Science Fair Project

Science Fair Project
Static Electrisity
Physical Science/ Electricity
Molly Kaiser
The Problem
If a balloon is rubbed against a wool sweater, will it create
static electricity?
Project Overview
This project was designed to visually show how static electricity
can be created.
A balloon was rubbed against a wool sweater to energize
electrons on the surface of an atom.
The static discharge, or the spark created by the friction, allows
electrons to jump from one electron field to another as the
electrons are attracted to others.
The hypothesis of this experiment was to prove that if you
rubbed a balloon against a sweater more times, then more
static electricity would be discharged.
There are 115 different atoms, all made of protons and neutron in the nucleus
and electrons orbits around the nucleus.
Protons carry a positive charge, neutrons carry a neutral charge and electrons
carry a negative charge.
Electrons can move from the outer limits of one atom to the outer limits of
another atom.
Opposite charges attract to each other.
Electrons move from the wool sweater to the balloon surface when rubbed.
When a neutral hand is moved close to the balloon with the extra negative
electrons, the extra electrons move to the atoms in the hand. The spark seen is
the static electrical discharge that is created from when the build up of when
the electrons move.
The independent variable in this experiment is the number
of times the balloon is rubbed. This experiment tested
independent variables of 10, 20, 30, and 40 rubs of a balloon
against a sweater.
The dependent variable in this experiment is the number of
sparks that can counted after the balloon is rubbed against
the sweater in each of category, 10, 20, 30 and 40 rubs.
The controlled variables in the experiment are using the
same sweater and the same type of balloons blown up with
the same volumes of air. This will keep the surface volume
of the balloon the same in each of the number of rub
The hypothesis of this project is as stated: if a
balloon is rubbed against a wool sweater 40 times,
it will create more static electricity than when a
balloon is rubbed against a wool sweater less than
40 times. This hypothesis may be true because the
greater the friction, the more electrons will be
released and static electricity will be created.
Rubber latex water balloons
100% wool sweater
dark closet
balloon air pump
Gathered all materials and separate balloons into 5 piles. Write on
each balloon either control, 10, 20, 30 or 40 to identify which balloon
was to receive which number of rubs.
Use a balloon air pump and filled each of the labeled balloons with
the same volume of air by pumping the air pump 5 times.
Tie each balloon end in a knot to keep the air from escaping.
Set 2 wool sweaters on the ground in a dark closet.
Separate the balloons by group.
Test the control group by rubbing a balloon against the sweater ten
times and passing the experimenter's hand close to the balloon.
Count and record the number of sparks visible.
Repeat the experiment with the experimental groups, recording the
data after each.
Quantitative Observations
discharges of static electricity. The
hypothesis was proved, but the
numbers of static electric discharges
did not match up proportionally. It is
possible that all of the charges were
not observed because some of them
may have been on the backside of the
balloon. Another observation made
after the experiment was finished that
effort need to be taken to apply the
same amount of force in the rubbing of
the balloon against the sweater. This
was a variable was not identified
before the experiment.
Number of Rubs
The table below shows the relationship between the number of times a
balloon was rubbed against a sweater and the number of static electricity
discharges. To calculate the average number of sparks per trial, the total
from the 3 trails were added together and divided by 3. An example
equation for finding the average is for the 10 rub category, 2 + 3 + 3= 8; 8/3=
Qualitative Observations
2.66 sparks observed. In summary, the outer electrons of an atom are
sometimes loosely held in the atom field. Certain atoms with loosely held
This experiment began by blowing up electrons allow electrons to be transferred from one atom field to
the balloons. It was quickly noticed
another. These are called conductors. In this experiment, static electricity
that the balloons were already
could be created by rubbing a balloon against a wool sweater. This
electrically charged because they
experiment tested to see if it was possible to create more static electricity
wanted to stick to the tester’s hands. by creating more friction. This would allow the electrons from the balloon
The balloons appeared similar in size surface to be attracted to the wool sweater’s electrons. The electrons
after they were blown up, however the
inflating tool did not have a gauge to from one electron field would move to the other electron field when the
measure exactly how much air was in electrons were excited by friction. The findings showed that it is possible
each balloon. The working hypothesis to produce more static electricity with more friction. The experiment did
of this experiment was the more rubs not show a complete correlation, but the general observation proved
on the surface of a balloon, the more there is positive correlation.
Number of Sparks
Number of Rubs
Average Number of
Number of Sparks
Qualitative Data
Qualitative Observations
This experiment began by blowing up the balloons. It was quickly noticed
that the balloons were already electrically charged because they wanted to
stick to the tester’s hands. The balloons appeared similar in size after they
were blown up, however the inflating tool did not have a gauge to measure
exactly how much air was in each balloon. The working hypothesis of this
experiment was the more rubs on the surface of a balloon, the more
discharges of static electricity. The hypothesis was proved, but the numbers
of static electric discharges did not match up proportionally. It is possible
that all of the charges were not observed because some of them may have
been on the backside of the balloon. Another observation made after the
experiment was finished that effort need to be taken to apply the same
amount of force in the rubbing of the balloon against the sweater. This was
a variable was not identified before the experiment.
Quantitative Data
The data shows the relationship between the number of times a balloon was
rubbed against a sweater and the number of static electricity discharges. To
calculate the average number of sparks per trial, the total from the 3 trails were
added together and divided by 3. An example equation for finding the average is
for the 10 rub category, 2 + 3 + 3= 8; 8/3= 2.66 sparks observed. In summary, the
outer electrons of an atom are sometimes loosely held in the atom field. Certain
atoms with loosely held electrons allow electrons to be transferred from one
atom field to another. These are called conductors. In this experiment, static
electricity could be created by rubbing a balloon against a wool sweater. This
experiment tested to see if it was possible to create more static electricity by
creating more friction. This would allow the electrons from the balloon surface
to be attracted to the wool sweater’s electrons. The electrons from one electron
field would move to the other electron field when the electrons were excited by
friction. The findings showed that it is possible to produce more static electricity
with more friction. The experiment did not show a complete correlation, but the
general observation proved there is positive correlation.
This hypothesis was true because the greater the friction, the
more electrons will be released and static electricity will be
The data supports the hypothesis when rubbed 40 times, it
creates the most static electricity.
Possible Experimental
Not doing the correct amount of rubs
Not counting all of the rubs
Not having the balloons the same size
If you don’t do all of the rubs or do more, you will get the
more/less static the expected.
If you don’t count all of the sparks you data will be
If you don’t have the same size balloons, you will get
different results.
Applications and
Future experiment could control for the amount of
force used to rub the balloon against a sweater.
Have another person count the sparks.
Use the knowledge learned about how static
electricity is created to improve on materials used in
different industrial situations. An example of this
would be to use materials that do not easily allow for
electron to move and create static discharges around
gas pumps. Keeping accidental sparks away from gas
pumps could increase safety.
Works Cited
"HowStuffWorks "Static Electricity"" Howstuffworks "Science" Web. 13 Apr. 2011.
"Science Projects - Make Your Own Lightning." Energy Quest Room. Web. 13 Apr. 2011.
"Static Electricity - What Creates Static Charge & Static Shock? Learn How to Create & Eliminate It." Science
Projects, Ideas & Topics - Science Fair Projects - Easy Kids Science Projects & Experiments, Science Articles.
Web. 13 Apr. 2011. <>.
VanCleave, Janice Pratt. Janice VanCleave's Guide to More of the Best Science Fair Projects. New York: Wiley,
2000. Print.
"ZOOM . Activities . Sci . Static Electricity | PBS Kids." PBS KIDS: Educational Games, Videos and Activities
For Kids! Web. 13 Apr. 2011. <>.