The districting problem - Département d`informatique et de


Vietnam, March 2010

The districting problem: applications and solving methods

Viviane Gascon

Département des sciences de la gestion

Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières



The districting problem consists in partitioning a geographical region into districts in order to plan some operations while considering different criteria or constraints.

Vietnam, March 2010


Main criteria

 Contiguity

 Compactness

 Balance or equity

A district is contiguous if it is

 Socio-economic homogeneity district without having to go through any other district

Vietnam, March 2010


Main criteria

 Contiguity

 Compactness

 Balance or equity

 Socio-economic homogeneity shaped districts that is districts should be circular or square in shape rather than elongated

Vietnam, March 2010


Main criteria

 Contiguity

 Compactness

 Balance or equity

 Respect of natural boundaries

 Socio-economic homogeneity

Balanced in workload or in population in the districts

Vietnam, March 2010


Main criteria

 Contiguity

 Compactness

 Balance or equity

 Respect of natural boundaries

 Socio-economic homogeneity

Rivers, railroads, mountains, administrative boundaries, etc.

Vietnam, March 2010


Main criteria



Having a better representation of residents who share common concerns or views (can be

Balance or equity based on income revenues, minorities, etc.)

Respect of natural boundaries

 Socio-economic homogeneity

Vietnam, March 2010



 Political districting

(Hess and Weaver (1965), Garfinkel and Nemhauser (1970), Mehotra, Johnson and

Nemhauser (1998), Bozkaya, Erkut and Laporte (2002))

 School districting

(Ferland and Guénette (1990))

 Districting for health services

(Gascon, Gorvan and Michelon (2010))

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting

The political districting problem consists in partitioning an area into electoral constituencies

(districts), each one being assigned a number of representatives.

 one representative is assigned to each district;

 each population unit is assigned to one district;

 the number of districts is usually known ( M districts);

 all districts must have approximately the same number of voters for better equity

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Hess et al. (1965)

 Among the first mathematical programming approach of the political districting problem.

 The problem is modeled as an assignment problem with additional constraints where each population unit must be assigned to a district center.

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Hess et al. (1965)

Mathematical model

 Parameters:

I : set of population units

J : set of potential district centers

M : number of district centers p i

: population of the i th population unit a : minimum population allowed for a district b : maximum population allowed for a district a and b can be considered as deviations from the average population of all population units which is given by

 i

I p i


Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Hess et al. (1965) c ij

, the cost of assigning population unit i to district center j is the

Euclidean distance between the district center i and the district center j .

d ij

: distance between the centers of population units i and j .

Minimizing the Euclidean distance between population units favours contiguous districts but do not guarantee them.

Vietnam, March 2010


Population unit j

Center of population unit j

District j

Population unit i

Center of population unit i

Center of district j


Vietnam, March 2010

Political districting : Hess et al. (1965)

Mathematical model

 Variable: x ij

1 if population unit i is assigned to district center j

0 otherwise i

I , j

J c ij

= d ij

2 p j is used in the objective function of the mathematical model by Hess et al.

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Hess et al. (1965)

Mathematical model


 i


 j

J c ij x ij

Subject to

 j


 j

J x x ij jj a

  i


1 , i

M p i x ij

I b , j

J x ij

 

, i

I , j





Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Hess et al. (1965)

Mathematical model


 i


 j

J c ij x ij

Subject to

 j


 j

J x x ij jj a

  i


1 , i

M p i x ij

I b , j

J x ij

 

, i

I , j





Constraint (1) ensures that each population unit i is assigned to exactly one district

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Hess et al. (1965)

Mathematical model


 i


 j

J c ij x ij

Subject to

 j


 j

J x x ij jj a

  i


1 , i

M p i x ij

I b , j

J x ij

 

, i

I , j





Constraint (2) ensures that M districts are chosen.

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Hess et al. (1965)

Mathematical model


 i


 j

J c ij x ij

Subject to

 j


 j

J x x ij jj a

  i


1 , i

M p i x ij

I b , j

J x ij

 

, i

I , j





Constraint (3) ensures population equity among districts

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Hess et al. (1965)

Solving method : heuristic





Define district centers

Assign population equally to the district centers at minimum costs (with a transportation algorithm)

Adjust assignment so that each population unit is entirely within one district

Compute centroids and use them as improved district centers



Repeat from step 2 until solution converges

Try with other initial district centers

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Hess et al. (1965)

Limits of the solving method

No guaranty of convergence

Non contiguous solutions must be rejected

If many solutions, choose the most compact one and one having a good population equity by always verifying that there is no deviation form the minimum and maximum allowable population

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Garfinkel and

Nemhauser (1970)

Garfinkel and Nemhauser (1970) considers predefined districts to be specified and among which the final districts are chosen.

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Garfinkel and

Nemhauser (1970)

Mathematical model

 Parameters:

I : set of population units

J : set of potential districts

M : number of district p i

: population of the i th population unit a ij

1 if population unit i belongs to district j

0 otherwise

P(j) : population of district j where P ( j )

  i

I a ij p i

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Garfinkel and

Nemhauser (1970)

Mathematical model

 Parameters: c j

P ( j )

 p p deviation of population of district j from the average population, p

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Garfinkel and

Nemhauser (1970)

Mathematical model

 Variable x j

1 if district j is chosen

0 otherwise

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Garfinkel and

Nemhauser (1970)

Mathematical programming problem

Minimise max j

J c j x j st  j

J a ij x j

1 , i


 j

J x j

M x j

 

, j







Constraint (1) ensures that each population unit i is assigned to exactly one district

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Garfinkel and

Nemhauser (1970)

Minimise max j

J st

 j

J a ij x j

 j

J x j

1 , i


I c j x j x j

 

, j







Constraint (2) ensures that that M districts are chosen.

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Garfinkel and

Nemhauser (1970)

The problem implies that potential districts must be defined.

 Contiguity : Let B = { b ik

}, a symmetric matrix where b ik


0 if units i otherwise and k have a common boundary greater th an a point

If a district is an undirected graph whose vertices are the units of the district, an arc exists between vertices i and k if and only if b ik

= 1.

A district is contiguous if and only if the graph is connected (a path exists between every pair of vertices).

A district is feasible only if it is contiguous.

Vietnam, March 2010


Connected graph of district j

Population unit i

Population unit j

Center of district j

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Garfinkel and

Nemhauser (1970)

 A district is feasible only if

P ( j )

 p

  p , where 100

( 0

  

1 ) is the maximum allowable percentage deviation of the population of a district from the average district population.

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Garfinkel and

Nemhauser (1970)

 Compactness : d(i,k) = distance between units i and k .

e(i,k) = exclusion distance between units i and k .

District j is feasible only if d(i,k) > e(i,k) implies that a ij

. a kj

= 0

( i and j can not be in the same district if the distance between them is higher than e(i,k) ) i d(i,k) e(i,k) k

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Garfinkel and

Nemhauser (1970)

 Compactness : d j

= distance between the units of apart.

j for district j which are farthest d j

= max i , k

 d ( i , k ) a ij a kj

, i , k

1 ,.., N

( d j measures the “ range” of the district)

A(j) = area of district j c

' j

 d j


A ( j ) is a dimensionless measure of the shape compactness of district j

District j is feasible only if c

' j

 

, 0

   



Vietnam, March 2010

Political districting : Garfinkel and

Nemhauser (1970)

Solving method : two phase method

1) Phase I: Find feasible districts

Start at an arbitrary unit and adjoin contiguous units until the combined population becomes feasible.

If the district is compact, keep it.

If combined population exceeds the upper limit, backtrack on the enumeration tree.

It is verified if the district has some enclaves.

District with an enclave

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Garfinkel and

Nemhauser (1970)

Solving method : two phase method

2) Phase II:

Solve the mathematical programming problem (search tree algorithm)

(see paper for more details)

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Mehotra, Johnson and

Nemhauser (1998)

The problem considered by Mehotra et al.

(1998) is similar to the problem in Garfinkel and Nemhauser (1970).

But their model considers more potential districts.

They consider a graph partitioning problem where

A node is associated to every population unit (its weight is equal to the corresponding population)

An edge connects two nodes when the corresponding population units are neighbours

A solution is a connected graph (for contiguity) for which the sum of the node weights is within a population interval (for population equity).

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Mehotra, Johnson and

Nemhauser (1998)

Same model as Garfinkel and Nemhauser (1970) except for c j which is the cost of district j .

The question is : how should c j be defined ?


 j

J a ij x

 j

J c

 j j x j

1 , i



 j

J x j

M (2) x j

 

, j





Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Mehotra, Johnson and

Nemhauser (1998)

The cost of district j , c j

, measures its non compactness.

V: set of population units

E: edges connecting units if they share common borders

G(V,E): graph

G’(V’,E’): connected subgraph defining a district and satisfying population limits

Non compactness of G’ will be measured by how far units in the district are from a central unit.

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Mehotra, Johnson and

Nemhauser (1998) s ij

: number of edges in a shortest path from i to j in G.

Center of G’ : node u

V ' such that

 j

V ' s uj is minimized.

Cost of a district with u as the center of the district is given by

 j

V ' s uj

A district is more compact when the cost is smaller. i s ui

= 2 u j s uj

= 2 s uk

= 2 k

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Mehotra, Johnson and

Nemhauser (1998)

Solving method : column generation method





Start with a subset of feasible districts, J’

Solve the linear relaxation of (P


) restricted to J’ where

This linear relaxation of (P


) is LP-P




 x j


The optimal solution of the linear relaxation of (P


) is feasible to



(J). A dual value p i is obtained for each constraint in LP-P



Determine if the optimal solution of LP-P


(J’) is optimal for



(J). This is done by solving a subproblem SP.

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Mehotra, Johnson and

Nemhauser (1998)

Solving method : column generation method

Parameters for SP : p i

: population of unit i p min

, p max

: lower and upper bounds on the population of a district y i

 p

1 if unit i is in the

 0 otherwise

 i

V p i district is the average population of a district


Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Mehotra, Johnson and

Nemhauser (1998)

SP problem

Min u

V where p min y i

S ( u )

S ( u )

  p n


 p u

 min

 i


 u

 s ui

 p i

 y i

0 , p u


  i


 u


 p i u y

 i

 p max and y

 p u satisfies contiguity constraint s

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Mehotra, Johnson and

Nemhauser (1998)

Contiguity constraints

To ensure contiguity of districts, districts are required to be subtrees of a shortest path tree rooted at u (district center).

Constraints allowing district j to be selected only if at least one of the nodes that is adjacent to it and closer to u is also selected, are added, that is

If S j

 i

 constraint

V | s ui

 s uj

1 and ( i , j )


 then we add the contiguity y j

  i

S j y i ensuring that node j is selected only if all nodes along some shortest path from u to j are also selected.

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Mehotra, Johnson and

Nemhauser (1998)

If the optimal objective value of SP is negative then a district with minimum value is added to the set J’ and LP-P


(J’) is solved again.

Otherwise, the current solution to LP-P


(J’) is also optimal to LP-P



In this case, if the solution is integral, then a solution to P

2 is found.

If it is not integral, a branching rule is applied, based on a depth-firstsearch strategy, to find another solution.

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Bozkaya, Erkut and

Laporte (2003)

The political districting problem solved by Bozkaya et al.

(2003) considers the contiguity constraint as a hard constraint and all other criteria as soft constraints through a weighted objective function.

Other criteria :

 population equality

 compactness

 socio-economic homogeneity

 similar districts to the existing districts

 integrity of communities

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Bozkaya, Erkut and

Laporte (2003)

Population equality :

J : set of all districts in solution x (feasible or not)

P j

(x) : population of district j in solution x

 j


P j

( x ) is the average population of the district



The population of a district is required to be in the interval

( 1

 

) P , ( 1

 

) P

where 0

  


Population equality function :

 f pop

( x )

 j

J max

P j

( x )

( 1

 

) P , ( 1

 

) P


P j

( x ), 0

 


It evaluates the maximum deviation of the population in the district from the maximum and the minimum allowed

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Bozkaya, Erkut and

Laporte (2003)

Compactness : two measures

R : perimeter of the whole territory, used for scaling

R j

(x) : perimeter of district j in solution x

Compactness measure 1 : f comp 1

( x )

 j


R j

( x )


2 R

Compactness measure 2 : f comp 2

( x )

 j



2 p


A j

( x ) / p

R j

( x )

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Bozkaya, Erkut and

Laporte (2003)

Socio-economic homogeneity : minimize the sum of the standard deviation of income

S j

(x) : standard deviation of income in district j

S : average income

Socio-economic homogeneity function: f soc

( x )

 j


S j

( x )


Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Bozkaya, Erkut and

Laporte (2003)

Similar districts to the existing districts :

O j

(x) : largest overlay of district j with a district contained in a solution x

A : entire area

Similarity objective function: f sim


 j


O j

( x )


Old and new districts

Overlaying sectors

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Bozkaya, Erkut and

Laporte (2003)

Integrity of communities :

G j

(x) : largest population of a given community in district j of solution x

Integrity of communities objective function : minimize f int


 j


 j



P j j

( x )

( x )

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Bozkaya, Erkut and

Laporte (2003)

Solving method : Tabu search

Objective function

F ( x )

  pop f pop

( x )

  comp f comp

( x )

  soc f soc

( x )

  sim f sim

( x )

  int f int

( x )


Vietnam, March 2010

Political districting : Bozkaya, Erkut and

Laporte (2003)

Solving method : Tabu search

Initial solution : select a seed unit for a district and add to it adjacent available.

If the number of districts created is larger than M , reduce it by merging the least populated unit with the least populated neighbour.

If the number of districts created is less than M , gradually increase it by iteratively splitting the most populated district into two while preserving contiguity.

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Bozkaya, Erkut and

Laporte (2003)

Solving method : Tabu search

Type I neighbours or moves ( i,j,l ) : all solutions that can be obtained from x by moving a basic unit i from its current district j to a neighbour district l without creating a non-contiguous solution.

Type II neighbours or moves ( i,k,j,l ) : all solutions that can be obtained from x by swapping two border units i and k between their respective districts j and l without creating a non-contiguous solution.


District j District j i k

District l District l

Type I Type II

Vietnam, March 2010


Political districting : Bozkaya, Erkut and

Laporte (2003)

Solving method : Tabu search

Preventing cycling : for both types of moves, a move which puts unit i back into district j or unit k back into district i is said to be tabu for q iterations where q is chosen randomly in an interval.

Diversification : by adding a penalty term to the objective function value associated to the frequently performed moves.

Adaptive memory procedure : keep in a pool of solutions a set of districts belonging to some of the best solutions. Disjoint districts can be chosen form the pool and used as a basis for a new population with a higher probability.

Vietnam, March 2010


School districting problem : Ferland and

Guénette (1990)

The school districting problem consists in determining the groups of students attending each school of a school board located over a given territory.

Ferland and Guénette (1990) propose a decision support system to solve the problem.

Vietnam, March 2010


School districting problem : Ferland and

Guénette (1990)

Different constraints must be taken into account :

School capacity

Class capacity

Contiguity of school sectors

Keep students in the same school from year to year

Vietnam, March 2010


School districting problem : Ferland and

Guénette (1990)

Mathematical model

 Parameters :

G(N,A) : road network for the school board

N is the set of nodes defined as street intersections and school locations

A is the set of edges defined as the street segments.


A is a subset of edges with students located on it

I : number of edges in A

K : number of grades

Vietnam, March 2010


School districting problem : Ferland and

Guénette (1990)

Mathematical model

 Parameters :

 j k

 k

 number of classes of grade k (1

 k

K ) available at school j (1

 j

J )

 upper bound on the number of students in a class grade k (1

 k

K ) r i k  number of students of grade k (1

 k

K ) on edge a i


 i

I )


Vietnam, March 2010

School districting problem : Ferland and

Guénette (1990)

Mathematical model

 Variables : x ij

1 if edge a i

( 1

 0 otherwise

 i

I ) is assigned to school j ( 1

 j

J )

Vietnam, March 2010


School districting problem : Ferland and

Guénette (1990)

Mathematical model

 Constraints : j

J 

1 x ij

1 , 1

 i

I (1) i

I 

1 r i k x ij

  j k

 k

, 1

 k

K , 1

 j

J (2)

Constraint (1) ensures that each edge i is assigned to exactly one school

Vietnam, March 2010


School districting problem : Ferland and

Guénette (1990)

Mathematical model

 Constraints : j

J 

1 x ij

1 , 1

 i

I (1) i

I 

1 r i k x ij

  j k

 k

, 1

 k

K , 1

 j

J (2)

Constraint (2) ensures that the capacity of each school for each grade is not exceeded

Vietnam, March 2010


School districting problem : Ferland and

Guénette (1990)

Mathematical model

 Contiguity constraints : distance is needed d ij

: distance between edge a i and school j

(distance between the node where school j is located and the endnode of a i closer to this node w : walking distance to the school

If then students on edge a i by bus. d ij

 w a i have to go to school is within walking distance of school j . j

Distance between edge a i and school j edge a i

School j

Vietnam, March 2010


School districting problem : Ferland and

Guénette (1990)

Mathematical model

 Contiguity constraints :

W j

 a i

A : d ij

 w and d il

 w , 1

 l

J , l

 j


 a i

A : d ij

 w for more than one index j , 1


 a i

A : d ij

 w for all j , 1

 j


 j



 J j


W j

 Z  B

Vietnam, March 2010


School districting problem : Ferland and

Guénette (1990)

Mathematical model

 Walking constraints :

For any edge a i

 J j


W j

 Z then x ij

1 only if d ij

 w

Therefore if a i

W j then x ij

1 .

 Edges in Z should be assigned to their closest school (if capacity constraints can be satisfied) and priority should be given to edges closer to their closest school.

Vietnam, March 2010


School districting problem : Ferland and

Guénette (1990)

Mathematical model

 A measure to evaluate how well a solution satisfy the capacity constraints :


 j

J 

1 k

K 

1 max 0 , i

I 

1 r i k x ij

  j k

 k

Vietnam, March 2010


School districting problem : Ferland and

Guénette (1990)

Assignment process

 Procedure W -edges : If a i

W j then x ij


 Procedure Z -edges : order edges in Z in decreasing order of their distance to their closest school.

Assign each edge a i belonging to Z to the closest school j s.t.

d ij

 w and the capacity constraint is satisfied.

If it is not possible, assign a i to the closest school (even if some capacity constraints are not satisfied)

Vietnam, March 2010


School districting problem : Ferland and

Guénette (1990)

Assignment process

 Procedure B -edges : order edges in B in increasing order of their distance to their closest school.

Treat each edge a i belonging to B and determine S i

, the set of schools to which the edges adjacent to a i are assigned.

If S i is empty then S i

= S , set of all schools.

Assign a i satisfied.

to the closest school j in S i s.t. the capacity constraints are

If it is not possible then assign a i


to school j in S i with smallest value

Vietnam, March 2010


Districting for a public medical clinic :

Gascon, Gorvan and Michelon (2010)

The territory covered by the public medical clinic is divided into districts

Each district is assigned to a given number of nurses

Each nurse is assigned to a given district

A nurse is usually assigned to a short list of patients as a follow-up nurse

The list of patients to visit varies from day to day:

 it becomes difficult to balance nurse workloads

 it becomes difficult to account for the continuity of care requirements

Vietnam, March 2010


Districting for a public medical clinic

The districting problem of the medical public clinic consists in determining new districts, that is, new paring of patients with nurses in such a way that nurses’ workloads do not vary much from one nurse to the other and that the same follow-up nurse is assigned to a patient, if possible.

Vietnam, March 2010


Mathematical model

 Variables x ik


0 if patient otherwise i is assigned to nurse k

 Parameters

T = Length of a working day t ij

= Traveling time from patient i to patient j t oj

= Traveling time from the public medical clinic ( o ) to patient j r i

= Time required to complete treatment to patient i

Vietnam, March 2010


Mathematical model f i

= Visit frequency (value between 0 and 1) f i

number of visits planned to patient


during a month number of days during a month

s i

= Parameter related to continuity of care s i


0 if continuity otherwise of care is important to patient


Vietnam, March 2010


Mathematical model p ik

= Proportion of visits made by nurse k to patient i p ik

 number of visits to patient i by nurse k during the previous month total number of visits to patient i during the previous month x ik

= Parameter related to follow-up x ik

1 if patient i was assigned to nurse k during the previous month

0 otherwise


Vietnam, March 2010

Nurses’ workload

 A daily nurse workload is equal to

W k



O k

  i



x ik f i


r i

 t i k


where t

O k

  i

I x ik f i t oi t i k   j j

I i x jk f i t ij

Daily mean traveling time from the medical public clinic to all patients assigned to nurse k

Daily mean traveling time from patient i to all patients assigned to nurse k

Vietnam, March 2010


Nurses’ workload

 Additional workload generated by assigning patient i to nurse k is defined by parameter w ik

 f i

( r i

 t i

* k

) where an estimated daily mean traveling time from the previous solution is used.

 The nurse workload W k is linearized

W k

2 t

0 k   i

I x ik w ik since w ik is a constant

Vietnam, March 2010



 Each patient must be assigned to exactly one nurse (or one district).


K x ik

1 ,

 i


 A patient i can be assigned to nurse k only if he is close to her sector that is if C ik

= 1 x ik

C ik where C ik

1 if patient i can be assigned to nurse k

0 otherwise

Vietnam, March 2010


Constraints and objectives

 A nurse k

’s workload should be close to the average workload of all nurses.

W k

 k


W k


 q k

  q k


 k

K we minimise the gap between nurse k

’s workload and the average workload f equ

( x )

  k


 q

 k

 q k

Vietnam, March 2010


Constraints and objectives

 The daily working hours of a nurse k should not exceed T hours

W k

 e k

 

T ,

 k

K we minimise the excess over T in working hours f ( x ) sup

  k

K e k

Vietnam, March 2010


Constraints and objectives

 A patient i should be assigned to the nurse k who visited him most frequently in the previous period according to the value of p ik x ik

 p ik

  e ik

  e ik


 k



 i

I if following-up a patient i is essential ( s i

=1), we minimise an objective function where patient i should be assigned to the nurse k who visited him most frequently in the last period, weighted according to the frequency f i


f suiv

( x )

  k

K i

I f i s i e ik


Vietnam, March 2010

Another objective f sim

( x )

 k


K i

I f i x ik


 x ik

 is minimised to avoid moving too many patients from one nurse to the other where x ik


0 if patient i otherwise

was assigned to nurse k during the previous month

Vietnam, March 2010


Mathematical model

Each of the four objective functions is weighted according to some


Global objective function

 sup f sup

( x )

  equ f equ

( x )

  sim f sim

( x )

  suiv f suiv

( x )

 The problem is an integer linear programming problem with binary variables

Vietnam, March 2010


Solving method

 Heuristic combined with CPLEX as a subroutine since our problem is an integer linear programming problem.

Vietnam, March 2010


Main steps of the algorithm

1) Update the list of patients to visit

2) Assign each new patient to nurse k whose district is the closest

3) Determine the list of patients who can be moved from one nurse’s district to another and the districts where they could be moved ( C ik or 0)


4) Solve the sub problem with CPLEX

5) Repeat steps 3) and 4) while the solution changes or a given number of iterations is not reached


Vietnam, March 2010

Numerical tests and results

Data generated randomly

Planning horizon for data: one year

Tests are done for one month periods

Different values of

 tested

Four types of data: A, B, C and D, and five runs for each type of data

Vietnam, March 2010


A – Homogenous districts of similar workloads

Vietnam, March 2010


B – Districts with greater density in the center; not necessarily similar workloads

Vietnam, March 2010


C – Greater density districts in the southwest with similar workloads

Vietnam, March 2010


D – Same density as c but workloads not similar

Vietnam, March 2010



 For type A and C data , initial solutions being of good quality, computational time was low:

 few patients were moved from one district to another workloads are similar for all nurses

 For type B and D data , initial solutions being of poor quality, computational time was higher:

 overtime but limited to values acceptable different workloads among nurses but differences are acceptable

Vietnam, March 2010



 In general, when a higher priority is given to balancing workloads , there is a greater gap between the initial and the final solution.

 When a higher priority is given to reducing movements of patients from one district to another, it produces a solution with more overtime and differences in workloads.

 When a higher priority is given to maintaining follow-up , it does not have a real impact on the solution.

Vietnam, March 2010



 Solutions generally have similar workloads which is very important to nurses

 To be tested on real data

 To be tested on daily data and to determine routes for those data

Vietnam, March 2010

