions 32 Barriers to intervention effects • Lack of infectious diseases personnel • Lack of financial resources • Inadequate health-information systems • Resistance from hospital administrators • Opposition from prescribing physicians • Physicians' lack of knowledge; cultural factors; "irrational behaviour” 33 Beneficial to the effect of interventions • Local strategies tailored to the needs! • Avoid the "ceiling effect": to intervene on already optimal areas • National initiatives An "Antimicrobial self-assessment toolkit" for acute hospitals (UK – 2009) A national consensus statements on quality indicators for antimicrobial prescribing (Germany – 2014) 34 35 • 99 indicators were suggested in a questionnaire to professionals for detailed ratings (1-9) of relevance and practicability - 67 were approved • "Efforts to collect data" and "Implementation barriers" were often given suboptimal scores • In a consensus workshop, 21 structure and 21 process of care indicators were finally selected How to proceed? • The 42 quality indicators will be piloted and undergo feasibility studies in German hospitals • The indicators would appear to prove valid in similar health-care settings, e.g. in Scandinavia 36 Novel concepts in interventions Innovative approaches are increasingly being sought to enhance the effect and sustainability of stewardship efforts Rapidly improving old, as well as new "tools" • Electronic health records with antimicrobial stewardship modules & integrated clinical decision support • Web- or smartphone "app"-based prescriber aids • Social marketing & behaviour science theories 37 Computer-based decision support and health records Already described in the "Annals of Internal Medicine" in 1996: Computer-based antibiotic stewardship aids: • Have large potentials to facilitate, improve and prolong the effect of intervention activities • Unintentional effects must be considered, especially when applying restrictive prescribing measures • Observed increase in number of studies after 2006 38 Example: Electronic support system with a sustained intervention effect 28 antibiotics were restricted (given temporal computer-based approval) but for a duration that varied, based on the indication for use and the prescribed antibiotic Pilot Permanent 39 Behaviour sciences • A potential is recognized for behaviour sciences to enhance antibiotic stewardship measures • To date, no study has described the effect of singular behavioural change interventions on antibiotic use in hospitals • Enhancement potential: Recognize "key drivers" for prescribing behaviour and identify incentives to alter behaviour Target intervention according to physicians "behaviour profiles" 40 A global view • Antibiotic resistance is a world-wide problem, low-income countries need international support (WHO) • Large populations and deficient hospital structures calls for alternative antibiotic stewardship measures Important to consider: Treatment options in low-income countries are more often limited by the unavailability of antibiotics than by antibiotic-resistant pathogens…. 41 Intelligent use of smartphones and computer technology may be one approach … … being widely used by even by poor patients - and also their doctors 42 Standard units per 1 000 000 population Some national sale trends for carbapenem antibiotics * * "Antibiotic resistance—the need for global solutions" - The Lancet (2013) 43 Conclusions • For optimal effects of interventions, an Antibiotic Stewardship Program is essential and should be tailored to your hospital's need • An array of interventions have proven effective without compromising patient safety, in the size of 30% for antibiotic use and 50% for microbial outcomes • Up until 2006, intervention studies have had low quality; RCTs are often biased and ITS analysis is the preferred method • A generally low sustainability of intervention effects is problematic • To find intervention strategies which will work in low-income countries is a global challenge • Computer support and behaviour change strategies are promising novel approaches to enhance the effects of interventions 44