
Brain Mechanisms of
Unconscious Inference
J. McClelland
Symsys 100
April 7, 2011
Last time…
• We considered many
examples of unconscious
– Size illusions
– Illusory contours
– Perception of objects from
vague cues
– Unconsious associative
– Lexical effects on speech
– Effect of visual speech on
speech perception.
• We ask about the mechanisms through
which this occurs
Three Problems for Unconscious Inference Theory
GARY HATFIELD, Philosopher, Univ. of Penna.
The cognitive machinery problem: Are the unconscious inferences posited
to explain size perception and other phenomena carried out by the same
cognitive mechanisms that account for conscious and deliberate inferences,
or does the visual system have its own inferential machinery? In either
case, what is the structure of the posited mechanisms?
The sophisticated content problem: how shall we describe the content of
the premises and conclusions? For instance, in size perception it might be
that the premises include values for visual angle and perceived distance
[…]. But shall we literally attribute concepts of visual angle […] to the visual
The phenomenal experience problem: Third, to be fully explanatory,
unconscious inference theories of perception must explain how the
conclusion of an inference about size and distance leads to the experience
of an object as having a certain size and being at a certain distance. In
other words, the theories need to explain how the conclusion to an
inference […] can be or can cause perceptual experience.
Proposed answers to these
• The cognitive machinery problem. The machinery of unconscious
inference is the propagation of activation among neurons. Neurons
embedded in the perceptual system can carry out such inferences
without engaging the mechanisms used in conscious and
deliberative inference.
• The sophisticated content problem. Activation of particular neurons
or groups of neurons codes for particular content. Connections
among neurons code the conditional relationships between items of
• The phenomenal experience problem. Activity of certain
populations of neurons is a necessary condition for conscious
experience. Anything that affects the activation of the neurons will
affect conscious experience. Is this activity the actual substrate of
experience itself?
Outline of Lecture
• Neurons: Structure and Physiology
• Neurons and The Content of Experience
• How Neurons Make Inferences
– And how these capture features of Bayes
• Integration of Information in Neurons and
in Perception
Neuronal Structure and Function
• Neurons combine
excitatory and
inhibitory signals
obtained from other
• They signal to other
neurons primarily via
‘spikes’ or action
Neurons and the Content
of Experience
The doctrine of specific nerve
Activity of specific neurons
corresponds to specific sensory
The brain contains many ‘maps’ in
which neurons correspond to specific
Touch at a certain point on the skin
Light at a certain point in the visual field
On the skin
In the visual world
In non-spatial dimensions such as
auditory frequency
If one stimulates these neurons in a
conscious individual, an appropriate
sensation is aroused.
If these neurons are destroyed, a
corresponding void in experience
Visual ‘scotomas’ arise from lesions to
the maps in primary visual cortex.
Feature Detectors in Visual Cortex
• Line and edge detectors in
primary visual cortex (classic
figure at left).
• Representation of motion in
area MT.
– Neurons in MT fire when the
visual input in a region of space
is moving in a certain direction.
– Destroy MT on one side of the
brain, and perception of motion
in the opposite side of space is
greatly impaired.
– Stimulate neurons in MT, and a
monkey will report motion in the
neurons’ preferred direction.
Neural Representations of Objects and
their Identify
• The ‘Grandmother Cell’ controversy
– Is there a dedicated neuron, or set of dedicated neurons, for each
cognized object, such as my Grandmother?
– Most researchers argue that objects are represented by patterns of
activation over a set of neurons.
– Some cells have surprisingly specific responses, and some authors
treat them as dedicated to specific concepts.
– We will adopt the grandmother neuron hypothesis today, for simplicity,
and proceed as though single neurons stand for hypotheses at all levels
of generality.
– Next time we will think in terms of the pattern-based approach.
Stimuli used by Baylis, Rolls, and Leonard
Responses of Four Neurons to Face and
Non-Face Stimuli in Previous Slide
Responses to various stimuli by a neuron
responding to a Tabby Cat
(Tanaka et al, 1991)
The Infamous ‘Jennifer Aniston’ Neuron
A ‘Halle Barry’ Neuron
Outline of Lecture
 Neurons: Structure and Physiology
 Neurons and The Content of Experience
 How Neurons Make Inferences
 And how these capture features of Bayes Rule
• Integration of Information in Neurons and in
The Key Idea
Think of a neuron as corresponding to a
Furthermore, suppose:
The excitatory inputs to a neuron
correspond to evidence that supports
the hypothesis.
The inhibitory inputs correspond to
evidence that goes against the
There is a background input or ‘bias’
that reflects the prior probability of the
hypothesis for which the neuron
All elements of the evidence are
conditionally independent given H.
Input from
neuron j
THEN the resulting activation of the neuron
can represent the posterior probability
of the hypothesis given the evidence.
Neuron i
Unpacking this idea
It is common to consider a neuron to
have an activation value corresponding
to its instantaneous firing rate or
p(spike) per unit time.
The baseline firing rate of the neuron is
thought to depend on a constant
background input called its ‘bias’.
When other neurons are active, their
influences are combined with the bias to
yield a quantity called the ‘net input’.
The influence of a neuron j on another
neuron i depends on the activation of j
and the weight or strength of the
connection to i from j.
Note that connection weights can be
positive (excitatory) or negative
These influences are summed to
determine the net input to neuron i:
neti = biasi + Sjajwij
where aj is the activation of neuron j,
and wij is the strength of the connection
to unit i from unit j. Note that j ranges
over all of the units that have
connections to neuron i.
Input from
neuron j
Neuron i
How an Idealized Neuron’s
Activation can Reflect P(H|E)
Let us suppose that the activation of
neuron i given its net input neti is
assumed to be given by:
ai = exp(neti)
1 + exp(neti)
This function is called the ‘logistic
function’ (graphed at right)
Under this activation function:
ai = P(Hi|E) if
aj = 1 when Ej is present,
0 when Ej is absent;
wij = log(P(Ej|H)/P(Ej|~H))=Lj
biasi = log(P(H)/P(~H))=W
In short, idealized neurons using the
logistic activation function can compute
the probability of the hypothesis they
stand for, given the evidence
represented in their inputs, if their
weights and biases have the
appropriate values, and
the elements of the evidence are
conditionally independent given H.
Math Supporting Above Statements
Bayes Rule with two conditionally independent sources of information:
P( H | E1 & E2 ) 
Divide through by:
And let:
We obtain:
L1 
P( E1 | H ) P( E2 | H ) P( H )
P( E1 | H ) P( E2 | H ) P( H ) P( E1 |~ H ) P( E2 |~ H ) P(~ H )
P( E1 |~ H ) P( E2 |~ H ) P(~ H )
P( E1 | H )
P( E2 | H )
P( H )
, L2 
,W 
P( E1 |~ H )
P( E2 |~ H )
P(~ H )
P( H | E1 & E2 ) 
This is equivalent to:
elog( x )  x
e xe y  e x y
L1L 2W
L1L 2W  1
elog(L1 )log(L 2 )log(W) 
P( H | E1 & E2 ) log(L1 )log(L 2 )log(W) 
And more generally, when {E}
consists of multiple conditionally
independent elements Ej:
P ( H | {E}) 
 log( W ) 
 log( W ) 
 log(L j ) 
log( L j ) 
Visual input is one
source of input to a
‘da’ detector neuron.
Auditory input is
another source of
Simulation of the
pattern of data is
shown next to actual
Probability /DA/ Identification
Modeling the McGurk Effect
Choosing between N alternatives
Often we are interested in cases where
there are several alternative
hypotheses (e.g., different directions
of motion of a field of dots). Here we
have a situation in which the
alternatives to a given H, say H1, are
the other hypotheses, H2, H3, etc.
In this case, the probability of a
particular hypothesis given the
evidence becomes:
P(Hi|E) =
The normalization implied here can be
performed by an idealized neural
circuit that computes net inputs as
before but now setting each unit’s
activation according to:
ai = exp(neti)
This normalization effect is
approximated by lateral inhibition
mediated by inhibitory interneurons
(shaded unit in illustration).
Outline of Lecture
 Neurons: Structure and Physiology
 Neurons and The Content of Experience
 How Neurons Make Inferences
 And how these capture features of Bayes Rule
 Integration of Information in Neurons and in
‘Cue’ Integration
in Monkeys
• Saltzman and Newsome (1994)
combined two cues to the
perception of motion:
– Partially coherent motion in a
specific direction
– Direct electrical stimulation
• They measured the probability of
choosing each direction with and
without stimulation at different
levels of coherence.
• Effect of electrical stimulation is
absent if visual motion is very
strong, but is considerable if the
motion stimulation is weak or
Model used by S&N:
• S&N applied the model we have
been discussing:
Pi = exp(neti)/Si’exp(neti’)
Where Pi represents probability of
responding in direction i
neti = biasi + wiee +wijvj
wie = effect of microstimulation on
neurons representing percept of
motion in direction i
e = 1 if stimulation was applied, 0
Wij = effect of visual stimulation in
direction j
vj = strength of motion in direction j
Visual Input
Evidence for the Model
When the electrical stimulation
favors motion in a different
direction from the stimulus, the
perceived direction of motion is
not a weighted average of the
two directions.
Instead it correctly reflects how
different sources of evidence
should combine according to
the model (right).
Open circles above show effect of
presenting visual stimulation at 90o
(using an intermediate coherence
level) together with electrical
stimulation favoring the 225o
Dip between peaks rules out simple
averaging of the directions cued by
visual and electrical stimulation but
is consistent with model predictions
(filled circles).
Summary: The Mechanism of
Unconscious Perceptual Inference
• Neurons (or populations of neurons) can
represent perceptual hypotheses at different
levels of abstraction and specificity
• Connections among neurons can code
conditional relations among hypotheses.
– Excitation and Inhibition code p(E|H)/p(E|~H)
– Lateral inhibition codes mutual exclusivity
• Propagation of activation produces results
corresponding approximately to Bayesian
• The resulting activity incorporates inferential
processes that may alter our phenomenal