virtual work -

Engineering Mechanics:
Chapter 7: Virtual Work
Previous chapters-- FBD & zero-force and zero-moment equations
-- Suitable when equilibrium position is known
For bodies composed of interconnected members, various
equilibrium position is possible.
Using equilibrium equations is valid and
adequate but the method based on
concept of work done by a force is more
A rigid body is sometimes constrained not to travel in the direction
of the force.
The block is moved a distance Ds due to the externally applied
force F, which inclines at an angle a to the horizontal
The work done from (a) and (b) are the same,
U  F cos a Ds
U  Fd
Work done along continuous path, dU  F  dr
U   F  dr  (Fxdx Fy dy  Fz dz)
U   F cosa ds
Work of a couple, dU  Md
and U   Md
Dimensions: joules, J (=N.m) and lb.ft
Equilibrium - particle
For a particle in static equilibrium position, any
assumed and arbitrary small displacement  r away
from this position and consistent with the system
constraints is called a virtual displacement.
Work done by any force F acting on the particle
during the virtual displacement  r is called
“virtual work”.
U  F  r
 U  M 
When there are several forces,
 U   F   r  ( Fx i   Fy j  Fz k) (rx i  ry j  rz k)
  Fx rx   Fy ry   Fz rz
For equilibrium, SF = 0. Therefore,
U  0
Equilibrium – rigid body
A rigid body consists of infinite numbers of particles.
Virtual work done on each particle in equilibrium is zero.
Only virtual work done by external forces appears in
evaluation of  U  0
Since internal forces occur in pairs (which are equal,
opposite and collinear), the net work done by these
forces is also zero.
Example: write the equation of virtual work for this problem.
Equilibrium – systems of rigid bodies
Three types of forces used in the analysis of virtual work
Active forces = external forces capable of doing virtual work
Reactive forces = reactions on supports (no displacement – no work
Internal forces = compression or tension forces that the members carry
(Always appear in pairs – net work done is zero)
- In virtual work method, active force diagram is used instead of
free body diagram!
Principle of Virtual Work
Principle of virtual work states that:
The virtual work done by external active forces on an ideal
mechanical system in equilibrium is zero for any and all virtual
displacements consistent with the constraints
U  0
Number of Degrees of Freedom = number of independent coordinates
needed to specify completely the configuration of the system.
Procedure for Analysis
1. Draw the active-force diagram and define the coordinate q (the dof)
2. Sketch the deflected position of the system when the system
undergoes a positive virtual displacement q
3. Indicate position coordinate, s measured from a fixed point directed
to the forces that do work and parallel to the force.
4. Relate each position coordinate s to the coordinate q and
differentiate these expressions to find s in terms of q
5. Write virtual-work equation assuming that (possible or not) all s are
positive. If a force is in the same direction as +s, the work is positive.
Otherwise, it is negative.
6. Express the work equation in terms of q
7. Factor out the common terms and solve the equation.
Sample Problem 7/1
Each of the two uniform hinged bars has a mass
m and a length l, and is supported and loaded
as shown. For a given force P determine the
angle  for equilibrium.
Problem 10.2 (Beer book)
Determine the expressions for q and for the
tension in the spring which correspond to the
equilibrium postion of the mechanism. The
unstretched length of the spring is h, and the
Problem 7/19
Determine the couple M which must be applied at O in
order to support the mechanism in the position  = 30 .
The masses of the disk at C, bar OA, and bar BC are mo,
m, and 2m, respectively.
Potential Energy
Previous article – members are assumed perfectly rigid.
The concept of potential energy is useful for elastic elements
(ex. spring)
Elastic potential energy Ve= work done stored in the member
For a spring of linear stiffness k, the force F required to compress
the spring by a distance x, is F = kx
Work done by F during a movement dx is dU = Fdx
Ve   Fdx   kx dx
Ve 
For torsional spring
Ve 
1 2
1 2
where K is torsional stiffness
Potential Energy
Gravitational potential energy Vg
Vg is work done on the body by a force (equal and opposite to the
weight) to bring the body to the position under consideration from
some arbitrary datum
positive if the position is higher than the datum
negative if the position is lower than the datum
Vg  mgh
Potential Energy
Energy equation in equilibrium condition is
 U   U ' ( Ve   Vg )  0
work from external active forces
Therefore,  U '   V
The sum of the work done by spring and gravitational forces
is equal to the work done by all other active forces.
important: for this method, spring is internal to the system and weight
forces are not shown!
Stability of Equilibrium
When there is no work done by external force  U '  0 , the
requirement for equilibrium is
 V   (Ve  Vg )  0
For a system of 1-dof where the potential energy is continuous
function of the single variable (say, x), the equation becomes
For systems with several dof’s, the partial derivative of V with respect
to each coordinate must be zero for equilibrium
Stability of Equilibrium
Three possible conditions for
V = minimum – Stable equilibrium
V = maximum – Unstable equilibrium
V = constant – neutral equilibrium
Therefore, for a single degree of freedom x, the conditions for
equilibrium and stability are:
d 2V
dx 2
d 2V
dx 2
Sample Problem 7/4
The 10-kg cylinder is suspended by the spring, which has a
stiffness of 2 kN/m. Plot the potential energy V of the system
and show that it is minimum at the equilibrium position.
Sample Problem 7/5
The two uniform links, each of mass m, are in the vertical
plane and are connected an constrained as shown. As the
angle  between the links increases with the application of
the horizontal force P, the light rod, which is connected at A
and passes through a pivoted collar at B, compresses the
spring of stiffness k. If the spring is uncompressed in the position
where  = 0, determine the force P which will produce
equilibrium at the angle .
Problem 7/37
The bar of mass m with centre of mass at G is hinged about
a horizontal axis through O. Prove the stability conditions for
the two positions of equilibrium.
Problem 7/36
The uniform bar of mass m and length L is supported in the
vertical plane by two identical springs each of stiffness k and
compressed a distance  in the vertical position  = 0.
Determine the minimum stiffness k which will ensure a stable
equilibrium position with  = 0. The springs may be assumed to
act in the horizontal direction during small angular motion of
the bar.
Sample Problem 7/6
The ends of the uniform bar of mass m slide freely in the
horizontal and vertical guides. Examine the stability conditions
for the positions of equilibrium. The spring of stiffness k is
undeformed when x = 0.