Kracht- en coördinatietraining, een integratieve benadering Frans&Bosch& ! Fontys,&WRU,&Japan&Rugby Conclusion; Strength-training is coordination-training under increased resistance ! ! Strength-training has to satisfy the laws of motor-learning. Robustness may be more important in injury prevention than higher force production The majority of literature on strength training is oriented towards mechanics to the extreme, even to the extent that Sir Isaac Newton might well appear to be a more important founder of the theory of strength training than all the neurophysiologists that lived in the centuries after him combined. current biomechanics is mainly based on Newtonian laws 2011 Ralph Mann Why not „biology”? current biomechanics is mainly based on Newtonian laws The assumption that Newtonian laws can explain performances dominates current models in S&C and even rehab protocols in (sports)physiotherapy “why do (bigger) numbers not add up to better protection against injuries?” 6 Is proprioceptive training the alternative for rehab? Basic motor properties Basic motor properties S S E C F p e e d t r e n g t h n d u r a n c e o o r d i n a t i o n l e x i b i l i t y Speed Basic motor properties ! ! Strength ! ! Coordination speed-training strength-training technique-training 9 Basic biomotor properties S S E C F p e e d t r e n g t h n d u r a n c e o o r d i n a t i o n l e x i b i l i t y “Speed is non existing” Willem van Hanegem “Strength is not existing either” Frans Bosch “And the concept of basic motor properties does not make any sense” Frans Bosch 10 “old school” Speed Basic motor properties ! ! Strength ! ! Coordination speed-training strength-training technique-training This needs to meet two criteria: ! - the basic motor property needs to be a independent entity (clear distinction between what belongs to it and what not). - there needs to be a guaranteed automated transfer of the basic motor quality from one motor pattern to an other motor pattern. ! There is massive evidence that the concept of BMP does not meet these criteria! 11 increase in strength strength inter-muscular coordination intramuscular coordination hypertrophy time (weeks) Strength as a function of coordination Rate of Force Development decreasing influence slack increasing forces on bones 28 SEC SEC parts 24 CE force SEC PEC lenghthchange (mm) PEC 20 CE parts 16 take off 12 8 4 0 stretch -400 -300 -200 -100 0 time (msec) a b (vertical squatjump) F (force) and T(timing)perfect ! ! !T = 0,01 sec !off ! ! ! F >> ! or ! F << max. jump hight = 50 cm hight = } jump 17 cm hight = } jump 17 cm Torque without the corrections from muscle properties makes control very difficult VU amsterdam force stretch v Soest Bobbert! VU amsterdam Torque with the corrections from muscle properties Torque without the corrections from muscle properties Peak force RFD Counter movement as a solution But also cause of injury slack in elastic muscle behavior PRETENSIONRELEASE slack ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! energy transport No slack because of extra weight The need for deceleration explosive benchpress with high weight benchthrow with empty bar optimized by going from motion in the sagittal plane to longitudinal axis rotation optimized by going from sagittal to frontal plane motion sagittal plane amortization frontal plane amortization Peak force good enough and robust The need for deceleration Benefits of co-contractions slack in elastic muscle behavior PRETENSIONRELEASE B A B A F A B Preflexes, the role of cocontractions 0 v Recent findings suggest that the CNS simplifies motor control by constraining muscles to be activated in fixed groups, or synergies, where each synergy is defined as a set of muscles recruited by a single neural command signal. Complex muscle activation patterns in a wide range of motor tasks including locomotion, finger spelling, and postural tasks, can be into the summed activation of just a few muscle synergies (d'Avella and Bizzi 2005; d'Avella et al. 2003; Ivanenko et al. 2003, 2004; decomposed Krishnamoorthy et al. 2003; Poppele and Bosco 2003; Poppele et al. 2002; Ting and Macpherson 2005; Tresch et al. 1999; Weiss and Flanders 2004). A muscle synergy control simplifying strategy for the control of complex movements because it reduces the number of output patterns that the nervous system must specify for a large number of muscles yet allows flexibility in the final expression of muscle activation. structure provides an attractive Crucial concept in physiotherapy? Conclusion; ! Co-contractions and synergies serve an important role in protecting the anatomy. ! Classic strength training only has limited positive effect on robustness Toepassing in revalidatie The classic approach Panjabi 2003 & o’Sullivan 2005 Preflex control Proprioception Faseovergang; Een element (de bol) is in een stabiele positie (1). Een verstoring (de paarse pijl) verbreekt deze stabiliteit (2). Het element komt in een instabiele positie (3) en verspringt vervolgens naar een andere stabiele positie (4). ! De overgangen verlopen plotseling, zoals de overgang tussen gaan en lopen lichaamszwaartepunt dynamic patterns approach Phase transitions in control high intensity control low intensity control the model of phase transitions or the 3 step model of stability training Is het aanleren van een perfecte houding relevant voor de werkelijkheid? Is het aanleren van een perfecte houding relevant voor de werkelijkheid? Examples: knee stability in functional patterns VMO training enough? de oplossing voor de Trendelenburgers? 6 pelvic drop + adduction + endorotation! ! ! friction syndrome of the lateral femoral condyle! ! patello femoral pain and patello tendon injuries The majority of literature on strength training is oriented towards mechanics to the extreme, even to the extent that Sir Isaac Newton might well appear to be a more important founder of the theory of strength training than all the neurophysiologists that lived in the centuries after him combined. Conclusion; Strength-training is coordination-training under increased resistance ! ! Strength-training has to satisfy the laws of motor-learning. Robustness may be more important in injury prevention than higher force production