Elasticity Test - Science Olympiad

Bungee Drop Elasticity Test Photos
for 2015 Science Olympiad
Provided by Jim Grant, Illinois Science
Olympiad Event Supervisor
Bungee Drop Elasticity Test 1
500 gram mass for
elasticity test.
Bungee Drop Elasticity Test 2
500 gram
mass for
test with
height of
Bungee Drop Elasticity Test 3
1 meter indicated
and adjusted for
height of 500 gram
mass. 1 meter also
marked on cord
and measured
while cord was taut
but not stretched
Bungee Drop Elasticity Test 4
1 meter mark on
cord is stretched to
1.25 meters and
500 gram mass has
NOT been lifted off
the floor. This cord
has passed the
elasticity test.
Bungee Drop Elasticity Test 5
Once the cord
passes the
elasticity test,
the 1 meter
mark is then
stretched to the
point where the
cord will lift the
500 Gram mass
off the floor.
500 Gram mass
pictured slightly
lifted off of
Bungee Drop Elasticity Test 6
The value
in meters is
when the
500 gram
mass is
lifted off
the floor.