Introduction to Articulate Storyline 介绍 Articulate Storyline Dianna Fisher 目标 Objectives • Learn the basic functions • Add content • Add interactions • Create Assessments • Publish your work • • • • • 学习基本功能 添加内容 添加交互 创建评价 发布课程 Create A New Slide • Open Storyline • Click on “Create A New Project” • Choose “Insert New Slide” and choose the “Blank: slide layout from the Basic Layouts tab. 新建幻灯片 • 打开Storyline • 点击“创建新的项目文件” • 选择“插入新幻灯片”, 并在基本设计版式中选择 空白设计模板 Adding Content • • • • • • • • • • • We will build a basic slide with text, photos and shapes. Go to the Insert tab and add a photo to the slide Use the textbox to add a title Use the textbox to add some text For our Three Section page: Add a shape for each section. Add some text to each shape: Section 1, Section 2, and 3. Select the first shape. Increase the font size and apply a gradient shape style under the Format tab. Go to the Home tab. Use the Format Painter to apply the same format from the first shape to the other two. Go to the Design tab. Apply a design theme to the slide. Add a new theme color. Review the timeline and add titles to the objects on the timeline so that they're easy to identify. 添加内容 • 要创建一个包含文本、图片和图形的 幻灯片 • 在插入选项下在幻灯片中插入一张图 片 • 用文本框添加标题 • 用文本框添加一些文字 • 对页面的三部分: • 在每部分中添加一个图形 • 在每部分添加一些文字:第一部分、 第二部分、第三部分 • 选择第一个图形,插入字体的大小, 并在设计版式中应用渐变的外形风格 • 回到主页,用格式刷使另两个图形的 版式与第一个图形一样 • 在设计选项下,套用一个幻灯片主题, 并添加一个新的主题色 • 检查时间轴,并在时间轴上的对象添 加标题,以方便识别 Learning about Interactions 学习创建交互 • Any object you put on the slide can have multiple states. To change states from one to the other requires an action that triggers it. • Normal - what it looks like before you do anything • Hover - what it looks like when you move your mouse over it • Down - what it looks like when you click on it • 幻灯片上的任何对象都 呈多种状态。从一种状 态变到另一种状态需要 一个触发的动作。 •常态——当你做什么事之 前的状态 •悬停——当你把鼠标放在 上面的状态 •点击——当你用鼠标点击 后的状态 Slide Layers 幻灯片图层 • Slide Layers • Slide Layers sit on top of the slide and then you use triggered actions to show or hide them. For example, you may have a button that when clicked shows a slide layer. • 幻灯片图层 • 图层在幻灯片的顶层, 你可以用触发动作选 择显示或隐藏图层。 例如,可以设置一个 按钮,点击时显示一 个图层。 Triggers • • • Triggers are the actions that drive interactivity in Storyline. When someone clicks a button you want something to happen. That requires a trigger. Triggers are written to be very simple. What do you want to happen; and when do you want to it to happen. Example: I want to change the state of the character when I click the button. So, each object can have multiple states and slides can have layers. And then triggers let you create actions like state changes and showing or hiding layers. 触发器 • 触发器是一些动作,可在 Storyline上实现交互。当有 人点击按钮,你所期望的事 情就会发生,这就需要一个 触发。 • 触发器的表述很简单,你想 要发生什么,或者你想什么 时候发生。例如:当点击按 钮时,我想改变人物的状态。 • 因此,每个对象都有多种状 态,每个幻灯片都有多个图 层。那么,触发器就能让你 创建一系列动作,就像改变 状态,显示或隐藏图层。 Let’s Practice with States, Layers and Triggers • We’ll assume this is a customer call center interaction where a customer calls to report an issue. The employee has to make a decision. One choice will be positive and the other will be negative. • The practice slide already has some content in it. There's a customer and a situation that requires a decision. We’ll add an employee and create a simple interaction where we provide feedback by changing the character’s expression and showing new slide layers. 练习状态、图层 和触发器 • 我们假设这是一个客服中 心的交互,一个客户正在 电话咨询问题,客服人员 不得不给出反馈。两个选 项,一个是积极的,一个 是消极的。 • 用于练习的幻灯片上已经 有些内容,需要对一个客 户和一个情况作出反馈。 我们将添加一个客服,再 创建一个简单的交互,通 过改变人物的情绪和显示 新的图层来给出反馈。 Practice • Open the starting scenario file from the practice folder. • Go to the Insert tab. Insert a new character to be your call center employee. Select an expression and the headset pose. • Crop the desk out of the image. • Now we’ll add a feedback button that will change the state of the two characters when clicked. 练习 • 在练习文件夹中打开启动 脚本文件。 • 用插入按钮插入一个新的 人物作为客服中心的雇员, 选择一个戴耳机的表情。 • 裁剪出图像。 • 现在,添加一个反馈按钮, 当点击按钮时可以改变这 两个人物的状态。 Practice • • • • Insert a button. This we’ll title Choice 1. In this scenario, choice 1 is not the best choice and the customer will become angry. So let’s add a trigger to the button that changes the state of the customer to angry. Remember, triggers are always: What should happen and when should it happen? In this case we want to change the state of the customer to angry when the button is clicked. On the Triggers panel, select the button’s trigger. Then set the action to change the state on the customer to angry (a built-in expression) when the button is clicked. Preview the slide. You built your first simple interaction! Now let’s add a trigger to change the call center employee’s expression, too. 练习 • 插入一个按钮,命名为 “选项1”。 在这种情况下,“选项1”或许不 是最好的选择,客户会因此而生 气。那么,我们再在按钮上添加 一个触发器来改变顾客生气的状 态。请记住,触发器总是应用于: 改变事情的状态和事情发生的时 间。在这里,当点击按钮时,我 们是想要改变顾客生气的状态。 • 在触发器选项中,选择按钮触发 器。然后设置动作,当点击按钮 时,可改变顾客生气(内置情绪) 的状态。 • 预览幻灯片 • 这样你就建立了第一个简单的交 互。现在,让我们添加一个触发 器,用同样的方法来改变客服人 员的表情。 Practice 练习 • Select the Choice 1 button and then add a new trigger from the triggers panel. • Change the state of the call center employee to surprised. And then preview. • There you have it. In just a few simple steps you built a quick interaction. We’re going to build on that in the next tutorial. Make sure to save the changes on the slide so we can use them for the next tutorial. • 选择“选项1”按钮,然后 在触发器选项中添加一个 新的触发器。 • 将客服人员的状态更改为 惊讶,然后预览幻灯片。 • 现在完成了。只用了几个 简单的步骤,你就建立一 个快速交互,我们将以此 为基础做更多的练习,请 确认对幻灯片进行保存, 以便于我们在以后的授课 中继续使用。 Slide Layers • • • In the Layers panel, add a slide layer and title it “Choice 1.” Notice how the base slide is viewable on the slide layer? This makes it easy to align your content. We’re going to add a customer response in the same place where we have the original customer statement. Let’s hide the customer comment so it’s not visible when we show this layer. On the timeline you’ll see the Base Layer Objects. Click on the arrow to expand the timeline. Then click to the eye icon to hide the text box on the base layer. Add a text box to the slide layer for the customer response. Add some text to show the customer is not happy. 幻灯片图层 • 在图层选项中,添加一个幻灯 片图层,命名为“选项1”。请 注意怎样在幻灯片图层上显示 基础幻灯片?这会使调整内容 变得容易。我们准备在原有客 户状态的同一个位置处添加一 个客户反应。让我们来隐藏客 户意见,这样当显示这个图层 时,就看不见它了。 • 在时间轴上,你会看到基础图 层对象,点击箭头可延长时间 轴,点击眼睛图标可隐藏基础 图层上的文本框。 • 在幻灯片图层上为客户的反应 添加一个文本框,再添加一些 文字来表现客户的不满。 Layer 图层 • Click on the base layer. • 点击基础图层,在“选 Now let’s add a trigger to 项1” 按钮上添加一个触 the Choice 1 button that 发器,它将用于显示 will show the Choice 1 layer. “选项1”图层。 • Select the Choice 1 button. • 选择“选项1”按钮,添 Add a trigger to "show the 加一个“当点击时显示 layer Choice 1 when 选项1图层”的触发器。 clicked". • 预览幻灯片。你将会看 • Preview the slide. You 到“选项1”图层中人物 should see the character 状态的变化和文字。 state changes and the text from the Choice 1 layer. Create a new layer 新建图层 • 现在我们要为第二种选 • Now we’ll duplicate the 择复制图层和按钮。 layer and button for our • 首先选择“选项1”图层, second choice. 然后点击“复制图层” • Select the Choice 1 layer 按钮来复制它。 and then duplicate it by • 将新图层命名为“选项 clicking the duplicate 2”,然后修改文本,使 layer button. 其变成积极的反馈。 • Title the new layer “Choice 2” and then change the text in it to make it positive feedback. Create a New Button • Copy the Choice 1 button. Hold SHIFT+CTRL and drag the button to the right. • Copying the button also copies the triggers. This means you don’t have to do much to change the interaction. • On the Choice 2 button triggers, change the link from Angry to Happy for the Customer. • Change the link from Worried to Happy for the Employee. • And change the layer link from Choice 1 to Choice 2. • Preview the slide. 新建按钮 • 复制“选项1”按钮。可按住 “Shift+Ctrl”键,将按钮拖 拽到右侧。 • 复制按钮的同时复制了触发 器,这样,你不用做很多就 可对交互进行修改。 • 在“选项2”按钮的触发器上, 将客户生气的链接改成满意。 • 将客服人员担忧的链接改成 高兴。 • 将图层链接从“选项1”改为 “选项2”。 • 预览幻灯片 Success! 成功! • In just a few clicks you created an interactive decision-making scenario using Storyline’s States, Layers, and Triggers. Of course, there’s a lot more that you can do but at this point it's just a matter of practicing the basics and then building from there. • 只需点击几下,你就用 Storyline 的 状 态 、 图 层 和触发器功能创建了一 个做出决定的交互情景。 当然,你可以做的还有 很多,但在里只是一个 基础演练,还可以在此 基础上不断创新。 Create a Drag and Drop • Open the drag-drop.story file. At this point the slide just contains some objects. There are two sets of colored squares (yellow and blue) and two images, a garbage can and a file cabinet. You’ll also notice that there are no Slide Layers. We're going to convert this slide to a freeform question. • From the Insert tab, select Convert to Freeform. And then choose Drag and Drop. 创建拖放功能 • 打开“drag-drop.story”文 件,此时幻灯片上只有一 些对象,有两组带颜色的 正方形(黄色和蓝色)、 两个图标,一个回收站和 一个文件夹,你会发现, 没有幻灯片图层。我们将 把这个幻灯片转换成自由 格式的测试题。 • 在插入选项,选择“转换 成自由格式”。然后选择 “拖放功能”。 Drag and Drop • • • • • This opens a form where you can choose your Drag Items and Drop Targets. The form also contains all of the default programming required to grade the interaction and provide feedback. As you can see there are a few options. For now, we’ll just go with the defaults. Under the Drag Items column, select all of the yellow and blue squares. That makes them all draggable. Under the Drop Target column, select the garbage can for the yellow squares and the file cabinet for the blue squares. We’ll keep all of the default settings. Click on Save & Close. Preview the drag & drop interaction. 拖放功能 • 打开一个表格,选择你要拖动 的项目和放置的目标,该表格 还包含所有必需的分级交互和 提供反馈的默认项目。正如你 可以看到有几个选项。现在我 们要设定一个预设值。 • 在“拖动项目”栏下,选择所 有的黄色和蓝色方块,并把它 们标记为可拖动的。 • 在“拖动目标”栏下,选择黄 色方块为回收站,蓝色方块为 文件夹。我们将保留所有默认 设置。 • 点击“保存并关闭” • 预览拖放交互 Create Assessments Multiple Choice • To create a quiz question, click on the New Slide icon. • Select the Quizzing tab. • Select Multiple Choice from the Graded tab. • This opens a question form where you can add your content. 创建多项选择评价 • 创建一个小测验,点击 新建幻灯片图标 • 选择“小测验”选项 • 从“评分”选项中选择 “多项选择” • 这样就打开了一个问题 表格,你可以在里面添 加内容 Multiple Choice • Add a question: Who was the first US president? • Add some choices: Washington, Adam, and Jefferson • Select the correct answer: Washington • Stick with the generic feedback and close the form. • Preview the slide. • Now it’s your turn. Create a couple of questions and then practice editing them. 多项选择 • 添加一个问题:第一任美 国总统是谁? • 添加一些选项:华盛顿、 亚当和杰斐逊 • 选择正确答案:华盛顿 • 坚持使用通用的反馈形式, 然后关闭表格。 • 预览幻灯片 • 现在轮到你了,创建几个 问题,然后练习对它们进 行编辑。 Create a Freeform Question 创建自由格式 测试题 • To convert a slide to a • 将幻灯片转换成自由格 freeform question you’ll 式的测试题,需要一个 need a slide with some 有内容的幻灯片。在这 content on it. In this case, 种情况下,我们从一个 we’ll start with a blank 空白幻灯片开始,先在 slide and add some 上面添加一些图形,然 shapes to it. And then 后,将其转换成一个自 we'll convert the slide to 由格式的测试题。 a freeform question. Freeform • Add two of each shape to your slide: triangle, circle, and square. • Add a text box with directions to select the triangle shapes. • Now we need to convert the slide to a freeform question. • Go to the Insert tab and select the Convert to Freeform icon. • Select Pick Many so that we can select more than one choice. • This opens a form. We’ll need to add all of the objects that are potential choices. In this case, they are the shapes. 自由格式 • 在幻灯片上添加图形,三角 形、圆形和正方形,每个图 形添加两个: • 添加一个带方向的文本框, 用于选择三角形。 • 现在我们需要将幻灯片转换 成一个自由格式的测试题。 • 在插入选项,选择“转换成 自由格式”图标。 • 选择“挑选更多”,这样我 们可以看到更多选项。 • 打开一个表格。把全部有可 能的选项添加进去,在这种 情况下,这些选项都是以图 形的形式出现的。 Freeform • Once the shapes are added, select the correct answers which are all triangles. • We’ll keep the default feedback. • Select Save & Close in the top left corner. • That’s it. You converted a slide and its objects to a freeform question. You’ll notice that there are now incorrect and correct slide layers for feedback. Look at the states for the shapes. Notice how Storyline added additional states? • Go ahead and preview the question. Notice how you can select the objects on the screen? Let’s do a quick edit of the slide. 自由格式 • 一旦图形被添加进去,选择三 角形的都是正确答案。 • 保留默认反馈 • 在左上角选择“保存并关闭” • 这样,你就将一个幻灯片和它 上面的内容转换为一个自由格 式的测试题。你会发现对于反 馈,现在有了不正确的和正确 的幻灯片图层,看看图形的状 态即可。注意,Storyline是如 何添加额外状态的。 • 来吧,预览一下测试题。注意, 怎样在屏幕上选择对象?让我 们来对幻灯片进行快速编辑。 Freeform 自由格式 • Add a new triangle to the screen. • Select the Edit Pick Many button on the top left. • Add the new triangle choice and mark it correct. • Right now the objects are all in their original positions. Let’s make them shuffle. On the top ribbon, under Shuffle, select Answer. • Now Preview the question. Replay the preview a few times. Notice how the shapes are shuffled and not in their original position? That's because we're shuffling the answers. • 在屏幕上添加一个新的三角 形 • 在左上角点击“编辑更多选 项”按钮 • 添加新的三角形并标记其为 正确选项 • 现在所有的对象都在它们原 来的位置。我们来打乱它们 的位置,在顶部功能区的 “洗牌”选项中选择“答 案”。 • 现在预览测试题。反复预览 几次,注意图形是怎样被打 乱而不再在它们原来的位置? 这是因为我们把答案打乱的 缘故。 Publish Your Work • Publishing your course in Storyline is very simple. Click the publish button, choose your options, and then publish. • By default Storyline publishes to Flash. But you can choose to publish for mobile using the HTML5 and iPad options. Select what you want and it's a one-time publish. 发布课程 • 在Storyline里发布课程非 常简单,点击发布按钮, 选择你要发布的内容,然 后发布。 • 默认情况下,Storyline以 Flash的形式发布课程。 但你也可以通“HTML5” 和“iPad”选项,发布到 移动终端。选择你想要的 发布方式,它是一次性发 布。 Publishing 发布 • When you launch a course from the URL it will look for the Flash player. If the device doesn't play Flash then it will load the HTML5 version of the course. • 当你从URL中运行一 门课程时,它会寻找 Flash播放器。如果你 的设备无法用Flash播 放,那么将加载为 HTML5版本的课程。 Importing PowerPoint 导入PPT • You can import • 你可以将PPT导入到 PowerPoint Storyline中,以充分 presentations into 利用现有的内容,并 Storyline to leverage 运用Storyline所具备 your existing content 的强大功能。 and take advantage of the rich feature set that Storyline offers. Importing PowerPoint • Click the Import PowerPoint option on the welcome screen. • Browse to and select the PowerPoint file that contains the slides you want to import, and click the Open button. • Note: Importing PowerPoint content into Storyline is not an exact one-to-one conversion. As a result, text may look a bit different. And although most features in PowerPoint and Articulate Presenter are supported in Storyline, some are not. 导入PPT • 在欢迎界面点击“导入 PPT”选项。 • 浏览并选择想要导入的 PPT文件,该文件包括想 要导入的幻灯片,然后点 击“打开”按钮。 • 注意:将PPT的内容导入 Storyline并不是准确的一 对一转换。因此,文本可 能会有点不同。虽然 Storyline可以支持PPT和 Articulate Presenter的大部 分功能,但有些还是不支 持的。 Importing PowerPoint • Storyline will display thumbnail images for all the slides in the presentation. Select the slides you want to import. • By default, all slides will be selected and imported unless you specify otherwise. You can tell which slides are "selected" by their yellow outline. • To select or deselect a specific slide, simply click it, and the yellow outline will either appear or disappear to indicate its status. 导入PPT • 在演示文稿中Storyline 会显示所有幻灯片的缩 略图。选择你要导入的 幻灯片。 • 默认情况下是选择和导 入所有幻灯片,除非另 行指定。你可以通过显 示黄色框来“选择” 幻 灯片。 • 要选择或取消选择指定 的幻灯片,只需点击它, 然后黄色框显示或消失 来,表明它被选择或取 消选择的状态。 PowerPoint • You’ll notice that after you import the slides the objects on the screen are editable. Text boxes in PowerPoint slides become text boxes in Storyline. The same happens to shapes and pictures. That means they're all editable just like they would be if you inserted them on slide without importing from PowerPoint. • The slides with video and web object also work as they should. NOTE: web objects won't display until published. PPT • 你会注意到,当导入幻灯 片之后,屏幕上的对象是 可编辑的。PPT幻灯片中 的文本框变成了Storyline 中的文本框。图形和图片 也同样被改变了。这就意 味着,它们都是可编辑的, 像是把它们插入到幻灯片 上而不是通过PPT导入的。 • 幻灯片中的视频和网络对 象也同样可以运行。注意: 网络对象在发布之前是不 显示的。 Editing your Import 编辑导入的内容 • Change the text size and color. • Change the shape and color. • Move things around. • 改变文字大小和颜色 • 改变形状和颜色 • 移动周围的目标对象 Caution • There are some things to consider when importing PowerPoint: • Review the navigation for imported slides to make sure they behave the way you want. • PowerPoint is linear so it will import a "Jump to next side" trigger. You'll need to remove that or edit it. 警示 • 导入PPT时有一些情 况要考虑: • 检查一下导入幻灯片 的导航,确保是你想 要导入的轨迹。 • PPT是顺序播放的, 因此会导入一个“跳 转到下一张幻灯片” 的触发器,你需要移 除或编辑它。 Caution • PowerPoint's hyperlinks come in with the objects. But you may want to convert the hyperlink shape to a button. Here's how: • Go to the Insert tab and insert a button. Apply a format to it. • Go to the Home tab and double-click the format painter. • Apply the button format to the PowerPoint shapes with hyperlinks. That's a simple way to convert the PowerPoint shapes that have hyperlinks to buttons. 警示 • PPT中的超链接可以随对 象一起导入,但你可能想 转换超链接的图形,使其 变成一个按钮。下面介绍 如何操作: • 到“插入”选项,插入一 个按钮,并给它设定一个 格式。 • 到“首页”选项,双击格 式刷。 • 应用按钮格式转换PPT超 链接图形。这是将PPT的 超链接图形转换成按钮的 简单方法。 Adding Media 添加多媒体 • In Storyline, you can • 在Storyline中,你可 add a variety of media 以在幻灯片上添加各 to your slides to engage 种各样的媒体内容, your audience, 包括视频、Flash交互 including video, Flash 模块、音频和网络链 interactions, audio, and 接等内容,以吸引学 web content. 习者。 Adding Video 添加视频 • In Storyline, you can add videos from files, your own webcam and also from websites. We will take a look at two methods. • 在Storyline中,你可 以从文件夹、个人网 络摄像头以及网站添 加视频。下面我们介 绍以下两种方法。 Adding Video From A File • Go to the Insert tab. • Click the Video dropdown arrow, and select Video from File. • Navigate to the video you want to insert, and click the Open button. 从文件中添加视频 • 进入“插入”选项 • 点击“视频”下拉箭 头,选择“来自文件 夹视频” • 然后找到你想要插入 的视频文件,点击 “打开”按钮 Adding Video From A File 从文件中添加视频 • Note: If your video • 注意:如果你的视频 placeholder in Storyline 占位符在Storyline中 is hard to see (it could 不容易识别(它可能 appear as a white, black, 显示白色、黑色或透 or transparent rectangle), 明的方框),你可以 you can right-click the 用右键点击占位符, placeholder, and select 选择“设置海报框”。 Set Poster Frame. Then 然后浏览和选择一个 browse to and select an 图像文件,作为你的 image file to use as your 占位符。 placeholder. Adding Video from Webcam 从网络摄像头 添加视频 • With Storyline, you can • 在Storyline中,你也 also record video directly 可以直接用你的网络 from your webcam. 摄像头录制视频。 – Go to the Insert tab. – 进入插入选项 – Click the Video drop– 点击“视频”下拉 down arrow, and 箭头,选择“网络摄 select Record Webcam. 像录制” – Click the red Record – 点击红色“录制” button to begin 按钮,开始录制视频 recording. Adding Video from Webcam 从网络摄像头 添加视频 – When you have finished recording your video, click the Stop button. – If you'd like to preview your recording before inserting it into your story, click the Play button. – If you'd like to redo your recording, click the red X to delete the current recording. Then you can record again. – When you're ready to insert the recording into your story, click OK. – 当完成视频录制,点击 “停止”按钮。 – 如果你想在插入到 Storyline之前预览已录制 的视频,可点击“播放” 按钮。 – 如果你想重新录制,点击 红色×健,删除已录好的 内容,然后就可以重新录 制了。 – 当你准备将录好的视频插 入到Storyline时,单击 “OK”。 Adding Video from Webcam • Note: Before you begin recording, you can click More device settings if you have more than one webcam / microphone or if you want to change the video size. 从网络摄像头 添加视频 • 注意:在开始录制之 前,如果你有多个网 络摄像头/麦克风,或 者你想要转换视频格 式,可以单击“更多 设备设置”。 Video Choices • You can specify the following: – Use the Video Device drop-down list to select the webcam you want to use. – Click the Advanced hyperlink to fine-tune your webcam properties. – Use the Video Size dropdown list to select the dimensions for your video. – Use the Audio Device drop-down list to select the microphone you want to use. 视频选择 • 你可以遵从以下说明: – 用“视频设备”下拉 菜单选择你想用的网络 摄像头 – 单击“高级设置”来 调节网络摄像头的参数 – 用“视频尺寸”下拉 菜单选择视频的格式大 小 – 用“自动设置”下拉 菜单选择你想用的麦克 风 Adding Sound • Storyline allows you to add audio to your stories: – Importing audio files – Recording narration • We will review each method 添加声音 • Storyline允许在你的 课程中添加音频 – 导入音频文件 – 旁白录音 • 下面将介绍这两种方 法 Importing Audio • Navigate to the slide where you want to import audio, and follow these steps: – Go to the Insert tab. – Click the Sound dropdown arrow, and select Sound from File. – Navigate to the audio file you want to insert, and click the Open button. (Note: You can hold down the CTRL key to select multiple audio files. All the audio files that you select will be inserted into the same slide.) 导入音频 • 找到你想要导入音频的幻灯 片,然后按以下步骤操作: – 进入“插入”选项 – 点击“音频”下拉箭头, 选择“从文件选择音频” – 找到你想要插入的音频 文件,点击“打开”按钮 (注意:可以按住ctrl键来 选择多个音频文件。你选择 的所有音频文件都将被插入 到同一个幻灯片内。) Recording Narration • Navigate to the slide where you want to record narration, and follow these steps: – Go to the Insert tab. – Click the Sound dropdown arrow, and select Record Mic. – The Record Microphone window will open. If you have a script that you want to use to help you as you record, click the Narration Script button, which reveals the text from the Notes panel for this slide. 旁白录音 • 找到你想要添加录音的幻 灯片,然后按以下步骤操 作: – 进入“插入”选项 – 点击“音频”下拉箭 头,选择“麦克风录制” – “麦克风录制”界面被 打开,如果你有能辅助录 音的文本,单击“脚本旁 白”按钮,这样幻灯片备 注的地方就可以显示文本 内容 Recording Narration • When you are ready to begin recording, click the Record button. • When you have finished recording, click the Stop Recording button. • You can review your recording by using the Play / Pause button and the Rewind button. • click the Record button to start over. If you want to delete your narration, click the Delete button. • Click the Save button to save your audio. 旁白录音 • 当你准备好开始录音时, 点击“录音”按钮。 • 当你完成录音时,点击 “停止录音”按钮。 • 你可以用“播放/暂停”按 钮预览已经录制的音频。 • 点击“录音”按钮可以重 新开始录音。如果你想删 除录好的内容,单击“删 除”按钮。 • 单击“保存”按钮保存你 的音频文件。