Mechanical Vibrations Multi Degrees of Freedom System Philadelphia University Engineering Faculty Mechanical Engineering Department Professor Adnan Dawood Mohammed Multi DOF system Multi-DOF systems are so similar to two-DOF. Equations of motion: M x C x K x F They are obtained using: 1) 2) 3) [M] is the Mass matrix [K] is the Stiffness matrix [C] is the Damping matrix Vector mechanics (Newton or D’ Alembert) Hamilton's principles Lagrange's equations Un-damped Free Vibration: the eigenvalue problem Equation of motion: M q K q 0 in terms of the generalized D.O.F. qi Write the matrix equation as: Kq 0, Mq (1) where M and K are the Mass and Stiffness matrices respectively. and q are the acceleration and displaceme nt vectors respectively. q premultipl y equation (1) by M -1 M KA -1 -1 . Note that M M I (unit matrix) the system matrix. Equation 1 becomes : Aq 0 Iq (2) Assuming harmonic motion: q q, where 2 , Equation (2) becomes A - I{q} 0 (3) The characters tic equation of the system is the determinan t equated to ZERO, or A - I 0, (4) , the roots i of the characters tic equation are called the eigenvalues and the natural frequencie s of the system are determined from them by the relation i i2 (5) By substituti ng i into the matrix equation (3), we obtain the correspond ing mode shape X i which is called the eigenvector. It is also possible to find the eigenvecto rs from the adjoint matrix of the system. Let B A - I, and start with the definition of the inverse B-1 adjB . Premultipl y by B B to obtain, B B I B adj B, or A - I I A - IadjA - I (6) If now we let i , an eigenvalue , then the determinan t on the left side of the equation is zero, 0 A - i IadjA - i I The above equation is valied for all values i and represents " n" equations for the n - degrees of freedom system. Comparing this equation w ith equation (4) for the i th mode A - i I{q}i 0 , we recognize that the adjoint matrix adjA - i I must consists of columns, each of which is the eigenvecto r q i (multiplie d by an arbitraray constant) Example: Consider the multi-story building shown in figure. The Equations of motion can be written as: 0 Pre-multiply by the inverse of mass matrix 0 1 / 2m 1 / m 0 (3k / 2m) M 1 K A ( k / m) M 1 ( k / 2 m) (k / m) By letting 2 , equation (a) becomes (3k / 2m) ( k / m) (k / 2m) x1 0 (k / m) x2 0 (b) The characteristic equation from the determinant of the above matrix is 2 5 k k 2 0, 2 m m 1 k k 1 2 2 2m m (c), from which (d) The eigenvectors can be found from Eqn.(b) by substituting the above values of . The adjoint matrix from Eqn. (b) is (k / m) i AdjA I (k / m) (3k / 2m) i (k / 2m) Substituting 1 into Eqn. (e) we obtain: 0.5 1.0 0.5 k 1.0 m Here each column is already normalized to unity and the first eigenvector is 0.5 X1 1.0 Similarly when 2 0.5k/m) the adjoint matrix gives; 1.0 1.0 0.5 k 0.5 m Normalizing to Unity; 1.0 1.0 1.0 k 1.0 m The second eigenvector from either column is; 1 .0 X 2 1.0