Coordinate systems in 3-D Although there are 11- separable coordinate systems, the most commonly used ones are Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates. The relationship between Cartesian and Cylindrical coordinates is very similar to the relationship between Cartesian and polar coordinates in 2-D. (i.e.) Polar to Cartesian rˆ cos sin xˆ ˆ sin cos yˆ Cylindrical to Cartesian rˆ cos sin 0 xˆ ˆ sin cos 0 yˆ zˆ 0 0 1 zˆ 6-1 Spherical Coordinates Suppose you have an object whose position is defined in spherical coordinates by the vector: R R, , RRˆ Defined as the vector through the line OP One way to analyze this geometry is by breaking the vector into its polar and vertical components as: Rˆ rˆ cos zˆ sin ˆ ˆ ˆ rˆ sin zˆ cos 6-2 Knowing that… rˆ xˆ cos yˆ sin ˆ xˆ sin yˆ cos Leads to a relationship between Spherical and Cartesian coordinates: Rˆ cos xˆ cos yˆ sin zˆ sin ˆ xˆ sin yˆ cos ˆ xˆ cos yˆ sin sin zˆ cos And transformation matrices Rˆ cos cos sin cos sin xˆ xˆ ˆ yˆ T yˆ sin cos 0 S C ˆ cos sin sin sin cos zˆ zˆ Rˆ xˆ cos cos sin cos sin Rˆ yˆ sin cos cos sin sin ˆ T 1 ˆ S C ˆ zˆ sin ˆ 0 cos 6-3 Transformation matrices between cylindrical and spherical coordinates are given by: Rˆ cos 0 sin rˆ ˆ ˆ T 0 1 0 S Cy ˆ sin 0 cos zˆ rˆ cos 0 sin Rˆ ˆ 0 ˆ T 1 0 S Cy zˆ sin 0 cos ˆ Rˆ 1 ˆ ˆ rˆ ˆ zˆ Transformation matrices between cylindrical and Cartesian coordinates are given by: rˆ cos ˆ sin zˆ 0 sin 0 xˆ cos 0 yˆ TC Cy 0 1 zˆ xˆ cos sin 1 rˆ yˆ sin cos 0 ˆ T C Cy zˆ 1 0 1 zˆ xˆ yˆ zˆ rˆ 1 ˆ zˆ 6-4 Velocity and Acceleration in Spherical Coordinates Given that the position of a particle can be described by the vector in Spherical coordinates as: ˆ R R, , RR The task is to derive expressions for velocity and acceleration (i.e.) and d ˆ v R R RR RRˆ dt d ˆ ˆ ˆ a R R RR RR RR RRˆ dt First, we must ask ourselves, what is ˆ ? R 6-5 For simplicity, let’s first convert the unit vector from Spherical to Cartesian Coordinates: Rˆ cos cos sin cos sin xˆ ˆ yˆ sin cos 0 ˆ cos sin sin sin cos zˆ d d d Rˆ xˆ cos cos yˆ sin cos zˆ sin dt dt dt Rˆ xˆ sin cos cos sin yˆ cos cos sin sin zˆ cos xˆ sin xˆ cos sin Rˆ cos yˆ cos yˆ sin sin cos ˆ ˆ 0 zˆ cos Thus, the velocity vector and its magnitude in spherical coordinates can be written as: ˆ ˆ ˆ v R RR RR RR R cos ˆ Rˆ 2 2 2 v R R R R cos 6-6 For the sake of completeness, let’s also write down the velocity in cylindrical coordinates and Cartesian coordinates. For example, previously we derived the velocity in 2-D polar coordinates to be ˆ r rrˆ r In cylindrical coordinates, this becomes: r rrˆ rˆ zzˆ The magnitude of the velocity vector in cylindrical coordinates is therefore: 2 2 2 v r r r z In Cartesian coordinates, the velocity vector is written as: r xxˆ yyˆ zzˆ The magnitude of the velocity vector in Cartesian coordinates is therefore: 2 2 2 v r x y z 6-7 We can perform a similar analysis for acceleration: d d ˆ av R RR R cos ˆ Rˆ dt dt ˆ ˆ aR R RR R cos ˆ R sin ˆ R cos ˆ R cos ˆ R ˆ Rˆ Rˆ Rˆ cos ˆ ˆ d xˆ cos sin yˆ sin sin zˆ cos dt xˆ sin sin cos cos yˆ cos sin sin cos zˆ sin ˆ xˆ cos cos xˆ sin yˆ sin cos sin yˆ cos Rˆ sin ˆ zˆ sin 0 ˆ d xˆ sin yˆ cos dt xˆ cos xˆ cos yˆ sin yˆ sin Rˆ cos ˆ sin zˆ0 6-8 For good accounting, it is best to write the time derivatives of the unit vectors in matrix form as: Rˆ 0 cos Rˆ ˆ ˆ 0 sin cos ˆ sin ˆ 0 Doing so, will make it easier to derive an expression for acceleration in spherical coordinates, as shown below: ˆ ˆ aR R RR R cos ˆ R sin ˆ R cos ˆ R cos ˆ R ˆ Rˆ Rˆ R 2 cos2 R 2 Rˆ R a ˆ 2 R cos R cos 2 R sin ˆ 2 R R R 2 cos sin Given this form, the magnitude of the acceleration vector can be written as: a R R 2 cos2 R 2 2R cos Rcos 2R sin 2R R R 2 2 2 cos sin 6-9 2 Again for the sake of completeness, let’s also write down the acceleration vectors in cylindrical coordinates and Cartesian coordinates. For example, previously we derived the acceleration in 2-D polar coordinates to be: r r r 2 rˆ 2r r ˆ 2 In cylindrical coordinates, this becomes: r r r rˆ 2r r ˆ zzˆ The magnitude of the velocity vector in cylindrical coordinates is therefore: 2 2 2 a r r r 2r r z2 In Cartesian coordinates, the velocity vector is written as: r xxˆ yyˆ zzˆ The magnitude of the velocity vector in Cartesian coordinates is therefore: 2 2 2 a r x y z 6 - 10 Prob. in Meriam & Kraige s b b 120 mm s 100 mm 1 sin 4t rad 6 rad s What is the velocity and acceleration of Mr. Smiley face at t=0.5 s? 6 - 11