DAY DATE VENU E A R TIST DI SC I PLI N E D O O RS S TA RT PRICE th 12/2 W- O - L- K- E D U O A L’ E N C R E L I L LY J O E L BRZZVLL performance concert concert 1 8: 00 20: 00 21 : 00 22: 30 €6/12 pres al e: €4 /8 KVS 21 : 30 fr 2 0/2 W- O - L- K- E LINUS & oYvind skardo / FREDERIK LEROUX BOLHAERD concert concert 1 8: 00 20: 30 22: 00 €5 sa 2 1/2 W- O - L- K- E ERIC THIELEMANS & PETER JACQUEMYN + CHOREOGRAPHIC POP-UP CONCERT i mpro/musi c 1 8: 00 20: 30 €6/10 pres al e: €4 /6 we 2 5/2 W- O - L- K- E J E R O E N O LY S L A E G E R S & T E U N V E R B R U G G E N O’SERPENTINE i mpro/li terature/m u s ic concert/p erform ance 1 8: 00 20: 30 21 : 30 €5 th 2 6/2 KVS KALIMI DIKEMAN / GOVAERT / SERRIES TRIO concert concert 1 9: 30 20: 30 22: 00 €6/10 pres al e: €4 /6 sa 2 8/2 W- O - L- K- E KRISTOF ROSEEUW & CHARLOTTE VANDEN EYNDE NADJMA i mpro/dance/mus ic performance 1 8: 00 20: 30 21 : 30 €6/10 pres al e: €4 /6 fr 6/3 KVS KEENROH SIMPLE concert concert 1 9: 30 20: 30 22: 00 €6/10 pres al e: €4 /6 sa 7/3 W- O - L- K- E DENNIS TYFUS carte blanche 1 8: 00 20: 30 €5 fr 13/3 W- O - L- K- E FREDERIK LEROUX & NATHAN WOUTERS UNFOLD i mpro/musi c performance 1 8: 00 20: 30 €6/10 pres al e: €4 /6 fr 2 0/3 W- O - L- K- E SOFIE HOFLACK performance 1 8: 00 20: 30 FREE sa 2 1/3 W- O - L- K- E JOZEF DUMOULIN carte blanche 1 8: 00 20: 30 €6/10 pres al e: €4 /6 th 2 6/3 W- O - L- K- E MAURO carte blanche 1 8: 00 20: 30 €6/10 pres al e: €4 /6 fr 2 7/3 R E CYCLART LUR INTERNAL SUN concert concert 20: 30 21 : 30 23: 00 €6/12 pres al e: €4 /8 12/2 > 2 7/3 W- O - L- K- E joris van de moortel peter jacquemyn dear pigs exp o Free entrance du ring W-O -L-K -E l u nches and fo r tick etho l ders du ring co ncert evening s at W-O -L-K -E (*) Het programma kan onderhevig zijn aan wijzigingen. Voor de meest recente informatie, raadpleeg de website: / The program may be subject to change. For the latest updates please visit our website: Om iedereen de kans te geven aan te schuiven aan het buffet, openen we op avonden van voorstellingen in W-O-L-K-E de deuren om 18:00 / We like to give everyone the opportunity to grab a bite before the evening shows at W-O-L-K-E, so we’ll open our doors at 18:00 for the buffet.